9 research outputs found

    Scholarly publication key performance indicator diagnostic model using viable system and social cognitive theory

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    Scholarly Publications (SP) are almost certainly the most significant resources by which researchers at universities are appraised. It is part of the requirements for obtaining a Research University (RU) status. In the aspiration of these, to strategically improve and maintain their status, a series of performance measurement interventions were initiated, such as the use of Key Performance Indicators (KPI) delivery. The aim of this study is to propose a diagnostic model for SP productivity involving various stakeholders in monitoring a complex KPI delivery ecosystem for Malaysian university. This study employs Viable System Model (VSM) and Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) factors to develop a research model based on a comprehensive literature review. Following an interpretive paradigm this research applies qualitative method triangulated with quantitative method. VSM was applied as a diagnostic tool to diagnose process of KPI delivery for monitoring four recursion levels involving Deputy Vice Chancellor of Research and Innovation (DVCRI), Research Alliances (RAs), Research Groups (RGs) and lastly the academic staffs of the chosen institution which is, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). Three strategies which are strategic, tactical and operational in achieving the SP KPI to maintain RU status for the institution were recommended to assist all pertinent stakeholders in monitoring the KPI delivery. Besides, to complement the results, a survey was designed and the data from the institutional repository involving UTM faculty members were analyzed to investigate the SCT factors involving human factor which is lacking in VSM tool. The findings show that the most influential factors for the SP of UTM are age, gender, experience, rank, teaching load, collaboration, funding, resource, discipline and skill. The model was evaluated for the SP KPI monitoring process, which further can be used by public and private universities to improve the performance of their institution's publication

    A holistic emotions measurement model : using the viable system model to diagnose workforce emotions

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    Research Purpose: The current study attempted to redress the ‘narrowness’ in the research on the causes of workforce emotional experiences by utilizing the cybernetic Viable System Model (VSM) framework, and developing a reference model to facilitate the integrated view of the related aspects of affective workplace environment.Methods: Based on VSM distinctions, an analytical tool (named as Holistic Emotions Measurement Model – HEMM) was developed for gauging the broad range of the causes of emotional experiences prevailing in the work environment. It facilitated the joined-up functional and the relational view of the entire working environment adequate for holistic diagnosis of the antecedents of emotions within the work settings. HEMM was tested empirically by conducting survey in Pakistan corporate sector. The development and test of the reference model was guided by the constructivism-positivism philosophy respectively.Results: The functional and relational view of the workplace environment captured by the reference model helped in comprehending the causes of emotional experiences holistically. The field testing results confirmed the potential utilization of the tool in diagnosing the antecedents of affective experiences of the employees while at work.Conclusion: The current study provided an empirical account on the effective utilization of organizational cybernetics principles in the field of organizational behaviour which has remained largely unexplored till date. VSM framework has been proposed as a tool for understanding work environment and diagnosing the causes of the workforce emotions generation, which has enhanced the state-of-art theories on emotions management. The application of the reference model on field provided evidence about the convenient use of VSM in conjunction to Affective Events Theory (AET) as emotions measurement tool

    O controle público de agrotóxicos em Santa Catarina sob a perspectiva do modelo do sistema viável (VSM): o caso da Cidasc

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Agrárias, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Agroecossistemas, Florianópolis, 2013.Devido aos riscos que apresentam à saúde pública e ao ambiente, os agrotóxicos são regulados e fiscalizados pelo Estado. Muito dos problemas que vem ocorrendo com relação aos agrotóxicos são consequências da dificuldade do poder público em cumprir com a sua obrigação de proteger o ambiente e a saúde da população. Em Santa Catarina, várias entidades públicas têm responsabilidades específicas com relação aos agrotóxicos. Dentre elas encontra-se a Companhia Integrada de Desenvolvimento Agrícola de Santa Catarina (CIDASC), empresa pública responsável por controlar o comércio de agrotóxicos no estado. Esta dissertação tem por objetivos gerais identificar os principais problemas enfrentados no controle de agrotóxicos e afins realizado pela CIDASC por meio do uso do modelo do sistema viável (VSM) e a proposição de melhorias necessárias para que o controle de agrotóxicos e afins realizado pela CIDASC torne-se um sistema viável, conforme a concepção de Stafford Beer. O VSM pode ser empregado em qualquer tipo de organização. Baseado em conceitos da cibernética, o VSM reúne o conjunto de leis, axiomas, princípios e teoremas que, se empregados de maneira adequada, permitirá a viabilidade de qualquer organização. De acordo com o VSM, uma organização poderá ser considerada viável se apresentar um conjunto de cinco sistemas e com inter-relacionamentos específicos tornando-a capaz de sobreviver em um ambiente particular. O VSM foi empregado no modo diagnóstico, com o propósito de comparar o modelo com a realidade observada, visando identificar falhas, pontos fracos ou ausência de elementos essenciais para a viabilidade. Foram utilizadas como fontes a documentação, observação direta e observação participante. O diagnóstico permitiu perceber que há graves problemas no funcionamento do sistema de interesse, os quais estão comprometendo a sua viabilidade. Para tornar um sistema viável, há necessidade de melhorias em sua estrutura geral, no sentido de tornar o sistema de interesse viável de acordo com a concepção de Stafford Beer.Abstract : Because of the risks to public health and the environment, pesticides are regulated and supervised by the State. Many problems related to pesticides are consequences of government's difficulty to comply with its mission that is to protect the environment and people's health. In Santa Catarina State, several public entities have specific responsibilities related to pesticides. Among them is the CIDASC, a State company responsible for pesticides trade control. This research aims to identify the main problems faced pesticides control carried by CIDASC with the use the viable system model (VSM) and to propose improvements for the pesticides control and how make it a viable system according to Stafford Beer's model. The VSM can be employed in any type organization. Based on cybernetics concepts, the VSM is the set of laws, axioms, theorems and principles that, if used appropriately, will enable the viability of any organization. According to the VSM, an organization can be considered viable if has a set of five systems and inter-specific relationships making it able to survive in an environment particular. The VSM was employed in diagnostic mode, in order to compare the model with the observed reality, to identify gaps, weaknesses or lack of essential for viability. It was used as documentation source, direct observation and participant observation. The diagnosis noticed that there are serious problems in the functioning of the system of interest, which are compromising their viability. To make as viable, improvements are required in their general structure, in order to make the system of interest viable in accordance with the design of Stafford Beer

    An examination of Scotland’s strategic coordinating groups to determine whether they are capable of delivering resilience and enhanced crisis management capabilities

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    This thesis examines whether the introduction of the Civil Contingencies Act 2004 and the establishment of Strategic Coordinating Groups (SCGs) within an integrated emergency management framework provides Scotland with an effective crisis response structure and resilience. A key aspect of resilience is the ability of the SCGs to learn from previous experiences. This research will consider the organisational learning of the SCGs to determine whether it is as effective as it could be. It first focuses on the organisational structure of the SCG and analyses it in terms of network management to determine its crisis management effectiveness. It then considers whether the SCGs are suitably adaptive to crises and learn from the experience of managing them and thereby enhance their preventative capability, as envisaged by the resilience policy. The principal argument is that the current structure does not ensure effective organisational learning and therefore Scotland’s resilience is diminished. Design/Methodology/Approach A qualitative approach is used. Data is gathered through interviews and non-participant observations, and interpreted by a combination of inductive and deductive approaches. The use of triangulation of data enhances its validity. Systems theory provides analytical frameworks to examine the SCG structure and processes, and to determine whether SCGs successfully achieve the desired outcome of resilience and effective crisis management. Findings/Practical Implications Using the systems approach identifies that real world SCGs have a number of variances from the ideal state. The current SCG structure is complex which makes communication and coordination challenging, which undermines the SCG crisis response. The absence of a dynamic monitoring mechanism within the SCG makes it difficult to learn lessons from previous crises and adapt to environmental changes. The thesis concludes by making a number of recommendations for improving SCG crisis management effectiveness and resilience

    Methodological aspects of combined use of systems methodologies for managing the problem situations of business economics

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    Kombinovano korišćenje sistemskih metodologija u upravljanju problemskim situacijama poslovne ekonomije predstavlja relevantno i kompleksno istraživačko područje u savremenom systems science-u i management science-u. Oslanjajući se na kritičko sistemsko mišljenje kao koncepcijski okvir kombinovanja sistemskih metodologija, u doktorskoj disertaciji su posebno istraženi metodološki aspekti kombinovane upotrebe određenih interpretativnih i strukturalističko-funkcionalističkih sistemskih metodologija. Osnovni cilj istraživanja je identifikovati relevantne metodološke dimenzije i aplikativne moći kombinovanog korišćenja sistemskih metodologija generalno, a posebno određenih interpretativnih i funkcionalističkih sistemskih metodologija u unapređivanju upravljanja problemskim situacijama u preduzećima. Bazna pretpostavka i argument kombinovanog korišćenja sistemskih metodologija se ogleda u tome da nijedna metodologija ne može da istraži sve aspekte kompleksnih problemskih situacija u preduzećima. Istražujući teorijsko-metodološka i aplikativna svojstva određenih interpretativnih - Metodologije soft sistema (MSS) i Identifikovanja i testiranja strategijskih pretpostavki (ITSP) - kao i funkcionalističkih sistemskih metodologija - Sistemske dinamike (SD) i Organizacione kibernetike (OK) - identifikovana su bitna ograničenja njihove individualne upotrebe u upravljanju problemskim situacijama u preduzećima. Na osnovu utvrđenih ograničenja navedenih sistemskih prilaza i različitih mogućnosti kombinovanja sistemskih metodologija generalno, razvijeni su mogući prilazi njihovog kombinovanog korišćenja. Osim sinteze MSS-a i SD i Metodologije soft i dinamičkih sistema (MSDS), kao prilaza kombinovanju MSS-a i SD, predstavljen je i prilaz kombinovanja određenih metoda i tehnika MSS-a (bogate slike, izvorne definicije i konceptualni modeli) i SD (dijagrami nivoa i stopa i dijagrami sa uzročnim petljama). Dati prilaz primenjen je u ilustrovanju moguće kombinovane upotrebe MSS-a i SD u upravljanju problemskom situacijom - društvena odgovornost preduzeća kao pretpostavka održivog razvoja - na odabranom uzorku preduzeća u Republici Srbiji. Respektujući ograničenja individualne upotrebe ITSP-metodologije i OK i polazeći od pretpostavke da interpretativan prilaz treba upotrebiti kako bi se obezbedio kontekst u kome će se primeniti hard, tj. funkcionalistički prilaz, razvijen je mogući prilaz kombinovanju ITSP-a i OK i primenjen na istraživanje moguće kombinovane upotrebe ovih sistemskih prilaza u upravljanju problemskom situacijom formulisanja poslovne strategije u uslovima globalne finansijske krize u preduzećima u Republici Srbiji. Sveukupni rezultati istraživanja u radu su pokazali da se metodološki primerenom kombinovanom upotrebom sistemskih metodologija u strukturiranju upravljačkih problemskih situacija poslovne ekonomije kreativno unapređuje proces upravljanja problemskim situacijama u preduzećima.The combined use of systems methodologies for managing the problem situations of business economics is a relevant and complex research area in contemporary systems science and managеment science. Relying on the critical systems thinking as a conceptual framework for combining systems methodologies, the dissertation particularly explores the methodological aspects of combined use of certain interpretive and structuralist-functionalist systems methodologies. The primary objective of the research is to identify relevant methodological dimensions and applicative potential of the combined use of systems methodologies in general, and certain interpretive and structuralist-functionalist systems methodologies for improving the problem situations management in enterprises in particular. The underlying assumption and argument speaking in favour of combined use of systems methodologies is reflected in the fact that no methodology is able to explore all the aspects of complex problem situations in enterprises. Researching the theoretical, methodological and applicative properties of the certain interpretive – Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) and Strategic Assumptions Surfacing and Testing (SAST) - as well as the functionalist systems methodologies – System Dynamics (SD) and Organizational Cybernetics (OC) - some important limitations of their individual use in managing the problem situations in enterprises have been identified. Based on the determined limitations of the mentioned systems approaches and various possibilities of combining systems methodologies in general, the possible approaches to their combined use have been developed. Apart from the synthesis of SSM and SD and Soft System Dynamic Methodology (SSDM), as the approaches to combining SSM and SD, there has been presented an approach implying combining certain methods and techniques of SSM (rich pictures, root definitions and conceptual models) and SD (stock and flow diagrams and causal loop diagrams). The given approach has been applied to illustrate the possibility of combined use of SSM and SD in managing the problem situation – corporate social responsibility as a precondition for sustainable development – on a selected sample of enterprises in the Republic of Serbia. Respecting the limitations of individual use of SAST-methodology and ОC and assuming that the interpretive approach should be used to ensure a context in which the hard, i.e. functionalist approach will be applied, a possible approach to combining SAST and OC has been developed and applied in the research on potential combined use of these systems approaches in managing the problem situation of formulating business strategy during the global financial crisis in enterprises in the Republic of Serbia. The overall research results given in the dissertation have shown that methodologically appropriate combined use of systems methodologies for problem situations structuring in business economics enables creative improvement of managing the problem situations in enterprises

    On Self Organising Cyberdynamic Policy

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    The de facto model of what it means to be effectively organised, hence cybernetically viable, is Stafford Beer’s Viable System Model (VSM). Many studies attest to the efficacy of what the VSM proposes, however, these appear to be largely confined to human based organisations of particular types e.g. businesses of assorted sizes and governmental matters. The original contribution to the body of knowledge that this work makes, in contrast, has come from an unconventional source i.e. football (soccer) teams. The unique opportunity identified was to use the vast amounts of football player spatial data, as captured by match scanning technology, to obtain simultaneously the multi-recursive policy characteristics of a real viable system operating in real time under highly dynamical load (threat/opportunity) conditions. It accomplishes this by considering player movement as being representative of the output of the policy function of the viable system model that they, hence their whole team, are each mapped to. As each player decides what they must do at any moment, or might need to do in the immediate future, this is set against their capabilities to deliver against that. This can be said of every player during every stage of any match. As such, their actions (their policies as viable systems) inform, and are informed by, the actions of others. This results in the teams of players behaving in a self-organising manner. Accordingly, in spatially varying player location, one has a single metric that characterises player, hence team function, and ultimately whole team policy as the policy of a viable system, that is amenable to analysis. A key behavioural characteristic of a self-organising system is a power law. Accordingly, by searching for, and obtaining, a power law associated with player movement one thereby obtains the output of the policy function of that whole team as a viable system, and hence the viable system model that the team maps to. At the heart of such activity is communication between the players as they proceed to do what they need to do at any given time during a match. This has offered another unique opportunity to measure the amount of spatially underpinned Information exhibited by the opposing teams in their entirety and to set those in juxtaposition with their respective power law characteristics and associated match outcomes. This meant that the power law characteristic that represents the policy of the viable system, and the amount of Information associated with that could be, and was, examined in the context of success or failure outcomes (as criteria of viability) to discern if some combinations of both were more profitable than not. This was accomplished in this work by using player position data from an anonymous member of the English Premier Football League playing in an unknown season to provide a quantitative analysis accordingly

    A viable infrastructure delivery systems model for achieving socio-economic benefits in the Nigerian oil and gas industry

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    In apparent realisation of the place of procurement in driving the implementation of socio-economic policies, successive governments across the globe are increasingly demanding more from suppliers as it pertains to the delivery of socio-economic benefits. This has resulted in a significant shift in what constitutes success in the respective projects which they commission; from factors related to the ‘iron triangle’ to contributions of the project to the growth of the local economy. Policies such as the Social Value Act, and the Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry Content Development Act (NOGICDA) in the United Kingdom and Nigeria respectively readily come to mind. Judging by the plethora of literature bemoaning the prevailing high poverty and unemployment rates in developing and resource-rich countries such as Nigeria; it would appear that the implementation of such policies has failed to deliver the expected outcomes. This opinion is affirmed by several studies which point to the possibility of implementation failure in such countries. Surprisingly, none of these studies has made any attempt to explore the manner in which implementation is organised and governed. Obviously, the seeming absence of a veritable platform for implementation analysis constitutes an immense challenge to effective analysis. As a result of this, previous investigators appear to have failed to properly tackle this imbroglio from a holistic and systemic perspective. To bridge this gap, this qualitative study embarked upon an evaluation of the implementation process using the NOGICD Act as an exemplar. The failure of the nation’s economic sectors to achieve sufficient backward linkage with the oil and gas industry, as evidenced by the reported failure of local suppliers to gain entry into the supply chains of major infrastructure projects contributed to this choice. The Viable Systems and Temporary Multi-Organisations theoretical lenses were applied in the conceptualisation of the inherent complex interorganisational relationships thus resulting in the development of a Viable Infrastructure Delivery Systems Model (VIDM); a model premised on systemic and cybernetic principles. The VIDM was then applied in conceptualising and evaluating the extant interorganisational relationships within selected infrastructure delivery system case studies in Nigeria and the United Kingdom depicting the multi-case study nature of the study. A mixture of unstructured, semi-structured, and structured interviews were employed at various stages of the study. Also, policy and publicly available contract documents were explored. Subsequently, the emergent data was qualitatively analysed using pre-set themes, with NVivo software. The findings obtained were used to test various propositions on a within-case and cross-case basis. It was observed that the VIDM was better positioned to conceptualise and evaluate the various interorganisational interactions within infrastructure delivery systems and how they influence implementation success. Furthermore, the application of the VIDM within the selected cases enabled the discovery of various issues within the IDS capable of undermining successful implementation such as non-alignment of goals within the IDS, excessive government interference, lack of appropriate criteria for measurement of benefits and cognition-related issues. It is expected that the VIDM would be used by implementation advisors for conceptualising and evaluating interorganisational relationships during policy or strategy implementation cycles and/or for (re)designing implementation processes for viability within the Nigerian oil and gas industry