19 research outputs found

    A Finite Equational Base for CCS with Left Merge and Communication Merge

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    Using the left merge and communication merge from ACP, we present an equational base for the fragment of CCS without restriction and relabelling. Our equational base is finite if the set of actions is finite

    Unique Parallel Decomposition for the Pi-calculus

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    A (fragment of a) process algebra satisfies unique parallel decomposition if the definable behaviours admit a unique decomposition into indecomposable parallel components. In this paper we prove that finite processes of the pi-calculus, i.e. processes that perform no infinite executions, satisfy this property modulo strong bisimilarity and weak bisimilarity. Our results are obtained by an application of a general technique for establishing unique parallel decomposition using decomposition orders.Comment: In Proceedings EXPRESS/SOS 2016, arXiv:1608.0269

    Unique parallel decomposition for the π-calculus

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    Are Two Binary Operators Necessary to Finitely Axiomatise Parallel Composition?

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    Bergstra and Klop have shown that bisimilarity has a finite equational axiomatisation over ACP/CCS extended with the binary left and communication merge operators. Moller proved that auxiliary operators are necessary to obtain a finite axiomatisation of bisimilarity over CCS, and Aceto et al. showed that this remains true when Hennessy's merge is added to that language. These results raise the question of whether there is one auxiliary binary operator whose addition to CCS leads to a finite axiomatisation of bisimilarity. This study provides a negative answer to that question based on three reasonable assumptions

    The Theory of Interacting Deductions and its Application to Operational Semantics

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    This thesis concerns the problem of complexity in operational semantics definitions. The appeal of modern operational semantics is the simplicity of their metatheories, which can be regarded as theories of deduction about certain shapes of operational judgments. However, when applied to real programming languages they produce bulky definitions that are cumbersome to reason about. The theory of interacting deductions is a richer metatheory which simplifies operational judgments and admits new proof techniques. An interacting deduction is a pair (F, I), where F is a forest of inference trees and I is a set of interaction links (a symmetric set of pairs of formula occurrences of F), which has been built from interacting inference rules (sequences of standard inference rules, or rule atoms). This setting allows one to decompose operational judgments. For instance, for a simple imperative language, one rule atom might concern a program transition, and another a store transition. Program judgments only interact with store judgments when necessary: so stores do not have to be propagated by every inference rule. A deduction in such a semantics would have two inference trees: one for programs and one for stores. This introduces a natural notion of modularity in proofs about semantics. The proof fragmentation theorem shows that one need only consider the rule atoms relevant to the property being proved. To illustrate, I give the semantics for a simple process calculus, compare it with standard semantics and prove three simple properties: nondivergence, store correctness and an equivalence between the two semantics. Typically evaluation semantics provide simpler definitions and proofs than transition semantics. However, it turns out that evaluation semantics cannot be easily expressed using interacting deductions: they require a notion of sequentiality. The sequential deductions contain this extra structure. I compare the utility of evaluation and transition semantics in the interacting case by proving a simple translation correctness example. This proof in turn depends on proof-theoretic concerns which can be abstracted using dangling interactions. This gives rise to the techniques of breaking and assembling interaction links. Again I get the proof fragmentation theorem, and also the proof assembly theorem, which allow respectively both the isolation and composition of modules in proofs about semantics. For illustration, I prove a simple type-checking result (in evaluation semantics) and another nondivergence result (in transition semantics). I apply these results to a bigger language, CSP, to show how the results scale up. Introducing a special scoping side-condition permits a number of linguistic extensions including nested parallelism, mutual exclusion, dynamic process creation and recursive procedures. Then, as an experiment I apply the theory of interacting deductions to present and prove sound a compositional proof system for the partial correctness of CSP programs. Finally, I show that a deduction corresponds to CCS-like process evaluation, justifying philosophically my use of the theory to give operational semantics. A simple corollary is the undecidability of interacting-deducibility. Practically, the result also indicates how one can build prototype interpreters for definitions

    From computability to executability : a process-theoretic view on automata theory

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    The theory of automata and formal language was devised in the 1930s to provide models for and to reason about computation. Here we mean by computation a procedure that transforms input into output, which was the sole mode of operation of computers at the time. Nowadays, computers are systems that interact with us and also each other; they are non-deterministic, reactive systems. Concurrency theory, split off from classical automata theory a few decades ago, provides a model of computation similar to the model given by the theory of automata and formal language, but focuses on concurrent, reactive and interactive systems. This thesis investigates the integration of the two theories, exposing the differences and similarities between them. Where automata and formal language theory focuses on computations and languages, concurrency theory focuses on behaviour. To achieve integration, we look for process-theoretic analogies of classic results from automata theory. The most prominent difference is that we use an interpretation of automata as labelled transition systems modulo (divergence-preserving) branching bisimilarity instead of treating automata as language acceptors. We also consider similarities such as grammars as recursive specifications and finite automata as labelled finite transition systems. We investigate whether the classical results still hold and, if not, what extra conditions are sufficient to make them hold. We especially look into three levels of Chomsky's hierarchy: we study the notions of finite-state systems, pushdown systems, and computable systems. Additionally we investigate the notion of parallel pushdown systems. For each class we define the central notion of automaton and its behaviour by associating a transition system with it. Then we introduce a suitable specification language and investigate the correspondence with the respective automaton (via its associated transition system). Because we not only want to study interaction with the environment, but also the interaction within the automaton, we make it explicit by means of communicating parallel components: one component representing the finite control of the automaton and one component representing the memory. First, we study finite-state systems by reinvestigating the relation between finite-state automata, left- and right-linear grammars, and regular expressions, but now up to (divergence-preserving) branching bisimilarity. For pushdown systems we augment the finite-state systems with stack memory to obtain the pushdown automata and consider different termination styles: termination on empty stack, on final state, and on final state and empty stack. Unlike for language equivalence, up to (divergence-preserving) branching bisimilarity the associated transition systems for the different termination styles fall into different classes. We obtain (under some restrictions) the correspondence between context-free grammars and pushdown automata for termination on final state and empty stack. We show how for contrasimulation, a weaker equivalence than branching bisimilarity, we can obtain the correspondence result without some of the restrictions. Finally, we make the interaction within a pushdown automaton explicit, but in a different way depending on the termination style. By analogy of pushdown systems we investigate the parallel pushdown systems, obtained by augmenting finite-state systems with bag memory, and consider analogous termination styles. We investigate the correspondence between context-free grammars that use parallel composition instead of sequential composition and parallel pushdown automata. While the correspondence itself is rather tight, it unfortunately only covers a small subset of the parallel pushdown automata, i.e. the single-state parallel pushdown automata. When making the interaction within parallel pushdown automata explicit, we obtain a rather uniform result for all termination styles. Finally, we study computable systems and the relation with exective and computable transition systems and Turing machines. For this we present the reactive Turing machine, a classical Turing machine augmented with capabilities for interaction. Again, we make the interaction in the reactive Turing machine between its finite control and the tape memory explicit

    Syntactic approaches to negative results in process algebras and modal logics

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    Concurrency as a phenomenon is observed in most of the current computer science trends. However the inherent complexity of analyzing the behavior of such a system is incremented due to the many different models of concurrency, the variety of applications and architectures, as well as the wide spectrum of specification languages and demanded correctness criteria. For the scope of this thesis we focus on state based models of concurrent computation, and on modal logics as specification languages. First we study syntactically the process algebras that describe several different concurrent behaviors, by analyzing their equational theories. Here, we use well-established techniques from the equational logic of processes to older and newer setups, and then transition to the use of more general and novel methods for the syntactical analysis of models of concurrent programs and specification languages. Our main contributions are several positive and negative axiomatizability results over various process algebraic languages and equivalences, along with some complexity results over the satisfiability of multi-agent modal logic with recursion, as a specification language.Samhliða sem fyrirbæri sést í flestum núverandi tölvunarfræði stefnur. Hins vegar er eðlislægt flókið að greina hegðun slíks kerfis- tem er aukið vegna margra mismunandi gerða samhliða, fjölbreytileikans af forritum og arkitektúr, svo og breitt svið forskrifta mælikvarða og kröfðust réttmætisviðmiða. Fyrir umfang þessarar ritgerðar leggjum við áherslu á ástandsbundin líkön af samhliða útreikningum og á formlegum rökfræði sem forskrift tungumálum. Fyrst skoðum við setningafræðilega ferlialgebrurnar sem lýsa nokkrum mismunandi samhliða hegðun, með því að greina jöfnukenningar þeirra. Hér notum við rótgróin tækni mynda jöfnunarrökfræði ferla til eldri og nýrri uppsetningar, og síðan umskipti yfir í notkun almennari og nýrra aðferða fyrir setningafræðileg greining á líkönum samhliða forrita og forskriftartungumála. Helstu framlög okkar eru nokkrar jákvæðar og neikvæðar niðurstöður um axiomatizability yfir ýmis ferli algebrumál og jafngildi, ásamt nokkrum samSveigjanleiki leiðir af því að fullnægjanleiki fjölþátta formrökfræði með endurkomu, sem a forskrift tungumál.RANNIS: `Open Problems in the Equational Logic of Processes’ (OPEL) (grant No 196050-051) Reykjavik University research fund: `Runtime and Equational Verification of Concurrent Programs' (ReVoCoP) (grant No 222021