9 research outputs found

    Programmable DSP-enabled multi-adaptive optical transceivers based on OFDM technology for software defined networks

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    The dynamic behavior of the traffic demand, due to the advent of technologies such as cloud services or Internet of Things (IoT), is increasing. In fact, heterogeneous connections with different characteristics (bandwidth or bit rate) are expected that coexist in the optical networks. In this respect, an evolution towards Elastic Optical Networks (EONs) has emerged as a cost-effective, flexible and dynamic solution, to face the new claims. The main idea is the efficient utilization of the optical spectrum by combining flexible transceivers, flexi-grid and flexible optical switching. Including the principles of Software Defined Network (SDN) paradigm further flexibility and adaptability can be achieved. The Sliceable Bandwidth Variable Transceiver (S-BVT), as a key element in EONs, provides flexibility and adaptability to the optical networks. It is able to dynamically tune the optical bandwidth or bit rate changing parameters such as the modulation format, bandwidth, among others, to find a trade-off between transmission reach and spectral efficiency, serving multiples destinations. The combination of programmable Digital Signal Processing (DSP) modules with advanced transmission techniques based on Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) technology using Direct Detection (DD) or COherent (CO) detection are proposed to be implemented at the S-BVT making it suitable for elastic optical metro/regional networks. Furthermore, the envisioned migration from fixed-grid to flexi-grid, can benefit from the use of S-BVTs since they are able to generate or receive multiple channels and slicing the aggregated flow into multiples flows with different capacities and destinations. We propose the use of S-BVTs based on multi-band OFDM systems. In particular, we focus on the theoretical model of an advanced transmission technique based on OFDM technology with DD. Then we evaluate the system for a realistic optical metro network. In the context of flexi-grid optical metro/regional networks, as well as the sliceability of the channels, the reduction of channel width for low bit rate connections can be envisioned. It involves that the signal traverses several nodes with the corresponding filtering elements, causing a substantially decrease and distortion of the signal bandwidth. This phenomenon known as filter narrowing effect has been also studied in this thesis, by simulations and experimentally for an adaptive cost-effective OFDM system using DD and for a standard OOK system. Apart from adaptive, flexible and programmable transceivers, metro optical networks have to be equipped with flexible optical switching systems at the node level. In this respect, we propose the adoption of adaptive S-BVTs based on advanced transmission techniques using DD with Discrete MultiTone (DMT) modulation and adaptive capabilities in combination with Semiconductor Optical Amplier (SOA)-based switching nodes. SOAs can be conveniently used for optical switching in metro networks because of their low cost or low power consumption, among others relevant characteristics. The system has been experimentally analyzed with and without considering filtering elements. Thanks to the combination of adaptive DMT modulation and SOA-based switching nodes, impairments due to the fiber links and the filtering elements can be compensated. Finally, to enhance the tranmission distance and data rate, we propose the combination of multidimensional constellations implemented at the DSP modules of the S-BVT with CO detection and OFDM technology. Thus, the deployed infrastructure is more efficiently exploited since the quadrature and the polarization dimensions are used to transmit the signal. In particular, we focus on CO-OFDM systems using Dual Polarization Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (DPQPSK) constellation transmitting the signal over the time and the polarization dimensions in the optical domain.El comportamiento din谩mico de la demanda de tr谩fico, debido a la llegada de tecnolog铆as como los servicios en la nube o el Internet of Things (IoT), est谩 aumentando. De hecho, se espera que coexistan en las redes 贸pticas conexiones heterog茅neas con caracter铆sticas diferentes, tales como ancho de banda o tasa de bits. Para hacer frente a estas demandas es crucial una evoluci贸n de las redes 贸pticas. En este sentido, las Elastic Optical Networks (EONs) emergen como una soluci贸n rentable, flexible y din谩mica. La idea principal se basa en la utilizaci贸n eficiente del espectro 贸ptico mediante la combinaci贸n de transceptores flexibles, redes flexibles y conmutaci贸n 贸ptica flexible. Una mayor flexibilidad y adaptabilidad se puede conseguir incluyendo los principios del paradigma conocido como Software Defined Network (SDN). La adopci贸n de la arquitectura SDN implica la separaci贸n del plano de control y de datos, permitiendo la programabilidad din谩mica de la red. Un elemento clave en las EONs es el Sliceable Bandwidth Variable Transceiver (SBVT), ya que provee de flexibilidad y adaptabilidad a las redes 贸pticas. El S-BVT es capaz de cambiar el ancho de banda o la tasa de bits medicando par谩metros como el formato de modulaci贸n, el ancho de banda o la codificaci贸n de Forward Error Correction (FEC), entre otros, para encontrar un equilibrio entre el alcance de la transmisi贸n y la eficiencia espectral, sirviendo m煤ltiples destinos. La combinaci贸n de m贸dulos programables de Digital Signal Processing (DSP) con t茅cnicas de transmisi贸n avanzadas, basadas en la tecnolog铆a Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) con detecci贸n directa o detecci贸n coherente, se han propuesto para ser implementadas en el S-BVT, haci茅ndolo adecuado para su uso en redes 贸pticas el谩sticas metropolitanas y regionales. Adem谩s, la migraci贸n prevista de las redes fijas a las redes flexibles, con el fin de explotar la granularidad de 12:5 GHz, puede beneficiarse del uso de S-BVTs ya que son capaces de generar y recibir m煤ltiples canales y dividir el flujo agregado en m煤ltiples flujos con diferentes capacidades y destinos. A este respecto, proponemos el uso de S-BVTs basados en se帽ales OFDM multi banda combinadas en el dominio el茅ctrico con el fin de limitar los recursos optoelectr贸nicas y relajar los requerimientos de los convertidores digitales anal贸gicos y anal贸gicos digitales. En particular, nos centramos en el modelo te贸rico de una t茅cnica de transmisi贸n avanzada basada en la tecnolog铆a OFDM con detecci贸n directa. A continuaci贸n, evaluamos el sistema para una red metropolitana 贸ptica realista. En el contexto de redes metropolitanas y regionales flexibles, adem谩s de la capacidad de divisi贸n de los canales, se puede prever una posible reducci贸n del ancho de canal para las conexiones de baja tasa de bits. Esto implica que la se帽al atraviese varios nodos con los correspondientes elementos filtrantes causando un substancial decremento y distorsi贸n del ancho de banda de la se帽al. Este fen贸meno conocido como el efecto de estrechamiento de filtrado ha sido tambi茅n estudiado en esta tesis, mediante simulaciones y de manera experimental para un sistema OFDM rentable y adaptativo usando detecci贸n directa y un sistema est谩ndar On-Off Keying (OOK). El sistema OFDM de detecci贸n directa ha resultado ser un buen candidato para aumentar la flexibilidad y la robustez frente a las deficiencias de transmisi贸n sin necesidad de compensar la dispersi贸n. Aparte de los transceptores adaptables, flexibles y programables, las redes 贸pticas metropolitanas deben estar equipadas con sistemas de conmutaci贸n 贸ptica flexible a nivel de nodo. En este sentido, proponemos la adopci贸n de S-BVTs adaptativos basados en t茅cnicas de transmisi贸n avanzadas usando detecci贸n directa con modulaci贸n Discrete MultiTone (DMT) y capacidades adaptativas, adoptando nodos de conmutaci贸n basados en Semiconductor Optical Amplifier (SOA). Los SOAs pueden ser utilizados para la conmutaci贸n 贸ptica en redes metropolitanas debido a su bajo coste o bajo consumo de energ铆a, entre otras caracter铆sticas relevantes. El sistema ha sido analizado experimentalmente considerando y sin considerar la presencia de elementos filtrantes. Gracias a la combinaci贸n de la modulaci贸n DMT adaptativa y los nodos de conmutaci贸n basados en SOA, las degradaciones debidas a los enlaces de fibra y a los elementos filtrantes se pueden compensar. Finalmente, para mejorar la distancia de transmisi贸n y la tasa de datos, proponemos la combinaci贸n de constelaciones multidimensionales implementadas en los m贸dulos DSP del S-BVT utilizando detectaron coherente y la tecnolog铆a OFDM. De hecho, los sistemas OFDM coherentes tienen un espacio de se帽al 4D (dos cuadraturas y dos polarizaciones), que puede ser utilizado con constelaciones multidimensionales, pudiendo 茅stas ser m谩s eficientes que las convencionales Binary Phase-Shift Keying (BPSK) o Quadrature Phase-Shift Keying (QPSK). De este modo, la infraestructura desplegada se explota de manera m谩s eficiente, ya que tanto la dimensi贸n de cuadratura como de polarizaci贸n se utilizan para transmitir la se帽al. Adem谩s, los sistemas OFDM coherentes pueden recuperar la amplitud y la fase de la se帽al en el receptor, mitigando los efectos de la fibra aumentando, de esta forma, la distancia de transmisi贸n. El sistema OFDM coherente que utiliza el formato de constelaci贸n Dual Polarization Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (DPQPSK) y que transmite la se帽al a lo largo del tiempo ha demostrado ser una soluci贸n prometedora.El comportament din脿mic de la demanda de transit, a causa de l'arribada de tecnologies, com poden ser els serveis al n煤vol o l'Internet of Things (IoT), est脿 creixent. De fet, s'espera que coexisteixin a les xarxes 貌ptiques connexions heterog猫nies amb caracter铆stiques diferents, tal com l'ample de banda o la taxa de bits. Per a fer front a aquestes demandes 茅s crucial una revoluci贸 de les xarxes 貌ptiques. En aquest sentit, les Elastic Optical Networks (EONs) emergeixen com una soluci贸 rendible, flexible i din脿mica. La idea principal es basa en la utilitzaci贸 eficient de l'espectre 貌ptic mitjan莽ant la combinaci贸 de transceptors flexibles, xarxes flexibles i commutaci贸 貌ptica flexible. Una major flexibilitat i adaptabilitat es pot aconseguir incloent els principis del paradigma conegut com a Software Defined Networks (SDN). L鈥檃dopci贸 de l'arquitectura SDN implica la separaci贸 del pl脿nol de control i de dades permetent la programabilitat de la xarxa d'una forma din脿mica. Un element clau en les EONs 茅s l'Sliceable Bandwith Variable Transceiver (S-BVT), ja que aporta flexibilitat i adaptabilitat a les xarxes 貌ptiques. L' S-BVT 茅s capa莽 de canviar l'ample de banda o la taxa de bits modificant par脿metres com el format de modulaci贸, l'ample de banda o la codificaci贸 del Forward Error Correction (FEC), entre altres, per a trobar un equilibri entre l鈥檃ssist猫ncia assolida i l鈥檈fici猫ncia espectral, servint m煤ltiples destinacions. La combinaci贸 de m貌duls de Digital Signal Processing (DSP) amb t猫cniques de transmissi贸 avan莽ades basades en la tecnologia Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) i detecci贸 directa o detecci贸 coherent s'han proposat per a ser implementades en l'S-BVT, fent-lo adient per a les xarxes 貌ptiques el脿stiques metropolitanes i regionals. A m茅s, la migraci贸 prevista des de les xarxes fixes a les xarxes flexibles, amb el fi d'explotar la granuralitat de 12:5GHz, pot beneficiar-se de l鈥櫭簊 d'S-BVTs ja que s贸n capa莽os de generar i rebre m煤ltiples canals i dividir el flux agregat en m煤ltiples fluxos amb diferents capacitats i destinacions. Per aquest motiu, proposem l鈥櫭簊 d'S-BVTs basats en senyals OFDM multi banda combinats en el domini el猫ctric amb el fi de limitar els recursos optoelectr貌nics i relaxar els requeriments dels convertidors digitals anal貌gics i anal貌gics digitals. Particularment, ens centrem en el model te貌ric d'una t猫cnica de transmissi贸 avan莽ada basada en la tecnologia OFDM amb detecci贸 directa. A continuaci贸, avaluem el sistema per a una xarxa metropolitana 貌ptica realista. En el context de xarxes metropolitanes i regionals flexibles, a m茅s de la propietat de divisi贸 dels canals, es pot preveure una possible reducci贸 de l'ample de canal per a les connexions de baixa taxa de bits. Aix貌 implica que el senyal travessi diversos nodes amb els corresponents elements filtrants causant un substancial decrement i distorsi贸 de l'ample de banda del senyal. Aquest fenomen conegut com l'efecte d'estretament de filtrat ha sigut tamb茅 estudiat en aquesta tesi, mitjan莽ant simulacions i de manera experimental en el cas d'un sistema OFDM rendible i adaptatiu utilitzant detecci贸 directa i un sistema est脿ndard On-Off Keying (OOK). El sistema OFDM de detecci贸 directa ha resultat ser un bon candidat per augmentar la flexibilitat i la robustesa front a les defici猫ncies de transmissi贸 sense necessitat de compensar la dispersi贸. A part dels transceptors adaptables, flexibles i programables, les xarxes 貌ptiques metropolitanes han d'estar equipades amb sistemes de commutaci贸 貌ptica flexible a nivell de node. En aquest sentit, proposem l鈥檃dopci贸 d'un S-BVT adaptatiu basat en t猫cniques de transmissi贸 avan莽ades i utilitzant detecci贸 directa amb modulaci贸 Discrete MultiTone (DMT) i capacitats adaptatives, adoptant nodes de comunicaci贸 basats en Semi-conductor Optical Amplifier (SOA). Els SOAs poden ser utilitzats per la commutaci贸 _貌ptica en xarxes metropolitanes degut al seu baix cost o baix consum d'energia, entre altres caracter铆stiques rellevants. El sistema ha sigut analitzat experimentalment considerant i sense considerar la pres猫ncia d'elements filtrants. Gr脿cies a la combinaci贸 de la modulaci贸 DMT adaptativa i dels nodes de commutaci贸 basats en SOA, les degradacions degudes als enlla莽os de fibra i als elements filtrants es poden compensar. Finalment, per a millorar la dist脿ncia de transmissi贸 i la taxa de dades, proposem la combinaci贸 de constel路lacions multidimensionals implementades als m貌duls DSP de l'SBVT utilitzant detecci贸 coherent i la tecnologia OFDM. De fet, els sistemes coherents OFDM tenen un espai de senyal 4D (dues quadratures i dues polaritzacions), que pot ser utilitzat amb constel路lacions multidimensionals, arribant a ser m茅s eficients que les modulacions convencionals Binary Phase-Shift Keying (BPSK) o Quadrature Phase-Shift Keying (QPSK). D'aquesta manera, la infraestructura desplegada s'explota de forma m茅s eficient, ja que tant la dimensi贸 de quadratura com de polaritzaci贸 s'utilitzen per transmetre el senyal. A m茅s, els sistemes coherents basats en OFDM poden recuperar l'amplitud i la fase del senyal en el receptor, mitigant els efectes de la fibra i d'aquesta forma augmentant la dist脿ncia de transmissi贸. El sistema OFDM coherent que utilitza el format de constel路laci贸 Dual Polarization Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (DPQPSK) i que transmet el senyal al llarg del temps ha demostrat ser una soluci贸 prometedora.Postprint (published version

    A space communications study Final report, 15 Sep. 1966 - 15 Sep. 1967

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    Investigation of signal to noise ratios and signal transmission efficiency for space communication system

    Enabling Technologies for Cognitive Optical Networks

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    Physical Layer Aware Optical Networks

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    This thesis describes novel contributions in the field of physical layer aware optical networks. IP traffic increase and revenue compression in the Telecom industry is putting a lot of pressure on the optical community to develop novel solutions that must both increase total capacity while being cost effective. This requirement is pushing operators towards network disaggregation, where optical network infrastructure is built by mix and match different physical layer technologies from different vendors. In such a novel context, every equipment and transmission technique at the physical layer impacts the overall network behavior. Hence, methods giving quantitative evaluations of individual merit of physical layer equipment at network level are a firm request during network design phases as well as during network lifetime. Therefore, physical layer awareness in network design and operation is fundamental to fairly assess the potentialities, and exploit the capabilities of different technologies. From this perspective, propagation impairments modeling is essential. In this work propagation impairments in transparent optical networks are summarized, with a special focus on nonlinear effects. The Gaussian Noise model is reviewed, then extended for wideband scenarios. To do so, the impact of polarization mode dispersion on nonlinear interference (NLI) generation is assessed for the first time through simulation, showing its negligible impact on NLI generation. Thanks to this result, the Gaussian Noise model is generalized to assess the impact of space and frequency amplitude variations along the fiber, mainly due to stimulated Raman scattering, on NLI generation. The proposed Generalized GN (GGN) model is experimentally validated on a setup with commercial linecards, compared with other modeling options, and an example of application is shown. Then, network-level power optimization strategies are discussed, and the Locally Optimization Global Optimization (LOGO) approach reviewed. After that, a novel framework of analysis for optical networks that leverages detailed propagation impairment modeling called the Statistical Network Assessment Process (SNAP) is presented. SNAP is motivated by the need of having a general framework to assess the impact of different physical layer technologies on network performance, without relying on rigid optimization approaches, that are not well-suited for technology comparison. Several examples of applications of SNAP are given, including comparisons of transceivers, amplifiers and node technologies. SNAP is also used to highlight topological bottlenecks in progressively loaded network scenarios and to derive possible solutions for them. The final work presented in this thesis is related to the implementation of a vendor agnostic quality of transmission estimator for multi-vendor optical networks developed in the context of the Physical Simulation Environment group of the Telecom Infra Project. The implementation of a module based on the GN model is briefly described, then results of a multi-vendor experimental validation performed in collaboration with Microsoft are shown

    Digital signal processing for sensing in software defined optical networks

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    Optical networks are moving from static point-to-point to dynamic configurations, where transmitter parameters are adaptively changing to meet traffic demands. Dynamic network reconfigurability is achievable through software-defined transceivers, capable of changing the data-rate, overhead, modulation format and reach. Additionally, flexibility in the spectral allocation of channels ensures that the available resources are efficiently distributed, as the increase in fibre capacity has reached a halt. The complexity of such highly reconfigurable systems and cost of their maintenance increase exponentially. Implemented as part of digital signal processing of coherent receivers, sensing is an enabling technology for future software defined optical networks, as it makes possible to both control and optimise transmission parameters, as well as to manage faulty links and mitigate channel impairments in a cost-effective manner. Symbol-rate is one of the parameters most likely to adaptively change according to existing fibre impairments, such as optical signal-to-noise ratio or chromatic dispersion. A single-channel symbol-rate estimation technique is demonstrated initially, yielding a sufficient accuracy to distinguish between different typical error-correction overheads, in the presence of dispersion and white Gaussian noise. Further increasing the capacity over fibre to 1 Tb/s and beyond means moving towards superchannel configurations that employ Nyquist pulse shaping to increase spectral efficiency. Novel sensing techniques applicable to such information dense configurations, that can jointly monitor the channel bandwidth, frequency offset, optical signal-to-noise ratio and chromatic dispersion are proposed and demonstrated herein. Based on time-domain and frequency-domain functions derived from the theory of cyclostationarity, the performance of this joint estimator is investigated with respect to a wide range of parameters. The required acquisition time of the receiver is approximately 6.55 渭s, three orders of magnitude faster compared to the round-trip time in core networks. The pulse shaping at the transmitter limits the performance of this estimator, unless the excess bandwidth is 30% of the symbol-rate, or more

    Microfluidics and Nanofluidics Handbook

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    The Microfluidics and Nanofluidics Handbook: Two-Volume Set comprehensively captures the cross-disciplinary breadth of the fields of micro- and nanofluidics, which encompass the biological sciences, chemistry, physics and engineering applications. To fill the knowledge gap between engineering and the basic sciences, the editors pulled together key individuals, well known in their respective areas, to author chapters that help graduate students, scientists, and practicing engineers understand the overall area of microfluidics and nanofluidics. Topics covered include Finite Volume Method for Numerical Simulation Lattice Boltzmann Method and Its Applications in Microfluidics Microparticle and Nanoparticle Manipulation Methane Solubility Enhancement in Water Confined to Nanoscale Pores Volume Two: Fabrication, Implementation, and Applications focuses on topics related to experimental and numerical methods. It also covers fabrication and applications in a variety of areas, from aerospace to biological systems. Reflecting the inherent nature of microfluidics and nanofluidics, the book includes as much interdisciplinary knowledge as possible. It provides the fundamental science background for newcomers and advanced techniques and concepts for experienced researchers and professionals

    Searching electromagnetic counterparts of gravitational wave signals

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    Gravitational-wave (GW) were detected on 14 September 2015 by the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO). The following challenge was the joint observation of a Compact binary coalescence (CBC) in both GW and Electromagnetic (EM) channels. This is difficult because GW sky location uncertainties are typically tens or hundreds of square degrees. Multimessenger observations of binary system containing a neutron star were expected to answer many open questions of modern astrophysics, from the nature of short GRB to the origin of heavy elements. For this reason the astronomical community worldwide was preparing for this event. The work of this thesis was developed in this context. My work focused on the search of the possible optical counterparts of GW events. For the search of the expected optical transient I tested, implemented and exploited two complementary approaches using the data of the observing facilities available to the collaborations of which I am member: a) The GRAvitational Wave Inaf TeAm (GRAWITA), which performs an optical transient search with the 2.6 meter VLT survey telescope (VST). As part of GRAWITA, I developed the transient detection pipeline based on image difference of the wide field survey. I applied this tool to the follow up of three GW triggers, GW150914, GW151226 and GW170814. b) The Distance Less Than 40 Mpc survey (DLT40), which makes use of 40 cm robotic telescopes for targeting individual galaxies. In this project, I developed a prioritization algorithm to select galaxies inside the GW error-box, with the aim to maximise the detection probability in case of nearby triggers. My algorithm was used to define the strategy and follow-up ten GW triggers. After a few inconclusive attempts, on August 17, 2017 with DLT40, I contributed to the discovery of the first optical counterpart of a GW source, DLT17ck (labelled also AT2017gfo and SSS17a). With GRAWITA we observed this source with an almost daily cadence for two weeks both in imaging and spectroscopy, proving that the binary neutron star (BNS) merging produces r-process elements. I used the previous record of the DLT40 SN search to derive one of the first direct estimate of the BNS rates. I also contributed to a first attempt to measure the Hubble constant from combined GW-EM observations. Finally, I developed a machine learning algorithm with the aim of a more rapid and efficient transient candidate selection. This tool is already implemented in the ongoing DLT40 SN survey and it will be used by GRAWITA in the incoming LIGO-VIRGO collaboration (LVC) O3 run