360 research outputs found

    Mobile Networks

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    The growth in the use of mobile networks has come mainly with the third generation systems and voice traffic. With the current third generation and the arrival of the 4G, the number of mobile users in the world will exceed the number of landlines users. Audio and video streaming have had a significant increase, parallel to the requirements of bandwidth and quality of service demanded by those applications. Mobile networks require that the applications and protocols that have worked successfully in fixed networks can be used with the same level of quality in mobile scenarios. Until the third generation of mobile networks, the need to ensure reliable handovers was still an important issue. On the eve of a new generation of access networks (4G) and increased connectivity between networks of different characteristics commonly called hybrid (satellite, ad-hoc, sensors, wired, WIMAX, LAN, etc.), it is necessary to transfer mechanisms of mobility to future generations of networks. In order to achieve this, it is essential to carry out a comprehensive evaluation of the performance of current protocols and the diverse topologies to suit the new mobility conditions

    Contribution to resource management in cellular access networks with limited backhaul capacity

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    La interfaz radio de los sistemas de comunicaciones móviles es normalmente considerada como la única limitación de capacidad en la red de acceso radio. Sin embargo, a medida que se van desplegando nuevas y más eficientes interfaces radio, y de que el tráfico de datos y multimedia va en aumento, existe la creciente preocupación de que la infraestructura de transporte (backhaul) de la red celular pueda convertirse en el cuello de botella en algunos escenarios. En este contexto, la tesis se centra en el desarrollo de técnicas de gestión de recursos que consideran de manera conjunta la gestión de recursos en la interfaz radio y el backhaul. Esto conduce a un nuevo paradigma donde los recursos del backhaul se consideran no sólo en la etapa de dimensionamiento, sino que además son incluidos en la problemática de gestión de recursos. Sobre esta base, el primer objetivo de la tesis consiste en evaluar los requerimientos de capacidad en las redes de acceso radio que usan IP como tecnología de transporte, de acuerdo a las recientes tendencias de la arquitectura de red. En particular, se analiza el impacto que tiene una solución de transporte basada en IP sobre la capacidad de transporte necesaria para satisfacer los requisitos de calidad de servicio en la red de acceso. La evaluación se realiza en el contexto de la red de acceso radio de UMTS, donde se proporciona una caracterización detallada de la interfaz Iub. El análisis de requerimientos de capacidad se lleva a cabo para dos diferentes escenarios: canales dedicados y canales de alta velocidad. Posteriormente, con el objetivo de aprovechar totalmente los recursos disponibles en el acceso radio y el backhaul, esta tesis propone un marco de gestión conjunta de recursos donde la idea principal consiste en incorporar las métricas de la red de transporte dentro del problema de gestión de recursos. A fin de evaluar los beneficios del marco de gestión de recursos propuesto, esta tesis se centra en la evaluación del problema de asignación de base, como estrategia para distribuir el tráfico entre las estaciones base en función de los niveles de carga tanto en la interfaz radio como en el backhaul. Este problema se analiza inicialmente considerando una red de acceso radio genérica, mediante la definición de un modelo analítico basado en cadenas de Markov. Dicho modelo permite calcular la ganancia de capacidad que puede alcanzar la estrategia de asignación de base propuesta. Posteriormente, el análisis de la estrategia propuesta se extiende considerando tecnologías específicas de acceso radio. En particular, en el contexto de redes WCDMA se desarrolla un algoritmo de asignación de base basado en simulatedannealing cuyo objetivo es maximizar una función de utilidad que refleja el grado de satisfacción de las asignaciones respecto los recursos radio y transporte. Finalmente, esta tesis aborda el diseño y evaluación de un algoritmo de asignación de base para los futuros sistemas de banda ancha basados en OFDMA. En este caso, el problema de asignación de base se modela como un problema de optimización mediante el uso de un marco de funciones de utilidad y funciones de coste de recursos. El problema planteado, que considera que existen restricciones de recursos tanto en la interfaz radio como en el backhaul, es mapeado a un problema de optimización conocido como Multiple-Choice Multidimensional Knapsack Problem (MMKP). Posteriormente, se desarrolla un algoritmo de asignación de base heurístico, el cual es evaluado y comparado con esquemas de asignación basados exclusivamente en criterios radio. El algoritmo concebido se basa en el uso de los multiplicadores de Lagrange y está diseñado para aprovechar de manera simultánea el balanceo de carga en la intefaz radio y el backhaul.Postprint (published version

    Ethernet - a survey on its fields of application

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    During the last decades, Ethernet progressively became the most widely used local area networking (LAN) technology. Apart from LAN installations, Ethernet became also attractive for many other fields of application, ranging from industry to avionics, telecommunication, and multimedia. The expanded application of this technology is mainly due to its significant assets like reduced cost, backward-compatibility, flexibility, and expandability. However, this new trend raises some problems concerning the services of the protocol and the requirements for each application. Therefore, specific adaptations prove essential to integrate this communication technology in each field of application. Our primary objective is to show how Ethernet has been enhanced to comply with the specific requirements of several application fields, particularly in transport, embedded and multimedia contexts. The paper first describes the common Ethernet LAN technology and highlights its main features. It reviews the most important specific Ethernet versions with respect to each application field’s requirements. Finally, we compare these different fields of application and we particularly focus on the fundamental concepts and the quality of service capabilities of each proposal

    Satellite integration in 5G : contribution on network architectures and traffic engineering solutions for hybrid satellite-terrestrial mobile backhauling

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    The recent technological advances in the satellite domain such as the use of High Throughput Satellites (HTS) with throughput rates that are magnitudes higher than with previous ones, or the use of large non- Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO) satellites constellations, etc, are reducing the price per bit and enhancing the Quality of Service (QoS) metrics such as latency, etc., changing the way that the capacity is being brought to the market and making it more attractive for other services such as satellite broadband communications. These new capabilities coupled with the advantages offered by satellite communications such as the unique wide-scale geographical coverage, inherent broadcast/multicast capabilities and highly reliable connectivity, anticipate new opportunities for the integration of the satellite component into the 5G ecosystem. One of the most compelling scenarios is mobile backhauling, where satellite capacity can be used to complement the terrestrial backhauling infrastructure, not only in hard to reach areas, but also for more efficient traffic delivery to Radio Access Network (RAN) nodes, increased resiliency and better support for fast, temporary cell deployments and moving cells. In this context, this thesis work focuses on achieving better satellite-terrestrial backhaul network integration through the development of Traffic Engineering (TE) strategies to manage in a better way the dynamically steerable satellite provisioned capacity. To do this, this thesis work first takes the steps in the definition of an architectural framework that enables a better satellite-terrestrial mobile backhaul network integration, managing the satellite capacity as a constituent part of a Software Defined Networking (SDN) -based TE for mobile backhaul network. Under this basis, this thesis work first proposes and assesses a model for the analysis of capacity and traffic management strategies for hybrid satellite-terrestrial mobile backhauling networks that rely on SDN for fine-grained traffic steering. The performance analysis is carried out in terms of capacity gains that can be achieved when the satellite backhaul capacity is used for traffic overflow, taking into account the placement of the satellite capacity at different traffic aggregation levels and considering a spatial correlation of the traffic demand. Later, the thesis work presents the development of SDN-based TE strategies and algorithms that exploits the dynamically steerable satellite capacity provisioned for resilience purposes to better utilize the satellite capacity by maximizing the network utility under both failure and non-failure conditions in some terrestrial links, under the consideration of elastic, inelastic and unicast and multicast traffic. The performance analysis is carried out in terms of global network utility, fairness and connexion rejection rates compared to non SDN-based TE applications. Finally, sustained in the defined architectural framework designs, the thesis work presents an experimental Proof of Concept (PoC) and validation of a satellite-terrestrial backhaul links integration solution that builts upon SDN technologies for the realization of End-to-End (E2E) TE applications in mobile backhauling networks with a satellite component, assessing the feasibility of the proposed SDN-based integration solution under a practical laboratory setting that combines the use of commercial, experimentation-oriented and emulation equipment and software.Los recientes avances tecnológicos en el dominio de los satélites, como el uso de satélites de alto rendimiento (HTS) con tasas de rendimiento que son magnitudes más altas que los anteriores, o el uso de grandes constelaciones de satélites de órbita no geoestacionaria (GEO), etc. están reduciendo el precio por bit y mejorando las métricas de Calidad de Servicio (QoS) como la latencia, etc., cambiando la forma en que la capacidad se está llevando al mercado, y haciéndola más atractiva para otros servicios como las comunicaciones de banda ancha por satélite. Estas nuevas capacidades, junto con las ventajas ofrecidas por las comunicaciones por satélite, como la cobertura geográfica a gran escala, las inherentes capacidades de difusión / multidifusión y la conectividad altamente confiable, anticipan nuevas oportunidades para la integración de la componente satelital al ecosistema 5G. Uno de los escenarios más atractivos es el backhauling móvil, donde la capacidad del satélite se puede usar para complementar la infraestructura de backhauling terrestre, no solo en áreas de difícil acceso, sino también para la entrega de tráfico de manera más eficiente a los nodos de la Red de Acceso (RAN), una mayor resiliencia y mejor soporte para implementaciones rápidas y temporales de células, así como células en movimiento. En este contexto, este trabajo de tesis se centra en lograr una mejor integración de la red híbrida de backhaul satélital-terrestre, a través del desarrollo de estrategias de ingeniería de tráfico (TE) para gestionar de una mejor manera la capacidad dinámicamente orientable del satélite. Para hacer esto, este trabajo de tesis primero toma los pasos en la definición de un marco de arquitectura que permite una mejor integración de una red híbrida satelital-terrestre de backhaul móvil, gestionando la capacidad del satélite como parte constitutiva de un TE basado en Software Defined Networking (SDN). Bajo esta base, este trabajo de tesis primero propone y evalúa un modelo para el análisis de la capacidad y las estrategias de gestión del tráfico para redes híbridas satelital-terrestre de backhaul móvil basadas en SDN para la dirección de tráfico. El análisis de rendimiento se lleva a cabo en términos de aumento de capacidad que se puede lograr cuando la capacidad de la red de backhaul por satélite se utiliza para el desborde de tráfico, teniendo en cuenta la ubicación de la capacidad del satélite en diferentes niveles de agregación de tráfico y considerando una correlación espacial de la demanda de tráfico. Posteriormente, el trabajo de tesis presenta el desarrollo de estrategias y algoritmos de TE basados en SDN que explotan la capacidad dinámicamente orientable del satelite, provista con fines de resiliencia para utilizar de mejor manera la capacidad satelital al maximizar la utilidad de red en condiciones de falla y no falla en algunos enlaces terrestres, y bajo la consideración de tráfico elástico, inelástico y de unidifusión y multidifusión. El análisis de rendimiento se lleva a cabo en términos de tasas de rechazo, de utilidad, y equidad en comparación con las aplicaciones de TE no basadas en SDN. Finalmente, basado en la definición del diseño de marco de arquitectura, el trabajo de tesis presenta una Prueba de concepto (PoC) experimental y la validación de una solución de integración de enlaces de backhaul satelital-terrestre que se basa en las tecnologías SDN para la realización de aplicaciones de TE de extremo a extremo (E2E) en redes de backhaul móviles, evaluando la viabilidad de la solución propuesta de integración basada en SDN en un entorno práctico de laboratorio que combina el uso de equipos y software comerciales, orientados a la experimentación y emulación.Postprint (published version

    A new charging scheme for ATM based on QoS

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    PhDNew services are emerging rapidly within the world of telecommunications. Charging strategies that were appropriate for individual transfer capabilities are no longer appropriate for an integrated broadband communications network. There is currently a range of technologies (such as cable television, telephony and narrow band ISDN) for the different services in use and a limited number of charging schemes are applicable for each of the underlying technologies irrespective of the services used over it. Difficulties arise when a wide range of services has to be supported on the same integrated technology such as asynchronous transfer mode (ATM); in such cases the type of service in use and the impact it has on the network becomes much more important. The subject of this thesis, therefore, is the charging strategies for integrated broadband communications networks. That is, the identification of the requirements associated with ATM charging schemes and the proposal of a new approach to charging for ATM called the “quality of service based charging scheme”. Charging for ATM is influenced by three important components: the type and content of a service being offered; the type of customer using the services; and the traffic characteristics belonging to the application supporting the services. The first two issues will largely be dependent on the business and regulatory requirements of the operators. The last item, and an essential one for ATM, is the bridge between technology and business; how are the resources used by a service quantified? Charging that is based on resource usage at the network level was the prime focus of the research reported here. With the proposed charging scheme, a distinction is first made between the four different ATM transfer capabilities that will support various services and the different quality of service requirements that may be applicable to each of them. Then, resources are distributed among buffers set-up to support the combination of these transfer capabilities and quality of services. The buffers are dimensioned according to the M/D/1/K and the ND/D/1 queuing analysis to determine the buffer efficiency and quality of service requirements. This dimensioning provides the basis for fixing the price per unit of resource and time. The actual resource used by a connection is based on the volume of cells transmitted or peak cell rate allocation in combination with traffic shapers if appropriate. Shapers are also dimensioned using the quality of service parameters. Since the buffer 4 efficiency is dependent on the quality of service requirements, users (customers) of ATM networks buy quality of service. The actual price of a connection is further subjected to a number of transformations based on the size of the resource purchased, the time of the day at which a connection is made, and the geographical locality of the destination switch. It is demonstrated that the proposed charging scheme meets all the requirements of customers and of network operators. In addition the result of the comparison of the new scheme with a number of existing, prominent, ATM charging schemes is presented, showing that the performance of the proposed scheme is better in terms of meeting the expectations of both the customers and the network operators

    Optimization and Performance Analysis of High Speed Mobile Access Networks

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    The end-to-end performance evaluation of high speed broadband mobile access networks is the main focus of this work. Novel transport network adaptive flow control and enhanced congestion control algorithms are proposed, implemented, tested and validated using a comprehensive High speed packet Access (HSPA) system simulator. The simulation analysis confirms that the aforementioned algorithms are able to provide reliable and guaranteed services for both network operators and end users cost-effectively. Further, two novel analytical models one for congestion control and the other for the combined flow control and congestion control which are based on Markov chains are designed and developed to perform the aforementioned analysis efficiently compared to time consuming detailed system simulations. In addition, the effects of the Long Term Evolution (LTE) transport network (S1and X2 interfaces) on the end user performance are investigated and analysed by introducing a novel comprehensive MAC scheduling scheme and a novel transport service differentiation model

    The EuQoS system: A solution for QoS routing in heterogeneous networks

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    EuQoS is the acronym for “end-to-end quality of service support over heterogeneous networks,”which is a European research project aimed at building an entire QoS framework,addressing all the relevant network layers, protocols, and technologies. This framework, which includes the most common access networks (xDSL, UMTS, WiFi, and LAN) is being prototyped and tested in a multidomain scenario throughout Europe, composing what we call the EuQoS system. In this article we present the novel QoS routing mechanisms that are being developed and evaluated in the framework of this project. The preliminary performance results validate the design choices of the EuQoS system, and confirm the potential impact this project is likely to have in the near future.Postprint (published version

    Energy-Efficient Solutions For Green Mobile Networks

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