10 research outputs found

    STT-MRAM Based NoC Buffer Design

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    As Chip Multiprocessor (CMP) design moves toward many-core architectures, communication delay in Network-on-Chip (NoC) is a major bottleneck in CMP design. An emerging non-volatile memory - STT MRAM (Spin-Torque Transfer Magnetic RAM) which provides substantial power and area savings, near zero leakage power, and displays higher memory density compared to conventional SRAM. But STT-MRAM suffers from inherit drawbacks like multi cycle write latency and high write power consumption. So, these problem have to addressed in order to have an efficient design to incorporate STT-MRAM for NoC input buffer instead of traditional SRAM based input buffer design. Motivated by short intra-router latency, previously proposed write latency reduction technique is explored by sacrificing retention time and a hybrid design of input buffers using both SRAM and STT-MRAM to "hide" the long write latency efficiently is proposed. Considering that simple data migration in the hybrid buffer consumes more dynamic power compared to SRAM, a lazy migration scheme that reduces the dynamic power consumption of the hybrid buffer is also proposed

    Throughput-Efficient Network-on-Chip Router Design with STT-MRAM

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    As the number of processor cores on a chip increases with the advance of CMOS technology, there has been a growing need of more efficient Network-on-Chip (NoC) design since communication delay has become a major bottleneck in large-scale multicore systems. In designing efficient input buffers of NoC routers for better performance and power efficiency, Spin-Torque Transfer Magnetic RAM (STT-MRAM) is regarded as a promising solution due to its nature of high density and near-zero leakage power. Previous work that adopts STT-MRAM in designing NoC router input buffer shows a limitation in minimizing the overhead of power consumption, even though it succeeds to some degree in achieving high network throughput by the use of SRAM to hide the long write latency of STT-MRAM. In this thesis, we propose a novel input buffer design that depends solely on STT-MRAM without the need of SRAM to maximize the benefits of low leakage power and area efficiency inherent in STT-MRAM. In addition, we introduce power-efficient buffer refreshing schemes synergized with age-based switch arbitration that gives higher priority to older flits to remove unnecessary refreshing operations. On an average, we observed throughput improvements of 16% on synthetic workloads and benchmarks

    Fine-Grained QoS Scheduling for PCM-based Main Memory Systems

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    Abstract—With wide adoption of chip multiprocessors (CMPs) in modern computers, there is an increasing demand for large capacity main memory systems. The emerging PCM (Phase Change Memory) technology has unique power and scalability advantages and is regarded as a promising candidate among new memory technologies. When scheduling a mix of applications of different priority levels, it is often important to provide tunable QoS (Quality-of-Service) for the applications with high priority. However due to the slow PCM cell access, and the destructive interferences among concurrent applications, existing memory scheduling schemes lack the flexibility to tune QoS in a wide range, in particular to the level close or equal to that of standalone execution. In this paper we propose a novel QoS scheduling scheme that utilizes request preemption and row buffer partition that enable QoS tuning at a fine-granularity. That is, they can tune the request queuing time and the PCM bank service time for the high priority requests. Our experimental results show that the proposed scheme achieves 1.7 × ∼10 × QoS tuning range while introducing negligible area and energy overheads. I

    The Design of A High Capacity and Energy Efficient Phase Change Main Memory

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    Higher energy-efficiency has become essential in servers for a variety of reasons that range from heavy power and thermal constraints, environmental issues and financial savings. With main memory responsible for at least 30% of the energy consumed by a server, a low power main memory is fundamental to achieving this energy efficiency DRAM has been the technology of choice for main memory for the last three decades primarily because it traditionally combined relatively low power, high performance, low cost and high density. However, with DRAM nearing its density limit, alternative low-power memory technologies, such as Phase-change memory (PCM), have become a feasible replacement. PCM limitations, such as limited endurance and low write performance, preclude simple drop-in replacement and require new architectures and algorithms to be developed. A PCM main memory architecture (PMMA) is introduced in this dissertation, utilizing both DRAM and PCM, to create an energy-efficient main memory that is able to replace a DRAM-only memory. PMMA utilizes a number of techniques and architectural changes to achieve a level of performance that is par with DRAM. PMMA achieves gains in energy-delay of up to 65%, with less than 5% of performance loss and extremely high energy gains. To address the other major shortcoming of PCM, namely limited endurance, a novel, low- overhead wear-leveling algorithm that builds on PMMA is proposed that increases the lifetime of PMMA to match the expected server lifetime so that both server and memory subsystems become obsolete at about the same time. We also study how to better use the excess capacity, traditionally available on PCM devices, to obtain the highest lifetime possible. We show that under specific endurance distributions, the naive choice does not achieve the highest lifetime. We devise rules that empower the designer to select algorithms and parameters to achieve higher lifetime or simplify the design knowing the impact on the lifetime. The techniques presented also apply to other storage class memories (SCM) memories that suffer from limited endurance

    Architectural Support for High-Performance, Power-Efficient and Secure Multiprocessor Systems

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    High performance systems have been widely adopted in many fields and the demand for better performance is constantly increasing. And the need of powerful yet flexible systems is also increasing to meet varying application requirements from diverse domains. Also, power efficiency in high performance computing has been one of the major issues to be resolved. The power density of core components becomes significantly higher, and the fraction of power supply in total management cost is dominant. Providing dependability is also a main concern in large-scale systems since more hardware resources can be abused by attackers. Therefore, designing high-performance, power-efficient and secure systems is crucial to provide adequate performance as well as reliability to users. Adhering to using traditional design methodologies for large-scale computing systems has a limit to meet the demand under restricted resource budgets. Interconnecting a large number of uniprocessor chips to build parallel processing systems is not an efficient solution in terms of performance and power. Chip multiprocessor (CMP) integrates multiple processing cores and caches on a chip and is thought of as a good alternative to previous design trends. In this dissertation, we deal with various design issues of high performance multiprocessor systems based on CMP to achieve both performance and power efficiency while maintaining security. First, we propose a fast and secure off-chip interconnects through minimizing network overheads and providing an efficient security mechanism. Second, we propose architectural support for fast and efficient memory protection in CMP systems, making the best use of the characteristics in CMP environments and multi-threaded workloads. Third, we propose a new router design for network-on-chip (NoC) based on a new memory technique. We introduce hybrid input buffers that use both SRAM and STT-MRAM for better performance as well as power efficiency. Simulation results show that the proposed schemes improve the performance of off-chip networks through reducing the message size by 54% on average. Also, the schemes diminish the overheads of bounds checking operations, thus enhancing the overall performance by 11% on average. Adopting hybrid buffers in NoC routers contributes to increasing the network throughput up to 21%

    Shared Resource Management for Non-Volatile Asymmetric Memory

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    Non-volatile memory (NVM), such as Phase-Change Memory (PCM), is a promising energy-efficient candidate to replace DRAM. It is desirable because of its non-volatility, good scalability and low idle power. NVM, nevertheless, faces important challenges. The main problems are: writes are much slower and more power hungry than reads and write bandwidth is much lower than read bandwidth. Hybrid main memory architecture, which consists of a large NVM and a small DRAM, may become a solution for architecting NVM as main memory. Adding an extra layer of cache mitigates the drawbacks of NVM writes. However, writebacks from the last-level cache (LLC) might still (a) overwhelm the limited NVM write bandwidth and stall the application, (b) shorten lifetime and (c) increase energy consumption. Effectively utilizing shared resources, such as the last-level cache and the memory bandwidth, is crucial to achieving high performance for multi-core systems. No existing cache and bandwidth allocation scheme exploits the read/write asymmetry property, which is fundamental in NVM. This thesis tries to consider the asymmetry property in partitioning the cache and memory bandwidth for NVM systems. The thesis proposes three writeback-aware schemes to manage the resources in NVM systems. First, a runtime mechanism, Writeback-aware Cache Partitioning (WCP), is proposed to partition the shared LLC among multiple applications. Unlike past partitioning schemes, WCP considers the reduction in cache misses as well as writebacks. Second, a new runtime mechanism, Writeback-aware Bandwidth Partitioning (WBP), partitions NVM service cycles among applications. WBP uses a bandwidth partitioning weight to reflect the importance of writebacks (in addition to LLC misses) to bandwidth allocation. A companion Dynamic Weight Adjustment scheme dynamically selects the cache partitioning weight to maximize system performance. Third, Unified Writeback-aware Partitioning (UWP) partitions the last-level cache and the memory bandwidth cooperatively. UWP can further improve the system performance by considering the interaction of cache partitioning and bandwidth partitioning. The three proposed schemes improve system performance by considering the unique read/write asymmetry property of NVM

    High Performance On-Chip Interconnects Design for Future Many-Core Architectures

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    Switch-based Network-on-Chip (NoC) is a widely accepted inter-core communication infrastructure for Chip Multiprocessors (CMPs). With the continued advance of CMOS technology, the number of cores on a single chip keeps increasing at a rapid pace. It is highly expected that many-core architectures with more than hundreds of processor cores will be commercialized in the near future. In such a large scale CMP system, NoC overheads are more dominant than computation power in determining overall system performance. Also, for modern computational workloads requiring abundant thread level parallelism (TLP), NoC design for highly-parallel, many-core accelerators such as General Purpose Graphics Processing Units (GPGPUs) is of primary importance in harnessing the potential of massive thread- and data-level parallelism. In these contexts, it is critical that NoC provides both low latency and high bandwidth within limited on-chip power and area budgets. In this dissertation, we explore various design issues inherent in future many-core architectures, CMPs and GPGPUs, to achieve both high performance and power efficiency. First, we deal with issues in using a promising next generation memory technology, Spin-Transfer Torque Magnetic RAM (STT-MRAM), for NoC input buffers in CMPs. Using a high density and low leakage memory offers more buffer capacities with the same die footprint, thus helping increase network throughput in NoC routers. However, its long latency and high power consumption in write operations still need to be addressed. Thus, we propose a hybrid design of input buffers using both SRAM and STT-MRAM to hide the long write latency efficiently. Considering that simple data migration in the hybrid buffer consumes more dynamic power compared to SRAM, we provide a lazy migration scheme that reduces the dynamic power consumption of the hybrid buffer. Second, we propose the first NoC router design that uses only STT-MRAM, providing much larger buffer space with less power consumption, while preserving data integrity. To hide the multicycle writes, we employ a multibank STT-MRAM buffer, a virtual channel with multiple banks where every incoming flit is seamlessly pipelined to each bank alternately. Our STT-MRAM design has aggressively reduced the retention time, resulting in a significant reduction in the latency and power overheads of write operations. To ensure data integrity against inadvertent bit flips from the thermal fluctuation during the given retention time, we propose a cost-efficient dynamic buffer refresh scheme combined with Error Correcting Codes (ECC) to detect and correct data corruption. Third, we present schemes for bandwidth-efficient on-chip interconnects in GPGPUs. GPGPUs place a heavy demand on the on-chip interconnect between the many cores and a few memory controllers (MCs). Thus, traffic is highly asymmetric, impacting on-chip resource utilization and system performance. Here, we analyze the communication demands of typical GPGPU applications, and propose efficient NoC designs to meet those demands

    Improving Performance and Flexibility of Fabric-Attached Memory Systems

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    As demands for memory-intensive applications continue to grow, the memory capacity of each computing node is expected to grow at a similar pace. In high-performance computing (HPC) systems, the memory capacity per compute node is decided upon the most demanding application that would likely run on such a system, and hence the average capacity per node in future HPC systems is expected to grow significantly. However, diverse applications run on HPC systems with different memory requirements and memory utilization can fluctuate widely from one application to another. Since memory modules are private for a corresponding computing node, a large percentage of the overall memory capacity will likely be underutilized, especially when there are many jobs with small memory footprints. Thus, as HPC systems are moving towards the exascale era, better utilization of memory is strongly desired. Moreover, as new memory technologies come on the market, the flexibility of upgrading memory and system updates becomes a major concern since memory modules are tightly coupled with the computing nodes. To address these issues, vendors are exploring fabric-attached memories (FAM) systems. In this type of system, resources are decoupled and are maintained independently. Such a design has driven technology providers to develop new protocols, such as cache-coherent interconnects and memory semantic fabrics, to connect various discrete resources and help users leverage advances in-memory technologies to satisfy growing memory and storage demands. Using these new protocols, FAM can be directly attached to a system interconnect and be easily integrated with a variety of processing elements (PEs). Moreover, systems that support FAM can be smoothly upgraded and allow multiple PEs to share the FAM memory pools using well-defined protocols. The sharing of FAM between PEs allows efficient data sharing, improves memory utilization, reduces cost by allowing flexible integration of different PEs and memory modules from several vendors, and makes it easier to upgrade the system. However, adopting FAM in HPC systems brings in new challenges. Since memory is disaggregated and is accessed through fabric networks, latency in accessing memory (efficiency) is a crucial concern. In addition, quality of service, security from neighbor nodes, coherency, and address translation overhead to access FAM are some of the problems that require rethinking for FAM systems. To this end, we study and discuss various challenges that need to be addressed in FAM systems. Firstly, we developed a simulating environment to mimic and analyze FAM systems. Further, we showcase our work in addressing the challenges to improve the performance and increase the feasibility of such systems; enforcing quality of service, providing page migration support, and enhancing security from malicious neighbor nodes

    Towards Successful Application of Phase Change Memories: Addressing Challenges from Write Operations

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    The emerging Phase Change Memory (PCM) technology is drawing increasing attention due to its advantages in non-volatility, byte-addressability and scalability. It is regarded as a promising candidate for future main memory. However, PCM's write operation has some limitations that pose challenges to its application in memory. The disadvantages include long write latency, high write power and limited write endurance. In this thesis, I present my effort towards successful application of PCM memory. My research consists of several optimizing techniques at both the circuit and architecture level. First, at the circuit level, I propose Differential Write to remove unnecessary bit changes in PCM writes. This is not only beneficial to endurance but also to the energy and latency of writes. Second, I propose two memory scheduling enhancements (AWP and RAWP) for a non-blocking bank design. My memory scheduling enhancements can exploit intra-bank parallelism provided by non-blocking bank design, and achieve significant throughput improvement. Third, I propose Bit Level Power Budgeting (BPB), a fine-grained power budgeting technique that leverages the information from Differential Write to achieve even higher memory throughput under the same power budget. Fourth, I propose techniques to improve the QoS tuning ability of high-priority applications when running on PCM memory. In summary, the techniques I propose effectively address the challenges of PCM's write operations. In addition, I present the experimental infrastructure in this work and my visions of potential future research topics, which could be helpful to other researchers in the area