585 research outputs found

    The modern landscape of managing effects for the working programmer

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    The management of side effects is a crucial aspect of modern programming, especially in concurrent and distributed systems. This thesis analyses different approaches for managing side effects in programming languages, specifically focusing on unrestricted side effects, monads, and algebraic effects and handlers. Unrestricted side effects, used in mainstream imperative programming languages, can make programs difficult to reason about. Monads offer a solution to this problem by describing side effects in a composable and referentially transparent way but many find them cumbersome to use. Algebraic effects and handlers can address some of the shortcomings of monads by providing a way to model effects in more modular and flexible way. The thesis discusses the advantages and disadvantages of each of these approaches and compares them based on factors such as expressiveness, safety, and constraints they place on how programs must be implemented. The thesis focuses on ZIO, a Scala library for concurrent and asynchronous programming, which revolves around a ZIO monad with three type parameters. With those three parameters ZIO can encode the majority of practically useful effects in a single monad. ZIO takes inspiration from algebraic effects, combining them with monadic effects. The library provides a range of features, such as declarative concurrency, error handling, and resource management. The thesis presents examples of using ZIO to manage side effects in practical scenarios, highlighting its strengths over other approaches. The applicability of ZIO is evaluated by implementing a server side application using ZIO, and analyzing observations from the development process

    From individualism to co-construction and back again:Rethinking research methodology for children with profound and multiple learning disabilities

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    Children with profound and multiple learning disabilities (PMLD) are said to experience severe congenital impairments to consciousness and cognition stemming from neurological damage. Such children are understood as operating at the pre-verbal stages of development, and research in the field typically draws conceptual resources from psychology to devise educational interventions and assessment tools. Criticism has been levelled at studies that treat children with PMLD as objects of research rather than subjects to be consulted. Proponents of the latter view have attempted to redress the situation by exploring how personal experiences can be gleaned through adapted qualitative methods. Debate about methodology in the PMLD field tends to coalesce around these individualist polemics: either children with PMLD are positioned as incompetent and lacking voice; or researchers are positioned as lacking the appropriate tools to gain access to such voice. This paper offers an alternative position to the individualism of post-positivist/constructivist approaches, identifying the need for a critical and participatory approach that sees knowledge about children with PMLD as situated and co-constructed through regular and longitudinal interaction between the researcher, children with PMLD, and significant others. Context to this argument is provided by exploring the application of this approach to an inclusive education research project for a child with PMLD

    Learning Linear Temporal Properties

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    We present two novel algorithms for learning formulas in Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) from examples. The first learning algorithm reduces the learning task to a series of satisfiability problems in propositional Boolean logic and produces a smallest LTL formula (in terms of the number of subformulas) that is consistent with the given data. Our second learning algorithm, on the other hand, combines the SAT-based learning algorithm with classical algorithms for learning decision trees. The result is a learning algorithm that scales to real-world scenarios with hundreds of examples, but can no longer guarantee to produce minimal consistent LTL formulas. We compare both learning algorithms and demonstrate their performance on a wide range of synthetic benchmarks. Additionally, we illustrate their usefulness on the task of understanding executions of a leader election protocol

    Monadic Functional Reactive Programming

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    Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) is a way to program reactive systems in functional style, eliminating many of the problems that arise from imperative techniques. In this paper, we present an alternative FRP formulation that is based on the notion of a reactive computation: a monadic computation which may require the occurrence of external events to continue. A signal computation is a reactive computation that may also emit values. In contrast to signals in other FRP formulations, signal computations can end, leading to a monadic interface for sequencing signal phases. This interface has several advantages: routing is implicit, sequencing signal phases is easier and more intuitive than when using the switching combinators found in other FRP approaches, and dynamic lists require much less boilerplate code. In other FRP approaches, either the entire FRP expression is re-evaluated on each external stimulus, or impure techniques are used to prevent redundant re-computations. We show how Monadic FRP can be implemented straightforwardly in a purely functional way while preventing redundant re-computations

    How the structure of precedence constraints may change the complexity class of scheduling problems

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    This survey aims at demonstrating that the structure of precedence constraints plays a tremendous role on the complexity of scheduling problems. Indeed many problems can be NP-hard when considering general precedence constraints, while they become polynomially solvable for particular precedence constraints. We also show that there still are many very exciting challenges in this research area

    Asynchronous Monad for Reactive IoT Programming

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    The widespread adoption of Internet of Things (IoT) has given rise to systems which must reactively process signal data, while maintaining latency and throughput constraints. While the reactive programming paradigm partially addresses this problem, it does not offer a complete solution. We propose a design for a monad, AsyncM, and apply it to implement push-pull functional reactive programming (FRP) where side-effect bound events are performed in low-latency push streams, and time-series computations are performed in demand-driven pull streams. The design uses implicitly threaded cancellation tokens and continuation passing style to allow for implementations in languages which have single-threaded event-loops as well as languages which have multi-threading. We present our abstractions Stream, Signal, and Behavior and their functor, applicative, and (when applicable) monadic instances. We demonstrate how push streams (Stream) can be converted to pull streams (Signal) (and visa versa) to apply our model to practical use cases. We give a use case of a real-time IoT data analytics platform to demonstrate our design\u27s industrial significance where signal sample rates can change dynamically based on unknown factors such as network speed and processor resources. Application of the design to dynamic languages is shown throughout the paper in a reference JavaScript implementation
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