98 research outputs found

    TumorML: Concept and requirements of an in silico cancer modelling markup language

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    This paper describes the initial groundwork carried out as part of the European Commission funded Transatlantic Tumor Model Repositories project, to develop a new markup language for computational cancer modelling, TumorML. In this paper we describe the motivations for such a language, arguing that current state-of-the-art biomodelling languages are not suited to the cancer modelling domain. We go on to describe the work that needs to be done to develop TumorML, the conceptual design, and a description of what existing markup languages will be used to compose the language specification


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    FieldML is an open format for storing and exchanging models containing field information. It is able to represent a wide variety of field value types, including scalar, vector, tensor, logical, and strings. Fields are defined over domains explicitly in terms of functions. Domains may be nested to form embedding hierarchies

    FieldML: concepts and implementation

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    The field modelling language FieldML is being developed as a standard for modelling and interchanging field descriptions in software, suitable for a wide range of computation techniques. It comprises a rich set of operators for defining generalized fields as functions of other fields, starting with basic domain fields including sets of discrete objects and coordinate systems. It is extensible by adding new operators and by their arbitrary combination in expressions, making it well suited for describing the inherent complexity of biological materials and organ systems. This paper describes the concepts behind FieldML, including a simple example of a spatially varying finite-element field. It outlines current implementations in established, open source computation and visualization software, both drawing on decades of bioengineering modelling software development experience

    COMBINE - a vision

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    A decade ago, the creation of the Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML) changed the way people exchanged, verified and re-used models in systems biology. The robustness and versatility of this format, coupled to a wide software support, fostered the emergence of an entire area of research centered on model processing such as encoding, annotation, merging, comparison and integration with other datasets. Recently, new languages appeared that complement the model description, such as SED-ML to describe the simulation experiments or SBRML to encode the numerical results. In neuroscience, other fledgling efforts cover for instance multi-compartment neurons with NeuroML, and neuronal networks with NineML. More are needed to cover the wide spectrum of computational models used in neuroscience. The developers of those initiatives are in contact, and try to improve the interoperability of the languages, for instance by sharing metadata. Similar development guidelines, governance principles and quality checks are needed, in order to provide the community with a serious infrastructure. One can hope to see, in a not too elusive future, the creation of a coherent set of non-overlapping standards that will support not only the various modeling approaches and scales needed to simulate human functions and dysfunctions, but also cover model structure, parametrization, simulation and numerical output. Such a toolkit will allow the bridging of genomics, computational neuroscience and drug discovery

    CellML metadata standards, associated tools and repositories

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    The development of standards for encoding mathematical models is an important component of model building and model sharing among scientists interested in understanding multi-scale physiological processes. CellML provides such a standard, particularly for models based on biophysical mechanisms, and a substantial number of models are now available in the CellML Model Repository. However, there is an urgent need to extend the current CellML metadata standard to provide biological and biophysical annotation of the models in order to facilitate model sharing, automated model reduction and connection to biological databases. This paper gives a broad overview of a number of new developments on CellML metadata and provides links to further methodological details available from the CellML website

    The role of Computer Aided Process Engineering in physiology and clinical medicine

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    This paper discusses the potential role for Computer Aided Process Engineering (CAPE) in developing engineering analysis and design approaches to biological systems across multiple levels—cell signalling networks, gene, protein and metabolic networks, cellular systems, through to physiological systems. The 21st Century challenge in the Life Sciences is to bring together widely dispersed models and knowledge in order to enable a system-wide understanding of these complex systems. This systems level understanding should have broad clinical benefits. Computer Aided Process Engineering can bring systems approaches to (i) improving understanding of these complex chemical and physical (particularly molecular transport in complex flow regimes) interactions at multiple scales in living systems, (ii) analysis of these models to help to identify critical missing information and to explore the consequences on major output variables resulting from disturbances to the system, and (iii) ‘design’ potential interventions in in vivo systems which can have significant beneficial, or potentially harmful, effects which need to be understood. This paper develops these three themes drawing on recent projects at UCL. The first project has modeled the effects of blood flow on endothelial cells lining arteries, taking into account cell shape change resulting in changes in the cell skeleton which cause consequent chemical changes. A second is a project which is building an in silico model of the human liver, tieing together models from the molecular level to the liver. The composite model models glucose regulation in the liver and associated organs. Both projects involve molecular transport, chemical reactions, and complex multiscale systems, tackled by approaches from CAPE. Chemical Engineers solve multiple scale problems in manufacturing processes – from molecular scale through unit operations scale to plant-wide and enterprise wide systems – so have an appropriate skill set for tackling problems in physiology and clinical medicine, in collaboration with life and clinical scientists

    Dealing with diversity in computational cancer modeling.

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    This paper discusses the need for interconnecting computational cancer models from different sources and scales within clinically relevant scenarios to increase the accuracy of the models and speed up their clinical adaptation, validation, and eventual translation. We briefly review current interoperability efforts drawing upon our experiences with the development of in silico models for predictive oncology within a number of European Commission Virtual Physiological Human initiative projects on cancer. A clinically relevant scenario, addressing brain tumor modeling that illustrates the need for coupling models from different sources and levels of complexity, is described. General approaches to enabling interoperability using XML-based markup languages for biological modeling are reviewed, concluding with a discussion on efforts towards developing cancer-specific XML markup to couple multiple component models for predictive in silico oncology

    Workspaces, exposures, and multiscale modelling

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    Here I present technical details on the software package PMR2, which is the software running the CellML and Physiome Project model repositories. In particular, the use of mercurial repositories to define workspaces for collaborative model development, creating modular hierarchies of embedded workspaces, and defining exposures as a means to provide permanent links to specific revisions of model workspaces. I also briefly mention the use of OpenCMISS to link CellML models into large scale, spatially distributed field modeling and simulation

    Closure of the Monte Carlo dynamical equation in the spherical Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model

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    We study the analytical solution of the Monte Carlo dynamics in the spherical Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model using the technique of the generating function. Explicit solutions for one-time observables (like the energy) and two-time observables (like the correlation and response function) are obtained. We show that the crucial quantity which governs the dynamics is the acceptance rate. At zero temperature, an adiabatic approximation reveals that the relaxational behavior of the model corresponds to that of a single harmonic oscillator with an effective renormalized mass