40 research outputs found

    Security features using a distributed file system

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    Tese de mestrado em Segurnaça Informática, apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2011Informação sensível como por exemplo dados provenientes the firewalls ou sistemas de detecção de intrusões, é preciso que seja armazenada durante longos períodos de tempo por razões legais ou para fins de análise forense. Com o crescimento das fontes geradores deste tipo de dados dentro de uma empresa, torna-se imperioso encontrar uma solução que cumpra os requisitos de escalabilidade, segurança, disponibilidade, performance e baixa manutenção com custos controlados. Na sequência desta necessidade, este projecto visa fazer uma análise sobre vários sistemas de ficheiros distribuídos por forma a encontrar uma solução que responda aos requisitos de performance e segurança de uma aplicação interna da Portugal Telecom. Para validar a solução, o projecto inclui a concepção de um protótipo que pretende simular as condições de execução dessa aplicação.Sensitive information such as firewall logs or data from intrusion detection systems, has to be stored for long periods of time for legal reasons or for later forensic analysis. With the growth of the sources generating this type of data within a company, it is imperative to find a solution that meets the requirements of scalability, security, availability, performance and low maintenance while keeping the costs under control. Following this need, this project aims to make an analysis of several distributed file systems in order to find a solution that meets both the performance and security requirements of an internal application of Portugal Telecom. To validate the solution, the project includes the design of a prototype that aims to simulate the execution environment of that application

    Towards Trasparent Data Access with Context Awareness

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    Applying the principles of open research data is an important factor accelerating the production, analysis of scientific results and worldwide collaboration. However, still very little data is being shared. The aim of this article is analysis of existing data access solutions in order to identify reasons for such situation. After analysis of existing solutions and data access stakeholders needs, the authors propose own vision of data access model evolution

    PROCESS Data Infrastructure and Data Services

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    Due to energy limitation and high operational costs, it is likely that exascale computing will not be achieved by one or two datacentres but will require many more. A simple calculation, which aggregates the computation power of the 2017 Top500 supercomputers, can only reach 418 petaflops. Companies like Rescale, which claims 1.4 exaflops of peak computing power, describes its infrastructure as composed of 8 million servers spread across 30 datacentres. Any proposed solution to address exascale computing challenges has to take into consideration these facts and by design should aim to support the use of geographically distributed and likely independent datacentres. It should also consider, whenever possible, the co-allocation of the storage with the computation as it would take 3 years to transfer 1 exabyte on a dedicated 100 Gb Ethernet connection. This means we have to be smart about managing data more and more geographically dispersed and spread across different administrative domains. As the natural settings of the PROCESS project is to operate within the European Research Infrastructure and serve the European research communities facing exascale challenges, it is important that PROCESS architecture and solutions are well positioned within the European computing and data management landscape namely PRACE, EGI, and EUDAT. In this paper we propose a scalable and programmable data infrastructure that is easy to deploy and can be tuned to support various data-intensive scientific applications

    Implementation and use of a highly available and innovative IaaS solution: the Cloud Area Padovana

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    While in the business world the cloud paradigm is typically implemented purchasing resources and services from third party providers (e.g. Amazon), in the scientific environment there's usually the need of on-premises IaaS infrastructures which allow efficient usage of the hardware distributed among (and owned by) different scientific administrative domains. In addition, the requirement of open source adoption has led to the choice of products like OpenStack by many organizations. We describe a use case of the Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN) which resulted in the implementation of a unique cloud service, called ’Cloud Area Padovana’, which encompasses resources spread over two different sites: the INFN Legnaro National Laboratories and the INFN Padova division. We describe how this IaaS has been implemented, which technologies have been adopted and how services have been configured in high-availability (HA) mode. We also discuss how identity and authorization management were implemented, adopting a widely accepted standard architecture based on SAML2 and OpenID: by leveraging the versatility of those standards the integration with authentication federations like IDEM was implemented. We also discuss some other innovative developments, such as a pluggable scheduler, implemented as an extension of the native OpenStack scheduler, which allows the allocation of resources according to a fair-share based model and which provides a persistent queuing mechanism for handling user requests that can not be immediately served. Tools, technologies, procedures used to install, configure, monitor, operate this cloud service are also discussed. Finally we present some examples that show how this IaaS infrastructure is being used

    Behrooz File System (BFS)

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    In this thesis, the Behrooz File System (BFS) is presented, which provides an in-memory distributed file system. BFS is a simple design which combines the best of in-memory and remote file systems. BFS stores data in the main memory of commodity servers and provides a shared unified file system view over them. BFS utilizes backend storage to provide persistency and availability. Unlike most existing distributed in-memory storage systems, BFS supports a general purpose POSIX-like file interface. BFS is built by grouping multiple servers’ memory together; therefore, if applications and BFS servers are co-located, BFS is a highly efficient design because this architecture minimizes inter-node communication. This pattern is common in distributed computing environments and data analytics applications. A set of microbenchmarks and SPEC SFS 2014 benchmark are used to evaluate different aspects of BFS, such as throughput, reliability, and scalability. The evaluation results indicate the simple design of BFS is successful in delivering the expected performance, while certain workloads reveal limitations of BFS in handling a large number of files. Addressing these limitations, as well as other potential improvements, are considered as future work

    Benchmarking Hadoop performance on different distributed storage systems

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    Distributed storage systems have been in place for years, and have undergone significant changes in architecture to ensure reliable storage of data in a cost-effective manner. With the demand for data increasing, there has been a shift from disk-centric to memory-centric computing - the focus is on saving data in memory rather than on the disk. The primary motivation for this is the increased speed of data processing. This could, however, mean a change in the approach to providing the necessary fault-tolerance - instead of data replication, other techniques may be considered. One example of an in-memory distributed storage system is Tachyon. Instead of replicating data files in memory, Tachyon provides fault-tolerance by maintaining a record of the operations needed to generate the data files. These operations are replayed if the files are lost. This approach is termed lineage. Tachyon is already deployed by many well-known companies. This thesis work compares the storage performance of Tachyon with that of the on-disk storage systems HDFS and Ceph. After studying the architectures of well-known distributed storage systems, the major contribution of the work is to integrate Tachyon with Ceph as an underlayer storage system, and understand how this affects its performance, and how to tune Tachyon to extract maximum performance out of it

    New approaches to data access in large-scale distributed system

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorA great number of scientific projects need supercomputing resources, such as, for example, those carried out in physics, astrophysics, chemistry, pharmacology, etc. Most of them generate, as well, a great amount of data; for example, a some minutes long experiment in a particle accelerator generates several terabytes of data. In the last years, high-performance computing environments have evolved towards large-scale distributed systems such as Grids, Clouds, and Volunteer Computing environments. Managing a great volume of data in these environments means an added huge problem since the data have to travel from one site to another through the internet. In this work a novel generic I/O architecture for large-scale distributed systems used for high-performance and high-throughput computing will be proposed. This solution is based on applying parallel I/O techniques to remote data access. Novel replication and data search schemes will also be proposed; schemes that, combined with the above techniques, will allow to improve the performance of those applications that execute in these environments. In addition, it will be proposed to develop simulation tools that allow to test these and other ideas without needing to use real platforms due to their technical and logistic limitations. An initial prototype of this solution has been evaluated and the results show a noteworthy improvement regarding to data access compared to existing solutions.Un gran número de proyectos científicos necesitan recursos de supercomputación como, por ejemplo, los llevados a cabo en física, astrofísica, química, farmacología, etc. Muchos de ellos generan, además, una gran cantidad de datos; por ejemplo, un experimento de unos minutos de duración en un acelerador de partículas genera varios terabytes de datos. Los entornos de computación de altas prestaciones han evolucionado en los últimos años hacia sistemas distribuidos a gran escala tales como Grids, Clouds y entornos de computación voluntaria. En estos entornos gestionar un gran volumen de datos supone un problema añadido de importantes dimensiones ya que los datos tienen que viajar de un sitio a otro a través de internet. En este trabajo se propondrá una nueva arquitectura de E/S genérica para sistemas distribuidos a gran escala usados para cómputo de altas prestaciones y de alta productividad. Esta solución se basa en la aplicación de técnicas de E/S paralela al acceso remoto a los datos. Así mismo, se estudiarán y propondrán nuevos esquemas de replicación y búsqueda de datos que, en combinación con las técnicas anteriores, permitan mejorar las prestaciones de aquellas aplicaciones que ejecuten en este tipo de entornos. También se propone desarrollar herramientas de simulación que permitan probar estas y otras ideas sin necesidad de recurrir a una plataforma real debido a las limitaciones técnicas y logísticas que ello supone. Se ha evaluado un prototipo inicial de esta solución y los resultados muestran una mejora significativa en el acceso a los datos sobre las soluciones existentes.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Ciencia y Tecnología InformáticaPresidente: David Expósito Singh.- Secretario: María de los Santos Pérez Hernández.- Vocal: Juan Manuel Tirado Mart