2,488 research outputs found

    InterCloud: Utility-Oriented Federation of Cloud Computing Environments for Scaling of Application Services

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    Cloud computing providers have setup several data centers at different geographical locations over the Internet in order to optimally serve needs of their customers around the world. However, existing systems do not support mechanisms and policies for dynamically coordinating load distribution among different Cloud-based data centers in order to determine optimal location for hosting application services to achieve reasonable QoS levels. Further, the Cloud computing providers are unable to predict geographic distribution of users consuming their services, hence the load coordination must happen automatically, and distribution of services must change in response to changes in the load. To counter this problem, we advocate creation of federated Cloud computing environment (InterCloud) that facilitates just-in-time, opportunistic, and scalable provisioning of application services, consistently achieving QoS targets under variable workload, resource and network conditions. The overall goal is to create a computing environment that supports dynamic expansion or contraction of capabilities (VMs, services, storage, and database) for handling sudden variations in service demands. This paper presents vision, challenges, and architectural elements of InterCloud for utility-oriented federation of Cloud computing environments. The proposed InterCloud environment supports scaling of applications across multiple vendor clouds. We have validated our approach by conducting a set of rigorous performance evaluation study using the CloudSim toolkit. The results demonstrate that federated Cloud computing model has immense potential as it offers significant performance gains as regards to response time and cost saving under dynamic workload scenarios.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables, conference pape

    Cloud computing services: taxonomy and comparison

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    Cloud computing is a highly discussed topic in the technical and economic world, and many of the big players of the software industry have entered the development of cloud services. Several companies what to explore the possibilities and benefits of incorporating such cloud computing services in their business, as well as the possibilities to offer own cloud services. However, with the amount of cloud computing services increasing quickly, the need for a taxonomy framework rises. This paper examines the available cloud computing services and identifies and explains their main characteristics. Next, this paper organizes these characteristics and proposes a tree-structured taxonomy. This taxonomy allows quick classifications of the different cloud computing services and makes it easier to compare them. Based on existing taxonomies, this taxonomy provides more detailed characteristics and hierarchies. Additionally, the taxonomy offers a common terminology and baseline information for easy communication. Finally, the taxonomy is explained and verified using existing cloud services as examples

    CyberGuarder: a virtualization security assurance architecture for green cloud computing

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    Cloud Computing, Green Computing, Virtualization, Virtual Security Appliance, Security Isolation

    Management and Service-aware Networking Architectures (MANA) for Future Internet Position Paper: System Functions, Capabilities and Requirements

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    Future Internet (FI) research and development threads have recently been gaining momentum all over the world and as such the international race to create a new generation Internet is in full swing: GENI, Asia Future Internet, Future Internet Forum Korea, European Union Future Internet Assembly (FIA). This is a position paper identifying the research orientation with a time horizon of 10 years, together with the key challenges for the capabilities in the Management and Service-aware Networking Architectures (MANA) part of the Future Internet (FI) allowing for parallel and federated Internet(s)

    Federation of Cyber Ranges

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    KĂŒberkaitse vĂ”imekuse aluselemendiks on kĂ”rgete oskustega ja kokku treeninud spetsialistid. Tehnikute, operaatorite ja otsustajate teadlikkust ja oskusi saab treenida lĂ€bi rahvusvaheliste Ă”ppuste. On mĂ”eldamatu, et kaitse ja rĂŒnnakute harjutamiseks kasutatakse toimivat reaalajalist organisatsiooni IT-sĂŒsteemi. PĂ€riseluliste sĂŒsteemide simuleerimiseks on vĂ”imalik kasutada kĂŒberharjutusvĂ€ljakuid.NATO ja Euroopa Liidu liikmesriikides on mitmed juba toimivad ja kĂ€imasolevad arendusprojektid uute kĂŒberharjutusvĂ€ljakute loomiseks. Et olemasolevast ressurssi tĂ€ies mahus kasutada, tuleks kĂ”ik sellised harjutusvĂ€ljakud rahvusvaheliste Ă”ppuste tarbeks ĂŒhendada. Ühenduvus on vĂ”imalik saavutada alles pĂ€rast kokkuleppeid, tehnoloogiate ja erinevate harjutusvĂ€ljakute kitsenduste arvestamist.Antud lĂ”putöö vaatleb kahte kĂŒberharjutusvĂ€ljakut ja uurib vĂ”imalusi, kuidas on vĂ”imalik rahvuslike harjutusvĂ€ljakute ressursse jagada ja luua ĂŒhendatud testide ja Ă”ppuste keskkond rahvusvahelisteks kĂŒberkaitseĂ”ppusteks. LĂ”putöö annab soovitusi informatsiooni voogudest, testkontseptsioonidest ja eeldustest, kuidas saavutada ĂŒhendused ressursside jagamise vĂ”imekusega. Vaadeldakse erinevaid tehnoloogiad ja operatsioonilisi aspekte ning hinnatakse nende mĂ”ju.Et paremini mĂ”ista harjutusvĂ€ljakute ĂŒhendamist, on ĂŒles seatud testkeskkond Eesti ja TĆĄehhi laborite infrastruktuuride vahel. Testiti erinevaid vĂ”rguparameetreid, operatsioone virtuaalmasinatega, virtualiseerimise tehnoloogiad ning keskkonna haldust avatud lĂ€htekoodiga tööriistadega. Testide tulemused olid ĂŒllatavad ja positiivsed, muutes ĂŒhendatud kĂŒberharjutusvĂ€ljakute kontseptsiooni saavutamise oodatust lihtsamaks.Magistritöö on kirjutatud inglise keeles ja sisaldab teksti 42 lehekĂŒljel, 7 peatĂŒkki, 12 joonist ja 4 tabelit.VĂ”tmesĂ”nad:KĂŒberharjutusvĂ€ljak, NATO, ĂŒhendamine, virtualiseerimine, rahvusvahelised kĂŒberkaitse Ă”ppusedAn essential element of the cyber defence capability is highly skilled and well-trained personnel. Enhancing awareness and education of technicians, operators and decision makers can be done through multinational exercises. It is unthinkable to use an operational production environment to train attack and defence of the IT system. For simulating a life like environment, a cyber range can be used. There are many emerging and operational cyber ranges in the EU and NATO. To benefit more from available resources, a federated cyber range environment for multinational cyber defence exercises can be built upon the current facilities. Federation can be achieved after agreements between nations and understanding of the technologies and limitations of different national ranges.This study compares two cyber ranges and looks into possibilities of pooling and sharing of national facilities and to the establishment of a logical federation of interconnected cyber ranges. The thesis gives recommendations on information flow, proof of concept, guide-lines and prerequisites to achieve an initial interconnection with pooling and sharing capabilities. Different technologies and operational aspects are discussed and their impact is analysed. To better understand concepts and assumptions of federation, a test environment with Estonian and Czech national cyber ranges was created. Different aspects of network parameters, virtual machine manipulations, virtualization technologies and open source administration tools were tested. Some surprising and positive outcomes were in the result of the tests, making logical federation technologically easier and more achievable than expected.The thesis is in English and contains 42 pages of text, 7 chapters, 12 figures and 4 tables.Keywords:Cyber Range, NATO, federation, virtualization, multinational cyber defence exercise

    Review and analysis of networking challenges in cloud computing

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    Cloud Computing offers virtualized computing, storage, and networking resources, over the Internet, to organizations and individual users in a completely dynamic way. These cloud resources are cheaper, easier to manage, and more elastic than sets of local, physical, ones. This encourages customers to outsource their applications and services to the cloud. The migration of both data and applications outside the administrative domain of customers into a shared environment imposes transversal, functional problems across distinct platforms and technologies. This article provides a contemporary discussion of the most relevant functional problems associated with the current evolution of Cloud Computing, mainly from the network perspective. The paper also gives a concise description of Cloud Computing concepts and technologies. It starts with a brief history about cloud computing, tracing its roots. Then, architectural models of cloud services are described, and the most relevant products for Cloud Computing are briefly discussed along with a comprehensive literature review. The paper highlights and analyzes the most pertinent and practical network issues of relevance to the provision of high-assurance cloud services through the Internet, including security. Finally, trends and future research directions are also presented

    Interoperability in the Heterogeneous Cloud Environment: A Survey of Recent User-centric Approaches

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    © 2016 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). Cloud computing provides users the ability to access shared, online computing resources. However, providers often offer their own proprietary applications, interfaces, APIs and infrastructures, resulting in a heterogeneous cloud environment. This heterogeneous environment makes it difficult for users to change cloud service providers; exploring capabilities to support the automated migration from one provider to another is an active, open research area. Many standards bodies (IEEE, NIST, DMTF and SNIA), industry (middleware) and academia have been pursuing approaches to reduce the impact of vendor lock-in by investigating the cloud migration problem at the level of the VM. However, the migration downtime, decoupling VM from underlying systems and security of live channels remain open issues. This paper focuses on analysing recently proposed live, cloud migration approaches for VMs at the infrastructure level in the cloud architecture. The analysis reveals issues with flexibility, performance, and security of the approaches, including additional loads to the CPU and disk I/O drivers of the physical machine where the VM initially resides. The next steps of this research are to develop and evaluate a new approach LibZam (Libya Zamzem) that will work towards addressing the identified limitations
