294 research outputs found

    A Fisher-Rao metric for paracatadioptric images of lines

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    In a central paracatadioptric imaging system a perspective camera takes an image of a scene reflected in a paraboloidal mirror. A 360° field of view is obtained, but the image is severely distorted. In particular, straight lines in the scene project to circles in the image. These distortions make it diffcult to detect projected lines using standard image processing algorithms. The distortions are removed using a Fisher-Rao metric which is defined on the space of projected lines in the paracatadioptric image. The space of projected lines is divided into subsets such that on each subset the Fisher-Rao metric is closely approximated by the Euclidean metric. Each subset is sampled at the vertices of a square grid and values are assigned to the sampled points using an adaptation of the trace transform. The result is a set of digital images to which standard image processing algorithms can be applied. The effectiveness of this approach to line detection is illustrated using two algorithms, both of which are based on the Sobel edge operator. The task of line detection is reduced to the task of finding isolated peaks in a Sobel image. An experimental comparison is made between these two algorithms and third algorithm taken from the literature and based on the Hough transform

    Fitting line projections in non-central catadioptric cameras with revolution symmetry

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    Line-images in non-central cameras contain much richer information of the original 3D line than line projections in central cameras. The projection surface of a 3D line in most catadioptric non-central cameras is a ruled surface, encapsulating the complete information of the 3D line. The resulting line-image is a curve which contains the 4 degrees of freedom of the 3D line. That means a qualitative advantage with respect to the central case, although extracting this curve is quite difficult. In this paper, we focus on the analytical description of the line-images in non-central catadioptric systems with symmetry of revolution. As a direct application we present a method for automatic line-image extraction for conical and spherical calibrated catadioptric cameras. For designing this method we have analytically solved the metric distance from point to line-image for non-central catadioptric systems. We also propose a distance we call effective baseline measuring the quality of the reconstruction of a 3D line from the minimum number of rays. This measure is used to evaluate the different random attempts of a robust scheme allowing to reduce the number of trials in the process. The proposal is tested and evaluated in simulations and with both synthetic and real images

    OmniSCV: An omnidirectional synthetic image generator for computer vision

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    Omnidirectional and 360Âș images are becoming widespread in industry and in consumer society, causing omnidirectional computer vision to gain attention. Their wide field of view allows the gathering of a great amount of information about the environment from only an image. However, the distortion of these images requires the development of specific algorithms for their treatment and interpretation. Moreover, a high number of images is essential for the correct training of computer vision algorithms based on learning. In this paper, we present a tool for generating datasets of omnidirectional images with semantic and depth information. These images are synthesized from a set of captures that are acquired in a realistic virtual environment for Unreal Engine 4 through an interface plugin. We gather a variety of well-known projection models such as equirectangular and cylindrical panoramas, different fish-eye lenses, catadioptric systems, and empiric models. Furthermore, we include in our tool photorealistic non-central-projection systems as non-central panoramas and non-central catadioptric systems. As far as we know, this is the first reported tool for generating photorealistic non-central images in the literature. Moreover, since the omnidirectional images are made virtually, we provide pixel-wise information about semantics and depth as well as perfect knowledge of the calibration parameters of the cameras. This allows the creation of ground-truth information with pixel precision for training learning algorithms and testing 3D vision approaches. To validate the proposed tool, different computer vision algorithms are tested as line extractions from dioptric and catadioptric central images, 3D Layout recovery and SLAM using equirectangular panoramas, and 3D reconstruction from non-central panoramas

    Exploiting line metric reconstruction from non-central circular panoramas

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    In certain non-central imaging systems, straight lines are projected via a non-planar surface encapsulating the 4 degrees of freedom of the 3D line. Consequently the geometry of the 3D line can be recovered from a minimum of four image points. However, with classical non-central catadioptric systems there is not enough effective baseline for a practical implementation of the method. In this paper we propose a multi-camera system configuration resembling the circular panoramic model which results in a particular non-central projection allowing the stitching of a non-central panorama. From a single panorama we obtain well-conditioned 3D reconstruction of lines, which are specially interesting in texture-less scenarios. No previous information about the direction or arrangement of the lines in the scene is assumed. The proposed method is evaluated on both synthetic and real images

    Omnidirectional Stereo Vision for Autonomous Vehicles

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    Environment perception with cameras is an important requirement for many applications for autonomous vehicles and robots. This work presents a stereoscopic omnidirectional camera system for autonomous vehicles which resolves the problem of a limited field of view and provides a 360° panoramic view of the environment. We present a new projection model for these cameras and show that the camera setup overcomes major drawbacks of traditional perspective cameras in many applications

    Panoramic Stereovision and Scene Reconstruction

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    With advancement of research in robotics and computer vision, an increasingly high number of applications require the understanding of a scene in three dimensions. A variety of systems are deployed to do the same. This thesis explores a novel 3D imaging technique. This involves the use of catadioptric cameras in a stereoscopic arrangement. A secondary system aims to stabilize the system in the event that the cameras are misaligned during operation. The system provides a stark advantage due to it being a cost effective alternative to present day standard state-of-the-art systems that achieve the same goal of 3D imaging. The compromise lies in the quality of depth estimation, which can be overcome with a different imager and calibration. The result was a panoramic disparity map generated by the system

    Calibration by correlation using metric embedding from non-metric similarities

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    This paper presents a new intrinsic calibration method that allows us to calibrate a generic single-view point camera just by waving it around. From the video sequence obtained while the camera undergoes random motion, we compute the pairwise time correlation of the luminance signal for a subset of the pixels. We show that, if the camera undergoes a random uniform motion, then the pairwise correlation of any pixels pair is a function of the distance between the pixel directions on the visual sphere. This leads to formalizing calibration as a problem of metric embedding from non-metric measurements: we want to find the disposition of pixels on the visual sphere from similarities that are an unknown function of the distances. This problem is a generalization of multidimensional scaling (MDS) that has so far resisted a comprehensive observability analysis (can we reconstruct a metrically accurate embedding?) and a solid generic solution (how to do so?). We show that the observability depends both on the local geometric properties (curvature) as well as on the global topological properties (connectedness) of the target manifold. We show that, in contrast to the Euclidean case, on the sphere we can recover the scale of the points distribution, therefore obtaining a metrically accurate solution from non-metric measurements. We describe an algorithm that is robust across manifolds and can recover a metrically accurate solution when the metric information is observable. We demonstrate the performance of the algorithm for several cameras (pin-hole, fish-eye, omnidirectional), and we obtain results comparable to calibration using classical methods. Additional synthetic benchmarks show that the algorithm performs as theoretically predicted for all corner cases of the observability analysis
