939 research outputs found

    Finding Legal Reordering Transformations using Mappings

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    Traditionally, optimizing compilers attempt to improve the performance of programs by applying source to source transformations, such as loop interchange, loop skewing and loop distribution. Each of these transformations has its own special legality checks and transformation rules which make it hard to analyze or predict the effects of compositions of these transformations. To overcome these problems we have developed a framework for unifying iteration reordering transformations. The framework is based on the idea that all reordering transformation can be represented as a mapping from the original iteration space to a new iteration space. The framework is designed to provide a uniform way to represent and reason about transformations. An optimizing compiler would use our framework by finding a mapping that both corresponds to a legal transformation and produces efficient code. We present the mapping selection problem as a search problem by decomposing it into a sequence of smaller choices. We then characterize the set of all legal mappings by defining an implicit search tree. (Also cross-referenced as UMIACS-TR-94-71

    A Unifying Framework for Iteration Reordering Transformations

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    We present a framework for unifying iteration reordering transformations such as loop interchange, loop distribution, skewing, tiling, index set splitting and statement reordering. The framework is based on the idea that a transformation can be represented as a mapping from the original iteration space to a new iteration space. The framework is designed to provide a uniform way to represent and reason about transformations. We also provide algorithms to test the legality of mappings, and to generate optimized code for mappings. (Also cross-referenced as UMIACS-TR-95-30

    Optimization within a Unified Transformation Framework

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    Programmers typically want to write scientific programs in a high level language with semantics based on a sequential execution model. To execute efficiently on a parallel machine, however, a program typically needs to contain explicit parallelism and possibly explicit communication and synchronization. So, we need compilers to convert programs from the first of these forms to the second. There are two basic choices to be made when parallelizing a program. First, the computations of the program need to be distributed amongst the set of available processors. Second, the computations on each processor need to be ordered. My contribution has been the development of simple mathematical abstractions for representing these choices and the development of new algorithms for making these choices. I have developed a new framework that achieves good performance by minimizing communication between processors, minimizing the time processors spend waiting for messages from other processors, and ordering data accesses so as to exploit the memory hierarchy. This framework can be used by optimizing compilers, as well as by interactive transformation tools. The state of the art for vectorizing compilers is already quite good, but much work remains to bring parallelizing compilers up to the same standard. The main contribution of my work can be summarized as improving this situation by replacing existing ad hoc parallelization techniques with a sound underlying foundation on which future work can be built. (Also cross-referenced as UMIACS-TR-96-93

    Code Generation for Multiple Mappings

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    There has been a great amount of recent work toward unifying iteration reordering transformations. Many of these approaches represent transformations as affine mappings from the original iteration space to a new iteration space. These approaches show a great deal of promise, but they all rely on the ability to generate code that iterates over the points in these new iteration spaces in the appropriate order. This problem has been fairly well-studied in the case where all statements use the same mapping. We have developed an algorithm for the less well-studied case where each statement uses a potentially different mapping. Unlike many other approaches, our algorithm can also generate code from mappings corresponding to loop blocking. We address the important trade-off between reducing control overhead and duplicating code. (Also cross-referenced as UMIACS-TR-94-87.1

    Ernst Denert Award for Software Engineering 2019

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    This open access book provides an overview of the dissertations of the five nominees for the Ernst Denert Award for Software Engineering in 2019. The prize, kindly sponsored by the Gerlind & Ernst Denert Stiftung, is awarded for excellent work within the discipline of Software Engineering, which includes methods, tools and procedures for better and efficient development of high quality software. An essential requirement for the nominated work is its applicability and usability in industrial practice. The book contains five papers describing the works by Sebastian Baltes (U Trier) on Software Developers’Work Habits and Expertise, Timo Greifenberg’s thesis on Artefaktbasierte Analyse modellgetriebener Softwareentwicklungsprojekte, Marco Konersmann’s (U Duisburg-Essen) work on Explicitly Integrated Architecture, Marija Selakovic’s (TU Darmstadt) research about Actionable Program Analyses for Improving Software Performance, and Johannes Späth’s (Paderborn U) thesis on Synchronized Pushdown Systems for Pointer and Data-Flow Analysis – which actually won the award. The chapters describe key findings of the respective works, show their relevance and applicability to practice and industrial software engineering projects, and provide additional information and findings that have only been discovered afterwards, e.g. when applying the results in industry. This way, the book is not only interesting to other researchers, but also to industrial software professionals who would like to learn about the application of state-of-the-art methods in their daily work

    Reuse of software through generation of partial systems

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    A theoretical foundation for program transformations to reduce cache thrashing due to true data sharing

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    AbstractCache thrashing due to true data sharing can degrade the performance of parallel programs significantly. Our previous work showed that parallel task alignment via program transformations can be quite effective for the reduction of such cache thrashing. In this paper, we present a theoretical foundation for such program transformations. Based on linear algebra and the theory of numbers, our work analyzes the data dependences among the tasks created by a fork-join parallel program and determines at compile time how these tasks should be assigned to processors in order to reduce cache thrashing due to true data sharing. Our analysis and program transformations can be easily performed by compilers for parallel computers

    Toward an architecture for quantum programming

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    It is becoming increasingly clear that, if a useful device for quantum computation will ever be built, it will be embodied by a classical computing machine with control over a truly quantum subsystem, this apparatus performing a mixture of classical and quantum computation. This paper investigates a possible approach to the problem of programming such machines: a template high level quantum language is presented which complements a generic general purpose classical language with a set of quantum primitives. The underlying scheme involves a run-time environment which calculates the byte-code for the quantum operations and pipes it to a quantum device controller or to a simulator. This language can compactly express existing quantum algorithms and reduce them to sequences of elementary operations; it also easily lends itself to automatic, hardware independent, circuit simplification. A publicly available preliminary implementation of the proposed ideas has been realized using the C++ language.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figures, A4paper. Final version accepted by EJPD ("swap" replaced by "invert" for Qops). Preliminary implementation available at: http://sra.itc.it/people/serafini/quantum-computing/qlang.htm

    A Review of Analog Audio Scrambling Methods for Residual Intelligibility

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    In this paper, a review of the techniques available in different categories of audio scrambling schemes is done with respect to Residual Intelligibility. According to Shannon's secure communication theory, for the residual intelligibility to be zero the scrambled signal must represent a white signal. Thus the scrambling scheme that has zero residual intelligibility is said to be highly secure. Many analog audio scrambling algorithms that aim to achieve lower levels of residual intelligibility are available. In this paper a review of all the existing analog audio scrambling algorithms proposed so far and their properties and limitations has been presented. The aim of this paper is to provide an insight for evaluating various analog audio scrambling schemes available up-to-date. The review shows that the algorithms have their strengths and weaknesses and there is no algorithm that satisfies all the factors to the maximum extent. Keywords: residual Intelligibility, audio scrambling, speech scramblin
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