58,058 research outputs found

    Data-Driven Computation of Robust Invariant Sets and Gain-Scheduled Controllers for Linear Parameter-Varying Systems

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    We present a direct data-driven approach to synthesize robust control invariant (RCI) sets and their associated gain-scheduled feedback control laws for linear parameter-varying (LPV) systems subjected to bounded disturbances. The proposed method utilizes a single state-input-scheduling trajectory to compute polytopic RCI sets, without requiring a model of the system. The problem is formulated in terms of a set of sufficient data-based LMI conditions that are then combined in a semi-definite program to maximize the volume of the RCI set, while respecting the state and input constraints. We demonstrate through a numerical example that the proposed approach can generate RCI sets with a relatively small number of data samples when the data satisfies certain excitation conditions.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2303.1815

    Feedback Linearizing Control Strategies for Chemical Engineering Applications.

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    Two widely studied control techniques which compensate for process nonlinearities are feedback linearization (FBL) and nonlinear model predictive control (NMPC). Feedback linearization has a low computational requirement but provides no means to explicitly handle constraints which are important in the chemical process industry. Nonlinear model predictive control provides explicit constraint compensation but only at the expense of high computational requirements. Both techniques suffer from the need for full-state feedback and may have high sensitivities to disturbances. The main work of this dissertation is to eliminate some of the disadvantages associated with FBL techniques. The computation time associated with solving a nonlinear programming problem at each time step restricts the use of NMPC to low-dimensional systems. By using linear model predictive control on top of a FBL controller, it is found that explicit constraint compensation can be provided without large computational requirements. The main difficulty is the required constraint mapping. This strategy is applied to a polymerization reactor, and stability results for discrete-time nonlinear systems are established. To alleviate the need for full-state feedback in FBL techniques it is necessary to construct an observer, which is very difficult for general nonlinear systems. A class of nonlinear systems is studied for which the observer construction is quite easy in that the design mimics the linear case. The class of systems referred to are those in which the unmeasured variables appear in an affine manner. The same observer construction can be used to estimate unmeasured disturbances, thereby providing a reduction in the controller sensitivity to those disturbances. Another contribution of this work is the application of feedback linearization techniques to two novel biotechnological processes. The first is a mixed-culture bioreactor in which coexistence steady states of the two cell populations must be stabilized. These steady states are unstable in the open-loop system since each population competes for the same substrate, and each has a different growth rate. The requirement of a pulsatile manipulated input complicates the controller design. The second process is a bioreactor described by a distributed parameter model in which undesired oscillations must be damped without the use of distributed control

    Robust feedback model predictive control of norm-bounded uncertain systems

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    This thesis is concerned with the Robust Model Predictive Control (RMPC) of linear discrete-time systems subject to norm-bounded model-uncertainty, additive disturbances and hard constraints on the input and state. The aim is to design tractable, feedback RMPC algorithms that are based on linear matrix inequality (LMI) optimizations. The notion of feedback is very important in the RMPC control parameterization since it enables effective disturbance/uncertainty rejection and robust constraint satisfaction. However, treating the state-feedback gain as an optimization variable leads to non-convexity and nonlinearity in the RMPC scheme for norm-bounded uncertain systems. To address this problem, we propose three distinct state-feedback RMPC algorithms which are all based on (convex) LMI optimizations. In the first scheme, the aforementioned non-convexity is avoided by adopting a sequential approach based on the principles of Dynamic Programming. In particular, the feedback RMPC controller minimizes an upper-bound on the cost-to-go at each prediction step and incorporates the state/input constraints in a non-conservative manner. In the second RMPC algorithm, new results, based on slack variables, are proposed which help to obtain convexity at the expense of only minor conservatism. In the third and final approach, convexity is achieved by re-parameterizing, online, the norm-bounded uncertainty as a polytopic (additive) disturbance. All three RMPC schemes drive the uncertain-system state to a terminal invariant set which helps to establish Lyapunov stability and recursive feasibility. Low-complexity robust control invariant (LC-RCI) sets, when used as target sets, yield computational advantages for the associated RMPC schemes. A convex algorithm for the simultaneous computation of LC-RCI sets and the corresponding controller for norm-bounded uncertain systems is also presented. In this regard, two novel results to separate bilinear terms without conservatism are proposed. The results being general in nature also have application in other control areas. The computed LC-RCI sets are shown to have substantially improved volume as compared to other schemes in the literature. Finally, an output-feedback RMPC algorithm is also derived for norm-bounded uncertain systems. The proposed formulation uses a moving window of the past input/output data to generate (tight) bounds on the current state. These bounds are then used to compute an output-feedback RMPC control law using LMI optimizations. An output-feedback LC-RCI set is also designed, and serves as the terminal set in the algorithm.Open Acces

    Output-feedback design for non-smooth mechanical systems : control synthesis and experiments

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    In this thesis, the focus is on two control problems for non-smooth systems. Firstly, the disturbance attenuation problem for piecewise linear (PWL) and piecewise affine (PWA) systems is studied. Here, we focus on applications in the field of perturbed flexible mechanical systems with PWL restoring characteristics. Secondly, the stabilization problem for Lur’e type systems with set-valued nonlinearities is examined. In the latter context, the focus is on the application area of mechanical systems with set-valued friction characteristics, where the friction is non-collocated with the control action. In this thesis, in order to deal with both the disturbance attenuation problem and the stabilization problem, observer-based output-feedback control strategies are proposed. More specifically, the disturbance attenuation problem for perturbed PWL and PWA mechanical systems is an important control problem. Namely, the attenuation of the disturbances acting on these systems is important because it avoids damages to the structures and allows for increased system performance. Classical examples of mechanical systems with PWL and PWA restoring characteristics are tower cranes, suspension bridges, snubbers on solar panels on satellites, floating platforms for oil exploration, etc. Therefore, a controller design strategy is proposed for a class of perturbed PWL/PWA systems based on the notions of convergence and input-to-state convergence. The control design aims at the performance of such control designs in terms of disturbance attenuation for the specific class of periodic disturbances and the more general class of bounded disturbances. Roughly speaking, a system that is convergent, has, for each bounded disturbance, a unique globally asymptotically stable steady-state solution that is bounded for all time. A system is input-to-state convergent for a class of bounded disturbances if it is convergent and ISS with respect to the system’s unique steady-state solution. The input-to-state convergence property is instrumental in constructing output-feedback schemes. In the present work, we render a system convergent by means of feedback. To guarantee the practical applicability of the convergence-based controllers, a saturation constraint is proposed that provides a guaranteed upper bound on the control input, given an upper bound for the disturbances and a set of initial conditions. Next, an ultimate bound for the system state given a bound on the disturbances is proposed. Finally, performance measures based on computed steady-state responses for a specific class of disturbances (in our case harmonic disturbances) are presented. The motivation for the choice of harmonic disturbances lies in the fact that in engineering practice many disturbances can be approximated by a finite sum of harmonic signals (or are even harmonic as in systems with mass-unbalance). The ultimate objective of this part of the thesis is the implementation of the controller design strategy in an experimental environment, which implies that only measurements of a limited number of state variables will be available. Therefore, observers for PWL/PWA systems are used and a result that combines the controller and the observer in an outputfeedback strategy is provided. The convergent-based controller design strategy is applied to an experimental piecewise linear system and its effectiveness is shown in experiments. The stabilization of mechanical systems with friction is another challenging unsolved control problem because the presence of friction can induce unwanted phenomena such as self-sustained vibrations, chatter and squeal. These phenomena are unwanted in many engineering applications because they can destabilize a system and/or limit the system performance. Classical examples of mechanical systems with friction are industrial robots, drilling rigs, turbine blade dampers, accurate mirror positioning systems on satellites, printers and many more. Therefore, a control design strategy is proposed for a class of discontinuous systems; namely Lur’e systems with set-valued mappings. Here the focus is on the application area of mechanical systems with discontinuous friction. These systems exhibit unwanted (stick-slip) limit cycling which we aim to avoid entirely by the control design. In this work, we consider the problem of noncollocated friction and actuation, which rules out the application of common friction compensation techniques. The control design strategy proposed here is based on the notion of passivity and the Popov criterion. In addition to that, it is shown that the resulting closed-loop system is robust with respect to uncertainties in the discontinuous friction model under some mild constraints for the model that describes the friction. Once again, the aim is to implement this strategy on a mechanical experimental set-up with limited measurements. Therefore, an observer for Lur’e systems with multi-valued mappings is used as a state estimator and a result that combines the controller and the observer in an output-feedback strategy is provided. The passivity-based controller design strategy is implemented on a dynamic rotor system with friction in one of its components. The implemented output-feedback controller is evaluated in both simulations and experiments. Generally speaking, to show the strengths, weaknesses and potential of output-feedback controllers beyond their theoretical importance, it is indispensable to evaluate them in experimental and industrial setups. As such the presented case studies can be considered as benchmarks for the proposed observer-based controller designs for non-smooth and discontinuous systems. The value of non-smooth and discontinuous models and observer-based controllers is also evidenced by this work, as it demonstrates the effectiveness for real-life applications

    Robust Adaptive Model Predictive Control of Nonlinear Sample-Data Systems

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    In the past decades, model predictive control (MPC) has been widely used as an efficient tool in areas such as process control, power grids, transportation systems, and manufacturing. It provides an approach that aims to design stabilizing feedback to the system so that the performance criterion gets minimized while the state and input constraints get satisfied. In many situations, MPC may outperform other approaches to design and implement feedback control systems. Furthermore, MPC may solve optimization problems with large and practically important sets of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems efficiently. A typical implementation of MPC predicts the optimal control inputs that guarantee a certain level of optimality based on the interest of model behavior to the actual dynamical system. Many schemes of model predictive control have been addressed in the past years. Recently, the technology development of computers, sensors, and communications make the control systems much larger and more complex than ever before. These advances also increase the need for MPC to design the controllers for complex multiple-input multiple-output systems. Besides, the advanced computation hardware has significantly improved the speed and reliability of solving optimization problems. In general, we can differentiate the MPC scheme into linear and nonlinear model predictive control. Linear MPC refers to the MPC schemes that deal with linear models to predict the system dynamics. Besides, the constraints on the states and inputs should be linear, and the cost function can be as simple as quadratic. The optimal solutions of linear MPC rely on the dynamic models, the constraints, and the optimal problems that aim to minimize the system performance, which is usually expressed as the cost function. Nonlinear MPC refers to the MPC schemes based on nonlinear models or non-quadratic cost functionals with corresponding nonlinear constraints on the states and inputs. Nevertheless, linear models are often inadequate in describing the optimal problem because of higher product quality specifications, increasing productivity demands, tighter environmental regulations, and the requirements of operating conditions. In this case, people need to use nonlinear MPC to describe the models accurately. This dissertation studies several MPC algorithms for solving nonlinear continuous-time systems with uncertainties. The work focuses on systems with disturbances, system discretization, and explicit model predictive control. Meanwhile, we ensure these algorithms may provide a series of feasible solutions and stabilize the control systems along the prediction horizon

    Robust model predictive control for linear systems subject to norm-bounded model Uncertainties and Disturbances: An Implementation to industrial directional drilling system

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    Model Predictive Control (MPC) refers to a class of receding horizon algorithms in which the current control action is computed by solving online, at each sampling instant, a constrained optimization problem. MPC has been widely implemented within the industry, due to its ability to deal with multivariable processes and to explicitly consider any physical constraints within the optimal control problem in a straightforward manner. However, the presence of uncertainty, whether in the form of additive disturbances, state estimation error or plant-model mismatch, and the robust constraints satisfaction and stability, remain an active area of research. The family of predictive control algorithms, which explicitly take account of process uncertainties/disturbances whilst guaranteeing robust constraint satisfaction and performance is referred to as Robust MPC (RMPC) schemes. In this thesis, RMPC algorithms based on Linear Matrix Inequality (LMI) optimization are investigated, with the overall aim of improving robustness and control performance, while maintaining conservativeness and computation burden at low levels. Typically, the constrained RMPC problem with state-feedback parameterizations is nonlinear (and nonconvex) with a prohibitively high computational burden for online implementation. To remedy this issue, a novel approach is proposed to linearize the state-feedback RMPC problem, with minimal conservatism, through the use of semidefinite relaxation techniques and the Elimination Lemma. The proposed algorithm computes the state-feedback gain and perturbation online by solving an LMI optimization that, in comparison to other schemes in the literature is shown to have a substantially reduced computational burden without adversely affecting the tracking performance of the controller. In the case that only (noisy) output measurements are available, an output-feedback RMPC algorithm is also derived for norm-bounded uncertain systems. The novelty lies in the fact that, instead of using an offline estimation scheme or a fixed linear observer, the past input/output data is used within a Robust Moving Horizon Estimation (RMHE) scheme to compute (tight) bounds on the current state. These current state bounds are then used within the RMPC control algorithm. To reduce conservatism, the output-feedback control gain and control perturbation are both explicitly considered as decision variables in the online LMI optimization. Finally, the aforementioned robust control strategies are applied in an industrial directional drilling configuration and their performance is illustrated by simulations. A rotary steerable system (RSS) is a drilling technology that has been extensively studied over the last 20 years in hydrocarbon exploration and is used to drill complex curved borehole trajectories. RSSs are commonly treated as dynamic robotic actuator systems, driven by a reference signal and typically controlled by using a feedback loop control law. However, due to spatial delays, parametric uncertainties, and the presence of disturbances in such an unpredictable working environment, designing such control laws is not a straightforward process. Furthermore, due to their inherent delayed feedback, described by delay differential equations (DDE), directional drilling systems have the potential to become unstable given the requisite conditions. To address this problem, a simplified model described by ordinary differential equations (ODE) is first proposed, and then taking into account disturbances and system uncertainties that arise from design approximations, the proposed RMPC algorithm is used to automate the directional drilling system.Open Acces

    Output feedback sliding mode control for time delay systems

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    This Thesis considers Sliding Mode Control (SMC) for linear systems subjected to uncertainties and delays using output feedback. Delay is a natural phenomenon in many practical systems, the effect of delay can be the potential cause -of performance deterioration or even instability. To achieve better control performance, SMC with output feedback is considered for its inherent robustness feature and practicality for implementation. In highlighting the main results, firstly a novel output feedback SMC design is presented which formulates the problem into Linear Matrix Inequalities (LMIs). The efficiency of the design is compared with the the existing literature in pole assignment. eigenstructure assignment and other LMI methods, which either require more constraints on system structures or are computationally less tractable. For systems with timevarying Slate delay, the method is extended to incorporate the delay effect in the controUer synthesis. Both sliding surface and controller design are formulated as LMI problems. For systems with input/output delays and disturbances. the robustness of SMC is degraded with arbitrarily small delay appearing in the high frequency switching component of the controller. To solve the problem singular perturbation method is used to achieve bounded performance which is proportional to the magnitudes of delay, disturbance and switching gain. The applied research has produced two practical implementation studies. Firstly it relates to the pointing control of an autonomous vehicle subjected to external disturbances and friction resulting from the motion of the vehicle crossing rough terrain. The second implementation concerns the attitude control of a flexible spacecraft with respect to roil, pitch and yaw attitude angles

    Distributed and Constrained H2 \mathcal{H}_2 Control Design via System Level Synthesis and Dual Consensus ADMM

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    Design of optimal distributed linear feedback controllers to achieve a desired aggregate behavior, while simultaneously satisfying state and input constraints, is a challenging but important problem in many applications, including future power systems with weather-dependent renewable generation. System level synthesis is a recent technique which has been used to reparametrize the optimal control problem as a convex program. However, prior work is restricted to a centralized control design, which lacks robustness to communication failures and disturbances, has high computational cost and does not preserve data privacy of local controllers. The main contribution of this work is to develop a distributed solution to the previous optimal control problem, while incorporating agent-specific and globally coupled constraints in a non-conservative manner. To achieve this, it is first shown that the dual of this problem is a distributed consensus problem. Then, an algorithm is developed based on the alternating direction method of multipliers to solve the dual while recovering a primal solution, and a convergence certificate is provided. Finally, the method's performance is demonstrated on a test case of control design for distributed energy resources that collectively provide stability services to the power grid
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