3,203 research outputs found

    Towards Open-World Recommendation with Knowledge Augmentation from Large Language Models

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    Recommender systems play a vital role in various online services. However, the insulated nature of training and deploying separately within a specific domain limits their access to open-world knowledge. Recently, the emergence of large language models (LLMs) has shown promise in bridging this gap by encoding extensive world knowledge and demonstrating reasoning capability. Nevertheless, previous attempts to directly use LLMs as recommenders have not achieved satisfactory results. In this work, we propose an Open-World Knowledge Augmented Recommendation Framework with Large Language Models, dubbed KAR, to acquire two types of external knowledge from LLMs -- the reasoning knowledge on user preferences and the factual knowledge on items. We introduce factorization prompting to elicit accurate reasoning on user preferences. The generated reasoning and factual knowledge are effectively transformed and condensed into augmented vectors by a hybrid-expert adaptor in order to be compatible with the recommendation task. The obtained vectors can then be directly used to enhance the performance of any recommendation model. We also ensure efficient inference by preprocessing and prestoring the knowledge from the LLM. Extensive experiments show that KAR significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art baselines and is compatible with a wide range of recommendation algorithms. We deploy KAR to Huawei's news and music recommendation platforms and gain a 7\% and 1.7\% improvement in the online A/B test, respectively

    Session Based Music Recommendation using Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)

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    Technology in the modern world has over-simplified the access to information. At a click of a button we have volumes of music accessible on the Internet. Paradoxically, the abundance of available options has only made music discovery and recommendations a complex problem to solve. With huge collections of songs in the online digital libraries, finding a song or an artist is not a problem. However, an actual problem is what to look for that will intuitively satisfy a user’s need. There exists multitude of recommendation algorithms, but many of them do not consider the contextual information in which a user listens to a song. This information is not quantifiable, but it needs to be extracted by some methods so as to provide an additional facet to music recommendations. There is active research in music recommendation to identify various factors that can influence the choice of a song. Songs that are often played together have some inherent correlations between them which at first, does not seem obvious. Thus, an approach is proposed that can extract information using a linear algebraic approach and generate context- aware music recommendations

    Improving the Performance of Recommendation on Social Network by Investigating Interactions of Trust and Interest Similarity

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    On the social media, lots of people share their experiences through various factors like blogs, online ratings, reviews, online polling and tweets. Study shows that the factors such as interpersonal interest and interpersonal influence from the social media which is based on the circles as well as groups of friends leads to opportunities and challenges in solving the problems on datasets. This challenge is for the Recommender System (RS) to find the solution on cold start and sparsity problems. In this paper, on the basis of the probabilistic matrix factorization, the social factors like personal interest, interpersonal influence and interpersonal interest similarity are combined into a unified personalized recommendation model. These factors can improve the associating linkage in latent space. Various datasets are used to conduct the experiments to get the results that show that the proposed model performs better than the existing approaches

    Web Service Recommender Systems: Methodologies, Merits and Demerits

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    Web services nowadays are considered a consolidated reality of the modern Web with remarkable, increasing influence on everyday computing tasks. Following Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) paradigm, corporations are increasingly offering their services within and between organizations either on intranets or the cloud. Recommender Systems are the software agents guiding the web services to reach the end user. The aim of this paper is to present the survey of advancements in assisting end users and corporations to benefit from Web service technology by facilitating the recommendation and integration of Web services into composite services

    Freeform User Interfaces for Graphical Computing

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    報告番号: 甲15222 ; 学位授与年月日: 2000-03-29 ; 学位の種別: 課程博士 ; 学位の種類: 博士(工学) ; 学位記番号: 博工第4717号 ; 研究科・専攻: 工学系研究科情報工学専

    Social software for music

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    Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Informática e Computação. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 200

    Personalized question-based cybersecurity recommendation systems

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    En ces temps de pandémie Covid19, une énorme quantité de l’activité humaine est modifiée pour se faire à distance, notamment par des moyens électroniques. Cela rend plusieurs personnes et services vulnérables aux cyberattaques, d’où le besoin d’une éducation généralisée ou du moins accessible sur la cybersécurité. De nombreux efforts sont entrepris par les chercheurs, le gouvernement et les entreprises pour protéger et assurer la sécurité des individus contre les pirates et les cybercriminels. En raison du rôle important joué par les systèmes de recommandation dans la vie quotidienne de l'utilisateur, il est intéressant de voir comment nous pouvons combiner les systèmes de cybersécurité et de recommandation en tant que solutions alternatives pour aider les utilisateurs à comprendre les cyberattaques auxquelles ils peuvent être confrontés. Les systèmes de recommandation sont couramment utilisés par le commerce électronique, les réseaux sociaux et les plateformes de voyage, et ils sont basés sur des techniques de systèmes de recommandation traditionnels. Au vu des faits mentionnés ci-dessus, et le besoin de protéger les internautes, il devient important de fournir un système personnalisé, qui permet de partager les problèmes, d'interagir avec un système et de trouver des recommandations. Pour cela, ce travail propose « Cyberhelper », un système de recommandation de cybersécurité personnalisé basé sur des questions pour la sensibilisation à la cybersécurité. De plus, la plateforme proposée est équipée d'un algorithme hybride associé à trois différents algorithmes basés sur la connaissance, les utilisateurs et le contenu qui garantit une recommandation personnalisée optimale en fonction du modèle utilisateur et du contexte. Les résultats expérimentaux montrent que la précision obtenue en appliquant l'algorithme proposé est bien supérieure à la précision obtenue en utilisant d'autres mécanismes de système de recommandation traditionnels. Les résultats suggèrent également qu'en adoptant l'approche proposée, chaque utilisateur peut avoir une expérience utilisateur unique, ce qui peut l'aider à comprendre l'environnement de cybersécurité.With the proliferation of the virtual universe and the multitude of services provided by the World Wide Web, a major concern arises: Security and privacy have never been more in jeopardy. Nowadays, with the Covid 19 pandemic, the world faces a new reality that pushed the majority of the workforce to telecommute. This thereby creates new vulnerabilities for cyber attackers to exploit. It’s important now more than ever, to educate and offer guidance towards good cybersecurity hygiene. In this context, a major effort has been dedicated by researchers, governments, and businesses alike to protect people online against hackers and cybercriminals. With a focus on strengthening the weakest link in the cybersecurity chain which is the human being, educational and awareness-raising tools have been put to use. However, most researchers focus on the “one size fits all” solutions which do not focus on the intricacies of individuals. This work aims to overcome that by contributing a personalized question-based recommender system. Named “Cyberhelper”, this work benefits from an existing mature body of research on recommender system algorithms along with recent research on non-user-specific question-based recommenders. The reported proof of concept holds potential for future work in adapting Cyberhelper as an everyday assistant for different types of users and different contexts