162 research outputs found

    Semantically-Oriented Mutation Operator in Cartesian Genetic Programming for Evolutionary Circuit Design

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    Despite many successful applications, Cartesian Genetic Programming (CGP) suffers from limited scalability, especially when used for evolutionary circuit design. Considering the multiplier design problem, for example, the 5x5-bit multiplier represents the most complex circuit evolved from a randomly generated initial population. The efficiency of CGP highly depends on the performance of the point mutation operator, however, this operator is purely stochastic. This contrasts with the recent developments in Genetic Programming (GP), where advanced informed approaches such as semantic-aware operators are incorporated to improve the search space exploration capability of GP. In this paper, we propose a semantically-oriented mutation operator (SOMO) suitable for the evolutionary design of combinational circuits. SOMO uses semantics to determine the best value for each mutated gene. Compared to the common CGP and its variants as well as the recent versions of Semantic GP, the proposed method converges on common Boolean benchmarks substantially faster while keeping the phenotype size relatively small. The successfully evolved instances presented in this paper include 10-bit parity, 10+10-bit adder and 5x5-bit multiplier. The most complex circuits were evolved in less than one hour with a single-thread implementation running on a common CPU.Comment: Accepted for Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO '20), July 8--12, 2020, Canc\'un, Mexic

    Genetic programming on GPUs for image processing

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    The application of evolutionary computation towards the characterization and classification of urothelium cell cultures

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    This thesis presents a novel method for classifying and characterizing urothelial cell cultures. A system of cell tracking employing computer vision techniques was applied to a one day long time-lapse videos of replicate normal human uroepithelial cell cultures exposed to different concentrations of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and a selective purinergic P2X antagonist (PPADS) as inhibitor. Subsequent analysis following feature extraction on both cell culture and single-cell demonstrated the ability of the approach to successfully classify the modulated classes of cells using evolutionary algorithms. Specifically, a Cartesian Genetic Program (CGP) network was evolved that identified average migration speed, in-contact angular velocity, cohesivity and average cell clump size as the principal features contributing to the cell class separation. This approach provides a non-biased insight into modulated cell class behaviours

    Reconsideration and extension of Cartesian genetic programming

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    This dissertation aims on analyzing fundamental concepts and dogmas of a graph-based genetic programming approach called Cartesian Genetic Programming (CGP) and introduces advanced genetic operators for CGP. The results of the experiments presented in this thesis lead to more knowledge about the algorithmic use of CGP and its underlying working mechanisms. CGP has been mostly used with a parametrization pattern, which has been prematurely generalized as the most efficient pattern for standard CGP and its variants. Several parametrization patterns are evaluated with more detailed and comprehensive experiments by using meta-optimization. This thesis also presents a first runtime analysis of CGP. The time complexity of a simple (1+1)-CGP algorithm is analyzed with a simple mathematical problem and a simple Boolean function problem. In the subfield of genetic operators for CGP, new recombination and mutation techniques that work on a phenotypic level are presented. The effectiveness of these operators is demonstrated on a widespread set of popular benchmark problems. Especially the role of recombination can be seen as a big open question in the field of CGP, since the lack of an effective recombination operator limits CGP to mutation-only use. Phenotypic exploration analysis is used to analyze the effects caused by the presented operators. This type of analysis also leads to new insights into the search behavior of CGP in continuous and discrete fitness spaces. Overall, the outcome of this thesis leads to a reconsideration of how CGP is effectively used and extends its adaption from Darwin's and Lamarck's theories of biological evolution

    Towards adaptive and autonomous humanoid robots: from vision to actions

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    Although robotics research has seen advances over the last decades robots are still not in widespread use outside industrial applications. Yet a range of proposed scenarios have robots working together, helping and coexisting with humans in daily life. In all these a clear need to deal with a more unstructured, changing environment arises. I herein present a system that aims to overcome the limitations of highly complex robotic systems, in terms of autonomy and adaptation. The main focus of research is to investigate the use of visual feedback for improving reaching and grasping capabilities of complex robots. To facilitate this a combined integration of computer vision and machine learning techniques is employed. From a robot vision point of view the combination of domain knowledge from both imaging processing and machine learning techniques, can expand the capabilities of robots. I present a novel framework called Cartesian Genetic Programming for Image Processing (CGP-IP). CGP-IP can be trained to detect objects in the incoming camera streams and successfully demonstrated on many different problem domains. The approach requires only a few training images (it was tested with 5 to 10 images per experiment) is fast, scalable and robust yet requires very small training sets. Additionally, it can generate human readable programs that can be further customized and tuned. While CGP-IP is a supervised-learning technique, I show an integration on the iCub, that allows for the autonomous learning of object detection and identification. Finally this dissertation includes two proof-of-concepts that integrate the motion and action sides. First, reactive reaching and grasping is shown. It allows the robot to avoid obstacles detected in the visual stream, while reaching for the intended target object. Furthermore the integration enables us to use the robot in non-static environments, i.e. the reaching is adapted on-the- fly from the visual feedback received, e.g. when an obstacle is moved into the trajectory. The second integration highlights the capabilities of these frameworks, by improving the visual detection by performing object manipulation actions

    Evolutionary algorithms for practical sensor fault tolerant control

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    The Shaky Hand is a multi-input, multi-output laboratory demonstrator which is modelled on a village fete game. In the original, the aim is to guide, by hand, a wire loop along a wire which has been bent to form a meandering track, 'without touching the loop to the wire. In the original game, touching the hand-held loop against the wire track sets off a loud warning bell and the player loses. The thesis presents the research work associated with the quest for practical solutions to a generic problem: the correct operation of a fallible system. The work covers three distinct areas: modelling of the demonstrator, design and construction of a physical system, and evoiution of algorithms for control of the demonstrator in practice in the presence of sensor faults, using Cartesian Genetic Programming (CGP). The third area forms the core of the thesis. The key challenges in creating the virtual environment to train for generic sensor fault tolerant algorithms are considered and addressed. The evolved algorithms are analysed and then verified using the demonstrator in practice. The practical results showed that sensor fault tolerant control was successfully achieved

    Hexarray: A Novel Self-Reconfigurable Hardware System

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    Evolvable hardware (EHW) is a powerful autonomous system for adapting and finding solutions within a changing environment. EHW consists of two main components: a reconfigurable hardware core and an evolutionary algorithm. The majority of prior research focuses on improving either the reconfigurable hardware or the evolutionary algorithm in place, but not both. Thus, current implementations suffer from being application oriented and having slow reconfiguration times, low efficiencies, and less routing flexibility. In this work, a novel evolvable hardware platform is proposed that combines a novel reconfigurable hardware core and a novel evolutionary algorithm. The proposed reconfigurable hardware core is a systolic array, which is called HexArray. HexArray was constructed using processing elements with a redesigned architecture, called HexCells, which provide routing flexibility and support for hybrid reconfiguration schemes. The improved evolutionary algorithm is a genome-aware genetic algorithm (GAGA) that accelerates evolution. Guided by a fitness function the GAGA utilizes context-aware genetic operators to evolve solutions. The operators are genome-aware constrained (GAC) selection, genome-aware mutation (GAM), and genome-aware crossover (GAX). The GAC selection operator improves parallelism and reduces the redundant evaluations. The GAM operator restricts the mutation to the part of the genome that affects the selected output. The GAX operator cascades, interleaves, or parallel-recombines genomes at the cell level to generate better genomes. These operators improve evolution while not limiting the algorithm from exploring all areas of a solution space. The system was implemented on a SoC that includes a programmable logic (i.e., field-programmable gate array) to realize the HexArray and a processing system to execute the GAGA. A computationally intensive application that evolves adaptive filters for image processing was chosen as a case study and used to conduct a set of experiments to prove the developed system robustness. Through an iterative process using the genetic operators and a fitness function, the EHW system configures and adapts itself to evolve fitter solutions. In a relatively short time (e.g., seconds), HexArray is able to evolve autonomously to the desired filter. By exploiting the routing flexibility in the HexArray architecture, the EHW has a simple yet effective mechanism to detect and tolerate faulty cells, which improves system reliability. Finally, a mechanism that accelerates the evolution process by hiding the reconfiguration time in an “evolve-while-reconfigure” process is presented. In this process, the GAGA utilizes the array routing flexibility to bypass cells that are being configured and evaluates several genomes in parallel

    Evolving developmental, recurrent and convolutional neural networks for deliberate motion planning in sparse reward tasks

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    Motion planning algorithms have seen a diverse set of approaches in a variety of disciplines. In the domain of artificial evolutionary systems, motion planning has been included in models to achieve sophisticated deliberate behaviours. These algorithms rely on fixed rules or little evolutionary influence which compels behaviours to conform within those specific policies, rather than allowing the model to establish its own specialised behaviour. In order to further these models, the constraints imposed by planning algorithms must be removed to grant greater evolutionary control over behaviours. That is the focus of this thesis. An examination of prevailing neuroevolution methods led to the use of two distinct approaches, NEAT and HyperNEAT. Both were used to gain an understanding of the components necessary to create neuroevolution planning. The findings accumulated in the formation of a novel convolutional neural network architecture with a recurrent convolution process. The architecture’s goal was to iteratively disperse local activations to greater regions of the feature space. Experimentation showed significantly improved robustness over contemporary neuroevolution techniques as well as an efficiency increase over a static rule set. Greater evolutionary responsibility is given to the model with multiple network combinations; all of which continually demonstrated the necessary behaviours. In comparison, these behaviours were shown to be difficult to achieve in a state-of-the-art deep convolutional network. Finally, the unique use of recurrent convolution is relocated to a larger convolutional architecture on an established benchmarking platform. Performance improvements are seen on a number of domains which illustrates that this recurrent mechanism can be exploited in alternative areas outside of planning. By presenting a viable neuroevolution method for motion planning a potential emerges for further systems to adopt and examine the capability of this work in prospective domains, as well as further avenues of experimentation in convolutional architectures

    Variational Autoencoder Based Estimation Of Distribution Algorithms And Applications To Individual Based Ecosystem Modeling Using EcoSim

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    Individual based modeling provides a bottom up approach wherein interactions give rise to high-level phenomena in patterns equivalent to those found in nature. This method generates an immense amount of data through artificial simulation and can be made tractable by machine learning where multidimensional data is optimized and transformed. Using individual based modeling platform known as EcoSim, we modeled the abilities of elitist sexual selection and communication of fear. Data received from these experiments was reduced in dimension through use of a novel algorithm proposed by us: Variational Autoencoder based Estimation of Distribution Algorithms with Population Queue and Adaptive Variance Scaling (VAE-EDA-Q AVS). We constructed a novel Estimation of Distribution Algorithm (EDA) by extending generative models known as variational autoencoders (VAE). VAE-EDA-Q, proposed by us, smooths the data generation process using an iteratively updated queue (Q) of populations. Adaptive Variance Scaling (AVS) dynamically updates the variance at which models are sampled based on fitness. The combination of VAE-EDA-Q with AVS demonstrates high computational efficiency and requires few fitness evaluations. We extended VAE-EDA-Q AVS to act as a feature reducing wrapper method in conjunction with C4.5 Decision trees to reduce the dimensionality of data. The relationship between sexual selection, random selection, and speciation is a contested topic. Supporting evidence suggests sexual selection to drive speciation. Opposing evidence contends either a negative or absence of correlation to exist. We utilized EcoSim to model elitist and random mate selection. Our results demonstrated a significantly lower speciation rate, a significantly lower extinction rate, and a significantly higher turnover rate for sexual selection groups. Species diversification was found to display no significant difference. The relationship between communication and foraging behavior similarly features opposing hypotheses in claim of both increases and decreases of foraging behavior in response to alarm communication. Through modeling with EcoSim, we found alarm communication to decrease foraging activity in most cases, yet gradually increase foraging activity in some other cases. Furthermore, we found both outcomes resulting from alarm communication to increase fitness as compared to non-communication

    Error management in ATLAS TDAQ : an intelligent systems approach

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    This thesis is concerned with the use of intelligent system techniques (IST) within a large distributed software system, specifically the ATLAS TDAQ system which has been developed and is currently in use at the European Laboratory for Particle Physics(CERN). The overall aim is to investigate and evaluate a range of ITS techniques in order to improve the error management system (EMS) currently used within the TDAQ system via error detection and classification. The thesis work will provide a reference for future research and development of such methods in the TDAQ system. The thesis begins by describing the TDAQ system and the existing EMS, with a focus on the underlying expert system approach, in order to identify areas where improvements can be made using IST techniques. It then discusses measures of evaluating error detection and classification techniques and the factors specific to the TDAQ system. Error conditions are then simulated in a controlled manner using an experimental setup and datasets were gathered from two different sources. Analysis and processing of the datasets using statistical and ITS techniques shows that clusters exists in the data corresponding to the different simulated errors. Different ITS techniques are applied to the gathered datasets in order to realise an error detection model. These techniques include Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), Support Vector Machines (SVMs) and Cartesian Genetic Programming (CGP) and a comparison of the respective advantages and disadvantages is made. The principle conclusions from this work are that IST can be successfully used to detect errors in the ATLAS TDAQ system and thus can provide a tool to improve the overall error management system. It is of particular importance that the IST can be used without having a detailed knowledge of the system, as the ATLAS TDAQ is too complex for a single person to have complete understanding of. The results of this research will benefit researchers developing and evaluating IST techniques in similar large scale distributed systems