147 research outputs found

    Wind direction azimuthal signature in the stokes emission vector from the ocean surface at microwave frequencies

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    Includes bibliographical references (page 431).An ocean polarimetric emission model is presented. It is found that skewness and upwind/cross-wind rms slopes are responsible for the first and second azimuthal harmonic, respectively. Atmospheric effects contribute significantly at low wind speeds, and at horizontal polarization at certain observation angles. Simulation results compare favorably with reported JPL-WINDRAD measurements

    Radiometric measurements of the microwave emissivity of foam

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    Includes bibliographical references.Radiometric measurements of the microwave emissivity of foam were conducted during May 2000 at the Naval Research Laboratory's Chesapeake Bay Detachment using radiometers operating at 10.8 and 36.5 GHz. Horizontal and vertical polarization measurements were performed at 36.5 GHz; horizontal, vertical, +45°, ­45°, left-circular, and right-circular polarization measurements were obtained at 10.8 GHz. These measurements were carried out over a range of incidence angles from 30° to 60°. Surface foam was generated by blowing compressed air through a matrix of gas-permeable tubing supported by an aluminum frame and floats. Video micrographs of the foam were used to measure bubble size distribution and foam layer thickness. A video camera was boresighted with the radiometers to determine the beam-fill fraction of the foam generator. Results show emissivities that were greater than 0.9 and approximately constant in value over the range of incidence angles for vertically polarized radiation at both 10.8 and 36.5 GHz, while emissivities of horizontally polarized radiation showed a gradual decrease in value as incidence angle increased. Emissivities at +45°, ­45°, left-circular, and right-circular polarizations were all very nearly equal to each other and were in turn approximately equal to the average values of the horizontal and vertical emissivities in each case.This work was sponsored by the Department of the Navy, Office of Naval Research under Award N0014-00-1-280 to the University of Massachusetts, Award N00014-00-0152 to the University of Washington, and Award N0001400WX21032 to the Naval Research Laboratory

    Electromagnetic Wave Theory and Applications

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    Contains table of contents for Section 3, reports on nine research projects and a list of publications.National Aeronautics and Space Administration Contract 958461U.S. Navy - Office of Naval Research Grant N00014-92-J-1616University of California/Jet Propulsion Laboratory Contract 960408U.S. Army - Corps of Engineers/Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory Contract DACA89-95-K-0014Mitsubishi CorporationU.S. Navy - Office of Naval Research Agreement N00014-92-J-4098Federal Aviation AdministrationDEMACOJoint Services Electronics Program Grant DAAHO4-95-1-003

    Investigation of passive atmospheric sounding using millimeter and submillimeter wavelength channels

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    Presented in this study are the results of controlled partially polarimetric measurements of thermal emission at 91.65 GHz from a striated water surface as corroborated by a geometrical optics radiative model. The measurements were obtained outdoors using a precision polarimetric radiometer which directly measured the first three modified Stokes' parameters. Significant variations in these parameters as a function of azimuthal water wave angle were found, with peak-to-peak variations in T(sub u) of up to approximately 10 K. The measurements are well corroborated by the GO model over a range of observations angles from near nadir up to approximately 65 degrees from nadir. The model incorporates both multiple scattering and a realistic downwelling background brightness field

    Development Of An Improved Microwave Ocean Surface Emissivity Radiative Transfer Model

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    An electromagnetic model is developed for predicting the microwave blackbody emission from the ocean surface over a wide range of frequencies, incidence angles, and wind vector (speed and direction) for both horizontal and vertical polarizations. This ocean surface emissivity model is intended to be incorporated into an oceanic radiative transfer model to be used for microwave radiometric applications including geophysical retrievals over oceans. The model development is based on a collection of published ocean emissivity measurements obtained from satellites, aircraft, field experiments, and laboratory measurements. This dissertation presents the details of methods used in the ocean surface emissivity model development and comparisons with current emissivity models and aircraft radiometric measurements in hurricanes. Especially, this empirically derived ocean emissivity model relates changes in vertical and horizontal polarized ocean microwave brightness temperature measurements over a wide range of observation frequencies and incidence angles to physical roughness changes in the ocean surface, which are the result of the air/sea interaction with surface winds. Of primary importance are the Stepped Frequency Microwave Radiometer (SFMR) brightness temperature measurements from hurricane flights and independent measurements of surface wind speed that are used to define empirical relationships between C-band (4 - 7 GHz) microwave brightness temperature and surface wind speed. By employing statistical regression techniques, we develop a physical-based ocean emissivity model with empirical coefficients that depends on geophysical parameters, such as wind speed, wind direction, sea surface temperature, and observational parameters, such as electromagnetic frequency, electromagnetic polarization, and incidence angle

    Extension of Kirchhoff method under stationary phase approximation to determination of polarimetric thermal emission from the sea

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    Wind direction over the sea can be determined from radiometric measurements of the third Stokes parameter (TU). The Kirchhoff method is extended under the stationary phase approximation to compute the dependence of TU on frequency, wind speed and incidence angle. Numerical predictions, in agreement with experimental measurements, are presented.Peer Reviewe

    Insights on the OAFlux ocean surface vector wind analysis merged from scatterometers and passive microwave radiometers (1987 onward)

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2014. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 119 (2014): 5244–5269, doi:10.1002/2013JC009648.A high-resolution global daily analysis of ocean surface vector winds (1987 onward) was developed by the Objectively Analyzed air-sea Fluxes (OAFlux) project. This study addressed the issues related to the development of the time series through objective synthesis of 12 satellite sensors (two scatterometers and 10 passive microwave radiometers) using a least-variance linear statistical estimation. The issues include the rationale that supports the multisensor synthesis, the methodology and strategy that were developed, the challenges that were encountered, and the comparison of the synthesized daily mean fields with reference to scatterometers and atmospheric reanalyses. The synthesis was established on the bases that the low and moderate winds (<15 m s−1) constitute 98% of global daily wind fields, and they are the range of winds that are retrieved with best quality and consistency by both scatterometers and radiometers. Yet, challenges are presented in situations of synoptic weather systems due mainly to three factors: (i) the lack of radiometer retrievals in rain conditions, (ii) the inability to fill in the data voids caused by eliminating rain-flagged QuikSCAT wind vector cells, and (iii) the persistent differences between QuikSCAT and ASCAT high winds. The study showed that the daily mean surface winds can be confidently constructed from merging scatterometers with radiometers over the global oceans, except for the regions influenced by synoptic weather storms. The uncertainties in present scatterometer and radiometer observations under high winds and rain conditions lead to uncertainties in the synthesized synoptic structures.The project is sponsored by the NASA Ocean Vector Wind Science Team (OVWST) activities under grant NNA10AO86G.2015-02-1

    Polarimetric Microwave Radiometer Calibration.

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    A polarimetric radiometer is a radiometer with the capability to measure the correlation information between vertically and horizontally polarized electric fields. To better understand and calibrate this type of radiometer, several research efforts have been undertaken. 1) All microwave radiometer measurements of brightness temperature (TB) include an additive noise component. The variance and correlation statistics of the additive noise component of fully polarimetric radiometer measurements are derived from theoretical considerations and the resulting relationships are verified experimentally. It is found that the noise can be correlated among polarimetric channels and that the correlation statistics can vary as a function of the polarization state of the scene under observation. 2) A polarimetric radiometer calibration algorithm has been developed which makes use of the Correlated Noise Calibration Standard (CNCS) to aid in the characterization of microwave polarimetric radiometers and to characterize the non-ideal characteristics of the CNCS itself simultaneously. CNCS has been developed by the Space Physics Research Laboratory of the University of Michigan (SPRL). The calibration algorithm has been verified using the DetMit L-band radiometer. The precision of the calibration is estimated by Monte Carlo simulations. A CNCS forward model has been developed to describe the non-ideal characteristics of the CNCS. Impedance-mismatches between the CNCS and radiometer under test are also considered in the calibration. 3) The calibration technique is demonstrated by applying it to the Engineering Model (EM) of the NASA Aquarius radiometer. CNCS is used to calibrate the Aquarius radiometer – specifically to retrieve its channel phase imbalance and the thermal emission characteristics of transmission line between its antenna and receiver. The impact of errors in calibration of the radiometer channel phase imbalance on Sea Surface Salinity (SSS) retrievals by Aquarius is also analyzed. 4) The CNCS has also been used to calibrate the Breadboard Model (BM) of the L-band NASA Juno radiometer. In order to cover the broad TB dynamic range of the Juno radiometer, a special linearization process has been developed for the CNCS. The method combines multiple Arbitrary Waveform Generator gaussian noise signals with different values of variance to construct the necessary range of TB levelsPh.D.Electrical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/61741/1/jzhpeng_1.pd
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