559 research outputs found

    Distributed Port Automata

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    Dynamic reconfigurations are a powerful approach for the adaption of component-based or service-oriented software systems at runtime. Important issues in this area are the problems of state transfer and state consistency, i.e., to determine the system state after a reconfiguration and to ensure that it is valid. To deal with these problems, we introduce distributed port automata in this paper. Distributed port automata combine structural and behavioral system properties and therefore allow to reason about dynamic reconfigurations. In our approach, we use an automata-based model for describing the behavior of the primitive building blocks in a system, and a graph-based model for describing its structure in terms of a network. We demonstrate how to derive the system semantics of a distributed port automaton and show that it is compositional. We consider an encoding of the coordination language Reo and show a new result on compositionality of flattening for distributed graphs

    Formal Relationship between Petri Net and Graph Transformation Systems based on Functors between M-adhesive Categories

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    Various kinds of graph transformations and Petri net transformation systems are examples of M-adhesive transformation systems based on M-adhesive categories, generalizing weak adhesive HLR categories. For typed attributed graph transformation systems, the tool environment AGG allows the modeling, the simulation and the analysis of graph transformations. A corresponding tool for Petri net transformation systems, the RON-Environment, has recently been developed which implements and simulates Petri net transformations based on corresponding graph transformations using AGG. Up to now, the correspondence between Petri net and graph transformations is handled on an informal level. The purpose of this paper is to establish a formal relationship between the corresponding M-adhesive transformation systems, which allow the translation of Petri net transformations into graph transformations with equivalent behavior, and, vice versa, the creation of Petri net transformations from graph transformations. Since this is supposed to work for different kinds of Petri nets, we propose to define suitable functors, called M-functors, between different M-adhesive categories and to investigate properties allowing us the translation and creation of transformations of the corresponding M-adhesive transformation systems

    Multilayer Networks

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    In most natural and engineered systems, a set of entities interact with each other in complicated patterns that can encompass multiple types of relationships, change in time, and include other types of complications. Such systems include multiple subsystems and layers of connectivity, and it is important to take such "multilayer" features into account to try to improve our understanding of complex systems. Consequently, it is necessary to generalize "traditional" network theory by developing (and validating) a framework and associated tools to study multilayer systems in a comprehensive fashion. The origins of such efforts date back several decades and arose in multiple disciplines, and now the study of multilayer networks has become one of the most important directions in network science. In this paper, we discuss the history of multilayer networks (and related concepts) and review the exploding body of work on such networks. To unify the disparate terminology in the large body of recent work, we discuss a general framework for multilayer networks, construct a dictionary of terminology to relate the numerous existing concepts to each other, and provide a thorough discussion that compares, contrasts, and translates between related notions such as multilayer networks, multiplex networks, interdependent networks, networks of networks, and many others. We also survey and discuss existing data sets that can be represented as multilayer networks. We review attempts to generalize single-layer-network diagnostics to multilayer networks. We also discuss the rapidly expanding research on multilayer-network models and notions like community structure, connected components, tensor decompositions, and various types of dynamical processes on multilayer networks. We conclude with a summary and an outlook.Comment: Working paper; 59 pages, 8 figure

    Modelling Evolution of Communication Platforms and Scenarios based on Transformations of High-Level Nets and Processes : Extended Version

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    Algebraic High-Level (AHL) nets are a well-known modelling technique based on Petri nets with algebraic data types, which allows to model the communication structure and the data flow within one modelling framework. Transformations of AHL-nets – inspired by the theory of graph transformations – allow in addition to modify the communication structure. Moreover, high-level processes of AHL-nets capture the concurrent semantics of AHL-nets in an adequate way. Altogether we obtain a powerful integrated formal specification technique to model and analyse all kinds of communication based systems, especially different kinds of communication platforms. In this paper we show how to model the evolution of communication platforms and scenarios based on transformations of Algebraic High-Level Nets and Processes. All constructions and results are illustrated by a running example showing the evolution of Apache Wave platforms and scenarios. The evolution of platforms is modelled by the transformation of AHL-nets and that of scenarios by the transformation of AHL-net processes. The first main result shows under which conditions AHL-net processes can be extended if the corresponding AHL-net is transformed. This result can be applied to show the extension of scenarios for a given platform evolution. The second main result shows how AHL-net processes can be transformed based on a special kind of transformation for AHL-nets, corresponding to action evolution of platforms. Finally, we briefly discuss the case of multiple action evolutions

    04241 Abstracts Collection -- Graph Transformations and Process Algebras for Modeling Distributed and Mobile Systems

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    Recently there has been a lot of research, combining concepts of process algebra with those of the theory of graph grammars and graph transformation systems. Both can be viewed as general frameworks in which one can specify and reason about concurrent and distributed systems. There are many areas where both theories overlap and this reaches much further than just using graphs to give a graphic representation to processes. Processes in a communication network can be seen in two different ways: as terms in an algebraic theory, emphasizing their behaviour and their interaction with the environment, and as nodes (or edges) in a graph, emphasizing their topology and their connectedness. Especially topology, mobility and dynamic reconfigurations at runtime can be modelled in a very intuitive way using graph transformation. On the other hand the definition and proof of behavioural equivalences is often easier in the process algebra setting. Also standard techniques of algebraic semantics for universal constructions, refinement and compositionality can take better advantage of the process algebra representation. An important example where the combined theory is more convenient than both alternatives is for defining the concurrent (noninterleaving), abstract semantics of distributed systems. Here graph transformations lack abstraction and process algebras lack expressiveness. Another important example is the work on bigraphical reactive systems with the aim of deriving a labelled transitions system from an unlabelled reactive system such that the resulting bisimilarity is a congruence. Here, graphs seem to be a convenient framework, in which this theory can be stated and developed. So, although it is the central aim of both frameworks to model and reason about concurrent systems, the semantics of processes can have a very different flavour in these theories. Research in this area aims at combining the advantages of both frameworks and translating concepts of one theory into the other. The Dagsuthl Seminar, which took place from 06.06. to 11.06.2004, was aimed at bringing together researchers of the two communities in order to share their ideas and develop new concepts. These proceedings4 of the do not only contain abstracts of the talks given at the seminar, but also summaries of topics of central interest. We would like to thank all participants of the seminar for coming and sharing their ideas and everybody who has contributed to the proceedings

    A graph-semantics of business configurations

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    In this paper we give graph-semantics to a fundamental part of the semantics of the service modeling language SRML. To achieve this goal we develop a new graph transformation system for what we call 2-level symbolic graphs. These kind of graphs extend symbolic graphs with a simple 2-level hierarchy that can be generalized to arbitrary hierarchies. We formalize the semantics using this new graph transformation system using a simple example of a trip booking agent.Postprint (published version
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