66 research outputs found

    Static random-access memory designs based on different FinFET at lower technology node (7nm)

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    Title from PDF of title page viewed January 15, 2020Thesis advisor: Masud H ChowdhuryVitaIncludes bibliographical references (page 50-57)Thesis (M.S.)--School of Computing and Engineering. University of Missouri--Kansas City, 2019The Static Random-Access Memory (SRAM) has a significant performance impact on current nanoelectronics systems. To improve SRAM efficiency, it is important to utilize emerging technologies to overcome short-channel effects (SCE) of conventional CMOS. FinFET devices are promising emerging devices that can be utilized to improve the performance of SRAM designs at lower technology nodes. In this thesis, I present detail analysis of SRAM cells using different types of FinFET devices at 7nm technology. From the analysis, it can be concluded that the performance of both 6T and 8T SRAM designs are improved. 6T SRAM achieves a 44.97% improvement in the read energy compared to 8T SRAM. However, 6T SRAM write energy degraded by 3.16% compared to 8T SRAM. Read stability and write ability of SRAM cells are determined using Static Noise Margin and N- curve methods. Moreover, Monte Carlo simulations are performed on the SRAM cells to evaluate process variations. Simulations were done in HSPICE using 7nm Asymmetrical Underlap FinFET technology. The quasiplanar FinFET structure gained considerable attention because of the ease of the fabrication process [1] – [4]. Scaling of technology have degraded the performance of CMOS designs because of the short channel effects (SCEs) [5], [6]. Therefore, there has been upsurge in demand for FinFET devices for emerging market segments including artificial intelligence and cloud computing (AI) [8], [9], Internet of Things (IoT) [10] – [13] and biomedical [17] –[18] which have their own exclusive style of design. In recent years, many Underlapped FinFET devices were proposed to have better control of the SCEs in the sub-nanometer technologies [3], [4], [19] – [33]. Underlap on either side of the gate increases effective channel length as seen by the charge carriers. Consequently, the source-to-drain tunneling probability is improved. Moreover, edge direct tunneling leakage components can be reduced by controlling the electric field at the gate-drain junction . There is a limitation on the extent of underlap on drain or source sides because the ION is lower for larger underlap. Additionally, FinFET based designs have major width quantization issue. The width of a FinFET device increases only in quanta of silicon fin height (HFIN) [4]. The width quantization issue becomes critical for ratioed designs like SRAMs, where proper sizing of the transistors is essential for fault-free operation. FinFETs based on Design/Technology Co-Optimization (DTCO_F) approach can overcome these issues [38]. DTCO_F follows special design rules, which provides the specifications for the standard SRAM cells with special spacing rules and low leakages. The performances of 6T SRAM designs implemented by different FinFET devices are compared for different pull-up, pull down and pass gate transistor (PU: PD:PG) ratios to identify the best FinFET device for high speed and low power SRAM applications. Underlapped FinFETs (UF) and Design/Technology Co-Optimized FinFETs (DTCO_F) are used for the design and analysis. It is observed that with the PU: PD:PG ratios of 1:1:1 and 1:5:2 for the UF-SRAMs the read energy has degraded by 3.31% and 48.72% compared to the DTCO_F-SRAMs, respectively. However, the read energy with 2:5:2 ratio has improved by 32.71% in the UF-SRAM compared to the DTCO_F-SRAMs. The write energy with 1:1:1 configuration has improved by 642.27% in the UF-SRAM compared to the DTCO_F-SRAM. On the other hand, the write energy with 1:5:2 and 2:5:2 configurations have degraded by 86.26% and 96% in the UF-SRAMs compared to the DTCO_F-SRAMs. The stability and reliability of different SRAMs are also evaluated for 500mV supply. From the analysis, it can be concluded that Asymmetrical Underlapped FinFET is better for high-speed applications and DTCO FinFET for low power applications.Introduction -- Next generation high performance device: FinFET -- FinFET based SRAM bitcell designs -- Benchmarking of UF-SRAMs and DTCO-F-SRAMS -- Collaborative project -- Internship experience at INTEL and Marvell Semiconductor -- Conclusion and future wor

    SRAM Cells for Embedded Systems

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    Ultra-Low-Power Embedded SRAM Design for Battery- Operated and Energy-Harvested IoT Applications

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    Internet of Things (IoT) devices such as wearable health monitors, augmented reality goggles, home automation, smart appliances, etc. are a trending topic of research. Various IoT products are thriving in the current electronics market. The IoT application needs such as portability, form factor, weight, etc. dictate the features of such devices. Small, portable, and lightweight IoT devices limit the usage of the primary energy source to a smaller rechargeable or non-rechargeable battery. As battery life and replacement time are critical issues in battery-operated or partially energy-harvested IoT devices, ultra-low-power (ULP) system on chips (SoC) are becoming a widespread solution of chip makers’ choice. Such ULP SoC requires both logic and the embedded static random access memory (SRAM) in the processor to operate at very low supply voltages. With technology scaling for bulk and FinFET devices, logic has demonstrated to operate at low minimum operating voltages (VMIN). However, due to process and temperature variation, SRAMs have higher VMIN in scaled processes that become a huge problem in designing ULP SoC cores. This chapter discusses the latest published circuits and architecture techniques to minimize the SRAM VMIN for scaled bulk and FinFET technologies and improve battery life for ULP IoT applications

    Novel High Performance Ultra Low Power Static Random Access Memories (SRAMs) Based on Next Generation Technologies

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    Title from PDF of title page viewed January 27, 2021Dissertation advisor: Masud H. ChowdhuryVitaIncludes bibliographical references (page 107-120)Thesis (Ph.D.)--School of Computing and Engineering. University of Missouri--Kansas City, 2019Next Big Thing Is Surely Small: Nanotechnology Can Bring Revolution. Nanotechnology leads the world towards many new applications in various fields of computing, communication, defense, entertainment, medical, renewable energy and environment. These nanotechnology applications require an energy-efficient memory system to compute and process. Among all the memories, Static Random Access Memories (SRAMs) are high performance memories and occupies more than 50% of any design area. Therefore, it is critical to design high performance and energy-efficient SRAM design. Ultra low power and high speed applications require a new generation memory capable of operating at low power as well as low execution time. In this thesis, a novel 8T SRAM design is proposed that offers significantly faster access time and lowers energy consumption along with better read stability and write ability. The proposed design can be used in the conventional SRAM as well as in computationally intensive applications like neural networks and machine learning classifiers [1]-[4]. Novel 8T SRAM design offers higher energy efficiency, reliability, robustness and performance compared to the standard 6T and other existing 8T and 9T designs. It offers the advantages of a 10T SRAM without the additional area, delay and power overheads of the 10T SRAM. The proposed 8T SRAM would be able to overcome many other limitations of the conventional 6T and other 7T, 8T and 9T designs. The design employs single bitline for the write operation, therefore the number of write drivers are reduced. The defining feature of the proposed 8T SRAM is its hybrid design, which is the combination of two techniques: (i) the utilization of single-ended bitline and (ii) the utilization of virtual ground. The single-ended bitline technique ensures separate read and write operations, which eventually reduces the delay and power consumption during the read and write operations. It's independent read and write paths allow the use of the minimum sized access transistors and aid in a disturb-free read operation. The virtual ground weakens the positive feedback in the SRAM cell and improves its write ability. The virtual ground technique is also used to reduce leakages. The proposed design does not require precharging the bitlines for the read operation, which reduces the area and power overheads of the memory system by eliminating the precharging circuit. The design isolates the storage node from the read path, which improves the read stability. For reliability study, we have investigated the static noise margin (SNM) of the proposed 8T SRAM, for which, we have used two methods – (i) the traditional SNM method with the butterfly curve, (ii) the N-curve method A comparative analysis is performed between the proposed and the existing SRAM designs in terms of area, total power consumption during the read and write operations, and stability and reliability. All these advantages make the proposed 8T SRAM design an ideal candidate for the conventional and computationally intensive applications like machine learning classifier and deep learning neural network. In addition to this, there is need for next generation technologies to design SRAM memory because the conventional CMOS technology is approaching its physical and performance boundaries and as a consequence, becoming incompatible with ultra-low-power applications. Emerging devices such as Tunnel Field Effect Transistor (TFET)) and Graphene Nanoribbon Field Effect Transistor (GNRFET) devices are highly potential candidates to overcome the limitations of MOSFET because of their ability to achieve subthreshold slopes below 60 mV/decade and very low leakage currents [6]-[9]. This research also explores novel TFET and GNRFET based 6T SRAM. The thesis evaluates the standby leakage power in the Tunnel FET (TFET) based 6T SRAM cell for different pull-up, pull-down, and pass-gate transistors ratios (PU: PD: PG) and compared to 10nm FinFET based 6T SRAM designs. It is observed that the 10nm TFET based SRAMs have 107.57%, 163.64%, and 140.44% less standby leakage power compared to the 10nm FinFET based SRAMs when the PU: PD: PG ratios are 1:1:1, 1:5:2 and 2:5:2, respectively. The thesis also presents an analysis of the stability and reliability of sub-10nm TFET based 6T SRAM circuit with a reduced supply voltage of 500mV. The static noise margin (SNM), which is a critical measure of SRAM stability and reliability, is determined for hold, read and write operations of the 6T TFET SRAM cell. The robustness of the optimized TFET based 6T SRAM circuit is also evaluated at different supply voltages. Simulations were done in HSPICE and Cadence tools. From the analysis, it is clear that the main advantage of the TFET based SRAM would be the significant improvement in terms of leakage or standby power consumption. Compared to the FinFET based SRAM the standby leakage power of the T-SRAMs are 107.57%, 163.64%, and 140.44% less for 1:1:1, 1:5:2 and 2:5:2 configurations, respectively. Since leakage/standby power is the primary source of power consumption in the SRAM, and the overall system energy efficiency depends on SRAM power consumption, TFET based SRAM would lead to massive improvement of the energy efficiency of the system. Therefore, T-SRAMs are more suitable for ultra-low power applications. In addition to this, the thesis evaluates the standby leakage power of types of Graphene Nanoribbon FETs based 6T SRAM bitcell and compared to 10nm FinFET based 6T SRAM bitcell. It is observed that the 10nm MOS type GNRFET based SRAMs have 16.43 times less standby leakage power compared to the 10nm FinFET based SRAMs. The double gate SB-GNRFET based SRAM consumes 1.35E+03 times less energy compared to the 10nm FinFET based SRAM during write. However, during read double gate SB-GNRFET based SRAM consume 15 times more energy than FinFET based SRAM. It is also observed that GNRFET based SRAMs are more stable and reliable than FinFET based SRAM.Introduction -- Background -- Novel High Performance Ultra Low Power SRAM Design -- Tunnel FET Based SRAM Design -- Graphene Nanoribbon FET Based SRAM Design -- Double-gate FDSOI Based SRAM Designs -- Novel CNTFET and MEMRISTOR Based Digital Designs -- Conclusio

    Perpendicular STT-MTJs with Double Reference Layers and its Application to Downscaled Memory Cells

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    Chip design presents problems due to scaling as the technology node reaches to the physical limits. The roadmap to 7nm technology node and beyond is already traced and overcome the problems in power and energy dissipation have become a fundamental part in the chip design...El diseño del chip presenta problemas debido al escalamiento de dispositivos a medida que el nodo tecnológico llega a sus límites físicos. La ruta para el desarrollo de nodos de 7nm en adelante se ha trazado, y superar los problemas de potencia y disipación de energía se ha convertido una parte fundamental para el diseño de chips..

    A 28-nm 32Kb SRAM For Low-VMIN Applications Using Write and Read Assist Techniques

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    In this paper new write and read assist techniques, reduced coupling signal negative bitline (RCS-NBL) and low power disturbance noise reduction (LP-DNR) of 6T static random-access memory (SRAM) to improve its minimal supply voltage (VMIN), have been presented. To observe the improvements in VMIN and power consumption of SRAM with the help of proposed assist techniques, a 32 Kb capacity SRAM, with 128 words of 256 bits width, is designed and simulated in 28-nm bulk CMOS technology. New RCS-NBL scheme, shows an improvement in SRAM write VMIN by 295 mV and also reduces overstress on pass transistor (PG) of the selected bitcell by 40 mV. Proposed LP-DNR scheme demonstrates an improvement in SRAM read VMIN by 35 mV and also shows a saving of the power loss in the existing DNR scheme during the read access which occurs due to continuous flow of current from the cross coupled latch to the discharge block path after the bitlines have settled. The static power consumption of this SRAM macro is improved by 48.9 % and 11.7 % while dynamic power by 91.7 % and 8.1 % with the help of proposed write and read assist techniques respectively. Area overheads of these proposed RCS-NBL and LP-DNR assist techniques for this macro are less than 0.79 % and 3.70 % respectively

    Multi-port Memory Design for Advanced Computer Architectures

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    In this thesis, we describe and evaluate novel memory designs for multi-port on-chip and off-chip use in advanced computer architectures. We focus on combining multi-porting and evaluating the performance over a range of design parameters. Multi-porting is essential for caches and shared-data systems, especially multi-core System-on-chips (SOC). It can significantly increase the memory access throughput. We evaluate FinFET voltage-mode multi-port SRAM cells using different metrics including leakage current, static noise margin and read/write performance. Simulation results show that single-ended multi-port FinFET SRAMs with isolated read ports offer improved read stability and flexibility over classical double-ended structures at the expense of write performance. By increasing the size of the access transistors, we show that the single-ended multi-port structures can achieve equivalent write performance to the classical double-ended multi-port structure for 9% area overhead. Moreover, compared with CMOS SRAM, FinFET SRAM has better stability and standby power. We also describe new methods for the design of FinFET current-mode multi-port SRAM cells. Current-mode SRAMs avoid the full-swing of the bitline, reducing dynamic power and access time. However, that comes at the cost of voltage drop, which compromises stability. The design proposed in this thesis utilizes the feature of Independent Gate (IG) mode FinFET, which can leverage threshold voltage by controlling the back gate voltage, to merge two transistors into one through high-Vt and low-Vt transistors. This design not only reduces the voltage drop, but it also reduces the area in multi-port current-mode SRAM design. For off-chip memory, we propose a novel two-port 1-read, 1-write (1R1W) phasechange memory (PCM) cell, which significantly reduces the probability of blocking at the bank levels. Different from the traditional PCM cell, the access transistors are at the top and connected to the bitline. We use Verilog-A to model the behavior of Ge2Sb2Te5 (GST: the storage component). We evaluate the performance of the two-port cell by transistor sizing and voltage pumping. Simulation results show that pMOS transistor is more practical than nMOS transistor as the access device when both area and power are considered. The estimated area overhead is 1.7ďż˝, compared to single-port PCM cell. In brief, the contribution we make in this thesis is that we propose and evaluate three different kinds of multi-port memories that are favorable for advanced computer architectures
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