635 research outputs found

    Radiation Tolerant Electronics, Volume II

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    Research on radiation tolerant electronics has increased rapidly over the last few years, resulting in many interesting approaches to model radiation effects and design radiation hardened integrated circuits and embedded systems. This research is strongly driven by the growing need for radiation hardened electronics for space applications, high-energy physics experiments such as those on the large hadron collider at CERN, and many terrestrial nuclear applications, including nuclear energy and safety management. With the progressive scaling of integrated circuit technologies and the growing complexity of electronic systems, their ionizing radiation susceptibility has raised many exciting challenges, which are expected to drive research in the coming decade.After the success of the first Special Issue on Radiation Tolerant Electronics, the current Special Issue features thirteen articles highlighting recent breakthroughs in radiation tolerant integrated circuit design, fault tolerance in FPGAs, radiation effects in semiconductor materials and advanced IC technologies and modelling of radiation effects


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    The manuscript proposes a novel architecture of a delay cell that is implemented in 4-stage VCO which has the ability to operate in two distributed frequency bands. The operating frequency is chosen based on the principle of carrier mobility and the transistor resistance. The VCO uses dual delay input techniques to improve the frequency of operation. The design is implemented in Cadence 90nm GPDK CMOS technology and simulated results show that it is capable of operating in dual frequency bands of 55 MHz to 606 MHz and 857 MHz to 1049 MHz. At normal temperature (270) power consumption of the circuit is found to be 151μW at 606 MHz and 157μW at 1049 MHz respectively and consumes an area of 171.42µm2. The design shows good tradeoff between the parameters-operating frequency, phase noise and power consumption

    inSense: A Variation and Fault Tolerant Architecture for Nanoscale Devices

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    Transistor technology scaling has been the driving force in improving the size, speed, and power consumption of digital systems. As devices approach atomic size, however, their reliability and performance are increasingly compromised due to reduced noise margins, difficulties in fabrication, and emergent nano-scale phenomena. Scaled CMOS devices, in particular, suffer from process variations such as random dopant fluctuation (RDF) and line edge roughness (LER), transistor degradation mechanisms such as negative-bias temperature instability (NBTI) and hot-carrier injection (HCI), and increased sensitivity to single event upsets (SEUs). Consequently, future devices may exhibit reduced performance, diminished lifetimes, and poor reliability. This research proposes a variation and fault tolerant architecture, the inSense architecture, as a circuit-level solution to the problems induced by the aforementioned phenomena. The inSense architecture entails augmenting circuits with introspective and sensory capabilities which are able to dynamically detect and compensate for process variations, transistor degradation, and soft errors. This approach creates ``smart\u27\u27 circuits able to function despite the use of unreliable devices and is applicable to current CMOS technology as well as next-generation devices using new materials and structures. Furthermore, this work presents an automated prototype implementation of the inSense architecture targeted to CMOS devices and is evaluated via implementation in ISCAS \u2785 benchmark circuits. The automated prototype implementation is functionally verified and characterized: it is found that error detection capability (with error windows from \approx30-400ps) can be added for less than 2\% area overhead for circuits of non-trivial complexity. Single event transient (SET) detection capability (configurable with target set-points) is found to be functional, although it generally tracks the standard DMR implementation with respect to overheads

    Reduction of NBTI-Induced Degradation on Ring Oscillators in FPGA

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    Ring Oscillators are used for variety of purposes to enhance reliability on LSIs or FPGAs. This paper introduces an aging-tolerant design structure of ring oscillators that are used in FPGAs. The structure is able to reduce NBTI-induced degradation in a ring oscillator\u27s frequency by setting PMOS transistors of look-up tables in an off-state when the oscillator is not working. The evaluation of a variety of ring oscillators using Altera Cyclone IV device (60nm technology) shows that the proposed structure is capable of controlling degradation level as well as reducing more than 37% performance degradation compared to the conventional oscillators.The 20th IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC 2014), Nov 19-21, 2014, Singapor

    A study of Radiation-Tolerant Voltage-Controlled Oscillators designs in 65 nm bulk and 28 nm FDSOI CMOS technologies

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    Phase-locked loop (PLL) systems are widely employed in integrated circuits for space analog devices and communications systems that operate in radiation environments, where significant perturbations, especially in terms of phase noise, can be generated due to radiation particles. Among all the blocks that form a PLL system, previous research suggests the voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) is one of the most critical components in terms of radiation tolerance and electric performance. Ring oscillators (ROs) and LC-tank VCOs have been commonly employed in high-performance PLLs. Nevertheless, both structures have drawbacks including a limited tuning range, high sensitivity to phase noise, limited radiation tolerance, and large design areas. In order to fulfill these high-performance requirements, a current-model logic (CML) based RO-VCO is presented as a possible solution capable of reducing the limitations of the commonly used structures and exploiting their advantages. The proposed hybrid VCO model includes passive components in its design which are the key parameters that define oscillation frequency of this structure. This tunable oscillator has been designed and tested in 65nm Bulk and 28 nm Fully depleted silicon-on-insulator (FDSOI) CMOS technologies The 65nm testchip was designed to compare the behavior of the proposed CML VCO with a current-starved RO and a radiation hardened by design (RHBD) LC-tank VCO in terms of tuning range, phase noise, Single event effect (SEE) sensitivity and design area. Simulations were carried out by applying a double exponential current pulse into different sensitive nodes of the three VCOs. In addition, SEE tests were conducted using pulsed laser experiments. Simulation and test results show that a CML VCO can effectively overcome the limitations presented by a RO-VCO and LC-tank VCO, achieving a wide range of tuning, and low sensitivity to noise and SEEs without the need for a large cross-section. Further studies of the proposed CML VCO were done on 28nm FDSOI in order to reduce the leakage current and increase the switching speed. the same current-starved VCO and CML VCO were implemented on this testchip, and simulations were performed by injecting a double exponential current pulse energy into the previously defined sensitive nodes. The results show SEE sensitivity improvement without narrowing the tuning range or affecting the phase noise response


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    In recent years researchers have been  focusing on the design of low power and small size oscillator for emerging areas of interest such as the internet of things (IoT) and biomedical applications. In this paper a new delay block for ring oscillator is proposed using CMOS inverter cascaded with inverted current starved inverter (CICSI). The designed delay block provides approximately 50% more delay with a smaller number of transistors than the conventionally designed circuits. Furthermore, a ring oscillator and a non-overlapping clock (NOC) generator are designed using it. The designed circuits can be used in switched capacitor (SC) circuits, analog mixed signal circuits to meet the need for low frequency portable biomedical applications. The designed circuits are simulated on Generic 90nm 1.2V Process Design Kit (GPDK90) using Cadence Virtuoso Design Environment. The simulation result shows the delay of the CICSI delay block is 592ps. The ring oscillator using 101 stages of delay block is designed and it is shown that it operates at a frequency of  17MHz with a power consumption of 420µW

    Product assurance technology for custom LSI/VLSI electronics

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    The technology for obtaining custom integrated circuits from CMOS-bulk silicon foundries using a universal set of layout rules is presented. The technical efforts were guided by the requirement to develop a 3 micron CMOS test chip for the Combined Release and Radiation Effects Satellite (CRRES). This chip contains both analog and digital circuits. The development employed all the elements required to obtain custom circuits from silicon foundries, including circuit design, foundry interfacing, circuit test, and circuit qualification