167 research outputs found

    Smart vest for respiratory rate monitoring of COPD patients based on non-contact capacitive sensing

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    In this paper, a first approach to the design of a portable device for non-contact monitoring of respiratory rate by capacitive sensing is presented. The sensing system is integrated into a smart vest for an untethered, low-cost and comfortable breathing monitoring of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) patients during the rest period between respiratory rehabilitation exercises at home. To provide an extensible solution to the remote monitoring using this sensor and other devices, the design and preliminary development of an e-Health platform based on the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) paradigm is also presented. In order to validate the proposed solution, two quasi-experimental studies have been developed, comparing the estimations with respect to the golden standard. In a first study with healthy subjects, the mean value of the respiratory rate error, the standard deviation of the error and the correlation coefficient were 0.01 breaths per minute (bpm), 0.97 bpm and 0.995 (p < 0.00001), respectively. In a second study with COPD patients, the values were -0.14 bpm, 0.28 bpm and 0.9988 (p < 0.0000001), respectively. The results for the rest period show the technical and functional feasibility of the prototype and serve as a preliminary validation of the device for respiratory rate monitoring of patients with COPD.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación PI15/00306Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación DTS15/00195Junta de Andalucía PI-0010-2013Junta de Andalucía PI-0041-2014Junta de Andalucía PIN-0394-201

    System-on-Package Low-Power Telemetry and Signal Conditioning unit for Biomedical Applications

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    Recent advancements in healthcare monitoring equipments and wireless communication technologies have led to the integration of specialized medical technology with the pervasive wireless networks. Intensive research has been focused on the development of medical wireless networks (MWN) for telemedicine and smart home care services. Wireless technology also shows potential promises in surgical applications. Unlike conventional surgery, an expert surgeon can perform the surgery from a remote location using robot manipulators and monitor the status of the real surgery through wireless communication link. To provide this service each surgical tool must be facilitated with smart electronics to accrue data and transmit the data successfully to the monitoring unit through wireless network. To avoid unwieldy wires between the smart surgical tool and monitoring units and to reap the benefit of excellent features of wireless technology, each smart surgical tool must incorporate a low-power wireless transmitter. Low-power transmitter with high efficiency is essential for short range wireless communication. Unlike conventional transmitters used for cellular communication, injection-locked transmitter shows greater promises in short range wireless communication. The core block of an injection-locked transmitter is an injection-locked oscillator. Therefore, this research work is directed towards the development of a low-voltage low-power injection-locked oscillator which will facilitate the development of a low-power injection-locked transmitter for MWN applications. Structure of oscillator and types of injection are two crucial design criteria for low-power injection-locked oscillator design. Compared to other injection structures, body-level injection offers low-voltage and low-power operation. Again, conventional NMOS/PMOS-only cross-coupled LC oscillator can work with low supply voltage but the power consumption is relatively high. To overcome this problem, a self-cascode LC oscillator structure has been used which provides both low-voltage and low-power operation. Body terminal coupling is used with this structure to achieve injection-locking. Simulation results show that the self-cascode structure consumes much less power compared to that of the conventional structure for the same output swing while exhibiting better phase noise performance. Usage of PMOS devices and body bias control not only reduces the flicker noise and power consumption but also eliminates the requirements of expensive fabrication process for body terminal access

    A Low-Power Wireless Multichannel Microsystem for Reliable Neural Recording.

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    This thesis reports on the development of a reliable, single-chip, multichannel wireless biotelemetry microsystem intended for extracellular neural recording from awake, mobile, and small animal models. The inherently conflicting requirements of low power and reliability are addressed in the proposed microsystem at architectural and circuit levels. Through employing the preliminary microsystems in various in-vivo experiments, the system requirements for reliable neural recording are identified and addressed at architectural level through the analytical tool: signal path co-optimization. The 2.85mm×3.84mm, mixed-signal ASIC integrates a low-noise front-end, programmable digital controller, an RF modulator, and an RF power amplifier (PA) at the ISM band of 433MHz on a single-chip; and is fabricated using a 0.5µm double-poly triple-metal n-well standard CMOS process. The proposed microsystem, incorporating the ASIC, is a 9-channel (8-neural, 1-audio) user programmable reliable wireless neural telemetry microsystem with a weight of 2.2g (including two 1.5V batteries) and size of 2.2×1.1×0.5cm3. The electrical characteristics of this microsystem are extensively characterized via benchtop tests. The transmitter consumes 5mW and has a measured total input referred voltage noise of 4.74µVrms, 6.47µVrms, and 8.27µVrms at transmission distances of 3m, 10m, and 20m, respectively. The measured inter-channel crosstalk is less than 3.5% and battery life is about an hour. To compare the wireless neural telemetry systems, a figure of merit (FoM) is defined as the reciprocal of the power spent on broadcasting one channel over one meter distance. The proposed microsystem’s FoM is an order of magnitude larger compared to all other research and commercial systems. The proposed biotelemetry system has been successfully used in two in-vivo neural recording experiments: i) from a freely roaming South-American cockroach, and ii) from an awake and mobile rat.PhDElectrical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/91542/1/aborna_1.pd

    A Low-Power BFSK/OOK Transmitter for Wireless Sensors

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    In recent years, significant improvements in semiconductor technology have allowed consistent development of wireless chipsets in terms of functionality and form factor. This has opened up a broad range of applications for implantable wireless sensors and telemetry devices in multiple categories, such as military, industrial, and medical uses. The nature of these applications often requires the wireless sensors to be low-weight and energy-efficient to achieve long battery life. Among the various functions of these sensors, the communication block, used to transmit the gathered data, is typically the most power-hungry block. In typical wireless sensor networks, transmission range is below 10 meters and required radiated power is below 1 milliwatt. In such cases, power consumption of the frequency-synthesis circuits prior to the power amplifier of the transmitter becomes significant. Reducing this power consumption is currently the focus of various research endeavors. A popular method of achieving this goal is using a direct-modulation transmitter where the generated carrier is directly modulated with baseband data using simple modulation schemes. Among the different variations of direct-modulation transmitters, transmitters using unlocked digitally-controlled oscillators and transmitters with injection or resonator-locked oscillators are widely investigated because of their simple structure. These transmitters can achieve low-power and stable operation either with the help of recalibration or by sacrificing tuning capability. In contrast, phase-locked-loop-based (PLL) transmitters are less researched. The PLL uses a feedback loop to lock the carrier to a reference frequency with a programmable ratio and thus achieves good frequency stability and convenient tunability. This work focuses on PLL-based transmitters. The initial goal of this work is to reduce the power consumption of the oscillator and frequency divider, the two most power-consuming blocks in a PLL. Novel topologies for these two blocks are proposed which achieve ultra-low-power operation. Along with measured performance, mathematical analysis to derive rule-of-thumb design approaches are presented. Finally, the full transmitter is implemented using these blocks in a 130 nanometer CMOS process and is successfully tested for low-power operation

    Body-Area Capacitive or Electric Field Sensing for Human Activity Recognition and Human-Computer Interaction: A Comprehensive Survey

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    Due to the fact that roughly sixty percent of the human body is essentially composed of water, the human body is inherently a conductive object, being able to, firstly, form an inherent electric field from the body to the surroundings and secondly, deform the distribution of an existing electric field near the body. Body-area capacitive sensing, also called body-area electric field sensing, is becoming a promising alternative for wearable devices to accomplish certain tasks in human activity recognition and human-computer interaction. Over the last decade, researchers have explored plentiful novel sensing systems backed by the body-area electric field. On the other hand, despite the pervasive exploration of the body-area electric field, a comprehensive survey does not exist for an enlightening guideline. Moreover, the various hardware implementations, applied algorithms, and targeted applications result in a challenging task to achieve a systematic overview of the subject. This paper aims to fill in the gap by comprehensively summarizing the existing works on body-area capacitive sensing so that researchers can have a better view of the current exploration status. To this end, we first sorted the explorations into three domains according to the involved body forms: body-part electric field, whole-body electric field, and body-to-body electric field, and enumerated the state-of-art works in the domains with a detailed survey of the backed sensing tricks and targeted applications. We then summarized the three types of sensing frontends in circuit design, which is the most critical part in body-area capacitive sensing, and analyzed the data processing pipeline categorized into three kinds of approaches. Finally, we described the challenges and outlooks of body-area electric sensing

    A simple multi-stable chaotic jerk system with two saddle-foci equilibrium points: analysis, synchronization via backstepping technique and MultiSim circuit design

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    This paper announces a new three-dimensional chaotic jerk system with two saddle-focus equilibrium points and gives a dynamic analysis of the properties of the jerk system such as Lyapunov exponents, phase portraits, Kaplan-Yorke dimension and equilibrium points. By modifying the Genesio-Tesi jerk dynamics (1992), a new jerk system is derived in this research study. The new jerk model is equipped with multistability and dissipative chaos with two saddle-foci equilibrium points. By invoking backstepping technique, new results for synchronizing chaos between the proposed jerk models are successfully yielded. MultiSim software is used to implement a circuit model for the new jerk dynamics. A good qualitative agreement has been shown between the MATLAB simulations of the theoretical chaotic jerk model and the MultiSIM result

    High-frequency oscillator design for integrated transceivers

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    High-frequency oscillator design for integrated transceivers

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    Transceiver architectures and sub-mW fast frequency-hopping synthesizers for ultra-low power WSNs

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSN) have the potential to become the third wireless revolution after wireless voice networks in the 80s and wireless data networks in the late 90s. This revolution will finally connect together the physical world of the human and the virtual world of the electronic devices. Though in the recent years large progress in power consumption reduction has been made in the wireless arena in order to increase the battery life, this is still not enough to achieve a wide adoption of this technology. Indeed, while nowadays consumers are used to charge batteries in laptops, mobile phones and other high-tech products, this operation becomes infeasible when scaled up to large industrial, enterprise or home networks composed of thousands of wireless nodes. Wireless sensor networks come as a new way to connect electronic equipments reducing, in this way, the costs associated with the installation and maintenance of large wired networks. To accomplish this task, it is necessary to reduce the energy consumption of the wireless node to a point where energy harvesting becomes feasible and the node energy autonomy exceeds the life time of the wireless node itself. This thesis focuses on the radio design, which is the backbone of any wireless node. A common approach to radio design for WSNs is to start from a very simple radio (like an RFID) adding more functionalities up to the point in which the power budget is reached. In this way, the robustness of the wireless link is traded off for power reducing the range of applications that can draw benefit form a WSN. In this thesis, we propose a novel approach to the radio design for WSNs. We started from a proven architecture like Bluetooth, and progressively we removed all the functionalities that are not required for WSNs. The robustness of the wireless link is guaranteed by using a fast frequency hopping spread spectrum technique while the power budget is achieved by optimizing the radio architecture and the frequency hopping synthesizer Two different radio architectures and a novel fast frequency hopping synthesizer are proposed that cover the large space of applications for WSNs. The two architectures make use of the peculiarities of each scenario and, together with a novel fast frequency hopping synthesizer, proved that spread spectrum techniques can be used also in severely power constrained scenarios like WSNs. This solution opens a new window toward a radio design, which ultimately trades off flexibility, rather than robustness, for power consumption. In this way, we broadened the range of applications for WSNs to areas in which security and reliability of the communication link are mandatory
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