156 research outputs found

    Probabilistic and Deep Learning Algorithms for the Analysis of Imagery Data

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    Accurate object classification is a challenging problem for various low to high resolution imagery data. This applies to both natural as well as synthetic image datasets. However, each object recognition dataset poses its own distinct set of domain-specific problems. In order to address these issues, we need to devise intelligent learning algorithms which require a deep understanding and careful analysis of the feature space. In this thesis, we introduce three new learning frameworks for the analysis of both airborne images (NAIP dataset) and handwritten digit datasets without and with noise (MNIST and n-MNIST respectively). First, we propose a probabilistic framework for the analysis of the NAIP dataset which includes (1) an unsupervised segmentation module based on the Statistical Region Merging algorithm, (2) a feature extraction module that extracts a set of standard hand-crafted texture features from the images, (3) a supervised classification algorithm based on Feedforward Backpropagation Neural Networks, and (4) a structured prediction framework using Conditional Random Fields that integrates the results of the segmentation and classification modules into a single composite model to generate the final class labels. Next, we introduce two new datasets SAT-4 and SAT-6 sampled from the NAIP imagery and use them to evaluate a multitude of Deep Learning algorithms including Deep Belief Networks (DBN), Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and Stacked Autoencoders (SAE) for generating class labels. Finally, we propose a learning framework by integrating hand-crafted texture features with a DBN. A DBN uses an unsupervised pre-training phase to perform initialization of the parameters of a Feedforward Backpropagation Neural Network to a global error basin which can then be improved using a round of supervised fine-tuning using Feedforward Backpropagation Neural Networks. These networks can subsequently be used for classification. In the following discussion, we show that the integration of hand-crafted features with DBN shows significant improvement in performance as compared to traditional DBN models which take raw image pixels as input. We also investigate why this integration proves to be particularly useful for aerial datasets using a statistical analysis based on Distribution Separability Criterion. Then we introduce a new dataset called noisy-MNIST (n-MNIST) by adding (1) additive white gaussian noise (AWGN), (2) motion blur and (3) Reduced contrast and AWGN to the MNIST dataset and present a learning algorithm by combining probabilistic quadtrees and Deep Belief Networks. This dynamic integration of the Deep Belief Network with the probabilistic quadtrees provide significant improvement over traditional DBN models on both the MNIST and the n-MNIST datasets. Finally, we extend our experiments on aerial imagery to the class of general texture images and present a theoretical analysis of Deep Neural Networks applied to texture classification. We derive the size of the feature space of textural features and also derive the Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension of certain classes of Neural Networks. We also derive some useful results on intrinsic dimension and relative contrast of texture datasets and use these to highlight the differences between texture datasets and general object recognition datasets

    On the VC-dimension of Tensor Networks

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    Les méthodes de réseau de tenseurs (TN) ont été un ingrédient essentiel des progrès de la physique de la matière condensée et ont récemment suscité l'intérêt de la communauté de l'apprentissage automatique pour leur capacité à représenter de manière compacte des objets de très grande dimension. Les méthodes TN peuvent par exemple être utilisées pour apprendre efficacement des modèles linéaires dans des espaces de caractéristiques exponentiellement grands [1]. Dans ce manuscrit, nous dérivons des limites supérieures et inférieures sur la VC-dimension et la pseudo-dimension d'une grande classe de Modèles TN pour la classification, la régression et la complétion . Nos bornes supérieures sont valables pour les modèles linéaires paramétrés par structures TN arbitraires, et nous dérivons des limites inférieures pour les modèles de décomposition tensorielle courants (CP, Tensor Train, Tensor Ring et Tucker) montrant l'étroitesse de notre borne supérieure générale. Ces résultats sont utilisés pour dériver une borne de généralisation qui peut être appliquée à la classification avec des matrices de faible rang ainsi qu'à des classificateurs linéaires basés sur l'un des modèles de décomposition tensorielle couramment utilisés. En corollaire de nos résultats, nous obtenons une borne sur la VC-dimension du classificateur basé sur le matrix product state introduit dans [1] en fonction de la dimension de liaison (i.e. rang de train tensoriel), qui répond à un problème ouvert répertorié par Cirac, Garre-Rubio et Pérez-García [2].Tensor network (TN) methods have been a key ingredient of advances in condensed matter physics and have recently sparked interest in the machine learning community for their ability to compactly represent very high-dimensional objects. TN methods can for example be used to efficiently learn linear models in exponentially large feature spaces [1]. In this manuscript, we derive upper and lower bounds on the VC-dimension and pseudo-dimension of a large class of TN models for classification, regression and completion. Our upper bounds hold for linear models parameterized by arbitrary TN structures, and we derive lower bounds for common tensor decomposition models (CP, Tensor Train, Tensor Ring and Tucker) showing the tightness of our general upper bound. These results are used to derive a generalization bound which can be applied to classification with low-rank matrices as well as linear classifiers based on any of the commonly used tensor decomposition models. As a corollary of our results, we obtain a bound on the VC-dimension of the matrix product state classifier introduced in [1] as a function of the so-called bond dimension (i.e. tensor train rank), which answers an open problem listed by Cirac, Garre-Rubio and Pérez-García [2]

    Local learning by partitioning

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    In many machine learning applications data is assumed to be locally simple, where examples near each other have similar characteristics such as class labels or regression responses. Our goal is to exploit this assumption to construct locally simple yet globally complex systems that improve performance or reduce the cost of common machine learning tasks. To this end, we address three main problems: discovering and separating local non-linear structure in high-dimensional data, learning low-complexity local systems to improve performance of risk-based learning tasks, and exploiting local similarity to reduce the test-time cost of learning algorithms. First, we develop a structure-based similarity metric, where low-dimensional non-linear structure is captured by solving a non-linear, low-rank representation problem. We show that this problem can be kernelized, has a closed-form solution, naturally separates independent manifolds, and is robust to noise. Experimental results indicate that incorporating this structural similarity in well-studied problems such as clustering, anomaly detection, and classification improves performance. Next, we address the problem of local learning, where a partitioning function divides the feature space into regions where independent functions are applied. We focus on the problem of local linear classification using linear partitioning and local decision functions. Under an alternating minimization scheme, learning the partitioning functions can be reduced to solving a weighted supervised learning problem. We then present a novel reformulation that yields a globally convex surrogate, allowing for efficient, joint training of the partitioning functions and local classifiers. We then examine the problem of learning under test-time budgets, where acquiring sensors (features) for each example during test-time has a cost. Our goal is to partition the space into regions, with only a small subset of sensors needed in each region, reducing the average number of sensors required per example. Starting with a cascade structure and expanding to binary trees, we formulate this problem as an empirical risk minimization and construct an upper-bounding surrogate that allows for sequential decision functions to be trained jointly by solving a linear program. Finally, we present preliminary work extending the notion of test-time budgets to the problem of adaptive privacy

    Fault analysis using state-of-the-art classifiers

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    Fault Analysis is the detection and diagnosis of malfunction in machine operation or process control. Early fault analysis techniques were reserved for high critical plants such as nuclear or chemical industries where abnormal event prevention is given utmost importance. The techniques developed were a result of decades of technical research and models based on extensive characterization of equipment behavior. This requires in-depth knowledge of the system and expert analysis to apply these methods for the application at hand. Since machine learning algorithms depend on past process data for creating a system model, a generic autonomous diagnostic system can be developed which can be used for application in common industrial setups. In this thesis, we look into some of the techniques used for fault detection and diagnosis multi-class and one-class classifiers. First we study Feature Selection techniques and the classifier performance is analyzed against the number of selected features. The aim of feature selection is to reduce the impact of irrelevant variables and to reduce computation burden on the learning algorithm. We introduce the feature selection algorithms as a literature survey. Only few algorithms are implemented to obtain the results. Fault data from a Radio Frequency (RF) generator is used to perform fault detection and diagnosis. Comparison between continuous and discrete fault data is conducted for the Support Vector Machines (SVM) and Radial Basis Function Network (RBF) classifiers. In the second part we look into one-class classification techniques and their application to fault detection. One-class techniques were primarily developed to identify one class of objects from all other possible objects. Since all fault occurrences in a system cannot be simulated or recorded, one-class techniques help in identifying abnormal events. We introduce four one-class classifiers and analyze them using Receiver-Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve. We also develop a feature extraction method for the RF generator data which is used to obtain results for one-class classifiers and Radial Basis Function Network two class classification. To apply these techniques for real-time verification, the RIT Fault Prediction software is built. LabView environment is used to build a basic data management and fault detection using Radial Basis Function Network. This software is stand alone and acts as foundation for future implementations

    Novel pattern recognition methods for classification and detection in remote sensing and power generation applications

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    Novel pattern recognition methods for classification and detection in remote sensing and power generation application

    A Variable Density Sampling Scheme for Compressive Fourier Transform Interferometry

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    Fourier Transform Interferometry (FTI) is an appealing Hyperspectral (HS) imaging modality for many applications demanding high spectral resolution, e.g., in fluorescence microscopy. However, the effective resolution of FTI is limited by the durability of biological elements when exposed to illuminating light. Overexposed elements are subject to photo-bleaching and become unable to fluoresce. In this context, the acquisition of biological HS volumes based on sampling the Optical Path Difference (OPD) axis at Nyquist rate leads to unpleasant trade-offs between spectral resolution, quality of the HS volume, and light exposure intensity. We propose two variants of the FTI imager, i.e., Coded Illumination-FTI (CI-FTI) and Structured Illumination FTI (SI-FTI), based on the theory of compressive sensing (CS). These schemes efficiently modulate light exposure temporally (in CI-FTI) or spatiotemporally (in SI-FTI). Leveraging a variable density sampling strategy recently introduced in CS, we provide near-optimal illumination strategies, so that the light exposure imposed on a biological specimen is minimized while the spectral resolution is preserved. Our analysis focuses on two criteria: (i) a trade-off between exposure intensity and the quality of the reconstructed HS volume for a given spectral resolution; (ii) maximizing HS volume quality for a fixed spectral resolution and constrained exposure budget. Our contributions can be adapted to an FTI imager without hardware modifications. The reconstruction of HS volumes from CS-FTI measurements relies on an l1l_1-norm minimization problem promoting a spatiospectral sparsity prior. Numerically, we support the proposed methods on synthetic data and simulated CS measurements (from actual FTI measurements) under various scenarios. In particular, the biological HS volumes can be reconstructed with a three-to-ten-fold reduction in the light exposure.Comment: 45 pages, 11 figure

    Service robotics and machine learning for close-range remote sensing

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    Development and Evaluation of Machine Learning Models for Fugitive Methane Detection and Intensity Prediction

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    The environmental impacts of global warming driven by fugitive methane (CH4) emissions have catalyzed significant research initiatives in developing novel technologies that enable proactive and rapid detection of CH4 emissions. This study evaluated the performance of data-driven machine learning (ML) models using support vector machines (SVM) to detect the presence of trace CH4 emissions and the corresponding intensity amongst various meteorological conditions. The author used simulation data comprising various meteorological parameters such as temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, water vapor, pressure, precipitation rate, and a parameter possessing trace concentrations of CH4 emissions. The novelty of the SVM models developed in this work lies in the ability to (i) detect the presence of trace concentrations of CH4 as a classification task, and (ii) predict the corresponding intensity of CH4 levels using AI-based regression analysis. The metrics used to assess the classification performance for SVM CH4 detection were accuracy, F1-score, and area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC-ROC) with results for the best-performing model being 0.89, 0.89, and 0.94, respectively. On the other hand, the root mean squared error (RMSE) and mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) scores were used to evaluate the regression model performance for trace CH4 intensity prediction, achieving scores of 0.98 and 1.22 respectively, thereby demonstrating the reliable low error probability of the regression model in forecasting levels of trace CH4 emissions

    Machine Learning Morphisms: A Framework for Designing and Analyzing Machine Learning Work ows, Applied to Separability, Error Bounds, and 30-Day Hospital Readmissions

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    A machine learning workflow is the sequence of tasks necessary to implement a machine learning application, including data collection, preprocessing, feature engineering, exploratory analysis, and model training/selection. In this dissertation we propose the Machine Learning Morphism (MLM) as a mathematical framework to describe the tasks in a workflow. The MLM is a tuple consisting of: Input Space, Output Space, Learning Morphism, Parameter Prior, Empirical Risk Function. This contains the information necessary to learn the parameters of the learning morphism, which represents a workflow task. In chapter 1, we give a short review of typical tasks present in a workflow, as well as motivation for and innovations in the MLM framework. In chapter 2, we first define data as realizations of an unknown probability space. Then, after a brief introduction to statistical learning, the MLM is formally defined. Examples of MLM\u27s are presented, including linear regression, standardization, and the Naive Bayes Classifier. Asymptotic equality is defined between MLM\u27s by analyzing the parameters in the limit of infinite training data. Two definitions of composition are proposed, output and structural. Output composition is a sequential optimization of MLM\u27s, for example standardization followed by regression. Structural composition is a joint optimization inspired by backpropagation from neural nets. While structural compositions yield better overall performance, output compositions are easier to compute and interpret. In Chapter 3, we define the property of separability, where an MLM can be optimized by solving lower dimensional sub problems. A separable MLM represents a divide and conquer strategy for learning without sacrificing optimality. We show three cases of separable MLM\u27s for mean-squared error with increasing complexity. First, if the input space consists of centered, independent random variables, OLS Linear Regression is separable. This is extended to linear combinations of uncorrelated ensembles, and ensembles of non-linear, uncorrelated learning morphisms. The example of principal component regression is explored thoroughly as a separable workflow, and the choice between equivalent linear regressions is discussed. These separability results apply to a wide variety of problems via asymptotic equality. Functions which can be represented as power series can be learned via polynomial regression. Further, independent and centered power series can be generated using an orthogonal extension of principal component analysis (PCA). In Chapter 4, we explore the connection between generalization error and lower bounds used in estimation. We start by defining the ``Bayes MLM , the best possible MLM for a given problem. When the loss function is mean-squared error, Cramer-Rao lower bounds exist for an MLM which depend on the bias of the MLM and the underlying probability distribution. This can be used as a design tool when selecting candidate MLM\u27s, or as a tool for sensitivity analysis to examine the error of an MLM across a variety of parameterizations. A lower bound on the composition of MLM\u27s is constructed by applying a nonlinear filtering framework to the composition. Examples are presented for centering, PCA, ordinary least-squares linear regression, and the composition of these MLM\u27s. In Chapter 5 we apply the MLM framework to design a workflow that predicts 30-day hospital readmissions. Hospital readmissions occur when a patient is admitted less than 30 days after a previous hospital stay. We examine readmissions for a group of medicare/medicaid patients with the four most common diagnoses at Barnes Jewish Hospital. Using MLM\u27s, we incorporate the Mapper algorithm from topological data analysis into the predictive workflow in a novel ensemble. This ensemble first performs fuzzy clustering on the training set, and then trains models independently on each cluster. We compare an assortment of workflows predicting readmissions, and workflows featuring mapper outperform other standard models and current tools used for risk prediction at Barnes Jewish. Finally, we examine the separability of this workflow. Mapper workflows incorporating AdaBoost and logistic regression create node models with low correlation. When PCA is applied to each node, Random Forest node models also become decorrelated. Support Vector Machine node models are highly correlated, and do not converge when PCA is applied. This is consistent with their worse performance. In Chapter 6 we provide final comments and future work
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