7 research outputs found

    Finite element approximation of the radiative transport equation in a medium with piece-wise constant refractive index

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    The radiative transport equation can be used as a light transport model in a medium with scattering particles, such as biological tissues. In the radiative transport equation, the refractive index is assumed to be constant within the medium. However, in biomedical media, changes in the refractive index can occur between different tissue types. In this work, light propagation in a medium with piece-wise constant refractive index is considered. Light propagation in each sub-domain with a constant refractive index is modeled using the radiative transport equation and the equations are coupled using boundary conditions describing Fresnel reflection and refraction phenomena on the interfaces between the sub-domains. The resulting coupled system of radiative transport equations is numerically solved using a finite element method. The approach is tested with simulations. The results show that this coupled system describes light propagation accurately through comparison with the Monte Carlo method. It is also shown that neglecting the internal changes of the refractive index can lead to erroneous boundary measurements of scattered light

    Improved Modeling and Image Generation for Fluorescence Molecular Tomography (FMT) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET)

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    In this thesis, we aim to improve quantitative medical imaging with advanced image generation algorithms. We focus on two specific imaging modalities: fluorescence molecular tomography (FMT) and positron emission tomography (PET). For FMT, we present a novel photon propagation model for its forward model, and in addition, we propose and investigate a reconstruction algorithm for its inverse problem. In the first part, we develop a novel Neumann-series-based radiative transfer equation (RTE) that incorporates reflection boundary conditions in the model. In addition, we propose a novel reconstruction technique for diffuse optical imaging that incorporates this Neumann-series-based RTE as forward model. The proposed model is assessed using a simulated 3D diffuse optical imaging setup, and the results demonstrate the importance of considering photon reflection at boundaries when performing photon propagation modeling. In the second part, we propose a statistical reconstruction algorithm for FMT. The algorithm is based on sparsity-initialized maximum-likelihood expectation maximization (MLEM), taking into account the Poisson nature of data in FMT and the sparse nature of images. The proposed method is compared with a pure sparse reconstruction method as well as a uniform-initialized MLEM reconstruction method. Results indicate the proposed method is more robust to noise and shows improved qualitative and quantitative performance. For PET, we present an MRI-guided partial volume correction algorithm for brain imaging, aiming to recover qualitative and quantitative loss due to the limited resolution of PET system, while keeping image noise at a low level. The proposed method is based on an iterative deconvolution model with regularization using parallel level sets. A non-smooth optimization algorithm is developed so that the proposed method can be feasibly applied for 3D images and avoid additional blurring caused by conventional smooth optimization process. We evaluate the proposed method using both simulation data and in vivo human data collected from the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging (BLSA). Our proposed method is shown to generate images with reduced noise and improved structure details, as well as increased number of statistically significant voxels in study of aging. Results demonstrate our method has promise to provide superior performance in clinical imaging scenarios