10,578 research outputs found

    CoRide: Joint Order Dispatching and Fleet Management for Multi-Scale Ride-Hailing Platforms

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    How to optimally dispatch orders to vehicles and how to tradeoff between immediate and future returns are fundamental questions for a typical ride-hailing platform. We model ride-hailing as a large-scale parallel ranking problem and study the joint decision-making task of order dispatching and fleet management in online ride-hailing platforms. This task brings unique challenges in the following four aspects. First, to facilitate a huge number of vehicles to act and learn efficiently and robustly, we treat each region cell as an agent and build a multi-agent reinforcement learning framework. Second, to coordinate the agents from different regions to achieve long-term benefits, we leverage the geographical hierarchy of the region grids to perform hierarchical reinforcement learning. Third, to deal with the heterogeneous and variant action space for joint order dispatching and fleet management, we design the action as the ranking weight vector to rank and select the specific order or the fleet management destination in a unified formulation. Fourth, to achieve the multi-scale ride-hailing platform, we conduct the decision-making process in a hierarchical way where a multi-head attention mechanism is utilized to incorporate the impacts of neighbor agents and capture the key agent in each scale. The whole novel framework is named as CoRide. Extensive experiments based on multiple cities real-world data as well as analytic synthetic data demonstrate that CoRide provides superior performance in terms of platform revenue and user experience in the task of city-wide hybrid order dispatching and fleet management over strong baselines.Comment: CIKM 201

    Fleet Management System

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    Managing paper-driven employee travel and expenses is a slow, fragmented process with abundant potential for uncontrolled spending. As a result, there is a need for a Travel and Expenses Management System to provide a better control and reduce the cycle time. Customizing a standard software package to suit the company operation is selected in order to ensure that the company can leverage from the industry proven best practices of travel and expenses claim processes and at the same time maintain the company unique requirements. This report describes the needs for expense claim automation and the process to customize a standard Travel and Expenses Management System package. The project covers the use of Microsoft Solution Framework (MSF) process model, functional decomposition, process flow diagram and program flow diagram to represent the current system and the proposed system. This paper introduces a web-based Travel and Expenses Management System to enhance the expense claim processes. The system analysis outlines the system requirements by going through the functionality assessment, option assessment and gap resolution. The functional specification illustrates the customization needed by focusing on functionality, technical review, input, processing and output. In addition, the paper shows the fit of MSF process model in this project development and proposes the use of MSF team model for the project involving team efforts. It also outlines the possible additional features and functionalities that could further improve the system

    Green Fleet Management Practices in Public Service Delivery by Urban Councils: Case of Makonde District in Mashonaland West Province of Zimbabwe

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    The discussion of green fleet management has gathered much momentum in public sector organizations over recent decades. Green fleet management is broadly defined as a broad concept that includes different approaches by which companies work with their supplier and or customers in order to improve the environmental performance of their operations. Although knowledge base exists in Zimbabwean public sector on green fleet management, there has been no comprehensive studies on green fleet management which has been conducted. The government of Zimbabwe as a controller of public sector organization needs to find new ways, with limited resources, to achieve maximum efficiency in fleet management by managing available resources and related risks. The value of the research is a holistic approach to the analysis of fleet management which has never been undertaken by the public sector. The research employed a descriptive research design which comprised administering of questionnaires to the respondents. The sample was selected using non-probability technique and 80 respondents were selected from the entire District of Makonde. Findings show that there is an association between methods of practicing green fleet management and company performance as measured by sales revenue per year. Therefore, it is benefitting business wise to practice green fleet management operational principles in public service urban councils. The aim being to make sure that the fleet maximises fuel efficiency, minimise vehicle costs whilst improving the safety, welfare of employees and reducing exposure to environmental damage.  Key words: green fleet, public sector, fleet management, urban councils DOI: 10.7176/JESD/11-10-20 Publication date:May 31st 202

    Fleet management system

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    Master of ScienceDepartment of Computer ScienceDaniel AndresenWeb services have become quintessential in web application development. RESTful web services are one way of providing interoperability between computer systems on the internet. REST-compliant web services allow requesting systems to access and manipulate textual representations of web resources using a uniform and predefined set of stateless operations. These services, which are online APIs, can be accessed from various applications and the results can be used to offer specific functionality to users. This project consists of an Android app, a Server application and a Client application. The Server application exposes a REST API (Web Services developed using REpresentational State Transfer (REST) protocol) using, which the consuming client applications can make use of various functionalities as services across the network. The Android app would be installed in the smart phone present in each vehicle of the fleet, this app would send live location data to the database using the REST API. The manager uses the client application to track the vehicles in real time, the manager can also choose to track a particular vehicle. The API could also be used to integrate the services with other systems. This project serves to a wide variety of users, from small local businesses owning tens or hundreds of vehicle to parents who would like to track the location of their children in real time. This project aims to help the managers/owners better control and track the vehicles. Also, the exposed API could be used by other developers to customize or extend this application. This project is easy to install, use and hence friendly for users with even minimal computer skills

    Kalustonseurantajärjestelmän toiminnan kehittäminen Rudus Oy:ssä

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    Tämän insinöörityön tarkoituksena on kartoittaa kalustonseurantajärjestelmän toimintaa ja kehittämismahdollisuuksia Rudus Oy:ssä. Työn tavoitteena on esittää kehittämismahdollisuuksia kalustonseurannan piirissä työskentelevien henkilöiden mielipiteisiin sekä lähdekirjallisuuden teoriatietoon perustuen. Yrityksen kalustonseuranta jaettiin työn osalta kolmeen osa-alueeseen seuraavasti: kiviainesautot, valmisbetoniautot ja työkoneet. Jokaisesta osa-alueesta on haastateltu toimihenkilöitä, joiden tietoja ja osaamista on hyödynnetty työn aineiston keräämisessä. Työssä kartoitetaan markkinoilla olevia seurantajärjestelmiä ja vertaillaan niiden ominaisuuksia Rudus Oy:n käyttötarkoituksiin. Työ pyrkii esittämään kehittämismahdollisuudet sekä antamaan pohjan käyttöönotettavan kalustonseurantajärjestelmän valinnalle. Työn teoreettisessa osassa keskitytään yleisesti kalustonseurantajärjestelmän käsitteeseen ja siihen liittyvään teoriaan. Teoria antaa perustan kalustonseurantajärjestelmän toiminnan kehittämiseen liittyville ratkaisuille. Työn tuloksena todettiin, että seurantajärjestelmien käyttöönotossa oleellisinta on yrityksen tarpeiden tunnistus ja sitä kautta oikean järjestelmän valinta. Käyttöönotto vaatii sitoutumista uuteen toimintamalliin, sekä järjestelmän käyttöön liittyvää koulutusta ja asenteiden muokkausta.The Purpose of this Bachelor’s thesis was to develop a fleet management system for Rudus Ltd. The objective of this graduate study was to survey the fleet management system’s functions and development opportunities for RudusL td. The goal was to provide and suggest development opportunities, based on interviews made in the company, as well as literary source materials. The company’s fleet management was divided into three areas as follows: gravel trucks, concrete trucks and construction machinery.For each area the employees were interviewed, whose knowledge and expertise has been utilized to collect the required material. This thesis also describes the existing fleet management systems and compares their features with Rudus Ltd’s needs. The theoretical part focuses on the general concept of the fleet management system and the surrounding theory. The theory provides the basis for developing solutions for the company’s fleet management system. As a result, it was foundout that the most important criteria in choosing fleet management systems is to survey the company’s fleet management needs and select the most suitable system based on the survey. The commissioning requires a commitment to a new approach, training the employees for the new system, as well asa change of attitudes

    Fleet Management/Inventory Project

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    Mobile application for fleet management

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    Fleet management is not difficult if your company only has five to ten vehicles. But if there are thousands of vehicles, then you need a fleet management system, or you will be overwhelmed by the sheer amount of work for you. With the help of a fleet management system, you can monitor any vehicle in real-time. You can find out whether the customer has received the item they purchased by or is on the way. You can also know whether your driver is working or just idling by. Without a vehicle management system, you only rely on the trust you have between you and your drivers. And more often than not, your trust is betrayed by your drivers. With a vehicle management system, routine service schedules information can be obtained anytime and anywhere. You only have to enter the required data into the system and it will arrange the schedule. Fleet management certainly involves drivers. The involvement starts with determining work schedules and reporting. Staff who arrive late at the office will certainly affect your customer satisfaction because the delivery will definitely be delayed. The fleet management system will eliminate these things. The system will automatically inform the driver of their work schedule so he/she can come to work on time. A fleet management a website and a Android mobile application to facilitate the in-house management, viewing options and communications for the associated employees. In this project, an iOS mobile application is needed to manage the driver, vehicle and intercommunication of drivers. The application then further provides the functionalities for driver to view and track the Alarms, Events and other vehicle based on the geo location of the vehicle. Furthermore, it provides the facility for management to keep track of all the vehicles and their trips which helps to analyze the data. This report covers the development of the project of Fleet Management application. Many companies want to stay small and keep their contracts manageable, and they’re happy with a few cars or trucks. Even so, they would still like to do more business. The Fleet Management application has been designed to provide solutions that will help them function more efficiently. A company can greatly increase its profits for relatively low investment in these solutions. Whether large or small, any business can find a fleet management software product on the market that meets its needs. We all know that it is difficult, if not impossible, to predict the future. Generally, there are so many different variables to consider, many of them very difficult to predict, that make the whole exercise quite complex. Predicting the future of fleet management is this type of exercise. If you think someone in the world already knows how it will be, think twice. From truck manufacturers to telematics companies, from large technology companies to fleet managers with 30 years of experience, nobody knows for sure. we added some cutting-edge technologies to this Fleet Management system. With that in mind, we are in fact proposing a new future for fleet management. Or, at least, contributing to it