55 research outputs found

    Mytilicola orientalis

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    Neozoa are invasive species that enter faunal communities as new species. Not infrequently, they pose a threat to local ecosystems. Climate change could further promote these developments or favor neozoa. Thus, they represent a relevant threat in the future. One of these neozoa is the copepod parasite Mytilicola orientalis. This parasite originates from Asia and infects a wide variety of bivalves like mussels and oysters. However, as an invasive species, it can be found more and more frequently in Europe, especially in the North and Baltic Seas. There, M. orientalis poses a real threat to mussels in aquaculture and thus also to the local economy

    Comparative analysis of competitiveness and knowledge-technological network in two shrimp producing groups in Mexico

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    This study is to compare the knowledge-technological flow networks to the competitiveness in two shrimp producing groups from the municipality of Ahome (Sinaloa). It has focused on an analysis of social networks and the information was obtained by the application of a survey to asample of 60 shrimp producing companies (7 belongs to Sinaloa Aquaculture Cluster and the 53 left belong to the social and private sector). It was found that in the Sinaloa Aquaculture Cluster the network indicators and the competitiveness scale were higher than the rest of the farms. Thismeans that there is a greater transfer of information between the actors, and they also play a key role within the structure, as well as the limited size of the population in the organizations that make up the cluster shrimp farming as well as being focused on geographic and sectorial ambits. For that,is not possible to assume a causal relation and generalize the findings neither. Unity and strategic organization are key factors for this type of productive articulations, as they constitute an important source of social welfare and have a favorable impact on regional development.Con este estudio, se busca comparar las redes de flujo de conocimiento sobre tecnología en relación con la competitividad a partir de dos grupos productores de camarón en el municipio de Ahome (Sinaloa). Está enfocado en un análisis de las redes sociales, y la información se obtuvo a través de una encuesta, con una muestra de 60 empresas productoras de camarón (7 pertenecen al Clúster Sinaloa-Acuícola y las 53 restantes pertenecen al sector social y privado). Se encontró que,en Clúster Sinaloa-Acuícola, los indicadores de la red y la escala de competitividad fueron superiores al resto de las granjas. Esto significa que existe una mayor transferencia de información entre losactores, y también desempeñan un papel clave dentro de la estructura, así como el tamaño limitado de la población en las organizaciones que conforman el clúster camaronero, además de estar enfocados en ámbitos geográficos y sectoriales. Por eso, tampoco es posible asumir una relación causal y generalizar los hallazgos. La unidad y la organización estratégica son factores clave para este tipo de articulaciones productivas, ya que constituyen una importante fuente de bienestar social y tienen un impacto favorable en el desarrollo regional

    Delivering the Goods: The Determinants of Norwegian Seafood Exports

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    Seafood is the world’s most traded food product. In recent years, aquaculture has become an increasingly important part of seafood production, facilitating increased trade. However, despite evidence that fish farmers have better ability to target markets and ship their seafood through more efficient supply chains (due to the higher degree of control with the production process), little attention has been given to the fact that this is likely to influence trade patterns as well. This article investigates if trade margins for aquaculture products differ from trade in wild seafood products along three margins of trade, in addition to total export value on export data for Norway, the world’s second largest seafood exporting country. The results indicate aquaculture products are different. In particular, aquaculture products are influenced by more factors than fisheries products (such as transportation costs and per-unit shipment costs), highlighting another dimension where the control of the production process can be used to improve competitiveness. Moreover, exports of aquaculture products increase with a country’s wealth level, reflecting producers’ ability to target higher paying markets.acceptedVersio


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    One-quarter of fish consumed in Europe comes from aquaculture and research has shown that consumers have a greater preference for wild fishes in comparison with farmed ones. As with other food choices, consumer decisions regarding farmed fish are a complex process involving multiple factors. The main objective of this study is to develop and validate a questionnaire that will measure consumer intentions in the consumption of farmed fish using the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) as a theoretical framework. Based on the TPB model, the study also investigates the relationships between attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioural control and intention to consume farmed fish. Data collection was performed through an online survey and a total of 118 valid questionnaires were analysed. Based on tests performed, results indicate that the tested scale for measuring TPB constructs is valid and reliable. Alpha coefficients for intention, attitudes, subjective norms and perceived behavioural control were 0.898, 0.857, 0.748 and 0.953, respectively. Variables in the model explain 40% of the variation in farmed fish consumption intentions. Regression analysis confirmed that attitudes and subjective norms significantly influence intention to consume farmed fish, with the subjective norms being the strongest predictor, while perceived behavioural control does not have a significant impact on behavioural intention.Jedna četvrtina ribe konzumirane u Europi potječe iz uzgoja (akvakulture). Istraživanja su međutim pokazala da potrošači ipak preferiraju ribu iz ulova u usporedbi sa ribom iz uzgoja. Kao i kod odabira ostalih vrsta hrane, potrošačke odluke vezane uz ribu iz uzgoja složen su proces koji uključuje više čimbenika. Glavni cilj ovog rada je razviti i validirati upitnik koji će mjeriti namjere potrošača da konzumiraju ribu iz uzgoja u okviru teorije planiranog ponašanja (TPP). Također, na temelju TPP modela istražen je odnos između stavova, subjektivnih normi, percipirane kontrole ponašanja i namjere konzumacije ribe iz uzgoja. Podaci su prikupljeni putem online ankete te je ukupno analizirano 118 valjanih upitnika. Dobiveni rezultati potvrđuju valjanost i pouzdanost testiranih ljestvica za mjerenje konstrukata u okviru TPP. Alfa koeficijenti za namjere, stavove, subjektivne norme i percipiranu kontrolu ponašanja iznosili su 0,898, 0,857, 0,748 te 0,953. Varijable u modelu objašnjavaju 40% varijacija u namjerama konzumacije ribe iz uzgoja. Regresijska analiza potvrdila je da stavovi i subjektivne norme statistički značajno utječu na namjeru konzumacije ribe iz uzgoja, pri čemu su subjektivne norme najsnažniji prediktor, dok percipirana kontrola ponašanja nema statistički značajan utjecaj na namjeru ponašanja

    Emerging trends in aquaculture value chain research

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    This paper introduces a special issue of Aquaculture that brings together the largest collection of research on aquaculture value chains compiled to date, comprising 19 individual papers and this introductory review. The introduction identifies five themes emerging from research on aquaculture value chains in the special issue, namely: multi-polarity, diversity and scale, dynamics of transformation, performance and equity, and technical and institutional innovation. Contrary to much research to date, the papers addressing these themes show how the expansion of aquaculture has resulted highly diverse configurations of production for consumption in the global South. Collectively, the papers highlight the need for greater attention to neglected value chain segments and categories of actor, modes of production, regulation, and innovation, and patterns of access to benefits. The papers synthesized also affirm the need for more rigorous and diverse future value chain research to illuminate the aquaculture sector's ongoing development, and contribute to the sustainable expansion as an increasingly important component of the global food system

    Not just for the wealthy: Rethinking farmed fish consumption in the Global South

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    Aquaculture’s contributions to food security in the Global South are widely misunderstood. Dominant narratives suggest that aquaculture contributes mainly to international trade benefiting richer Northern consumers, or provides for wealthy urban consumers in Southern markets. On the supply side, the literature promotes an idealized vision of ‘small-scale’, low input, semi-subsistence farming as the primary means by which aquaculture can contribute to food security, or emphasizes the role of ‘industrial’ export oriented aquaculture in undermining local food security. In fact, farmed fish is produced predominantly by a ‘missing middle’ segment of commercial and increasingly intensive farms, and overwhelmingly remains in Southern domestic markets for consumption by poor and middle income consumers in both urban and rural areas, making an important but underappreciated contribution to global food security

    Effect of cooking time on the quality of nila nyat-nyat (Oreochromis niloticus)

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    The right time for cooking nila nyat-nyat is very influential on subjective and objective value of nila nyat-nyat. The goal of this study was to determine the best time in cooking tilapia in order to get the best quality of nila nyat-nyat. The research was conducted at the Laboratory of the Faculty of Agriculture, Warmadewa University and the Faculty of Food Technology, Udayana University. This research used experimental method with completely randomized design of single factors with 6 different treatments and 4 replications. Quality assessment includes subjective tests through organoleptic analysis such as appearance, texture, odor, and taste, and also objective tests or nutritional analysis, such as water, fat, protein, and ash content. Statistical analysis with anova showed that the difference in cooking time gave significant influence in the organoleptic quality and nutritional value of tilapia (p value < 0.01). From this research, we conclude the best time for cooking tilapia was 30 minutes


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    Pengembangan budidaya ikan nila memberikan manfaat bagi masyarakat pedesaan berupa lapangan kerja, dan sumber pendapatan masyarakat. Namun variabilitas dan perubahan iklim ditengarai sebagai salah satu faktor penyebab kematian massal ikan yang menyebabkan kerugian ekonomi, sosial dan lingkungan. Cuaca ekstrem bisa lebih berbahaya bagi ikan nila keramba jaring apung di Waduk Gajah Mungkur. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan kerentanan penghidupan pembudidaya ikan nila keramba jaring apung di Waduk Gajah Mungkur. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan pendekatan metode campuran seperti survei, wawancara mendalam, diskusi kelompok terfokus dan observasi. Unit analisis data dilakukan di tingkat rumah tangga dengan melibatkan empat puluh pembudi daya skala kecil. Indeks Kerentanan Mata Pencaharian (LVI) berdasarkan Intergovernmental Panel Climate Change (IPCC) digunakan untuk analisis data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kerentanan penghidupan pembudidaya ikan nila sakal kecil pada keramba jaring apung berdasarkan LVI-IPCC dapat dikategorikan tidak rentan dengan nilai indeks 0,042. Oleh karena itu, penghidupan pembudi daya ikan nila keramba jaring apung di Waduk Gajah Mungkur ,Wonogiri ini dinilai cukup tangguh. Adaptasi yang dilakukan pembudidaya di antaranya adaptasi sosial melalui kuatnya hubungan sosial antar komunitas pembudidaya ikan dan tingginya partisipasi dalam keanggotaan kelompok sosial. Adaptasi teknologi dan ekologi melalui inovasi yang dikembangkan oleh setiap pembudidaya ikan seperti menggunakan mesin diesel untuk meningkatkan kadar oksigen, dan mengurangi jumlah plot saat perubahan musim serta mengontrol jumlah benih. Meskipun indeks tingkat kerentanan pembudi daya ikan nila keramba jaring apung di Waduk Gajah Mungkur Wonogiri dikatakan tidak rentan, masih diperlukan adanya program pemberdayaan SDM untuk meningkatkan sistem penghidupan yang berkelanjutan.Title: Livelihood Vulnerabiliy Index of Small Scale Tilapia Fish Farmer Floating Net Cages in the Gajah Mungkur Reservoir, Wonogiri RegencyThe development of tilapia aquaculture provides benefits for rural communities in the form of employment and source of income community. However, the variability and climate change are suspected as one of the factors causing mass fish mortality which causes economic, social and environmental losses. Extreme weather can be more dangerous for floating net cages in the Gajah Mungkur Reservoir. This study reveals the vulnerability of the livelihoods of floating net cages in the Gajah Mungkur Reservoir. Data Collected used method is a mixed methods approach such as surveys, in-depth interviews, focus group discussions and observations used to collect data. Unit analysis was carried out at the household level involving 40 small-scale farmers. The Livelihood Vulnerability Index (LVI) based on the Intergovernmental Panel Climate Change (IPCC) was used for data analysis. The results showed that the level of vulnerability of small-scale tilapia cultivators in floating net cages based on LVI-IPCC can be categorized as ‘not vulnerable’ with an index value of 0.042. Therefore, the livelihood of this floating net cage tilapia fish farmers in the Gajah Mungkur Wonogiri Reservoir is considered quite tough. Adaptations that are carried out by fish farmers include social adaptation through strong social relationships between fish farmer communities and high participation in social group membership. Technology and ecological adaptation through innovations developed by each fish farmer such as using a diesel engine to increase oxygen levels, and reduce the number of plots when the seasons change and control the number of seeds. Although the vulnerability index of floating net tilapia cultivators in the Gajah Mungkur Wonogiri Reservoir is said to be not vulnerable, it is still necessary to have a human resource empowerment program to improve a sustainable livelihood system

    Are consumers in developing countries willing to pay for aquaculture food safety certification? Evidence from a field experiment in Nigeria

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    Many developing countries face challenges in managing food safety risks associated with consumption of animalsource foods. Efforts to address these challenges increasingly recognize the role of certification in agri-food systems governance. Understanding consumers' willingness to pay (WTP) for food safety certification is fundamental to determining the appropriate design and implementation of programs to reduce the burden of foodborne illnesses in developing countries. To address this need, we implemented a framed field experiment with consumers of eight farm-raised African Catfish (Clarias gariepinus) products varying in certification status (safety certified versus uncertified) and product forms (live versus smoked) to examine their WTP for food safety certification in Nigeria. We applied a mixed-effects model to account for the hierarchical structure of the data with one participant entering multiple bids, and estimated a model with participant fixed effects as a robustness check. We found that consumers were willing to pay between 3.1% and 18.8% more for fish certified as safe compared to uncertified fish. Furthermore, there was an asymmetry in food safety certification valuation, with consumers paying significant premiums for high-value larger-sized certified live and smoked catfish, but not smaller-sized certified live and smoked catfish. The results are robust to a specification in which consumer fixed effects are included. Our findings suggest there exists consumer demand for certification programs to upgrade the food safety standards of higher-value fish products in Nigeria's domestic markets. Lower-value fish products typically consumed by lower-income consumers show less potential for certification. Alternative safety regulation is needed to ensure safety practices for low-end fish products