9 research outputs found

    A scheme on indoor tracking of ship dynamic positioning based on distributed multi-sensor data fusion

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    Investigating the model ship dynamic positioning system by simulating the actual sea conditions in the laboratory can not only avoid the risks caused by the directly experiments on a true ship, but also reduce the costs. With the purpose of realizing the high accuracy control of the dynamic positioning, besides a high accuracy mathematical model of the ship, an important condition is that the position information provided by the position detection system must be accurate, reliable and continuous. The global positioning system (GPS) signal is restricted when the model ship dynamic positioning system is set indoors. This paper describes a novel scheme for ship target tracking based on the multi-sensor data fusion techniques. To improve the accuracy of indoor positioning and ship target tracking, the characteristics of many sensors are systematically analyzed, such as radar, difference global positioning system (DGPS) and ultrasonic sensors. Other important factors, including the indoor temperature, position and environment, are also taken into account to further optimize the performance. Combining the Kalman filter method, the time alignment method, the coordinate transformation method and the optimal fusion criterion method, the core algorithm of our framework employs the track correlation as the performance index of the optimal fusion. The experimental results indicate that our method outperforms the methods based on a single ultrasonic sensor. The maximum error between the estimated location and the real location is only 1.32 cm, which meets the standard for engineering applications

    Advanced Sensor and Dynamics Models with an Application to Sensor Management

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    A Gaussian Mixture PHD Filter for Jump Markov System Models

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    The probability hypothesis density (PHD) filter is an attractive approach to tracking an unknown and time-varying number of targets in the presence of data association uncertainty, clutter, noise, and detection uncertainty. The PHD filter admits a closed-form solution for a linear Gaussian multi-target model. However, this model is not general enough to accommodate maneuvering targets that switch between several models. In this paper, we generalize the notion of linear jump Markov systems to the multiple target case to accommodate births, deaths, and switching dynamics. We then derive a closed-form solution to the PHD recursion for the proposed linear Gaussian jump Markov multi-target model. Based on this an efficient method for tracking multiple maneuvering targets that switch between a set of linear Gaussian models is developed. An analytic implementation of the PHD filter using statistical linear regression technique is also proposed for targets that switch between a set of nonlinear models. We demonstrate through simulations that the proposed PHD filters are effective in tracking multiple maneuvering targets

    Practical methods for Gaussian mixture filtering and smoothing

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    In many applications, there is an interest in systematically and sequentially estimating quantities of interest in a dynamical system, using indirect and inaccurate sensor observations. There are three important sub-problems of sequential estimation: prediction, filtering and smoothing. The objective in the prediction problem is to estimate the future states of the system, using the observations until the current point in time. In the filtering problem, we seek to estimate the current state of the system, using the same information and in the smoothing problem, the aim is to estimate a past state. The smoothing estimate has the advantage that it offers the best performance on average compared to filtering and prediction estimates. Often, the uncertainties regarding the system and the observations are modeled using Gaussian mixtures (GMs). The smoothing solutions to GMs are usually based on pruning approximations, which suffer from the degeneracy problem, resulting in inconsistent estimates. Solutions based on merging have not been explored well in the literature. We address the problem of GM smoothing using both pruning and merging approximations. We consider the two main smoothing strategies of forward-backward smoothing (FBS) and two-filter smoothing (TFS), and develop novel algorithms for GM smoothing which are specifically tailored for the two principles. The FBS strategy involves forward filtering followed by backward smoothing. The existing literature provides pruning-based solutions to the forward filtering and the backward smoothing steps involved. In this thesis, we present a novel solution to the backward smoothing step of FBS, when the forward filtering uses merging methods. The TFS method works by running two filtering steps: forward filtering and backward filtering. It is not possible to apply the pruning or merging strategies to the backward filtering, as it is not a density function. To the best of our knowledge, there does not exist practical approximation techniques to reduce the complexity of the backward filtering. Therefore, in this thesis we propose two novel techniques to approximate the output of the backward filtering, which we call intragroup approximation and smoothed posterior pruning. We also show that the smoothed posterior pruning technique is applicable to forward filtering as well. The FBS and TFS solutions based on the proposed ideas are implemented for a single target tracking scenario and are shown to have similar performance with respect to root mean squared error, normalized estimation error squared, computational complexity and track loss. Compared to the FBS based on N-scan pruning, both these algorithms provide estimates with high consistency and low complexity

    Développement d'une nouvelle algorithmie de localisation adaptée à l'ensemble des mobiles suivis par le système ARGOS

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    Depuis 1978, le système ARGOS assure à l échelle mondiale la collecte de données et la localisation de plateformes pour des applications liées au suivi d animaux, à l océanographie et à la sécurité maritime. La localisation exploite le décalage Doppler affectant la fréquence de porteuse des messages émis par les plateformes et réceptionnés par des satellites dédiés. Au cours des vingt dernières années, les puissances d émission des plateformes se sont réduites pour des conditions d utilisation toujours plus extrêmes, augmentant le nombre de localisations de moindre qualité. Paradoxalement, les utilisateurs ont cherché à identifier des comportements à des échelles de plus en plus petites. L objectif de ce projet est de développer un algorithme de localisation plus performant dans le contexte actuel afin de remplacer le traitement temps réel historique basé sur un ajustement par moindres carrés. Un service hors ligne, permettant de déterminer des localisations encore plus précises, est proposé dans un second temps.Le problème est reformulé comme l estimation de l état d un système dynamique stochastique, tenant compte d un ensemble de modèles de déplacement admissibles pour les plateformes. La détermination exacte de la loi a posteriori de l état présente alors une complexité exponentiellement croissante avec le temps. Le filtre Interacting Multiple Model (IMM) est devenu l outil standard pour approximer en temps réel la loi a posteriori avec un coût de calcul constant. Pour des applications hors ligne, de nombreuses solutions sous-optimales de lissage multi-modèle ont aussi été proposées. La première contribution méthodologique de ce travail présente l extension du cadre initial de l IMM à un ensemble de modèles hétérogènes, c.-à-d. dont les vecteurs d état sont de tailles et de sémantiques différentes. En outre, nous proposons une nouvelle méthode pour le lissage multi-modèle qui offre une complexité réduite et de meilleures performances que les solutions existantes. L algorithme de localisation ARGOS a été réécrit en y incorporant le filtre IMM en tant que traitement temps réel et le lisseur multi-modèle comme service hors ligne. Une étude, menée sur un panel de 200 plateformes munies d un récepteur GPS utilisé comme vérité terrain, montre que ces stratégies améliorent significativement la précision de localisation quand peu de messages sont reçus. En outre, elles délivrent en moyenne 30% de localisations supplémentaires et permettent de caractériser systématiquement l erreur de positionnementThe ARGOS service was launched in 1978 to serve environmental applications including oceanography, wildlife tracking and maritime safety. The system allows for worldwide positioning and data collection of Platform Terminal Transmitters (PTTs). The positioning is achieved by exploiting the Doppler shift in the carrier frequency of the messages transmitted by the PTTs and recorded by dedicated satellite-borne receivers. Over the last twenty years, the transmission power has decreased significantly and platforms have been used in increasingly harsh environments. This led to deliver a greater number of low quality locations while users sought to identify finer platform behavior. This work first focuses on the implementation of a more efficient location processing to replace the historical real time processing relying on a Least Squares adjustment. Secondly, an offline service to infer locations with even higher accuracy is proposed.The location problem is formulated as the estimation of the state vector of a dynamical system, accounting for a set of admissible movement models of the platform. The exact determination of the state posterior pdf displays a complexity growing exponentially with time. The Interacting Multiple Model (IMM) algorithm has become a standard online approach to derive an approximated solution with a constant computational complexity. For offline applications, many sub-optimal multiple model schemes have also been proposed. Our methodological contributions first focused on extending the framework of the IMM filter so as to handle a bank of models with state vectors of heterogeneous size and meaning. Second, we investigated a new sub-optimal solution for multiple model smoothing which proves to be less computationally expensive and displays markedly better performance than equivalent algorithms. The ARGOS location processing was rewritten to include the IMM filter as real time processing and the IMM smoother as offline service. We eventually analyzed their performances using a large dataset obtained from over 200 mobiles carrying both an ARGOS transmitter and a GPS receiver used as ground truth. The results show that the new approaches significantly improve the positioning accuracy, especially when few messages are received. Moreover, the algorithms deliver 30% more positions and give a systematic estimation of the location errorTOULOUSE-INSA-Bib. electronique (315559905) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Colocated multiple-input multiple-output radars for smart mobility

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    In recent years, radars have been used in many applications such as precision agriculture and advanced driver assistant systems. Optimal techniques for the estimation of the number of targets and of their coordinates require solving multidimensional optimization problems entailing huge computational efforts. This has motivated the development of sub-optimal estimation techniques able to achieve good accuracy at a manageable computational cost. Another technical issue in advanced driver assistant systems is the tracking of multiple targets. Even if various filtering techniques have been developed, new efficient and robust algorithms for target tracking can be devised exploiting a probabilistic approach, based on the use of the factor graph and the sum-product algorithm. The two contributions provided by this dissertation are the investigation of the filtering and smoothing problems from a factor graph perspective and the development of efficient algorithms for two and three-dimensional radar imaging. Concerning the first contribution, a new factor graph for filtering is derived and the sum-product rule is applied to this graphical model; this allows to interpret known algorithms and to develop new filtering techniques. Then, a general method, based on graphical modelling, is proposed to derive filtering algorithms that involve a network of interconnected Bayesian filters. Finally, the proposed graphical approach is exploited to devise a new smoothing algorithm. Numerical results for dynamic systems evidence that our algorithms can achieve a better complexity-accuracy tradeoff and tracking capability than other techniques in the literature. Regarding radar imaging, various algorithms are developed for frequency modulated continuous wave radars; these algorithms rely on novel and efficient methods for the detection and estimation of multiple superimposed tones in noise. The accuracy achieved in the presence of multiple closely spaced targets is assessed on the basis of both synthetically generated data and of the measurements acquired through two commercial multiple-input multiple-output radars

    Sensors, measurement fusion and missile trajectory optimisation

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    When considering advances in “smart” weapons it is clear that air-launched systems have adopted an integrated approach to meet rigorous requirements, whereas air-defence systems have not. The demands on sensors, state observation, missile guidance, and simulation for air-defence is the subject of this research. Historical reviews for each topic, justification of favoured techniques and algorithms are provided, using a nomenclature developed to unify these disciplines. Sensors selected for their enduring impact on future systems are described and simulation models provided. Complex internal systems are reduced to simpler models capable of replicating dominant features, particularly those that adversely effect state observers. Of the state observer architectures considered, a distributed system comprising ground based target and own-missile tracking, data up-link, and on-board missile measurement and track fusion is the natural choice for air-defence. An IMM is used to process radar measurements, combining the estimates from filters with different target dynamics. The remote missile state observer combines up-linked target tracks and missile plots with IMU and seeker data to provide optimal guidance information. The performance of traditional PN and CLOS missile guidance is the basis against which on-line trajectory optimisation is judged. Enhanced guidance laws are presented that demand more from the state observers, stressing the importance of time-to-go and transport delays in strap-down systems employing staring array technology. Algorithms for solving the guidance twopoint boundary value problems created from the missile state observer output using gradient projection in function space are presented. A simulation integrating these aspects was developed whose infrastructure, capable of supporting any dynamical model, is described in the air-defence context. MBDA have extended this work creating the Aircraft and Missile Integration Simulation (AMIS) for integrating different launchers and missiles. The maturity of the AMIS makes it a tool for developing pre-launch algorithms for modern air-launched missiles from modern military aircraft.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo