68,291 research outputs found

    Surveying alignment-free features for Ortholog detection in related yeast proteomes by using supervised big data classifiers

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    Abstract Background: The development of new ortholog detection algorithms and the improvement of existing ones are of major importance in functional genomics. We have previously introduced a successful supervised pairwise ortholog classification approach implemented in a big data platform that considered several pairwise protein features and the low ortholog pair ratios found between two annotated proteomes (Galpert, D et al., BioMed Research International, 2015). The supervised models were built and tested using a Saccharomycete yeast benchmark dataset proposed by Salichos and Rokas (2011). Despite several pairwise protein features being combined in a supervised big data approach; they all, to some extent were alignment-based features and the proposed algorithms were evaluated on a unique test set. Here, we aim to evaluate the impact of alignment-free features on the performance of supervised models implemented in the Spark big data platform for pairwise ortholog detection in several related yeast proteomes. Results: The Spark Random Forest and Decision Trees with oversampling and undersampling techniques, and built with only alignment-based similarity measures or combined with several alignment-free pairwise protein features showed the highest classification performance for ortholog detection in three yeast proteome pairs. Although such supervised approaches outperformed traditional methods, there were no significant differences between the exclusive use of alignment-based similarity measures and their combination with alignment-free features, even within the twilight zone of the studied proteomes. Just when alignment-based and alignment-free features were combined in Spark Decision Trees with imbalance management, a higher success rate (98.71%) within the twilight zone could be achieved for a yeast proteome pair that underwent a whole genome duplication. The feature selection study showed that alignment-based features were top-ranked for the best classifiers while the runners-up were alignment-free features related to amino acid composition. Conclusions: The incorporation of alignment-free features in supervised big data models did not significantly improve ortholog detection in yeast proteomes regarding the classification qualities achieved with just alignment-based similarity measures. However, the similarity of their classification performance to that of traditional ortholog detection methods encourages the evaluation of other alignment-free protein pair descriptors in future research.This work was supported by the following financial sources: Postdoc fellowship (SFRH/BPD/92978/2013) granted to GACh by the Portuguese Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT). AA was supported by the MarInfo – Integrated Platform for Marine Data Acquisition and Analysis (reference NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000031), a project supported by the North Portugal Regional Operational Program (NORTE 2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

    Feature selection for chemical sensor arrays using mutual information

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    We address the problem of feature selection for classifying a diverse set of chemicals using an array of metal oxide sensors. Our aim is to evaluate a filter approach to feature selection with reference to previous work, which used a wrapper approach on the same data set, and established best features and upper bounds on classification performance. We selected feature sets that exhibit the maximal mutual information with the identity of the chemicals. The selected features closely match those found to perform well in the previous study using a wrapper approach to conduct an exhaustive search of all permitted feature combinations. By comparing the classification performance of support vector machines (using features selected by mutual information) with the performance observed in the previous study, we found that while our approach does not always give the maximum possible classification performance, it always selects features that achieve classification performance approaching the optimum obtained by exhaustive search. We performed further classification using the selected feature set with some common classifiers and found that, for the selected features, Bayesian Networks gave the best performance. Finally, we compared the observed classification performances with the performance of classifiers using randomly selected features. We found that the selected features consistently outperformed randomly selected features for all tested classifiers. The mutual information filter approach is therefore a computationally efficient method for selecting near optimal features for chemical sensor arrays

    Pairwise meta-rules for better meta-learning-based algorithm ranking

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    In this paper, we present a novel meta-feature generation method in the context of meta-learning, which is based on rules that compare the performance of individual base learners in a one-against-one manner. In addition to these new meta-features, we also introduce a new meta-learner called Approximate Ranking Tree Forests (ART Forests) that performs very competitively when compared with several state-of-the-art meta-learners. Our experimental results are based on a large collection of datasets and show that the proposed new techniques can improve the overall performance of meta-learning for algorithm ranking significantly. A key point in our approach is that each performance figure of any base learner for any specific dataset is generated by optimising the parameters of the base learner separately for each dataset

    Hierarchical meta-rules for scalable meta-learning

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    The Pairwise Meta-Rules (PMR) method proposed in [18] has been shown to improve the predictive performances of several metalearning algorithms for the algorithm ranking problem. Given m target objects (e.g., algorithms), the training complexity of the PMR method with respect to m is quadratic: (formula presented). This is usually not a problem when m is moderate, such as when ranking 20 different learning algorithms. However, for problems with a much larger m, such as the meta-learning-based parameter ranking problem, where m can be 100+, the PMR method is less efficient. In this paper, we propose a novel method named Hierarchical Meta-Rules (HMR), which is based on the theory of orthogonal contrasts. The proposed HMR method has a linear training complexity with respect to m, providing a way of dealing with a large number of objects that the PMR method cannot handle efficiently. Our experimental results demonstrate the benefit of the new method in the context of meta-learning

    Pooling-Invariant Image Feature Learning

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    Unsupervised dictionary learning has been a key component in state-of-the-art computer vision recognition architectures. While highly effective methods exist for patch-based dictionary learning, these methods may learn redundant features after the pooling stage in a given early vision architecture. In this paper, we offer a novel dictionary learning scheme to efficiently take into account the invariance of learned features after the spatial pooling stage. The algorithm is built on simple clustering, and thus enjoys efficiency and scalability. We discuss the underlying mechanism that justifies the use of clustering algorithms, and empirically show that the algorithm finds better dictionaries than patch-based methods with the same dictionary size