337 research outputs found

    Critical Success Factors for Positive User Experience in Hotel Websites: Applying Herzberg's Two Factor Theory for User Experience Modeling

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    This research presents the development of a critical success factor matrix for increasing positive user experience of hotel websites based upon user ratings. Firstly, a number of critical success factors for web usability have been identified through the initial literature review. Secondly, hotel websites were surveyed in terms of critical success factors identified through the literature review. Thirdly, Herzberg's motivation theory has been applied to the user rating and the critical success factors were categorized into two areas. Finally, the critical success factor matrix has been developed using the two main sets of data.Comment: Journal articl

    The ABCD of usability testing

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    We introduce a methodology for tracking and auditing feedback, errors and suggestions for software packages. This short paper describes how we innovate on the evaluation mechanism, introducing an (Antecedent, Barrier, Consequence and Development) ABCD form, embedded within an eParticipation platform to enable end users to easily report on any usability issues. This methodology will be utilised to improve the STEP cloud eParticipation platform (part of the current STEP Horizon2020 project http://step4youth.eu. The platform is currently being piloted in real life contexts, with the participation of public authorities that are integrating the eParticipation platform into their regular decision-making practices. The project is involving young people, through engagement and motivation strategies and giving them a voice in Environmental decision making at the local level. The pilot evaluation aims to demonstrate how open engagement needs to be embedded within public sector processes and the usability methodology reported here will help to identify the key barriers for wide scale deployment of the platform

    Mobile Application Usability: Heuristic Evaluation and Evaluation of Heuristics

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    Ger Joyce, Mariana Lilley, Trevor Barker, and Amanda Jefferies, 'Mobile Application Usability: Heuristic Evaluation and Evaluation of Heuristics', paper presented at AHFE 2016 International Conference on Human Factors, Software, and Systems Engineering. Walt Disney World, Florida USA, 27-31 July 2016Many traditional usability evaluation methods do not consider mobile-specific issues. This can result in mobile applications that abound in usability issues. We empirically evaluate three sets of usability heuristics for use with mobile applications, including a set defined by the authors. While the set of heuristics defined by the authors surface more usability issues in a mobile application than other sets of heuristics, improvements to the set can be made

    Using a Dynamic Model to Simulate the Heuristic Evaluation of Usability

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    Among usability inspection methods, heuristic evaluation, or expert evaluation, is considered the most used and well-known usability evaluation method. The number of evaluators and their expertise are essential aspects that affect the quality of the evaluation, the cost that its application generates, and the time that it is necessary to spend. This paper presents a dynamic simulation model to analyze how different configurations of evaluator team have an effect upon the results of the heuristic evaluation method. One of the main advantages of using a dynamic simulation model is the possibility of trying out different decisions before carrying them out, and change them during the simulation of the evaluation process.Ministerio de EducaciĂłn y Ciencia QSimTest TIN2007-67843-C06 03Ministerio de EducaciĂłn y Ciencia TIN2007-67843-C06-0

    Evaluasi USAbilitas Pada Aplikasi Program Simulasi Warna Batik

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    Saat ini penggunaan aplikasi berbasis komputer telah berbukti mampu mereduksi secara signifikan waktu yangdibutuhkan untuk merancang produk dibandingkan jika menggunakan metode konvensional. Hal ini cobaditerapkan pada industri batik oleh Rif'ah (2015) dengan mengembangkan Program Simulasi Warna Batik.Berdasarkan uji USAbility satisfaction yang telah dilakukan, aplikasi tersebut memiliki penerimaan oleh respondenrata-rata sebesar 3,87 dalam skala 1-5. Padahal menurut Nielsen (1993), suatu produk dikatakan memuaskan bilarata-rata nilainya 4 pada skala 1-5. Oleh karena itu aplikasi perangkat lunak ini masih perlu dikembangkan lebihlanjut. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah Heuristic Evaluation, yang merupakan salah satu metodedalam kajian USAbilitas. Usabilitas adalah atribut kualitatif yang menentukan seberapa mudah user menggunakanantarmuka suatu aplikasi. Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan, masalah USAbilitas pada Program SimulasiWarna Batik yang terutama (48%) adalah berkenaan dengan “Match with user's task” (kesesuaian antaraketersediaan pada sistem dengan cara umum yang digunakan sesuai dengan persepsi pengguna). Selain itu,berdasarkan perhitungan persentase jumlah masalah USAbilitas yang ditemukan, diperoleh kesimpulan bahwajumlah evaluator sebanyak 15 orang berdasarkan model Nielsen (1992) masih cukup representatif

    Perbandingan Metode Evaluasi USAbility (Studi Kasus : Penggunaan Perangkat Smartphone)

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    Usability is a key factor that determine success of a product or interactive system, like smartphone. The increasing use of smartphone and its rapid technology development, requires USAbility evaluation method that is more accurate and effective to found USAbility problem, so it can be used for product improvement in development process. This study suggests a USAbility evaluation method that is most effective to identify problem in smartphone USAge. Three USAbility evaluation methods that commonly used are compared in this study, including: think-aloud evaluation (TA), cognitive walkthrough (CW), and heuristic evaluation (HE). This study involved 15 smartphone users as participants and 16 USAbility experts who is also a smartphone users as evaluators. The results showed, among the three USAbility evaluation methods, heuristic evaluation (HE) has the highest effectiveness and severity methods, while cognitive walkthrough (CW) and think-aloud evaluation (TA) still has potential for further development

    The Web-Based Usability Heuristic Survey Supports User Satisfaction

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    Competition between companies is now getting stronger strongly related to the company's mechanism in providing the services provided. Companies can build ways that can maintain customer loyalty. The approach can be done with web-based Usability Testing adopting an application user acceptance model, a usability aspect analysis that acts as a customer who enjoys a company's products and services. At present, there are already many theories of user acceptance models for an application. One of them is the user satisfaction model (User Satisfaction). This review specifically also identifies that content content has a significant positive effect on website visitor satisfaction

    A comparison of user testing and heuristic evaluation methods for identifying website usability problems

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    This study compared the effectiveness and efficiency of two usability testing methods, user testing and heuristic evaluation. Thirty two participants took part in the study, sixteen for each of the two methods. Four measures were used to compare their performance: number of problems identified, severity of problems, type of problems and time taken to find problems. It was found that heuristic evaluation found nearly 5 times more individual problems than user testing, so could be seen as more effective. However, user testing found on average slightly more severe problems and took less time to complete than heuristic evaluation. Heuristic evaluation had a faster problem identification rate (number of seconds per problem found), so could also be seen as more efficient. While each method had advantages in the test both methods are seen as complementary to each other in practice
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