27 research outputs found

    Finite-Time Tracking Control for a Class of MIMO Nonlinear Systems with Unknown Asymmetric Saturations

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    This paper addresses the problem of finite-time tracking control for multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO) nonlinear systems with asymmetric saturations. A systematic approach is proposed to eliminate the effects of unmeasured external disturbances and unknown asymmetric saturations. In the proposed control strategy, a terminal sliding mode disturbance observer is provided to estimate the augmented disturbance (which contains the unknown asymmetric input saturation and external disturbance). The approximation error of the augmented disturbance can converge to zero in a fixed finite-time interval. Furthermore, a novel finite-time tracking control algorithm is developed to guarantee fast convergence of the tracking error. Compared with the existing results on finite-time tracking control, the chattering problem and the input saturation problem can be solved in a unified framework. Several simulations are given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach

    Adaptive fuzzy control for a marine vessel with time-varying constraints

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    An adaptive fuzzy neural network (FNN) control scheme is proposed for a marine vessel with time-varying constraints, guaranteed transient response and unknown dynamics. A series of continuous constraint functions are introduced to shape the motion of a marine vessel. To deal with the constraint problems and transient response problems, an asymmetric time-varying barrier Lyapunov function is designed to ensure that the system states are upper bounded by the considered constraint functions. FNNs are constructed to identify the unknown dynamics. Considering existing approximation errors when FNNs approximating the unknown dynamics, an adaptive term is designed to compensate the approximation errors in order to obtain accurate control. Via Lyapunov stability theory, it has been proved that all the states in the closed-loop system are uniformly bounded ultimately without violating the corresponding prescribed constraint region. Two comparative simulations are carried out to verify the effectiveness of the proposed control

    Finite-Time Observer Based Guidance and Control of Underactuated Surface Vehicles with Unknown Sideslip Angles and Disturbances

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    Suffering from complex sideslip angles, path following control of an under actuated surface vehicle (USV) becomes significantly challenging and remains unresolved. In this paper, a finite-time observer based guidance and control (FOGC) scheme for path following of an USV with time-varying and large sideslip angles and unknown external disturbances is proposed. The salient features of the proposed FOGC scheme are as follows: 1) time-varying large sideslip angle is exactly estimated by a finite-time sideslip observer, and thereby contributing to the sideslip-tangent line-of-sight guidance law which significantly enhances the robustness of the guidance system to unknown sideslip angles which are significantly large and time-varying; 2) a finite-time disturbance observer (FDO) is devised to exactly observe unknown external disturbances, and thereby implementing FDO-based surge and heading robust tracking controllers, which possess remarkable tracking accuracy and precise disturbance rejection, simultaneously; and 3) by virtue of cascade analysis and Lyapunov approach, global asymptotic stability of the integrated guidance-control system is rigorously ensured. Simulation studies and comparisons are conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed FOGC scheme

    Identification and Optimal Linear Tracking Control of ODU Autonomous Surface Vehicle

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    Autonomous surface vehicles (ASVs) are being used for diverse applications of civilian and military importance such as: military reconnaissance, sea patrol, bathymetry, environmental monitoring, and oceanographic research. Currently, these unmanned tasks can accurately be accomplished by ASVs due to recent advancements in computing, sensing, and actuating systems. For this reason, researchers around the world have been taking interest in ASVs for the last decade. Due to the ever-changing surface of water and stochastic disturbances such as wind and tidal currents that greatly affect the path-following ability of ASVs, identification of an accurate model of inherently nonlinear and stochastic ASV system and then designing a viable control using that model for its planar motion is a challenging task. For planar motion control of ASV, the work done by researchers is mainly based on the theoretical modeling in which the nonlinear hydrodynamic terms are determined, while some work suggested the nonlinear control techniques and adhered to simulation results. Also, the majority of work is related to the mono- or twin-hull ASVs with a single rudder. The ODU-ASV used in present research is a twin-hull design having two DC trolling motors for path-following motion. A novel approach of time-domain open-loop observer Kalman filter identifications (OKID) and state-feedback optimal linear tracking control of ODU-ASV is presented, in which a linear state-space model of ODU-ASV is obtained from the measured input and output data. The accuracy of the identified model for ODU-ASV is confirmed by validation results of model output data reconstruction and benchmark residual analysis. Then, the OKID-identified model of the ODU-ASV is utilized to design the proposed controller for its planar motion such that a predefined cost function is minimized using state and control weighting matrices, which are determined by a multi-objective optimization genetic algorithm technique. The validation results of proposed controller using step inputs as well as sinusoidal and arc-like trajectories are presented to confirm the controller performance. Moreover, real-time water-trials were performed and their results confirm the validity of proposed controller in path-following motion of ODU-ASV

    Adaptive Control

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    Adaptive control has been a remarkable field for industrial and academic research since 1950s. Since more and more adaptive algorithms are applied in various control applications, it is becoming very important for practical implementation. As it can be confirmed from the increasing number of conferences and journals on adaptive control topics, it is certain that the adaptive control is a significant guidance for technology development.The authors the chapters in this book are professionals in their areas and their recent research results are presented in this book which will also provide new ideas for improved performance of various control application problems

    Control and safety of fully actuated and underactuated nonlinear systems: from adaptation to robustness to optimality

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    The state-of-the-art quadratic program-based control Lyapunov-control barrier function (QP-CLBF) is a powerful control approach to balance safety and stability in a pointwise optimal fashion. However, under this approach, modeling inaccuracies may degrade the performance of closed-loop systems and cause a violation of safety-critical constraints. This thesis extends the recently-developed QP-CLBF through the derivation of five novel robust quadratic program-based adaptive control approaches for fully actuated and underactuated nonlinear systems with a view toward adapting to unknown parameters, being robust to unmodeled dynamics and disturbances, ensuring the system remains in safe sets and being optimal with respect in a pointwise fashion. Simulation and quantitative results demonstrate the superiority of proposed approaches over the baseline methods.Ph.D

    A Study on the Automatic Ship Control Based on Adaptive Neural Networks

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    Recently, dynamic models of marine ships are often required to design advanced control systems. In practice, the dynamics of marine ships are highly nonlinear and are affected by highly nonlinear, uncertain external disturbances. This results in parametric and structural uncertainties in the dynamic model, and requires the need for advanced robust control techniques. There are two fundamental control approaches to consider the uncertainty in the dynamic model: robust control and adaptive control. The robust control approach consists of designing a controller with a fixed structure that yields an acceptable performance over the full range of process variations. On the other hand, the adaptive control approach is to design a controller that can adapt itself to the process uncertainties in such a way that adequate control performance is guaranteed. In adaptive control, one of the common assumptions is that the dynamic model is linearly parameterizable with a fixed dynamic structure. Based on this assumption, unknown or slowly varying parameters are found adaptively. However, structural uncertainty is not considered in the existing control techniques. To cope with the nonlinear and uncertain natures of the controlled ships, an adaptive neural network (NN) control technique is developed in this thesis. The developed neural network controller (NNC) is based on the adaptive neural network by adaptive interaction (ANNAI). To enhance the adaptability of the NNC, an algorithm for automatic selection of its parameters at every control cycle is introduced. The proposed ANNAI controller is then modified and applied to some ship control problems. Firstly, an ANNAI-based heading control system for ship is proposed. The performance of the ANNAI-based heading control system in course-keeping and turning control is simulated on a mathematical ship model using computer. For comparison, a NN heading control system using conventional backpropagation (BP) training methods is also designed and simulated in similar situations. The improvements of ANNAI-based heading control system compared to the conventional BP one are discussed. Secondly, an adaptive ANNAI-based track control system for ship is developed by upgrading the proposed ANNAI controller and combining with Line-of-Sight (LOS) guidance algorithm. The off-track distance from ship position to the intended track is included in learning process of the ANNAI controller. This modification results in an adaptive NN track control system which can adapt with the unpredictable change of external disturbances. The performance of the ANNAI-based track control system is then demonstrated by computer simulations under the influence of external disturbances. Thirdly, another application of the ANNAI controller is presented. The ANNAI controller is modified to control ship heading and speed in low-speed maneuvering of ship. Being combined with a proposed berthing guidance algorithm, the ANNAI controller becomes an automatic berthing control system. The computer simulations using model of a container ship are carried out and shows good performance. Lastly, a hybrid neural adaptive controller which is independent of the exact mathematical model of ship is designed for dynamic positioning (DP) control. The ANNAI controllers are used in parallel with a conventional proportional-derivative (PD) controller to adaptively compensate for the environmental effects and minimize positioning as well as tracking error. The control law is simulated on a multi-purpose supply ship. The results are found to be encouraging and show the potential advantages of the neural-control scheme.1. Introduction = 1 1.1 Background and Motivations = 1 1.1.1 The History of Automatic Ship Control = 1 1.1.2 The Intelligent Control Systems = 2 1.2 Objectives and Summaries = 6 1.3 Original Distributions and Major Achievements = 7 1.4 Thesis Organization = 8 2. Adaptive Neural Network by Adaptive Interaction = 9 2.1 Introduction = 9 2.2 Adaptive Neural Network by Adaptive Interaction = 11 2.2.1 Direct Neural Network Control Applications = 11 2.2.2 Description of the ANNAI Controller = 13 2.3 Training Method of the ANNAI Controller = 17 2.3.1 Intensive BP Training = 17 2.3.2 Moderate BP Training = 17 2.3.3 Training Method of the ANNAI Controller = 18 3. ANNAI-based Heading Control System = 21 3.1 Introduction = 21 3.2 Heading Control System = 22 3.3 Simulation Results = 26 3.3.1 Fixed Values of n and = 28 3.3.2 With adaptation of n and r = 33 3.4 Conclusion = 39 4. ANNAI-based Track Control System = 41 4.1 Introduction = 41 4.2 Track Control System = 42 4.3 Simulation Results = 48 4.3.1 Modules for Guidance using MATLAB = 48 4.3.2 M-Maps Toolbox for MATLAB = 49 4.3.3 Ship Model = 50 4.3.4 External Disturbances and Noise = 50 4.3.5 Simulation Results = 51 4.4 Conclusion = 55 5. ANNAI-based Berthing Control System = 57 5.1 Introduction = 57 5.2 Berthing Control System = 58 5.2.1 Control of Ship Heading = 59 5.2.2 Control of Ship Speed = 61 5.2.3 Berthing Guidance Algorithm = 63 5.3 Simulation Results = 66 5.3.1 Simulation Setup = 66 5.3.2 Simulation Results and Discussions = 67 5.4 Conclusion = 79 6. ANNAI-based Dynamic Positioning System = 80 6.1 Introduction = 80 6.2 Dynamic Positioning System = 81 6.2.1 Station-keeping Control = 82 6.2.2 Low-speed Maneuvering Control = 86 6.3 Simulation Results = 88 6.3.1 Station-keeping = 89 6.3.2 Low-speed Maneuvering = 92 6.4 Conclusion = 98 7. Conclusions and Recommendations = 100 7.1 Conclusion = 100 7.1.1 ANNAI Controller = 100 7.1.2 Heading Control System = 101 7.1.3 Track Control System = 101 7.1.4 Berthing Control System = 102 7.1.5 Dynamic Positioning System = 102 7.2 Recommendations for Future Research = 103 References = 104 Appendixes A = 112 Appendixes B = 11

    Design and Experimental Realization of Adaptive Control Schemes for an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle

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    Research on Autonomous Underwater Vehicle(AUV) has attracted increased attention of control engineering community in the recent years due to its many interesting applications such as in Defense organisations for underwater mine detection, region surveillance, oceanography studies, oil/gas industries for inspection of underwater pipelines and other marine related industries. However, for the realization of these applications, effective motion control algorithms need to be developed. These motion control algorithms require mathematical representation of AUV which comprises of hydrodynamic damping, Coriolis terms, mass and inertia terms etc. To obtain dynamics of an AUV, different analytical and empirical methods are reported in the literature such as tow tank test, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis and on-line system identification. Among these methods, tow-tank test and CFD analysis provide white-box identified model of the AUV dynamics. Thus, the control design using these methods are found to be ineffective in situation of change in payloads of an AUV or parametric variations in AUV dynamics. On the other hand, control design using on-line identification, the dynamics of AUV can be obtained at every sampling time and thus the aforesaid parametric variations in AUV dynamics can be handled effectively. In this thesis, adaptive control strategies are developed using the parameters of AUV obtained through on-line system identification. The proposed algorithms are verified first through simulation and then through experimentation on the prototype AUV. Among various motion control algorithms, waypoint tracking has more practical significance for oceanographic surveys and many other applications. In order to implement, waypoint motion control schemes, Line-of-Sight (LoS) guidance law can be used which is computationally less expensive. In this thesis, adaptive control schemes are developed to implement LoS guidance for an AUV for practical realization of the control algorithm. Further, in order to realize the proposed control algorithms, a prototype AUV is developed in the laboratory. The developed AUV is a torpedo-shaped in order to experience low drag force, underactuated AUV with a single thruster for forward motion and control planes for angular motion. Firstly, the AUV structure such as nose profile, tail profile, hull section and control planes are designed and developed. Secondly, the hardware configuration of the AUV such as sensors, actuators, computational unit, communication module etc. are appropriately selected. Finally, a software framework called Robot Operating System (ROS) is used for seamless integration of various sensors, actuators with the computational unit. ROS is a software platform which provides right platform for the implementation of the control algorithms using the sensor data to achieve autonomous capability of the AUV. In order to develop adaptive control strategies, the unknown dynamics of the AUV is identified using polynomial-based Nonlinear Autoregressive Moving Average eXogenous (NARMAX) model structure. The parameters of this NARMAX model structure are identified online using Recursive Extended Least Square (RELS) method. Then an adaptive controller is developed for realization of the LoS guidance law for an AUV. Using the kinematic equation and the desired path parameters, a Lyapunov based backstepping controller is designed to obtain the reference velocities for the dynamics. Subsequently, a self-tuning PID controller is designed for the AUV to track these reference velocities. Using an inverse optimal control technique, the gains of the selftuning PID controller are tuned on-line. Although, this algorithm is computationally less expensive but there lie issues such as actuator constraints and state constraints which need to be resolved in view of practical realization of the control law. It is also observed that the proposed NARMAX structure of the AUV consists of redundant regressor terms. To alleviate the aforesaid limitations of the Inverse optimal self-tuning control scheme, a constrained adaptive control scheme is proposed that employs a minimum representation of the NARMAX structure (MR-NARMAX) for capturing AUV dynamics. The regressors of the MR-NARMAX structure are identified using Forward Regressor Orthogonal Least Square algorithm. Further, the parameters of this MRNARMAX model structure of the AUV are identified at every sampling time using RELS algorithm. Using the desired path parameters and the identified dynamics, an error objective function is defined which is to be minimized. The minimization problem where the objective function with the state and actuator constraints is formulated as a convex optimization problem. This optimization problem is solved using quadratic programming technique. The proposed MR-NARMAX based adaptive control is verified in the simulation and then on the prototype AUV. From the obtained results it is observed that this algorithm provides successful tracking of the desired heading. But, the proposed control algorithm is computational expensive, as an optimization problem is to be solved at each sampling instant. In order to reduce the computational time, an explicit model predictive control strategy is developed using the concept of multi-parametric programming. A Lyapunov based backstepping controller is designed to generate desired yaw velocity in order to steer the AUV towards the desired path. This explicit model predictive controller is designed using the identified NARMAX model for tracking the desired yaw velocity. The proposed explicit MPC algorithm is implemented first in simulation and then in the prototype AUV. From the simulation and experimental results, it is found that this controller has less computation time and also it considers both the state and actuator constraints whilst exhibiting good tracking performance

    Nonlinear control of underactuated mechanical systems with application to robotics and aerospace vehicles

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2001.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 308-316).This thesis is devoted to nonlinear control, reduction, and classification of underactuated mechanical systems. Underactuated systems are mechanical control systems with fewer controls than the number of configuration variables. Control of underactuated systems is currently an active field of research due to their broad applications in Robotics, Aerospace Vehicles, and Marine Vehicles. The examples of underactuated systems include flexible-link robots, nobile robots, walking robots, robots on mobile platforms, cars, locomotive systems, snake-type and swimming robots, acrobatic robots, aircraft, spacecraft, helicopters, satellites, surface vessels, and underwater vehicles. Based on recent surveys, control of general underactuated systems is a major open problem. Almost all real-life mechanical systems possess kinetic symmetry properties, i.e. their kinetic energy does not depend on a subset of configuration variables called external variables. In this work, I exploit such symmetry properties as a means of reducing the complexity of control design for underactuated systems. As a result, reduction and nonlinear control of high-order underactuated systems with kinetic symmetry is the main focus of this thesis. By "reduction", we mean a procedure to reduce control design for the original underactuated system to control of a lowerorder nonlinear or mechanical system. One way to achieve such a reduction is by transforming an underactuated system to a cascade nonlinear system with structural properties. If all underactuated systems in a class can be transformed into a specific class of nonlinear systems, we refer to the transformed systems as the "normal form" of the corresponding class of underactuated systems. Our main contribution is to find explicit change of coordinates and control that transform several classes of underactuated systems, which appear in robotics and aerospace applications, into cascade nonlinear systems with structural properties that are convenient for control design purposes. The obtained cascade normal forms are three classes of nonlinear systems, namely, systems in strict feedback form, feedforward form, and nontriangular linear-quadratic form. The names of these three classes are due to the particular lower-triangular, upper-triangular, and nontriangular structure in which the state variables appear in the dynamics of the corresponding nonlinear systems. The triangular normal forms of underactuated systems can be controlled using existing backstepping and feedforwarding procedures. However, control of the nontriangular normal forms is a major open problem. We address this problem for important classes of nontriangular systems of interest by introducing a new stabilization method based on the solutions of fixed-point equations as stabilizing nonlinear state feedback laws. This controller is obtained via a simple recursive method that is convenient for implementation. For special classes of nontriangular nonlinear systems, such fixed-point equations can be solved explicitly ...by Reza Olfati-Saber.Ph.D