53 research outputs found

    Streaming Feature Grouping and Selection (Sfgs) For Big Data Classification

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    Real-time data has always been an essential element for organizations when the quickness of data delivery is critical to their businesses. Today, organizations understand the importance of real-time data analysis to maintain benefits from their generated data. Real-time data analysis is also known as real-time analytics, streaming analytics, real-time streaming analytics, and event processing. Stream processing is the key to getting results in real-time. It allows us to process the data stream in real-time as it arrives. The concept of streaming data means the data are generated dynamically, and the full stream is unknown or even infinite. This data becomes massive and diverse and forms what is known as a big data challenge. In machine learning, streaming feature selection has always been a preferred method in the preprocessing of streaming data. Recently, feature grouping, which can measure the hidden information between selected features, has begun gaining attention. This dissertation’s main contribution is in solving the issue of the extremely high dimensionality of streaming big data by delivering a streaming feature grouping and selection algorithm. Also, the literature review presents a comprehensive review of the current streaming feature selection approaches and highlights the state-of-the-art algorithms trending in this area. The proposed algorithm is designed with the idea of grouping together similar features to reduce redundancy and handle the stream of features in an online fashion. This algorithm has been implemented and evaluated using benchmark datasets against state-of-the-art streaming feature selection algorithms and feature grouping techniques. The results showed better performance regarding prediction accuracy than with state-of-the-art algorithms

    Novel feature selection methods for high dimensional data

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    [Resumen] La selección de características se define como el proceso de detectar las características relevantes y descartar las irrelevantes, con el objetivo de obtener un subconjunto de características más pequeño que describa adecuadamente el problema dado con una degradación mínima o incluso con una mejora del rendimiento. Con la llegada de los conjuntos de alta dimensión -tanto en muestras como en características-, se ha vuelto indispensable la identifícación adecuada de las características relevantes en escenarios del mundo real. En este contexto, los diferentes métodos disponibles se encuentran con un nuevo reto en cuanto a aplicabilidad y escalabilidad. Además, es necesario desarrollar nuevos métodos que tengan en cuenta estas particularidades de la alta dimensión. Esta tesis está dedicada a la investigación en selección de características y a su aplicación a datos reales de alta dimensión. La primera parte de este trabajo trata del análisis de los métodos de selección de características existentes, para comprobar su idoneidad frente a diferentes retos y para poder proporcionar nuevos resultados a los investigadores de selección de características. Para esto, se han aplicado las técnicas más populares a problemas reales, con el objetivo de obtener no sólo mejoras en rendimiento sino también para permitir su aplicación en tiempo real. Además de la eficiencia, la escalabilidad también es un aspecto crítico en aplicaciones de gran escala. La eficacia de los métodos de selección de características puede verse significativamente degradada, si no totalmente inaplicable, cuando el tamaño de los datos se incrementa continuamente. Por este motivo, la escalabilidad de los métodos de selección de características también debe ser analizada. Tras llevar a cabo un análisis en profundidad de los métodos de selección de características existentes, la segunda parte de esta tesis se centra en el desarrollo de nuevas técnicas. Debido a que la mayoría de métodos de selección existentes necesitan que los datos sean discretos, la primera aproximación propuesta consiste en la combinación de un discretizador, un filtro y un clasificador, obteniendo resultados prometedores en escenarios diferentes. En un intento de introducir diversidad, la segunda propuesta trata de usar un conjunto de filtros en lugar de uno sólo, con el objetivo de liberar al usuario de tener que decidir que técnica es la más adecuada para un problema dado. La tercera técnica propuesta en esta tesis no solo considera la relevancia de las características sino también su coste asociado -económico o en cuanto a tiempo de ejecución-, por lo que se presenta una metodología general para selección de características basada en coste. Por último, se proponen varias estrategias para distribuir y paralelizar la selección de características, ya que transformar un problema de gran escala en varios problemas de pequeña escala puede llevar a mejoras en el tiempo de procesado y, en algunas ocasiones, en precisión de clasificación

    Towards Developing Computer Vision Algorithms and Architectures for Real-world Applications

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    abstract: Computer vision technology automatically extracts high level, meaningful information from visual data such as images or videos, and the object recognition and detection algorithms are essential in most computer vision applications. In this dissertation, we focus on developing algorithms used for real life computer vision applications, presenting innovative algorithms for object segmentation and feature extraction for objects and actions recognition in video data, and sparse feature selection algorithms for medical image analysis, as well as automated feature extraction using convolutional neural network for blood cancer grading. To detect and classify objects in video, the objects have to be separated from the background, and then the discriminant features are extracted from the region of interest before feeding to a classifier. Effective object segmentation and feature extraction are often application specific, and posing major challenges for object detection and classification tasks. In this dissertation, we address effective object flow based ROI generation algorithm for segmenting moving objects in video data, which can be applied in surveillance and self driving vehicle areas. Optical flow can also be used as features in human action recognition algorithm, and we present using optical flow feature in pre-trained convolutional neural network to improve performance of human action recognition algorithms. Both algorithms outperform the state-of-the-arts at their time. Medical images and videos pose unique challenges for image understanding mainly due to the fact that the tissues and cells are often irregularly shaped, colored, and textured, and hand selecting most discriminant features is often difficult, thus an automated feature selection method is desired. Sparse learning is a technique to extract the most discriminant and representative features from raw visual data. However, sparse learning with \textit{L1} regularization only takes the sparsity in feature dimension into consideration; we improve the algorithm so it selects the type of features as well; less important or noisy feature types are entirely removed from the feature set. We demonstrate this algorithm to analyze the endoscopy images to detect unhealthy abnormalities in esophagus and stomach, such as ulcer and cancer. Besides sparsity constraint, other application specific constraints and prior knowledge may also need to be incorporated in the loss function in sparse learning to obtain the desired results. We demonstrate how to incorporate similar-inhibition constraint, gaze and attention prior in sparse dictionary selection for gastroscopic video summarization that enable intelligent key frame extraction from gastroscopic video data. With recent advancement in multi-layer neural networks, the automatic end-to-end feature learning becomes feasible. Convolutional neural network mimics the mammal visual cortex and can extract most discriminant features automatically from training samples. We present using convolutinal neural network with hierarchical classifier to grade the severity of Follicular Lymphoma, a type of blood cancer, and it reaches 91\% accuracy, on par with analysis by expert pathologists. Developing real world computer vision applications is more than just developing core vision algorithms to extract and understand information from visual data; it is also subject to many practical requirements and constraints, such as hardware and computing infrastructure, cost, robustness to lighting changes and deformation, ease of use and deployment, etc.The general processing pipeline and system architecture for the computer vision based applications share many similar design principles and architecture. We developed common processing components and a generic framework for computer vision application, and a versatile scale adaptive template matching algorithm for object detection. We demonstrate the design principle and best practices by developing and deploying a complete computer vision application in real life, building a multi-channel water level monitoring system, where the techniques and design methodology can be generalized to other real life applications. The general software engineering principles, such as modularity, abstraction, robust to requirement change, generality, etc., are all demonstrated in this research.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Computer Science 201

    Developing Cyberspace Data Understanding: Using CRISP-DM for Host-based IDS Feature Mining

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    Current intrusion detection systems generate a large number of specific alerts, but do not provide actionable information. Many times, these alerts must be analyzed by a network defender, a time consuming and tedious task which can occur hours or days after an attack occurs. Improved understanding of the cyberspace domain can lead to great advancements in Cyberspace situational awareness research and development. This thesis applies the Cross Industry Standard Process for Data Mining (CRISP-DM) to develop an understanding about a host system under attack. Data is generated by launching scans and exploits at a machine outfitted with a set of host-based data collectors. Through knowledge discovery, features are identified within the data collected which can be used to enhance host-based intrusion detection. By discovering relationships between the data collected and the events, human understanding of the activity is shown. This method of searching for hidden relationships between sensors greatly enhances understanding of new attacks and vulnerabilities, bolstering our ability to defend the cyberspace domain

    Sparse Coding for Event Tracking and Image Retrieval

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    Comparing regions of images is a fundamental task in both similarity based object tracking as well as retrieval of images from image datasets, where an exemplar image is used as the query. In this thesis, we focus on the task of creating a method of comparison for images produced by NASA’s Solar Dynamic Observatory mission. This mission has been in operation for several years and produces almost 700 Gigabytes of data per day from the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly instrument alone. This has created a massive repository of high-quality solar images to analyze and categorize. To this end, we are concerned with the creation of image region descriptors that are selective enough to differentiate between highly similar images yet compact enough to be compared in an efficient manner, while also being indexable with current indexing technology. We produce such descriptors by pooling sparse coding vectors produced by spanning learned basis dictionaries. Various pooled vectors are used to describe regions of images in event tracking, entire image descriptors for image comparison in content based image retrieval, and as region descriptors to be used in a content based image retrieval system on the SDO AIA image pipeline

    Methods and Applications of Synthetic Data Generation

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    The advent of data mining and machine learning has highlighted the value of large and varied sources of data, while increasing the demand for synthetic data captures the structural and statistical characteristics of the original data without revealing personal or proprietary information contained in the original dataset. In this dissertation, we use examples from original research to show that, using appropriate models and input parameters, synthetic data that mimics the characteristics of real data can be generated with sufficient rate and quality to address the volume, structural complexity, and statistical variation requirements of research and development of digital information processing systems. First, we present a progression of research studies using a variety of tools to generate synthetic network traffic patterns, enabling us to observe relationships between network latency and communication pattern benchmarks at all levels of the network stack. We then present a framework for synthesizing large scale IoT data with complex structural characteristics in a scalable extraction and synthesis framework, and demonstrate the use of generated data in the benchmarking of IoT middleware. Finally, we detail research on synthetic image generation for deep learning models using 3D modeling. We find that synthetic images can be an effective technique for augmenting limited sets of real training data, and in use cases that benefit from incremental training or model specialization, we find that pretraining on synthetic images provided a usable base model for transfer learning

    Data mining of vehicle telemetry data

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    Driving a safety critical task that requires a high level of attention and workload from the driver. Despite this, people often perform secondary tasks such as eating or using a mobile phone, which increase workload levels and divert cognitive and physical attention from the primary task of driving. As well as these distractions, the driver may also be overloaded for other reasons, such as dealing with an incident on the road or holding conversations in the car. One solution to this distraction problem is to limit the functionality of in-car devices while the driver is overloaded. This can take the form of withholding an incoming phone call or delaying the display of a non-urgent piece of information about the vehicle. In order to design and build these adaptions in the car, we must first have an understanding of the driver's current level of workload. Traditionally, driver workload has been monitored using physiological sensors or camera systems in the vehicle. However, physiological systems are often intrusive and camera systems can be expensive and are unreliable in poor light conditions. It is important, therefore, to use methods that are non-intrusive, inexpensive and robust, such as sensors already installed on the car and accessible via the Controller Area Network (CAN)-bus. This thesis presents a data mining methodology for this problem, as well as for others in domains with similar types of data, such as human activity monitoring. It focuses on the variable selection stage of the data mining process, where inputs are chosen for models to learn from and make inferences. Selecting inputs from vehicle telemetry data is challenging because there are many irrelevant variables with a high level of redundancy. Furthermore, data in this domain often contains biases because only relatively small amounts can be collected and processed, leading to some variables appearing more relevant to the classification task than they are really. Over the course of this thesis, a detailed variable selection framework that addresses these issues for telemetry data is developed. A novel blocked permutation method is developed and applied to mitigate biases when selecting variables from potentially biased temporal data. This approach is infeasible computationally when variable redundancies are also considered, and so a novel permutation redundancy measure with similar properties is proposed. Finally, a known redundancy structure between features in telemetry data is used to enhance the feature selection process in two ways. First the benefits of performing raw signal selection, feature extraction, and feature selection in different orders are investigated. Second, a two-stage variable selection framework is proposed and the two permutation based methods are combined. Throughout the thesis, it is shown through classification evaluations and inspection of the features that these permutation based selection methods are appropriate for use in selecting features from CAN-bus data

    Mapping plant diversity and composition across North Carolina Piedmont forest landscapes using LiDAR-hyperspectral remote sensing

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    Forest modification, from local stress to global change, has given rise to efforts to model, map, and monitor critical properties of forest communities like structure, composition, and diversity. Predictive models based on data from spatially-nested field plots and LiDAR-hyperspectral remote sensing systems are one particularly effective means towards the otherwise prohibitively resource-intensive task of consistently characterizing forest community dynamics at landscape scales. However, to date, most predictive models fail to account for actual (rather than idealized) species and community distributions, are unsuccessful in predicting understory components in structurally and taxonomically heterogeneous forests, and may suffer from diminished predictive accuracy due to incongruity in scale and precision between field plot samples, remotely-sensed data, and target biota of varying size and density. This three-part study addresses these and other concerns in the modeling and mapping of emergent properties of forest communities by shifting the scope of prediction from the individual or taxon to the whole stand or community. It is, after all, at the stand scale where emergent properties like functional processes, biodiversity, and habitat aggregate and manifest. In the first study, I explore the relationship between forest structure (a proxy for successional demographics and resource competition) and tree species diversity in the North Carolina Piedmont, highlighting the empirical basis and potential for utilizing forest structure from LiDAR in predictive models of tree species diversity. I then extend these conclusions to map landscape pattern in multi-scale vascular plant diversity as well as turnover in community-continua at varying compositional resolutions in a North Carolina Piedmont landscape using remotely-sensed LiDAR-hyperspectral estimates of topography, canopy structure, and foliar biochemistry. Recognizing that the distinction between correlation and causation mirrors that between knowledge and understanding, all three studies distinguish between prediction of pattern and inference of process. Thus, in addition to advancing mapping methodologies relevant to a range of forest ecosystem management and monitoring applications, all three studies are noteworthy for assessing the ecological relationship between environmental predictors and emergent landscape patterns in plant composition and diversity in North Carolina Piedmont forests.Doctor of Philosoph
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