223 research outputs found

    Compositional gossip: a conceptual architecture for designing gossip-based applications

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    Most proposed gossip-based systems use an ad-hoc design. We observe a low degree of reutilization among this proposals. We present how this limits both the systematic development of gossip-based applications and the number of applications that can benefit from gossip-based construction. We posit that these reinvent-the-wheel approaches poses a significant barrier to the spread and usability of gossip protocols. This paper advocates a conceptual design framework based upon aggregating basic and predefined building blocks BD 2. We show how to compose building blocks within our framework to construct more complex blocks to be used in gossip-based applications. The concept is further depicted with two gossip-based applications described using our building blocks.(undefined

    Realistic and Efficient Radio Propagation Model for V2X Communications

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    Multiple wireless devices are being widely deployed in Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) services on the road to establish end-to-end connection between vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) networks. Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) play an important role in supporting V2V and V2I communications (also called V2X communications) in a variety of urban environments with distinct topological characteristics. In fact, obstacles such as big buildings, moving vehicles, trees, advertisement boards, traffic lights, etc. may block the radio signals in V2X communications. Their impact has been neglected in VANET research. In this paper, we present a realistic and efficient radio propagation model to handle different sizes of static and moving obstacles for V2X communications. In the proposed model, buildings and large moving vehicles are modeled as static and moving obstacles, and taken into account their impact on the packet reception rate, Line-of-sight (LOS) obstruction, and received signal power. We use unsymmetrical city map which has many dead-end roads and open faces. Each dead-end road and open faces are joined to the nearest edge making a polygon to model realistic obstacles. The simulation results of proposed model demonstrates better performance compared to some existing models, that shows proposed model can reflect more realistic simulation environments.Khokhar, RH.; Zia, T.; Ghafoor, KZ.; Lloret, J.; Shiraz, M. (2013). Realistic and Efficient Radio Propagation Model for V2X Communications. KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems. 7(8):1933-1954. doi:10.3837/tiis.2013.08.011S193319547

    WLAN IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n Indoor Coverage and Interference Performance Study

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    An adequate wireless network plan is needed to replace the traditional wired LANs. A full coverage WLAN offers the flexibility to relocate people and equipment or to reconfigure and add more wireless devices to the network. Usually, an IEEE 802.11 variant is chosen based on their bandwidth and their coverage area. However, sometimes there are special cases where the best technology is not the newest one. In addition, suitable positioning of access points (AP) is crucial to determine the efficiency of the network. E.g. in the case where devices are going to transmit at a maximum of 1 Mbps, any choice is acceptable, but when it is required higher performance, other factors must be considered. In this paper, we compare IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n indoor environments to know what technology is better. This comparison will be taken in terms of RSSI, coverage area, and measuring the interferences between channels. These key factors must be optimum to have high performance in the WLAN. This study will help the researchers to choose the best technology depending of their deploying case, and we will see study the best variant for indoors.Sendra, S.; García Pineda, M.; Turró Ribalta, C.; Lloret, J. (2011). WLAN IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n Indoor Coverage and Interference Performance Study. International Journal On Advances in Networks and Services. 4(1):209-222. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/47035S2092224

    Enhancing performance and expressibility of complex event processing using binary tree-based directed graph

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    In various domains, applications are required to detect and react to complex situations accordingly. In response to the demand for matching receiving events to complex patterns, several event processing systems have been developed. However, there are just a few of them considered both performance and expressibility of event matching as focusing only on performance can cause negative effect on the expressibility or vice versa. This research develops a fast adaptive event matching system (FAEM), a new event matching system to improve expressibility and performance measures (throughput and end-to-end latency). This system is designed and developed based on a novel binary tree-based directed graph (BTDG) as a unified basis for event-matching. The proposed system transforms a user-defined query into a set of system objects including buffers, conditions on buffers, cursors, and join operators (non-kleene and kleene operators) and arranges these objects on a BTDG. Provided BTDG the enhancement in performance of non-kleene operators applied through developing a batch removal method to remove the events that are located out of time-window, and an actual time window (ATW) which can improve performance of event matching. To improve performance of kleene operators, this research introduces a twin algorithms for kleene operator which is match to BTDG. These two kleene algorithms apply grouping on events and reduce the number of intermediate results and apply combination algorithm in final stage. Transformation of queries containing join operators into BTDG enhances the expressibility of the proposed CEP system

    A Dynamic Messaging Architecture for Vehicular Social Networks

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    RÉSUMÉ La congestion routière et les longs trajets quotidiens sont deux grandes sources d'insatisfaction chez les voyageurs. Ces derniers partagent les mêmes besoins et intérêts au niveau de la route mais leur anonymité, leur manque de confiance en leur voisinage et la grande mobilité des véhicules les rendent incapables d'entamer et de maintenir une communication sure et stable entre eux, pendant les heures de pointe et les bouchons de circulation, afin de gérer ensemble l'état critique et imprévisible du trafic routier. Ceci déclenche chez eux des sentiments de frustration, augmente leur niveau de stress et les pousse à s'envoyer des messages de façon aveugle, ce qui empire la situation du trafic, congestionne le réseau, augmente les délais d'attente de réception d'information utiles et affecte négativement la qualité de leur voyage et leur état psychologique. Par ailleurs et en l'absence de congestion, certains voyageurs considèrent la longue durée de leur voyage comme du temps perdu à ne rien faire, d'autres utilisent les applications mobiles de géolocalisation et partagent leurs informations contextuelles avec leurs amis via les réseaux sociaux virtuels, ce qui est considéré comme un moyen de divertissement tout au long de leur voyage. En fait, l'anonymité des voyageurs au niveau de la route est alimentée par leur hésitation à partager leurs intérêts avec un public inconnu, ce qui pourrait les exposer aux problèmes de fuite de données personnelles et mettre en péril leur identité et information personnelles. Plusieurs travaux de recherche ont proposé des architectures véhiculaires qui favorisent et facilitent le développement de services et d'applications véhiculaires traditionnels orientés véhicule, qui visent principalement à améliorer la sécurité routière et à prévenir les accidents. D'autres travaux plus récents sont motivés par l'amélioration de la qualité du voyage et à offrir aux voyageurs des services de divertissement. Ces travaux proposent l'introduction du concept des réseaux sociaux dans les réseaux véhiculaires ad hoc afin de faciliter la formation de communautés véhiculaires sociales où les voyageurs sont regroupés en fonction de leur contexte et leurs intérêts sur la route. Pour ce faire, les auteurs de ces travaux ont procédé à la conception d'architectures véhiculaires sociales distribuées ou centralisées qui supportent le développement des applications véhiculaires orientées utilisateur. Cependant, ces architectures proposées ne sont pas hybrides. De plus, elles ne tiennent pas compte de la coopération entre les couches supérieures de l'architecture OSI (services et applications) et les couches inférieures responsables du routage de l'information contextuelle dynamique propagée à travers le réseau. En outre, ces dernières devraient aussi considérer la fragilité et l'instabilité des liens de communication entre les véhicules, ce qui empêche les voyageurs de maintenir une communication fiable et efficace sur la route et cause des collisions lors de la dissémination des messages dans des environnements véhiculaires denses. Par ailleurs, le coût d'accès à l'infrastructure induit une grande consommation de la bande passante dans le cas où la majorité des voyageurs se connectent à Internet simultanément dans un environnement véhiculaire hybride et dense. Cette thèse vient combler le vide d'architecture véhiculaire hybride dans les réseaux véhiculaires sociaux et propose un nouveau système de messagerie dynamique hybride, fiable, stable et efficace pour ce type de réseaux, appelé DYMES. Une telle architecture permet de favoriser les interactions entre les voyageurs en temps-réel, tout en respectant leur anonymité sur la route et en tenant compte de la dynamicité de leurs informations contextuelles partagées à travers le réseau, en utilisant un ensemble d'abstractions de communication fiable, efficace, distribué et centralisé, dans un environnement véhiculaire hybride et dense. Ce travail est subdivisé en trois volets importants qui ont fait l'objet d'articles scientifiques. Le premier volet consiste à identifier une méta-stratégie qui guide la conception des abstractions de communication hybrides sur lesquelles repose DYMES. Nous proposons l'utilisation du modèle de publication et de souscription aux services qui concorde avec la nature dynamique des réseaux véhiculaires et qui répond aux requis et aux besoins des voyageurs au niveau de la route en terme du respect de l'anonymité de leur identité. Dans ce modèle, les récipiendaires des messages publiés sont identifiés par leur contexte et non par leur identité. De ce fait, nous concevons et introduisons des abstractions dynamiques de publication et de souscription aux services qui visent à assurer une communication anonyme entre les voyageurs en leur permettant de publier leur information contextuelle dynamique et de souscrire en utilisant des filtres dynamiques sensibles au contexte des messages. Nous illustrons l'utilisation de DYMES et montrons son fonctionnement via deux applications véhiculaires sociales distribuées et centralisées. De plus, nous identifions et nous discutons nos choix d'implémentation des abstractions centralisées, distribuées et hybrides proposées qui guident la conception du système DYMES. Le deuxième volet propose un nouvel ensemble d'abstractions de publication et de souscription dynamiques, hybrides, efficientes et fiables qui représente un module de l'architecture DYMES. Notre première abstraction est une stratégie de publication et de souscription dynamique aux services de regroupement DPSCS (Dynamic Publish/Subscribe Clustering Strategy) qui aborde les problématiques de l'isolation des voyageurs au niveau de la route et de l'instabilité de leur liens de communication. DPSCS permet à chaque voyageur de former une communauté stable basée sur son propre contexte et intérêt, qui est capable de s'auto mettre à jour de façon efficiente et fiable tout en respectant l'anonymité des voyageurs sur la route. Pour ce faire, chaque voyageur qui désire communiquer avec son entourage en créant une communauté, publie une seule publication persistante, dans un espace déterminé, dont le contenu est dynamique. DPSCS repose sur un protocole de communication qui permet de propager cette publication de manière efficiente et fiable en sélectionnant les relais qui disposent d'un lien stable avec le nœud source (l'éditeur) de la publication et qui sont situés loin de ce nœud. Les voyageurs dont les souscriptions courantes concordent avec la publication dynamique du nœud source, joignent sa communauté. La persistance de la publication envoyée détermine la fin de la formation de la communauté. Notre deuxième abstraction proposée est une stratégie de découverte et de sélection de relais mobiles appelée MGDSS (Mobile Gateway Discovery/Selection Strategy). Cette dernière aborde les problématiques de découverte et de sélection de relais mobiles dans les environnements véhiculaires hybrides qui donnent naissance à d'autres problèmes comme la grande consommation de bande passante lors de l'accès d'un grand nombre de véhicules à l'infrastructure, et le nombre exponentiel de messages envoyés entre les voyageurs dans les environnements véhiculaires denses. MGDSS se base sur le résultat de DPSCS. Elle facilite aux voyageurs groupés dans des communautés la découverte de leur entourage en leur permettant de s'envoyer un seul message chacun, qui est propagé de façon fiable et efficiente en utilisant un nouveau protocole de diffusion nommé CoCo (Context-aware Coding). Ce dernier permet de réduire le nombre de retransmissions des messages à travers la communauté et d'en assurer la livraison par les voyageurs. Ces derniers procèdent à la sélection d'un nombre minimal de nœuds relais capables de les lier à l'infrastructure en se basant sur les informations qu'ils ont reçues à travers MGDS-CoCo. Notre stratégie de sélection nommée MGSS (Mobile Gateway Selection Strategy) permet aux voyageurs d'envoyer leurs publications et leurs souscriptions à l'infrastructure à travers les relais sélectionnés en utilisant les chemins les plus stables. Une nouvelle stratégie de correspondance entre publication et souscription est implémentée au niveau de l'infrastructure et permet de comparer et de mettre à jour les souscriptions des voyageurs et de les filtrer selon leur contenu dynamique avec les publications reçues. Le résultat est renvoyé aux souscripteurs concernés via le relais sélectionné en utilisant MGSS. L'évaluation de performance de cet ensemble d'abstractions dynamiques de publication et de souscription de l'architecture DYMES prouve que la stratégie DPSCS est, en moyenne, 28% meilleure que les autres stratégies existantes en termes d'efficience et qu'elle est capable de former des communautés dans l'ordre des millisecondes. De plus, MGDSS dépasse les stratégies existantes par un facteur de 71% à 100% en termes d'efficience pour toute densité de nœuds comparée aux autres stratégies. Finalement, le troisième volet de cette thèse aborde la problématique de la dissémination des messages dans les environnements véhiculaires distribués. Nous proposons une nouvelle stratégie de publication et de souscription dynamique aux services appelée SocialDrive-BroadTrip qui constitue un module important dans l'architecture DYMES. Cette stratégie assure une communication fiable et efficiente entre les voyageurs regroupés en peloton. Elle leur permet de publier des mises à jour persistantes dont le contenu est dynamique et de souscrire en utilisant des filtres dynamiques sensibles au contexte des mises à jour publiées. La correspondance entre publication et souscription est effectuée par les souscripteurs qui sont intéressés à recevoir les dernières mises à jour publiées. La propagation de ces dernières est assurée par un nouveau protocole de diffusion nommé BroadTrip. Ce dernier est basé sur la localisation et sur le codage réseau afin de réduire le nombre de retransmissions des mises à jour envoyées à travers le peloton. L'évaluation de performance de BroadTrip montre qu'il est en moyenne 12% à 38% meilleur que les autres approches existantes. De plus, nos résultats de simulation montrent que SocialDrive-BroadTrip dépasse les autres stratégies de 26% à 58% en termes d'efficience et qu'elle est plus rapide que les autres stratégies en termes du nombre de correspondances de mises à jours effectuées. Globalement, les abstractions de communication proposées dans l'architecture DYMES peuvent être utilisées comme base de développement de n'importe quelle application véhiculaire sociale. De plus, les résultats prouvent que l'architecture DYMES améliore la qualité d'interaction entre les voyageurs tout au long de leur voyage, en leur offrant différents types de services qui leur permettent de contrer leur isolement sur la route et de communiquer en temps réel de façon anonyme, efficiente, stable et efficace. Ceci permet aussi d'assurer leur confort pendant leurs navettes quotidiennes.----------ABSTRACT Spending time in a lengthy commute is unavoidable and is considered as one of the most painful parts of the commuters' daily routine. As ubiquitous computing is increasingly revolutionizing the way people interact and socialize, there is a pressing need to showcase vehicular social applications and services that enable proximity-based social interactions among commuters during their daily commutes. These applications aim at improving the quality of the commuters' traveling experience since they share similar congestion issues and are connected through wireless links. However, the major challenging issues that constraint their social interactions during their highway travels are 1) their anonymity on the road that does not encourage them to share their common interest which may reveal their identities and disclose their private information to an unknown public, and 2) the heterogeneous nature of vehicular environments and the unreliable connectivity of their wireless links which may drastically impact the quality of their social interactions. The inclusion of social networks within vehicles has attracted many researchers to devise either distributed or centralized vehicular social frameworks that support the development of vehicular applications and promote social interactions among commuters on the road. However, and to the best of our knowledge, there is a lack of hybrid vehicular social architectures. Moreover, existing architectures do not ensure a cooperation between upper service layers and the physical vehicular communication layers and are only designed to satisfy a specific kind of commuters' requirements. In this thesis, we tackle the lack of specialized hybrid vehicular social frameworks in the literature and we propose a novel, efficient, reliable, stable, hybrid and Dynamic Messaging System (DYMES) for vehicular social networks. Our proposed messaging system enables real-time social interactions among commuters based on their common interests, without revealing their identities, while taking into account the dynamic nature of their shared information, using a set of efficient, reliable, distributed and centralized communication abstractions. More specifically, this work is subdivided into three main aspects, each of these aspects led to scientific publications. The first aspect consists in the identification of a meta-strategy to guide building DYMES. We propose the use of the publish/subscribe model to design novel dynamic communication abstractions that match the dynamic nature of vehicular networks, as well as the anonymous nature of commuters' on the road. Our proposed dynamic publish/subscribe abstractions aim at breaking the commuters' social isolation by allowing them to publish dynamic contextual information and to subscribe using online context-aware message filters, without revealing their identities. We show the DYMES usage via two typical centralized and distributed vehicular social applications. Furthermore, we identify and discuss implementation issues of our proposed hybrid, distributed and centralized publish/subscribe abstractions which guide the building of our DYMES architecture. The second aspect introduces a set of novel, hybrid, efficient, reliable, stable and dynamic publish/subscribe abstractions that constitute an important building block of our hybrid DYMES architecture. Our first proposed abstraction is a Dynamic Publish/Subscribe Clustering Strategy (DPSCS) that tackles the problems of the commuters' anonymity and the intermittent nature of their wireless links which limit their social communication during their road trips. DPSCS provides the opportunity for each commuter to build a stable, self-updated, efficient and reliable community based on its own interests, without disclosing its personal information and without flooding the network. Using DPSCS, each commuter publishes a single persistent and dynamic publication in a predetermined geographical range, leaving the dynamic matching process to subscribers. DPSCS relies on the two Shot Stable Routing Service (2S-SRS) that disseminates the commuter's publication using stable and farther nodes. Our second proposed abstraction is a Mobile Gateway Discovery/Selection Strategy (MGDSS) that tackles the problems pertaining to mobile gateway discovery and selection in hybrid dense vehicular environments and that lead to other related challenges such as extensive bandwidth consumption and high message overhead. MGDSS is based on the outcome of DPSCS and allows commuters clustered in interest-based communities to efficiently and reliably discover their neighborhood, using an efficient and reliable broadcasting protocol called CoCo (Context-aware Coding). This protocol uses location and network coding in order to reduce the number of message retransmissions throughout the network, during the discovery process. A minimum number of mobile gateways is then selected by each commuter, upon the end of the discovery process, in order to simultaneously send the commuters' dynamic publications and subscriptions to the infrastructure using stable links. An online matching strategy is executed at the infrastructure and aims at updating the commuters' subscriptions and at sending positive matches to the corresponding subscribers. More specifically, DPSCS outperforms the next best comparable approach by 28% and succeeds to build social communities in the order of milliseconds. Furthermore, MGDSS shows an improvement of 71% to 100% over existing discovery strategies for any node density. Finally, the third aspect introduces a new dynamic publish/subscribe broadcasting abstraction called SocialDrive-BroadTrip that also constitutes an important building block of our hybrid DYMES architecture. SocialDrive-BroadTrip tackles the problem of updates dissemination in distributed vehicular environments. It aims at enabling real-time social interactions among commuters clustered in platoons. It allows them to publish dynamic and persistent updates and to subscribe using online context-aware update filters. Matching is executed by subscribers who are interested to receive the newest updates. The dissemination of persistent publications (updates) throughout the network is performed using a novel, efficient and reliable broadcasting protocol called BroadTrip. It leverages on location information and network coding in order to reduce the number of retransmissions needed to propagate the published persistent updates in platoons. The proposed abstraction is evaluated analytically and through simulations. We first evaluate the performance of BroadTrip protocol. The results show that it outperforms the next best comparable approach by 12% to 38% depending on settings. We then use BroadTrip as an underlying protocol in the DYMES architecture and evaluate the performance of SocialDrive-BroadTrip in a vehicular dense environment. The results show that our proposed strategy outperforms other existing approaches by 26% to 58% depending on settings. Globally, the results prove that DYMES is the best suitable messaging system to improve the quality of real-time social interactions among commuters in hybrid and dense vehicular environments, that it is able to ensure efficiency and comfort during their daily commutes and that its dynamic, efficient and reliable communication abstractions can be used to build any kind of vehicular social applications

    E-voting system adoption and its impact on voter turnout in Nigeria

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    There are numerous problems ascribed to the existing ballot paper voting system in Nigeria. Some of the identified problems include multiple voting, under aged voting, intimidation of voters and miscomputation or falsification of election results. The consequences of the flawed voting system often lead to political apathy as well as decreased voter turnout. Consequently, the government plans to introduce e-voting system in order to enhance fiee, fair and credible elections as well as improve voter turnout. However, the e-voting system could be a solution to the problem of low turnout if it influences the electorates to participate in elections. Thus, this study is aimed at investigating factors that influence e-voting system adoption and its impact on voter turnout. By blending theories of Rational Choice, Diffusion of Innovation, Trust Model and Self-efficacy construct, the study conceptualized a model of election participation using e-voting system. Using combined methods of survey instrument and semi-structured interviews, data were collected from voters, government officials and political party officials across three States of the Northeastern Nigeria. Using PLS-SEM approach, the model demonstrated significant influence of technological attributes, trust and computer self-efficacy variables as determinants of intention to adopt e-voting system. In addition, the study demonstrated the significance of the adoption variables in influencing voter rational decision to participate in election using e-voting system. Potential challenges of evoting adoption identified through thematic analysis include institutional, sociopsychological, technological and infrastructural challenges, while strengthening institutional framework, technological proficiency, effective information dissemination and provision of adequate requisite facilities were identified among other remedies to the challenges of e-voting adoption. The study has significant contributions to theory and practice of information system, participatory public policy and democracy. It also provides policy makers and practitioners with the understanding of e-voting adoption for strategic planning and decisions towards the desired voting system

    Big data analytics tools for improving the decision-making process in agrifood supply chain

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    Introduzione: Nell'interesse di garantire una sicurezza alimentare a lungo termine di fronte a circostanze mutevoli, è necessario comprendere e considerare gli aspetti ambientali, sociali ed economici del processo di produzione. Inoltre, a causa della globalizzazione, sono stati sollevati i problemi delle lunghe filiere agroalimentari, l'asimmetria informativa, la contraffazione, la difficoltà di tracciare e rintracciare l'origine dei prodotti e le numerose questioni correlate quali il benessere dei consumatori e i costi sanitari. Le tecnologie emergenti guidano verso il raggiungimento di nuovi approcci socioeconomici in quanto consentono al governo e ai singoli produttori agricoli di raccogliere ed analizzare una quantità sempre crescente di dati ambientali, agronomici, logistici e danno la possibilità ai consumatori ed alle autorità di controllo della qualità di accedere a tutte le informazioni necessarie in breve tempo e facilmente. Obiettivo: L'oggetto della ricerca riguarda lo studio delle modalità di miglioramento del processo produttivo attraverso la riduzione dell'asimmetria informativa, rendendola disponibile alle parti interessate in un tempo ragionevole, analizzando i dati sui processi produttivi, considerando l'impatto ambientale della produzione in termini di ecologia, economia, sicurezza alimentare e qualità di cibo, costruendo delle opportunità per le parti interessate nel prendere decisioni informate, oltre che semplificare il controllo della qualità, della contraffazione e delle frodi. Pertanto, l'obiettivo di questo lavoro è quello di studiare le attuali catene di approvvigionamento, identificare le loro debolezze e necessità, analizzare le tecnologie emergenti, le loro caratteristiche e gli impatti sulle catene di approvvigionamento e fornire utili raccomandazioni all'industria, ai governi e ai policy maker.Introduction: In the interest of ensuring long-term food security and safety in the face of changing circumstances, it is interesting and necessary to understand and to take into consideration the environmental, social and economic aspects of food and beverage production in relation to the consumers’ demand. Besides, due to the globalization, the problems of long supply chains, information asymmetry, counterfeiting, difficulty for tracing and tracking back the origin of the products and numerous related issues have been raised such as consumers’ well-being and healthcare costs. Emerging technologies drive to achieve new socio-economic approaches as they enable government and individual agricultural producers to collect and analyze an ever-increasing amount of environmental, agronomic, logistic data, and they give the possibility to the consumers and quality control authorities to get access to all necessary information in a short notice and easily. Aim: The object of the research essentially concerns the study of the ways for improving the production process through reducing the information asymmetry, making it available for interested parties in a reasonable time, analyzing the data about production processes considering the environmental impact of production in terms of ecology, economy, food safety and food quality and build the opportunity for stakeholders to make informed decisions, as well as simplifying the control of the quality, counterfeiting and fraud. Therefore, the aim of this work is to study current supply chains, to identify their weaknesses and necessities, to investigate the emerging technologies, their characteristics and the impacts on supply chains, and to provide with the useful recommendations the industry, governments and policymakers


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    The seasonality of terrestrial vegetation controls feedbacks to the climate system including land-atmosphere water, energy and carbon (CO2) exchanges with cascading effects on regional-to-global weather and circulation patterns. Proper characterization of vegetation phenology is necessary to understand and quantify changes in the earthÆs ecosystems and biogeochemical cycles and is a key component in tracking ecological species response to climate change. The response of both functional and structural vegetation phenology to climatic drivers on a global scale is still poorly understood however, which has hindered the development of robust vegetation phenology models. In this dissertation I use satellite microwave vegetation optical depth (VOD) in conjunction with an array of satellite measures, Global Positioning System (GPS) reflectometry, field observations and flux tower data to 1) clarify vegetation phenology response to water, temperature and solar irradiance constraints, 2) demonstrate the asynchrony between changes in vegetation water content and biomass and changes in greenness and leaf area in relation to land cover type and climate constraints, 3) provide enhanced assessment of seasonal recovery of vegetation biomass following wildfire and 4) present a method to more accurately model tropical vegetation phenology. This research will establish VOD as a useful and informative parameter for regional-to-global vegetation phenology modeling, more accurately define the drivers of both structural and functional vegetation phenology, and help minimize errors in phenology simulations within earth system models. This dissertation also includes the development of Gross Primary Productivity (GPP) and Net Primary Productivity (NPP) vegetation health climate indicators as part of a NASA funded project entitled Development and Testing of Potential Indicators for the National Climate Assessment; Translating EOS datasets into National Ecosystem Biophysical Indicators

    Twenty years of rewriting logic

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    AbstractRewriting logic is a simple computational logic that can naturally express both concurrent computation and logical deduction with great generality. This paper provides a gentle, intuitive introduction to its main ideas, as well as a survey of the work that many researchers have carried out over the last twenty years in advancing: (i) its foundations; (ii) its semantic framework and logical framework uses; (iii) its language implementations and its formal tools; and (iv) its many applications to automated deduction, software and hardware specification and verification, security, real-time and cyber-physical systems, probabilistic systems, bioinformatics and chemical systems