19 research outputs found

    Case Study of Feature-Oriented Requirements Modelling, Applied to an Online Trading System

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    The Feature-Oriented Requirements Modelling (FORM) combines the requirement engineering style structuring of requirements documents with the feature-orientation of the Feature Oriented Software Development, resulting in a feature-oriented model of the functional requirements of a system-under-development (SUD). A feature is a distinguishable unit of added value to the SUD. The objectives of FORM are to model features as independent modules, to allow the addition of new features with minimal changes to the existing features, and to enable automatic generation and checking of properties like correctness, consistency, and non-determinism. FORM structures requirements into three models: a domain model, a collection of behavioural models, and a collection of functional models. A feature is modelled by a distinct behavioural model. This dissertation evaluates FORM by applying it to a new application that can be thought of in terms of features, namely an online trading system (OTS) that receives requests from customers about buying or selling securities on a stock market. The OTS offers variability in terms of the types of orders that customers can request, (e.g. market order, limit order and stop order). The case study revealed six deficiencies of the FORM notation, three of which were easily overcome. The dissertation presents the results of the case study, resolutions to three of the six deficiencies, and an outline of an approach to resolve the other three deficiencies

    Analysis of Feature Models Using Alloy: A Survey

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    Feature Models (FMs) are a mechanism to model variability among a family of closely related software products, i.e. a software product line (SPL). Analysis of FMs using formal methods can reveal defects in the specification such as inconsistencies that cause the product line to have no valid products. A popular framework used in research for FM analysis is Alloy, a light-weight formal modeling notation equipped with an efficient model finder. Several works in the literature have proposed different strategies to encode and analyze FMs using Alloy. However, there is little discussion on the relative merits of each proposal, making it difficult to select the most suitable encoding for a specific analysis need. In this paper, we describe and compare those strategies according to various criteria such as the expressivity of the FM notation or the efficiency of the analysis. This survey is the first comparative study of research targeted towards using Alloy for FM analysis. This review aims to identify all the best practices on the use of Alloy, as a part of a framework for the automated extraction and analysis of rich FMs from natural language requirement specifications.Comment: In Proceedings FMSPLE 2016, arXiv:1603.0857

    Incremental and Commutative Composition of State-Machine Models of Features

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    In this paper, we present a technique for incre- mental and commutative composition of state-machine models of features, using the FeatureHouse framework. The inputs to FeatureHouse are feature state-machines (or state-machine fragments) modelled in a feature-oriented requirement modelling language called FORML and the outputs are two state-machine models: (1) a model of the whole product line with optional features guarded by presence conditions; this model is suitable for family-based analysis of the product line; and (2) an intermediate model of composition that facilitates incremental composition of future features. We discuss the challenges and benefits of our approach and our implementation in the FeatureHouse.NSERC / Automotive Partnership Canada, APCPJ 386797 - 09 || Ontario Research Fund, RE05-044 || NSERC Discovery Grant 155243-1

    Analysis of Existing Approaches to Constructing Component-based Systems Directly from Natural Language Requirements

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    System development generally starts with Requirements Engineering (RE) process. Based on requirements, system analysts produce the requirements documents and analyze them in order to produce design documents. These artefacts will be inputs to the later stages in the system development. It is argued that during the transition between these stages, considering many other various factors, information might be missed out or misinterpreted along the way. Hence, a better transition in the development cycle is required. This paper outlines and provides an analysis of the existing approaches in the literature on constructing systems from natural language requirements (NLR) as to provide the motivation of a new approach to constructing component-based system from NLR

    Symbolic Model Checking of Product-Line Requirements Using SAT-Based Methods

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    Product line (PL) engineering promotes the de- velopment of families of related products, where individual products are differentiated by which optional features they include. Modelling and analyzing requirements models of PLs allows for early detection and correction of requirements errors – including unintended feature interactions, which are a serious problem in feature-rich systems. A key challenge in analyzing PL requirements is the efficient verification of the product family, given that the number of products is too large to be verified one at a time. Recently, it has been shown how the high-level design of an entire PL, that includes all possible products, can be compactly represented as a single model in the SMV language, and model checked using the NuSMV tool. The implementation in NuSMV uses BDDs, a method that has been outperformed by SAT-based algorithms. In this paper we develop PL model checking using two leading SAT-based symbolic model checking algorithms: IMC and IC3. We describe the algorithms, prove their correctness, and report on our implementation. Evaluating our methods on three PL models from the literature, we demonstrate an improvement of up to 3 orders of magnitude over the existing BDD-based method.NSERC Discovery Grant, 155243-12 || NSERC / Automotive Partnership Canada, APCPJ 386797 - 09 || Ontario Research Fund, RE05-04

    A Feature-Oriented Modelling Language and a Feature-Interaction Taxonomy for Product-Line Requirements

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    Many organizations specialize in the development of families of software systems, called software product lines (SPLs), for one or more domains (e.g., automotive, telephony, health care). SPLs are commonly developed as a shared set of assets representing the common and variable aspects of an SPL, and individual products are constructed by assembling the right combinations of assets. The feature-oriented software development (FOSD) paradigm advocates the use of system features as the primary unit of commonality and variability among the products of an SPL. A feature represents a coherent and identifiable bundle of system functionality, such as call waiting in telephony and cruise control in an automobile. Furthermore, FOSD aims at feature-oriented artifacts (FOAs); that is, software-development artifacts that explicate features, so that a clear mapping is established between a feature and its representation in different artifacts. The thesis first identifies the problem of developing a suitable language for expressing feature-oriented models of the functional requirements of an SPL, and then presents the feature-oriented requirements modelling language (FORML) as a solution to this problem. FORML's notation is based on standard software-engineering notations (e.g., UML class and state-machine models, feature models) to ease adoption by practitioners, and has a precise syntax and semantics to enable analysis. The novelty of FORML is in adding feature-orientation to state-of-the-art requirements modelling approaches (e.g., KAOS), and in the systematic treatment of modelling evolutions of an SPL via enhancements to existing features. An existing feature can be enhanced by extending or modifying its requirements. Enhancements that modify a feature's requirements are called intended feature interactions. For example, the call waiting feature in telephony intentionally overrides the basic call service feature's treatment of incoming calls when the subscriber is already involved in a call. FORML prescribes different constructs for specifying different types of enhancements in state-machine models of requirements. Furthermore, unlike some prominent approaches (e.g., AHEAD, DFC), FORML's constructs for modelling intended feature interactions do not depend on the order in which features are composed; this can lead to savings in analysis costs, since only one rather than (possibly) multiple composition orders need to be analyzed. A well-known challenge in FOSD is managing feature interactions, which, informally defined, are ways in which different features can influence one another in defining the overall properties and behaviours of their combination. Some feature interactions are intended, as described above, while other feature interactions are unintended: for example, the cruise control and anti-lock braking system features of an automobile may have incompatible affects on the automobile's acceleration, which would make their combination inconsistent. Unintended feature interactions should be detected and resolved. To detect unintended interactions in models of feature behaviour, we must first define a taxonomy of feature interactions for the modelling language: that is, we must understand the different ways that feature interactions can manifest among features expressed in the language. The thesis presents a taxonomy of feature interactions for FORML that is an adaptation of existing taxonomies for operational models of feature behaviour. The novelty of the proposed taxonomy is that it presents a definition of behaviour modification that generalizes special cases found in the literature; and it enables feature-interaction analyses that report only unintended interactions, by excluding interactions caused by FORML's constructs for modelling intended feature interactions

    A User-Centric Approach to Improve the Quality of UML-like Modelling Tools and Reduce the Efforts of Modelling

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    As software systems grow in size and complexity, their development and maintenance are becoming increasingly challenging. Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) has been proposed as a means to increase the developer's productivity of such large-scale complex software systems. Despite its benefits, MDE has not been fully adopted in the software industry due to several barriers. Research has shown that modelling tools are amongst the top barriers for the industry's reluctance to adopt MDE, mostly because there is a little investigation of the modellers' interactions with modelling tools when editing and debugging models, which are cognitively difficult tasks. More specifically, MDE tool research has not considered 1) a thorough analysis of modellers and their tasks, to understand their challenges of using modelling tools, 2) the underlying human-cognitive factors, and 3) a systematic assessment of the effectiveness of proposed solutions (i.e., tooling techniques) on human users. This thesis argues that MDE tools can be enhanced to overcome (some of) the challenges of adoption by considering human-cognitive factors (i.e., user-centric) when designing and proposing model-easing techniques for model editors. We advance our thesis in three main steps. As a first step, we conducted an empirical study to identify the most-severe cognitive difficulties of modellers when using UML model editors. In our study, we asked the recruited subjects to perform several model-editing and model-debugging tasks. We collected information during the sessions that could help us understand the subjects' cognitive challenges. The results show that users face multiple challenges, amongst which the most prominent challenges are remembering contextual information when performing a particular modelling task; and locating, understanding, and fixing errors in the models. In the second step, we identified the cognitive factors that drive the most prominent challenges and subsequently devised several tooling advancements that provide enhanced cognitive support and automation in the users' interaction with a model editor. The philosophy behind our tooling advancements is to provide the contextual information that are relevant to performing a particular modelling task, thereby, alleviating the modellers' cognitive challenges of recollecting information from different diagrams. We also proposed an on-the-fly error-resolution technique that aims at resolving errors as they occur. We implemented our Eclipse-based model-editor and embedded our tooling techniques in the tool. Lastly, we conducted two empirical studies to assess the effectiveness of our model-editor on human users. The Context study aimed at evaluating our tool's ability to reduce the challenges of remembering contextual information, whereas the Debugging study aimed at assessing our tool's ability to improve the users' experience of debugging models. Our results reveal that our interfaces help users 1) improve their ability to successfully fulfil their tasks, 2) avoid unnecessary context switches among diagrams, 3) produce more error-free models, 4) remember contextual information, and 5) reduce time on tasks

    A Feature Interaction Resolution Scheme Based on Controlled Phenomena

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    Systems that are assembled from independently developed features suffer from feature interactions, in which features affect one another's behaviour in surprising ways. To ensure that a system behaves as intended, developers need to analyze all potential interactions -- and many of the identified interactions need to be fixed and their fixes verified. The feature-interaction problem states that the number of potential interactions to be considered is exponential in the number of features in a system. Resolution strategies combat the feature-interaction problem by offering general strategies that resolve entire classes of interactions, thereby reducing the work of the developer who is charged with the task of resolving interactions. In this thesis, we focus on resolving interactions due to conflict. We present an approach, language, and implementation based on resolver modules modelled in the situation calculus in which the developer can specify an appropriate resolution for each variable under conflict. We performed a case study involving 24 automotive features, and found that the number of resolutions to be specified was much smaller than the number of possible feature interactions (6 resolutions for 24 features), that what constitutes an appropriate resolution strategy is different for different variables, and that the subset of situation calculus we used was sufficient to construct nontrivial resolution strategies for six distinct output variables