259 research outputs found

    Analyzing multiple conflicts in SAT: an experimental evaluation

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    Unit propagation and conflict analysis are two essential ingredients of CDCL SAT Solving. The order in which unit propagation is computed does not matter when no conflict is found, because it is well known that there exists a unique unit-propagation fixpoint. However, when a conflict is found, current CDCL implementations stop and analyze that concrete conflict, even though other conflicts may exist in the unit-propagation closure. In this experimental evaluation, we report on our experience in modifying this concrete aspect in the CaDiCaL SAT Solver and try to answer the question of whether we can improve the performance of SAT Solvers by the analysis of multiple conflicts.All authors are supported by grant PID2021-122830OB-C43, funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and by “ERDF: A way of making Europe”Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Learning Shorter Redundant Clauses in SDCL Using MaxSAT

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    In this paper we present the design and implementation of a Satisfaction-Driven Clause Learning (SDCL) SAT solver, MapleSDCL, which uses a MaxSAT-based technique that enables it to learn shorter, and hence better, redundant clauses. We also perform a thorough empirical evaluation of our method and show that our SDCL solver solves Mutilated Chess Board (MCB) problems significantly faster than CDCL solvers, without requiring any alteration to the branching heuristic used by the underlying CDCL SAT solver

    Overcoming Barriers: Helping Navy Chaplains Understand the Need and Implementation of Self-Care

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    Muehler, Carl B. “Overcoming Barriers: Helping Navy Chaplains Understand the Need and Implementation of Self-care.” Doctor of Ministry. Major Applied Project, Concordia Seminary, 2019. 115 pp. The Navy Chaplain serves with Navy, Marine, and Coast Guard personnel throughout the world and often in challenging environments including at sea and combat operations. The Navy Chaplain is unique because the chaplain has complete confidentiality and may be the only caregiver with a deployed unit, which can take its toll on the chaplain. Self-care is critical for the chaplain on a personal level and to maintain effectiveness in the support to the personnel in the unit. This project examines the elements of healthy self-care and the motivation to implement self-care from a theological and evidence-based perspective, including interviews with active duty Navy Chaplains. This research and project will result in training materials to help chaplains implement consistent self-care

    Non-deterministic Weighted Automata on Random Words

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    We present the first study of non-deterministic weighted automata under probabilistic semantics. In this semantics words are random events, generated by a Markov chain, and functions computed by weighted automata are random variables. We consider the probabilistic questions of computing the expected value and the cumulative distribution for such random variables. The exact answers to the probabilistic questions for non-deterministic automata can be irrational and are uncomputable in general. To overcome this limitation, we propose an approximation algorithm for the probabilistic questions, which works in exponential time in the automaton and polynomial time in the Markov chain. We apply this result to show that non-deterministic automata can be effectively determinised with respect to the standard deviation metric

    Techniques for automated parameter estimation in computational models of probabilistic systems

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    The main contribution of this dissertation is the design of two new algorithms for automatically synthesizing values of numerical parameters of computational models of complex stochastic systems such that the resultant model meets user-specified behavioral specifications. These algorithms are designed to operate on probabilistic systems – systems that, in general, behave differently under identical conditions. The algorithms work using an approach that combines formal verification and mathematical optimization to explore a model\u27s parameter space. The problem of determining whether a model instantiated with a given set of parameter values satisfies the desired specification is first defined using formal verification terminology, and then reformulated in terms of statistical hypothesis testing. Parameter space exploration involves determining the outcome of the hypothesis testing query for each parameter point and is guided using simulated annealing. The first algorithm uses the sequential probability ratio test (SPRT) to solve the hypothesis testing problems, whereas the second algorithm uses an approach based on Bayesian statistical model checking (BSMC). The SPRT-based parameter synthesis algorithm was used to validate that a given model of glucose-insulin metabolism has the capability of representing diabetic behavior by synthesizing values of three parameters that ensure that the glucose-insulin subsystem spends at least 20 minutes in a diabetic scenario. The BSMC-based algorithm was used to discover the values of parameters in a physiological model of the acute inflammatory response that guarantee a set of desired clinical outcomes. These two applications demonstrate how our algorithms use formal verification, statistical hypothesis testing and mathematical optimization to automatically synthesize parameters of complex probabilistic models in order to meet user-specified behavioral propertie

    A SAT approach to branchwidth

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    Branch decomposition is a prominent method for structurally decomposing a graph, a hypergraph, or a propositional formula in conjunctive normal form. The width of a branch decomposition provides a measure of how well the object is decomposed. For many applications, it is crucial to computing a branch decomposition whose width is as small as possible. We propose an approach based on Boolean Satisfiability (SAT) to finding branch decompositions of small width. The core of our approach is an efficient SAT encoding that determines with a single SAT-call whether a given hypergraph admits a branch decomposition of a certain width. For our encoding, we propose a natural partition-based characterization of branch decompositions. The encoding size imposes a limit on the size of the given hypergraph. To break through this barrier and to scale the SAT approach to larger instances, we develop a new heuristic approach where the SAT encoding is used to locally improve a given candidate decomposition until a fixed-point is reached. This new SAT-based local improvement method scales now to instances with several thousands of vertices and edges
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