72 research outputs found

    A New Bearing Fault Diagnosis Method based on Fine-to-Coarse Multiscale Permutation Entropy, Laplacian Score and SVM

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    Fault diagnosis of rotating machinery is vital to identify incipient failures and avoid unexpected downtime in industrial systems. This paper proposes a new rolling bearing fault diagnosis method by integrating the Fine-to-Coarse Multiscale Permutation Entropy (F2CMPE), Laplacian Score (LS) and Support Vector Machine (SVM). A novel entropy measure, named F2CMPE, was proposed by calculating permutation entropy via multiple-scale fine-grained and coarse-grained signals based on wavelet packet decomposition. The entropy measure estimates the dynamic changes of time series from both low- and high-frequency components. Moreover, the F2CMPE mitigates the drawback of producing time series with sharply reduced data length via the coarse-grained procedure in the conventional Composite Multiscale Permutation Entropy (CMPE). The comparative performance of the F2CMPE and CMPE is investigated by analyzing synthetic and experimental signals for entropy-based feature extraction. In the proposed bearing fault diagnosis method, the F2CMPE is first used to extract entropy-based features from bearing vibration signals. Then, LS and SVM are used for selection of features and fault classification respectively. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed method is verified for rolling bearing fault diagnosis using experimental vibration data sets, and the results have demonstrated the capability of the proposed method to recognize and identify bearing fault patterns under different fault states and severity levels

    Fine-to-coarse multiscale permutation entropy for rolling bearing fault diagnosis

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    Multiscale Permutation Entropy (MPE) has been applied as a non-linear measure for estimating the complexity of time series. Nevertheless, the coarse-grained procedure in MPE only takes low-frequency information into account. To overcome this shortcoming, in this paper, a new entropy measure, named Fine-to-Coarse Multiscale Permutation Entropy (F2CMPE), is proposed to provide stable and reliable results by offering both low-frequency and high-frequency information. Firstly, the F2C signals are created based on the reconstruction of selected wavelet coefficients using wavelet packet decomposition. Then, permutation entropy is used to estimate the complexity and dynamic change of the F2C signals. Experimental analysis is carried out to investigate and compare the performance of the proposed F2CMPE with that of the MPE. Results indicate that the proposed method can give consistent and stable entropy measure for rolling bearing fault diagnosis

    Adaptive Multiscale Weighted Permutation Entropy for Rolling Bearing Fault Diagnosis

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    © 2020 The Author(s). This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.Bearing vibration signals contain non-linear and non-stationary features due to instantaneous variations in the operation of rotating machinery. It is important to characterize and analyze the complexity change of the bearing vibration signals so that bearing health conditions can be accurately identified. Entropy measures are non-linear indicators that are applicable to the time series complexity analysis for machine fault diagnosis. In this paper, an improved entropy measure, termed Adaptive Multiscale Weighted Permutation Entropy (AMWPE), is proposed. Then, a new rolling bearing fault diagnosis method is developed based on the AMWPE and multi-class SVM. For comparison, experimental bearing data are analyzed using the AMWPE, compared with the conventional entropy measures, where a multi-class SVM is adopted for fault type classification. Moreover, the robustness of different entropy measures is further studied for the analysis of noisy signals with various Signal-to-Noise Ratios (SNRs). The experimental results have demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed method in fault diagnosis of rolling bearing under different fault types, severity degrees, and SNR levels.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    Entropy Measures in Machine Fault Diagnosis: Insights and Applications

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    Entropy, as a complexity measure, has been widely applied for time series analysis. One preeminent example is the design of machine condition monitoring and industrial fault diagnostic systems. The occurrence of failures in a machine will typically lead to non-linear characteristics in the measurements, caused by instantaneous variations, which can increase the complexity in the system response. Entropy measures are suitable to quantify such dynamic changes in the underlying process, distinguishing between different system conditions. However, notions of entropy are defined differently in various contexts (e.g., information theory and dynamical systems theory), which may confound researchers in the applied sciences. In this paper, we have systematically reviewed the theoretical development of some fundamental entropy measures and clarified the relations among them. Then, typical entropy-based applications of machine fault diagnostic systems are summarized. Further, insights into possible applications of the entropy measures are explained, as to where and how these measures can be useful towards future data-driven fault diagnosis methodologies. Finally, potential research trends in this area are discussed, with the intent of improving online entropy estimation and expanding its applicability to a wider range of intelligent fault diagnostic systems

    Fault Diagnosis of Rotating Machinery using Improved Entropy Measures

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    Fault diagnosis of rotating machinery is of considerable significance to ensure high reliability and safety in industrial machinery. The key to fault diagnosis consists in detecting potential incipient fault presence, recognizing fault patterns, and identifying degrees of failures in machinery. The process of data-driven fault diagnosis method often requires extracting useful feature representations from measurements to make diagnostic decision-making. Entropy measures, as suitable non-linear complexity indicators, estimate dynamic changes in measurements directly, which are challenging to be quantified by conventional statistical indicators. Compared to single-scale entropy measures, multiple-scale entropy measures have been increasingly applied to time series complexity analysis by quantifying entropy values over a range of temporal scales. However, there exist a number of challenges in traditional multiple-scale entropy measures in analyzing bearing signals for bearing fault detection. Specifically, a large majority of multiple-scale entropy methods neglect high�frequency information in bearing vibration signal analysis. Moreover, the data length of transformed multiple signals is greatly reduced as scale factor increases, which can introduce incoherence and bias in entropy values. Lastly, non-linear and non-stationary behaviors of vibration signals due to interference and noise may reduce the diagnostic performance of traditional entropy methods in bearing health identification, especially in complex industrial settings. This dissertation proposes a novel multiple-scale entropy measure, named Adaptive Multiscale Weighted Permutation Entropy (AMWPE), for extracting fault features associated with complexity change in bearing vibration analysis. A new scale-extraction mechanism - adaptive Fine-to-Coarse (F2C) procedure - is presented to generate multiple-scale time series from the original signal. It has advantages of extracting low- and high-frequency information from measurements and generating improved multiple-scale time series with a hierarchical structure. Numerical evaluation is carried out to study the performance of the AMWPE measure in analyzing the complexity change of synthetic signals. Results demonstrated that the AMWPE algorithm could provide high consistency and stable entropy values in entropy estimation. It also presents high robustness against noise in analyzing noisy bearing signals in comparison with traditional entropy methods. Additionally, a new bearing diagnosis method is put forth, where the AMWPE method is applied for entropy analysis and a multi-class support vector machine classifier is used for identifying bearing fault patterns, respectively. Three experimental case studies are carried out to investigate the effectiveness of the proposed diagnosis method for bearing diagnosis. Comparative studies are presented to compare the diagnostic performance of the proposed entropy method and traditional entropy methods in terms of computational time of entropy estimation, feature representation, and diagnosis accuracy rate. Further, noisy bearing signals with different signal-to-noise ratios are analyzed using various entropy measures to study their robustness against noise in bearing diagnosis. Additionally, the developed adaptive F2C procedure can be extended to a variety of entropy algorithms based on improved single-scale entropy method used in entropy estimation. In the combination of artificial intelligence techniques, the improved entropy algorithms are expected to apply to machine health conditions and intelligent fault diagnosis in complex industrial machinery. Besides, they are suitable to evaluate the complexity and irregularity of other non-stationary signals measured from non-linear systems, such as acoustic emission signals and physiological signals

    Bearing Fault Diagnosis using Multi-sensor Fusion based on weighted D-S Evidence Theory

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    This paper has presented a novel method for bearing fault diagnosis using a multi-sensor fusion approach based on an improved weighted Dempster-Shafer (D-S) evidence theory combined with Genetic Algorithm (GA). Vibration measurements are collected from an industrial multi-stage centrifugal air compressor using three wireless acceleration sensors. Fine-to-Coarse Multiscale Permutation Entropy (F2CMPE) is applied to extract the complexity changes of vibration data sets. Then, the extracted feature vectors produced by F2CMPE via multiple scales are fed into Back Propagation Neural Network (BPNN) for fault classification. The normalized probability outputs of BPNN are considered now as inputs of the proposed weighted D-S evidence theory for multi-sensor information fusion. The measurements collected from real industrial equipment are analyzed using the proposed diagnosis method, and the experimental validation has demonstrated its efficiency to identify rolling bearing conditions, the results of which have also shown higher accuracy compared to those using individual sensor signal analysis

    Bearing fault diagnosis based on adaptive mutiscale fuzzy entropy and support vector machine

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    This paper proposes a new rolling bearing fault diagnosis method based on adaptive multiscale fuzzy entropy (AMFE) and support vector machine (SVM). Unlike existing multiscale Fuzzy entropy (MFE) algorithms, the scales of AMFE method are adaptively determined by using the robust Hermite-local mean decomposition (HLMD) method. AMFE method can be achieved by calculating the Fuzzy Entropy (FuzzyEn) of residual sums of the product functions (PFs) through consecutive removal of high-frequency components. Subsequently, the obtained fault features are fed into the multi-fault classifier SVM to automatically fulfill the fault patterns recognition. The experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms the traditional MFE method for the nonlinear and non-stationary signal analysis, which can be applied to recognize the different categories of rolling bearings

    Advanced Fault Diagnosis and Health Monitoring Techniques for Complex Engineering Systems

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    Over the last few decades, the field of fault diagnostics and structural health management has been experiencing rapid developments. The reliability, availability, and safety of engineering systems can be significantly improved by implementing multifaceted strategies of in situ diagnostics and prognostics. With the development of intelligence algorithms, smart sensors, and advanced data collection and modeling techniques, this challenging research area has been receiving ever-increasing attention in both fundamental research and engineering applications. This has been strongly supported by the extensive applications ranging from aerospace, automotive, transport, manufacturing, and processing industries to defense and infrastructure industries

    Bearing fault diagnosis based on adaptive mutiscale fuzzy entropy and support vector machine

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    This paper proposes a new rolling bearing fault diagnosis method based on adaptive multiscale fuzzy entropy (AMFE) and support vector machine (SVM). Unlike existing multiscale Fuzzy entropy (MFE) algorithms, the scales of AMFE method are adaptively determined by using the robust Hermite-local mean decomposition (HLMD) method. AMFE method can be achieved by calculating the Fuzzy Entropy (FuzzyEn) of residual sums of the product functions (PFs) through consecutive removal of high-frequency components. Subsequently, the obtained fault features are fed into the multi-fault classifier SVM to automatically fulfill the fault patterns recognition. The experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms the traditional MFE method for the nonlinear and non-stationary signal analysis, which can be applied to recognize the different categories of rolling bearings

    Condition Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis of Roller Element Bearing

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    Rolling element bearings play a crucial role in determining the overall health condition of a rotating machine. An effective condition-monitoring program on bearing operation can improve a machine’s operation efficiency, reduce the maintenance/replacement cost, and prolong the useful lifespan of a machine. This chapter presents a general overview of various condition-monitoring and fault diagnosis techniques for rolling element bearings in the current practice and discusses the pros and cons of each technique. The techniques introduced in the chapter include data acquisition techniques, major parameters used for bearing condition monitoring, signal analysis techniques, and bearing fault diagnosis techniques using either statistical features or artificial intelligent tools. Several case studies are also presented in the chapter to exemplify the application of these techniques in the data analysis as well as bearing fault diagnosis and pattern recognition