279 research outputs found

    Selected Computing Research Papers Volume 1 June 2012

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    An Evaluation of Anti-phishing Solutions (Arinze Bona Umeaku) ..................................... 1 A Detailed Analysis of Current Biometric Research Aimed at Improving Online Authentication Systems (Daniel Brown) .............................................................................. 7 An Evaluation of Current Intrusion Detection Systems Research (Gavin Alexander Burns) .................................................................................................... 13 An Analysis of Current Research on Quantum Key Distribution (Mark Lorraine) ............ 19 A Critical Review of Current Distributed Denial of Service Prevention Methodologies (Paul Mains) ............................................................................................... 29 An Evaluation of Current Computing Methodologies Aimed at Improving the Prevention of SQL Injection Attacks in Web Based Applications (Niall Marsh) .............. 39 An Evaluation of Proposals to Detect Cheating in Multiplayer Online Games (Bradley Peacock) ............................................................................................................... 45 An Empirical Study of Security Techniques Used In Online Banking (Rajinder D G Singh) .......................................................................................................... 51 A Critical Study on Proposed Firewall Implementation Methods in Modern Networks (Loghin Tivig) .................................................................................................... 5

    Generating Threat Intelligence based on OSINT and a Cyber Threat Unified Taxonomy

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    Tese de mestrado em Segurança Informática, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2020As ameaças cibernéticas atuais utilizam múltiplos meios de propagação, tais como a engenharia social, vulnerabilidades de e-mail e aplicações e, muitas vezes, operam em diferentes fases, tais como o comprometimento de um único dispositivo, o movimento lateral na rede e a exfiltração de dados. Estas ameaças são complexas e dependem de táticas bem avançadas, por forma a passarem despercebidas nas defesas de segurança tradicionais, como por exemplo firewalls. Um tipo de ameaças que tem tido um impacto significativo na ascensão do cibercrime são as ameaças persistentes avançadas (APTs), as quais têm objetivos claros, são altamente organizadas, têm acesso a recursos praticamente ilimitados e tendem a realizar ataques ocultos por longos períodos e com múltiplas tentativas. À medida que as organizações têm tido consciência que os ciberataques estão a aumentar em quantidade e complexidade, a utilização de informação sobre ciberameaças está a ganhar popularidade para combater tais ataques. Esta tendência tem acompanhado a evolução das APTs, uma vez que estas exigem um nível de resposta diferente e mais específico a cada organização. A informação sobre ciberameaças pode ser obtida de diversas fontes e em diferentes formatos, sendo a informação de fonte aberta (OSINT) uma das mais comuns. Também pode ser obtida por plataformas especificas de ameaças (TIPs) que ajudam a consumir, produzir e partilhar informações sobre ciberameaças. As TIPs têm múltiplas vantagens que permitem às organizações explorar facilmente os principais processos de recolha, enriquecimento e partilha de informações relacionadas com ameaças. No entanto, devido ao elevado volume de informação OSINT recebido por dia e às diversas taxonomias existentes para classificação de ciberameaças provenientes do OSINT, as TIPs atuais apresentam limitações de processamento desta, capaz de produzir informação inteligente (threat intelligence, TI) de qualidade que seja útil no combate de ciberataques, impedido assim a sua adoção em massa. Por sua vez, os analistas de segurança desperdiçam um tempo considerável em analisar o OSINT e a classificá-lo com diferentes taxonomias, por vezes, correspondentes a ameaças da mesma categoria. Esta dissertação propõe uma solução, denominada Automated Event Classification and Correlation Platform (AECCP), para algumas das limitações das TIPs mencionadas anteriormente e relacionadas com a gestão do conhecimento de ameaças, a triagem de ameaças, o elevado volume de informação partilhada, a qualidade dos dados, as capacidades de análise avançadas e a automatização de tarefas. Esta solução procura aumentar a qualidade da TI produzidas por TIPs, classificando-a em conformidade com um sistema de classificação comum, removendo a informação irrelevante, ou seja, com baixo valor, enriquecendo-a com dados importantes e relevantes de fontes OSINT, e agregando-a em eventos com informação semelhante. O sistema de classificação comum, denominado de Unified Taxonomy, foi definido no âmbito desta dissertação e teve como base uma análise de outras taxonomias públicas conhecidas e utilizadas na partilha de TI. O AECCP é uma plataforma composta por componentes que podem trabalhar em conjunto ou individualmente. O AECCP compreende um classificador (Classifier), um redutor de informação irrelevante (Trimmer), um enriquecedor de informação baseado em OSINT (Enricher) e um agregador de agregador de eventos sobre a mesma ameaça, ou seja, que contêm informação semelhante (Clusterer). O Classifier analisa eventos e, com base na sua informação, classifica-os na Unified Taxonomy, por forma a catalogar eventos ainda não classificados e a eliminar a duplicação de taxonomias com o mesmo significado de eventos previamente classificados. O Trimmer elimina a informação menos pertinente dos eventos baseando-se na classificação do mesmo. O Enricher enriquece os eventos com dados externos e provenientes de OSINT, os quais poderão conter informação importante e relacionada com a informação já presente no evento, mas não contida no mesmo. Por último, o Clusterer agrega eventos que partilham o mesmo contexto associado à classificação de cada um e à informação que estes contêm, produzindo aglomerados de eventos que serão combinados num único evento. Esta nova informação garantirá aos analistas de segurança o acesso e fácil visibilidade a informação relativa a eventos semelhantes aos que estes analisam. O desenho da arquitetura do AECCP, foi fundamentado numa realizada sobre três fontes públicas de informação que continham mais de 1100 eventos de ameaças de cibersegurança partilhados por 24 entidades externas e colecradas entre os anos de 2016 e 2019. A Unified Taxonomy utilizada pelo Classifier, foi produzida com base na análise detalhada das taxonomias utilizadas por estes eventos e nas taxonomias mais utilizadas na comunidade de partilha de TI sobre ciberameaças. No decorrer desta análise foram também identificados os atributos mais pertinentes e relevantes para cada categoria da Unified Taxonomy, através da agregação da informação em grupos com contexto semelhante e de uma análise minuciosa da informação contida em cada um dos mais de 1100 eventos. A dissertação, também, apresenta os algoritmos utilizados na implementação de cada um dos componentes que compõem o AECCP, bem como a avaliação destes e da plataforma. Na avaliação foram utilizadas as mesmas três fontes de OSINT utilizadas na análise inicial, no entanto, com 64 eventos criados e partilhados mais recentemente que os utilizados nessa análise. Dos resultados, foi possível verificar um aumento de 72% na classificação dos eventos, um aumento médio de 54 atributos por evento, com uma redução nos atributos com pouco valor e aumento superior de atributos com maior valor, após os eventos serem processados pelo AECCP. Foi também possível produzir 24 eventos agregados, enriquecidos e classificados pelos outros componentes do AECCP. Por último, foram processados pelo AECCP 6 eventos com grande volume de informação produzidos por uma plataforma externa, denominada de PURE, onde foi possível verificar que o AECCP é capaz de processar eventos oriundos de outras plataformas e de tamanho elevando. Em suma, a dissertação apresenta quatro contribuições, nomeadamente, um sistema de classificação comum, a Unified Taxonomy, os atributos mais pertinentes para cada uma das categorias da Unified Taxonomy, o desenho da arquitetura do AECCP composto por 4 módulos (Classifier, Trimmer, Enricher e Clusterer) que procura resolver 5 das limitações das atuais TIPs (gestão do conhecimento de ameaças, a triagem de ameaças, o elevado volume de informação partilhada, a qualidade dos dados e as capacidades de análise avançadas e a automatização de tarefas) e a sua implementação e avaliação.Today’s threats use multiple means of propagation, such as social engineering, email, and application vulnerabilities, and often operate in different phases, such as single device compromise, network lateral movement and data exfiltration. These complex threats rely on well-advanced tactics for appearing unknown to traditional security defences. One type that had a major impact in the rise of cybercrime are the advanced persistent threats (APTs), which have clear objectives, are highly organized and well-resourced and tend to perform long term stealthy campaigns with repeated attempts. As organizations realize that attacks are increasing in size and complexity, threat intelligence (TI) is growing in popularity and use amongst them. This trend followed the evolution of the APTs as they require a different level of response that is more specific to the organization. TI can be obtained via many formats, being open source intelligence (OSINT) one of the most common; and using threat intelligence platforms (TIPs) that aid organization consuming, producing and sharing TI. TIPs have multiple advantages that enable organisations to easily bootstrap the core processes of collecting, normalising, enriching, correlating, analysing, disseminating and sharing of threat related information. However, current TIPs have some limitations that prevents theirs mass adoption. This dissertation proposes a solution to some of these limitations related with threat knowledge management, limited technology enablement in threat triage, high volume of shared threat information, data quality and limited advanced analytics capabilities and tasks automation. Overall, our solution improves the quality of TI by classifying it accordingly a common taxonomy, removing the information with low value, enriching it with valuable information from OSINT sources, and aggregating it into clusters of events with similar information. This dissertation offers a complete data analysis of three OSINT feeds and the results that made us to design our solution, a detailed description of the architecture of our solution, its implementations and its validation, including the processing of events from other academic solutions

    Measuring Information Security Awareness Efforts in Social Networking Sites – A Proactive Approach

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    For Social Network Sites to determine the effectiveness of their Information Security Awareness (ISA) techniques, many measurement and evaluation techniques are now in place to ensure controls are working as intended. While these techniques are inexpensive, they are all incident- driven as they are based on the occurrence of incident(s). Additionally, they do not present a true reflection of ISA since cyber-incidents are hardly reported. They are therefore adjudged to be post-mortem and risk permissive, the limitations that are inacceptable in industries where incident tolerance level is low. This paper aims at employing a non-incident statistic approach to measure ISA efforts. Using an object- oriented programming approach, PhP is employed as the coding language with MySQL database engine at the back-end to develop sOcialistOnline – a Social Network Sites (SNS) fully secured with multiple ISA techniques. Rather than evaluating the effectiveness of ISA efforts by success of attacks or occurrence of an event, password scanning is implemented to proactively measure the effects of ISA techniques in sOcialistOnline. Thus, measurement of ISA efforts is shifted from detective and corrective to preventive and anticipatory paradigms which are the best forms of information security approach


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    The latest report by Kaspersky on Spam and Phishing, listed Qatar as one of the top 10 countries by percentage of email phishing and targeted phishing attacks. Since the Qatari economy has grown exponentially and become increasingly global in nature, email phishing and targeted phishing attacks have the capacity to be devastating to the Qatari economy, yet there are no adequate measures put in place such as awareness training programmes to minimise these threats to the state of Qatar. Therefore, this research aims to explore targeted attacks in specific organisations in the state of Qatar by presenting a new technique to prevent targeted attacks. This novel enterprise-wide email phishing detection system has been used by organisations and individuals not only in the state of Qatar but also in organisations in the UK. This detection system is based on domain names by which attackers carefully register domain names which victims trust. The results show that this detection system has proven its ability to reduce email phishing attacks. Moreover, it aims to develop email phishing awareness training techniques specifically designed for the state of Qatar to complement the presented technique in order to increase email phishing awareness, focused on targeted attacks and the content, and reduce the impact of phishing email attacks. This research was carried out by developing an interactive email phishing awareness training website that has been tested by organisations in the state of Qatar. The results of this training programme proved to get effective results by training users on how to spot email phishing and targeted attacks

    Internet organised crime threat assessment (IOCTA) 2020

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    Cyber Security of Critical Infrastructures

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    Critical infrastructures are vital assets for public safety, economic welfare, and the national security of countries. The vulnerabilities of critical infrastructures have increased with the widespread use of information technologies. As Critical National Infrastructures are becoming more vulnerable to cyber-attacks, their protection becomes a significant issue for organizations as well as nations. The risks to continued operations, from failing to upgrade aging infrastructure or not meeting mandated regulatory regimes, are considered highly significant, given the demonstrable impact of such circumstances. Due to the rapid increase of sophisticated cyber threats targeting critical infrastructures with significant destructive effects, the cybersecurity of critical infrastructures has become an agenda item for academics, practitioners, and policy makers. A holistic view which covers technical, policy, human, and behavioural aspects is essential to handle cyber security of critical infrastructures effectively. Moreover, the ability to attribute crimes to criminals is a vital element of avoiding impunity in cyberspace. In this book, both research and practical aspects of cyber security considerations in critical infrastructures are presented. Aligned with the interdisciplinary nature of cyber security, authors from academia, government, and industry have contributed 13 chapters. The issues that are discussed and analysed include cybersecurity training, maturity assessment frameworks, malware analysis techniques, ransomware attacks, security solutions for industrial control systems, and privacy preservation methods

    Machine Learning

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    Machine Learning can be defined in various ways related to a scientific domain concerned with the design and development of theoretical and implementation tools that allow building systems with some Human Like intelligent behavior. Machine learning addresses more specifically the ability to improve automatically through experience

    Blockchain-based reputation models for e-commerce: a systematic literature review

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    The Digital Age is the present, and nobody can deny that. With it has come a digital transformation in various sectors of activity, and e-commerce is no exception. Over the last few decades, there has been a massive increase in its utilization rates, as it has several advantages over traditional commerce. At the same time, the rise in the number of crimes on the Internet and, consequently, the understanding of the risks involved in online shopping has led consumers to become more cautious, looking for information about the seller and taking it into account when making a purchase decision. The need to get to know the merchant better before making a purchase decision has encouraged the creation of reputation systems, whose services play an essential role in today's e-commerce context. Reputation systems act as mechanisms to reduce information asymmetry between consumers and sellers and establish rankings that attest to fulfilling standards and policies considered necessary for shops operating in the digital market. The critical problems in current reputation systems are the frauds and attacks that such systems currently have to deal with, which results in a lack of trust between users. These security and fraud issues are critical because users' trust is commonly based on reputation models, and many of these current systems are not immune to them, thus compromising e-commerce growth. The need for a better and safer model emerges with the development of e-commerce. Through reading the articles and pursuing the answers to the primary questions, blockchain is data register technology to be analysed in order to gain a better acknowledgment of the potential of such technology. More research work and investigation must be done to fully understand how to create a more assertive reputation model. Thus, this study systematizes the knowledge generated by reputation models in E-commerce studies in Scopus, WoS databases, and Google Scholar, using PRISMA methodology. A systematic approach was adopted in conducting a literature review. The need for a systematic literature review came from the knowledge that there are reputation systems that mitigate some of the problems. In addition to identifying some indicators used in reputation models, we also conclude that these models could help provide some insurance to buyers and sellers, with a commitment to being a problem solver, being able to mitigate known problems such as Collusion, Sybil attacks, laundering attacks, and preventing online fraud ranging from ballot stuffing and bad-mouthing. Nevertheless, the results of the present work demonstrate that even though these reputation models still cannot solve all of the problems, attacking one fraud opens the door to an attack. The architecture of the models was identified, with the realization that a few lacks that need to be fulfilled

    Cybersecurity and the Digital Health: An Investigation on the State of the Art and the Position of the Actors

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    Cybercrime is increasingly exposing the health domain to growing risk. The push towards a strong connection of citizens to health services, through digitalization, has undisputed advantages. Digital health allows remote care, the use of medical devices with a high mechatronic and IT content with strong automation, and a large interconnection of hospital networks with an increasingly effective exchange of data. However, all this requires a great cybersecurity commitment—a commitment that must start with scholars in research and then reach the stakeholders. New devices and technological solutions are increasingly breaking into healthcare, and are able to change the processes of interaction in the health domain. This requires cybersecurity to become a vital part of patient safety through changes in human behaviour, technology, and processes, as part of a complete solution. All professionals involved in cybersecurity in the health domain were invited to contribute with their experiences. This book contains contributions from various experts and different fields. Aspects of cybersecurity in healthcare relating to technological advance and emerging risks were addressed. The new boundaries of this field and the impact of COVID-19 on some sectors, such as mhealth, have also been addressed. We dedicate the book to all those with different roles involved in cybersecurity in the health domain