548 research outputs found

    Active Learning of Discriminative Subgraph Patterns for API Misuse Detection

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    A common cause of bugs and vulnerabilities are the violations of usage constraints associated with Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). API misuses are common in software projects, and while there have been techniques proposed to detect such misuses, studies have shown that they fail to reliably detect misuses while reporting many false positives. One limitation of prior work is the inability to reliably identify correct patterns of usage. Many approaches confuse a usage pattern's frequency for correctness. Due to the variety of alternative usage patterns that may be uncommon but correct, anomaly detection-based techniques have limited success in identifying misuses. We address these challenges and propose ALP (Actively Learned Patterns), reformulating API misuse detection as a classification problem. After representing programs as graphs, ALP mines discriminative subgraphs. While still incorporating frequency information, through limited human supervision, we reduce the reliance on the assumption relating frequency and correctness. The principles of active learning are incorporated to shift human attention away from the most frequent patterns. Instead, ALP samples informative and representative examples while minimizing labeling effort. In our empirical evaluation, ALP substantially outperforms prior approaches on both MUBench, an API Misuse benchmark, and a new dataset that we constructed from real-world software projects

    Software-Defect Localisation by Mining Dataflow-Enabled Call Graphs

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    Defect localisation is essential in software engineering and is an important task in domain-specific data mining. Existing techniques building on call-graph mining can localise different kinds of defects. However, these techniques focus on defects that affect the controlflow and are agnostic regarding the dataflow. In this paper, we introduce dataflow-enabled call graphs that incorporate abstractions of the dataflow. Building on these graphs, we present an approach for defect localisation. The creation of the graphs and the defect localisation are essentially data mining problems, making use of discretisation, frequent subgraph mining and feature selection. We demonstrate the defect-localisation qualities of our approach with a study on defects introduced into Weka. As a result, defect localisation now works much better, and a developer has to investigate on average only 1.5 out of 30 methods to fix a defect

    On the Usefulness of Weight-Based Constraints in Frequent Subgraph Mining

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    Frequent subgraph mining is an important data-mining technique. In this paper we look at weighted graphs, which are ubiquitous in the real world. The analysis of weights in combination with mining for substructures might yield more precise results. In particular, we study frequent subgraph mining in the presence of weight-based constraints and explain how to integrate them into mining algorithms. While such constraints only yield approximate mining results in most cases, we demonstrate that such results are useful nevertheless and explain this effect. To do so, we both assess the completeness of the approximate result sets, and we carry out application-oriented studies with real-world data-analysis problems: software-defect localization, weighted graph classification and explorative mining in logistics. Our results are that the runtime can improve by a factor of up to 3.5 in defect localization and classification and 7 in explorative mining. At the same time, we obtain an even slightly increased defect-localization precision, stable classification precision and obtain good explorative mining results

    Software-Defect Localisation by Mining Dataflow-Enabled Call Graphs

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    Defect localisation is essential in software engineering and is an important task in domain-specific data mining. Existing techniques building on call-graph mining can localise different kinds of defects. However, these techniques focus on defects that affect the controlflow and are agnostic regarding the dataflow. In this paper, we introduce dataflow-enabled call graphs that incorporate abstractions of the dataflow. Building on these graphs, we present an approach for defect localisation. The creation of the graphs and the defect localisation are essentially data mining problems, making use of discretisation, frequent subgraph mining and feature selection. We demonstrate the defect-localisation qualities of our approach with a study on defects introduced into Weka. As a result, defect localisation now works much better, and a developer has to investigate on average only 1.5 out of 30 methods to fix a defect

    Data-Mining Techniques for Call-Graph-Based Software-Defect Localisation

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    Defect localisation is an important problem in software engineering. This dissertation investigates call-graph-mining-based software defect localisation, which supports software developers by providing hints where defects might be located. It extends the state-of-the-art by proposing new graph representations and mining techniques for weighted graphs. This leads to a broader range of detectable defects, to an increased localisation precision and to enhanced scalability

    Automatic Fault Detection for Deep Learning Programs Using Graph Transformations

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    Nowadays, we are witnessing an increasing demand in both corporates and academia for exploiting Deep Learning (DL) to solve complex real-world problems. A DL program encodes the network structure of a desirable DL model and the process by which the model learns from the training dataset. Like any software, a DL program can be faulty, which implies substantial challenges of software quality assurance, especially in safety-critical domains. It is therefore crucial to equip DL development teams with efficient fault detection techniques and tools. In this paper, we propose NeuraLint, a model-based fault detection approach for DL programs, using meta-modelling and graph transformations. First, we design a meta-model for DL programs that includes their base skeleton and fundamental properties. Then, we construct a graph-based verification process that covers 23 rules defined on top of the meta-model and implemented as graph transformations to detect faults and design inefficiencies in the generated models (i.e., instances of the meta-model). First, the proposed approach is evaluated by finding faults and design inefficiencies in 28 synthesized examples built from common problems reported in the literature. Then NeuraLint successfully finds 64 faults and design inefficiencies in 34 real-world DL programs extracted from Stack Overflow posts and GitHub repositories. The results show that NeuraLint effectively detects faults and design issues in both synthesized and real-world examples with a recall of 70.5 % and a precision of 100 %. Although the proposed meta-model is designed for feedforward neural networks, it can be extended to support other neural network architectures such as recurrent neural networks. Researchers can also expand our set of verification rules to cover more types of issues in DL programs

    Mining Edge-Weighted Call Graphs to Localise Software Bugs

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    An important problem in software engineering is the automated discovery of noncrashing occasional bugs. In this work we address this problem and show that mining of weighted call graphs of program executions is a promising technique. We mine weighted graphs with a combination of structural and numerical techniques. More specifically, we propose a novel reduction technique for call graphs which introduces edge weights. Then we present an analysis technique for such weighted call graphs based on graph mining and on traditional feature selection schemes. The technique generalises previous graph mining approaches as it allows for an analysis of weights. Our evaluation shows that our approach finds bugs which previous approaches cannot detect so far. Our technique also doubles the precision of finding bugs which existing techniques can already localise in principle
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