3,776 research outputs found

    Context-based and human-centred information fusion in diagnostics

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    Maintenance management and engineering practice has progressed to adopt approaches which aim to reach maintenance decisions not by means of pre-specified plans and recommendations but increasingly on the basis of best contextually relevant available information and knowledge, all considered against stated objectives. Different methods for automating event detection, diagnostics and prognostics have been proposed, which may achieve very high performance when appropriately adapted and tuned to serve the needs of well defined tasks. However, the scope of such solutions is often narrow and without a mechanism to include human contributed intervention and knowledge contribution. This paper presents a conceptual framework of integrating automated detection and diagnostics and human contributed knowledge in a single architecture. This is instantiated by an e-maintenance platform comprising tools for both lower level information fusion as well as for handling higher level knowledge. Well structured maintenance relationships, such as those present in a typical FMECA study, as well as on the job human contributed compact knowledge are exploited to this end. A case study presenting the actual workflow of the process in an industrial setting is employed to pilot test the approach

    Internet of Things - Enabled visual analytics for linked maintenance and product lifecycle management

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    When closed loop product lifecycle management was first introduced, much effort focused on establishing ways to communicate data between different lifecycle phase activities. The concept of a smart product, able to communicate its own identity and status, had a key role to play to this end. Such a concept has further matured, benefiting from internet things-enabled product lifecycle management advancements. Product data exchanges can now be brought closer to the point of end use consumption, enabling users to become more proactive actors within the product lifecycle management process. This paper presents a conceptual approach and a pilot implementation of how this can be achieved by superimposing middle of life relevant product information to beginning of life product views, such as a 3D product CAD model. In this way, linked maintenance data and knowledge become visual features of a product design representation, facilitating a user’s understanding of middle-of life concepts, such as occurrence of failure modes. The proposed approach can be particularly useful when dealing with product data streams as a natural visual analytics add-in to closed loop product lifecycle management

    A review of e-maintenance capabilities and challenges

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    Within the era of e-manufacturing and e-business, e-maintenance provides the opportunity for a new maintenance generation. E-maintenance integrates existing telemaintenance principles, with web-services and modern e-collaboration principles. Collaboration allows not only to share and exchange information but also knowledge and (e)-intelligence. This paper outlines the basic capabilities provided by e-maintenance to companies as well as describes emerging challenges to benefit from these new operational improvement opportunitie

    Bridges Structural Health Monitoring and Deterioration Detection Synthesis of Knowledge and Technology

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    INE/AUTC 10.0

    Establishment of a novel predictive reliability assessment strategy for ship machinery

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    There is no doubt that recent years, maritime industry is moving forward to novel and sophisticated inspection and maintenance practices. Nowadays maintenance is encountered as an operational method, which can be employed both as a profit generating process and a cost reduction budget centre through an enhanced Operation and Maintenance (O&M) strategy. In the first place, a flexible framework to be applicable on complex system level of machinery can be introduced towards ship maintenance scheduling of systems, subsystems and components.;This holistic inspection and maintenance notion should be implemented by integrating different strategies, methodologies, technologies and tools, suitably selected by fulfilling the requirements of the selected ship systems. In this thesis, an innovative maintenance strategy for ship machinery is proposed, namely the Probabilistic Machinery Reliability Assessment (PMRA) strategy focusing towards the reliability and safety enhancement of main systems, subsystems and maintainable units and components.;In this respect, the combination of a data mining method (k-means), the manufacturer safety aspects, the dynamic state modelling (Markov Chains), the probabilistic predictive reliability assessment (Bayesian Belief Networks) and the qualitative decision making (Failure Modes and Effects Analysis) is employed encompassing the benefits of qualitative and quantitative reliability assessment. PMRA has been clearly demonstrated in two case studies applied on offshore platform oil and gas and selected ship machinery.;The results are used to identify the most unreliability systems, subsystems and components, while advising suitable practical inspection and maintenance activities. The proposed PMRA strategy is also tested in a flexible sensitivity analysis scheme.There is no doubt that recent years, maritime industry is moving forward to novel and sophisticated inspection and maintenance practices. Nowadays maintenance is encountered as an operational method, which can be employed both as a profit generating process and a cost reduction budget centre through an enhanced Operation and Maintenance (O&M) strategy. In the first place, a flexible framework to be applicable on complex system level of machinery can be introduced towards ship maintenance scheduling of systems, subsystems and components.;This holistic inspection and maintenance notion should be implemented by integrating different strategies, methodologies, technologies and tools, suitably selected by fulfilling the requirements of the selected ship systems. In this thesis, an innovative maintenance strategy for ship machinery is proposed, namely the Probabilistic Machinery Reliability Assessment (PMRA) strategy focusing towards the reliability and safety enhancement of main systems, subsystems and maintainable units and components.;In this respect, the combination of a data mining method (k-means), the manufacturer safety aspects, the dynamic state modelling (Markov Chains), the probabilistic predictive reliability assessment (Bayesian Belief Networks) and the qualitative decision making (Failure Modes and Effects Analysis) is employed encompassing the benefits of qualitative and quantitative reliability assessment. PMRA has been clearly demonstrated in two case studies applied on offshore platform oil and gas and selected ship machinery.;The results are used to identify the most unreliability systems, subsystems and components, while advising suitable practical inspection and maintenance activities. The proposed PMRA strategy is also tested in a flexible sensitivity analysis scheme

    Predictive maintenance: a novel framework for a data-driven, semi-supervised, and partially online prognostic health management application in industries

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    Prognostic Health Management (PHM) is a predictive maintenance strategy, which is based on Condition Monitoring (CM) data and aims to predict the future states of machinery. The existing literature reports the PHM at two levels: methodological and applicative. From the methodological point of view, there are many publications and standards of a PHM system design. From the applicative point of view, many papers address the improvement of techniques adopted for realizing PHM tasks without covering the whole process. In these cases, most applications rely on a large amount of historical data to train models for diagnostic and prognostic purposes. Industries, very often, are not able to obtain these data. Thus, the most adopted approaches, based on batch and off-line analysis, cannot be adopted. In this paper, we present a novel framework and architecture that support the initial application of PHM from the machinery producers’ perspective. The proposed framework is based on an edge-cloud infrastructure that allows performing streaming analysis at the edge to reduce the quantity of the data to store in permanent memory, to know the health status of the machinery at any point in time, and to discover novel and anomalous behaviors. The collection of the data from multiple machines into a cloud server allows training more accurate diagnostic and prognostic models using a higher amount of data, whose results will serve to predict the health status in real-time at the edge. The so-built PHM system would allow industries to monitor and supervise a machinery network placed in different locations and can thus bring several benefits to both machinery producers and users. After a brief literature review of signal processing, feature extraction, diagnostics, and prognostics, including incremental and semi-supervised approaches for anomaly and novelty detection applied to data streams, a case study is presented. It was conducted on data collected from a test rig and shows the potential of the proposed framework in terms of the ability to detect changes in the operating conditions and abrupt faults and storage memory saving. The outcomes of our work, as well as its major novel aspect, is the design of a framework for a PHM system based on specific requirements that directly originate from the industrial field, together with indications on which techniques can be adopted to achieve such goals

    Applied fault detection and diagnosis for industrial gas turbine systems

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    The paper presents readily implementable approaches for fault detection and diagnosis (FDD) based on measurements from multiple sensor groups, for industrial systems. Specifically, the use of hierarchical clustering (HC) and self-organizing map neural networks (SOMNNs) are shown to provide robust and user-friendly tools for application to industrial gas turbine (IGT) systems. HC fingerprints are found for normal operation, and FDD is achieved by monitoring cluster changes occurring in the resulting dendrograms. Similarly, fingerprints of operational behaviour are also obtained using SOMNN based classification maps (CMs) that are initially determined during normal operation, and FDD is performed by detecting changes in their CMs. The proposed methods are shown to be capable of FDD from a large group of sensors that measure a variety of physical quantities. A key feature of the paper is the development of techniques to accommodate transient system operation, which can often lead to false-alarms being triggered when using traditional techniques if the monitoring algorithms are not first desensitized. Case studies showing the efficacy of the techniques for detecting sensor faults, bearing tilt pad wear and early stage pre-chamber burnout, are included. The presented techniques are now being applied operationally and monitoring IGTs in various regions of the world

    AI and OR in management of operations: history and trends

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    The last decade has seen a considerable growth in the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for operations management with the aim of finding solutions to problems that are increasing in complexity and scale. This paper begins by setting the context for the survey through a historical perspective of OR and AI. An extensive survey of applications of AI techniques for operations management, covering a total of over 1200 papers published from 1995 to 2004 is then presented. The survey utilizes Elsevier's ScienceDirect database as a source. Hence, the survey may not cover all the relevant journals but includes a sufficiently wide range of publications to make it representative of the research in the field. The papers are categorized into four areas of operations management: (a) design, (b) scheduling, (c) process planning and control and (d) quality, maintenance and fault diagnosis. Each of the four areas is categorized in terms of the AI techniques used: genetic algorithms, case-based reasoning, knowledge-based systems, fuzzy logic and hybrid techniques. The trends over the last decade are identified, discussed with respect to expected trends and directions for future work suggested

    Prognostic Algorithms for Condition Monitoring and Remaining Useful Life Estimation

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    To enable the benets of a truly condition-based maintenance philosophy to be realised, robust, accurate and reliable algorithms, which provide maintenance personnel with the necessary information to make informed maintenance decisions, will be key. This thesis focuses on the development of such algorithms, with a focus on semiconductor manufacturing and wind turbines. An introduction to condition-based maintenance is presented which reviews dierent types of maintenance philosophies and describes the potential benets which a condition- based maintenance philosophy will deliver to operators of critical plant and machinery. The issues and challenges involved in developing condition-based maintenance solutions are discussed and a review of previous approaches and techniques in fault diagnostics and prognostics is presented. The development of a condition monitoring system for dry vacuum pumps used in semi- conductor manufacturing is presented. A notable feature is that upstream process mea- surements from the wafer processing chamber were incorporated in the development of a solution. In general, semiconductor manufacturers do not make such information avail- able and this study identies the benets of information sharing in the development of condition monitoring solutions, within the semiconductor manufacturing domain. The developed solution provides maintenance personnel with the ability to identify, quantify, track and predict the remaining useful life of pumps suering from degradation caused by pumping large volumes of corrosive uorine gas. A comprehensive condition monitoring solution for thermal abatement systems is also presented. As part of this work, a multiple model particle ltering algorithm for prog- nostics is developed and tested. The capabilities of the proposed prognostic solution for addressing the uncertainty challenges in predicting the remaining useful life of abatement systems, subject to uncertain future operating loads and conditions, is demonstrated. Finally, a condition monitoring algorithm for the main bearing on large utility scale wind turbines is developed. The developed solution exploits data collected by onboard supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems in wind turbines. As a result, the developed solution can be integrated into existing monitoring systems, at no additional cost. The potential for the application of multiple model particle ltering algorithm to wind turbine prognostics is also demonstrated
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