15 research outputs found

    Proactive Scheduling in Cloud Computing

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    Autonomic fault aware scheduling is a feature quite important for cloud computing and it is related to adoption of workload variation. In this context, this paper proposes an fault aware pattern matching autonomic scheduling for cloud computing based on autonomic computing concepts. In order to validate the proposed solution, we performed two experiments one with traditional approach and other other with pattern recognition fault aware approach. The results show the effectiveness of the scheme

    Proactive Scheduling in Cloud Computing

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    Autonomic fault aware scheduling is a feature quite important for cloud computing and it is related to adoption of workload variation. In this context, this paper proposes an fault aware pattern matching autonomic scheduling for cloud computing based on autonomic computing concepts.  In order to validate  the proposed solution, we performed two experiments one with traditional approach and other other with pattern recognition fault aware approach. The results show the effectiveness of the scheme

    A Study on Factors Contributing to Efficiency of Scheduling Algorithms in a Cloud Computing Environment; Overview of Several Algorithms

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    Cloud computing is the latest distributed technology providing a rich environment of dynamically shared resources through virtualization, which can fulfill the requirements of users by allocating resources to programs. Any program in a cloud environment is delivered by workflows which are a series of interlinked tasks to accomplish a goal. One of the most important tasks in cloud computing is correct mapping of tasks onto resources. It is essential to schedule processes in distributed systems such as cloud, since it leaves a tremendous impact on the system performance. This is done by scheduling algorithms. Therefore, it is crucial to present and adopt an efficient algorithm in the cloud environment. This article attempted to examine the parameters effective in the efficiency of scheduling algorithms including deadline, cost constraint, balanced loading, power consumption and fault tolerance. Additionally, the performances of several algorithms were briefly discussed

    Optimization of Cloud Costs

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    A large number of companies and organizations nowadays are making the decision to migrate their applications to the cloud. The resources needed to host their applications are provided by a cloud provider. It determines the price for the resources according to certain criteria. The users of the services pay for the costs depending on the resources they use. After the migration to the cloud, the consumers of cloud resources should try to optimize their costs. This paper presents several methods that we can use for optimization of cloud costs. In addition, it is provided a real case study of application of these methods in practice. According to the obtained results, cloud costs are reduced by about 65%

    Reliable Linear, Sesquilinear and Bijective Operations On Integer Data Streams Via Numerical Entanglement

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    A new technique is proposed for fault-tolerant linear, sesquilinear and bijective (LSB) operations on MM integer data streams (M≥3M\geq3), such as: scaling, additions/subtractions, inner or outer vector products, permutations and convolutions. In the proposed method, the MM input integer data streams are linearly superimposed to form MM numerically-entangled integer data streams that are stored in-place of the original inputs. A series of LSB operations can then be performed directly using these entangled data streams. The results are extracted from the MM entangled output streams by additions and arithmetic shifts. Any soft errors affecting any single disentangled output stream are guaranteed to be detectable via a specific post-computation reliability check. In addition, when utilizing a separate processor core for each of the MM streams, the proposed approach can recover all outputs after any single fail-stop failure. Importantly, unlike algorithm-based fault tolerance (ABFT) methods, the number of operations required for the entanglement, extraction and validation of the results is linearly related to the number of the inputs and does not depend on the complexity of the performed LSB operations. We have validated our proposal in an Intel processor (Haswell architecture with AVX2 support) via fast Fourier transforms, circular convolutions, and matrix multiplication operations. Our analysis and experiments reveal that the proposed approach incurs between 0.03%0.03\% to 7%7\% reduction in processing throughput for a wide variety of LSB operations. This overhead is 5 to 1000 times smaller than that of the equivalent ABFT method that uses a checksum stream. Thus, our proposal can be used in fault-generating processor hardware or safety-critical applications, where high reliability is required without the cost of ABFT or modular redundancy.Comment: to appear in IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, 201

    A Reliable and Cost-Efficient Auto-Scaling System for Web Applications Using Heterogeneous Spot Instances

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    Cloud providers sell their idle capacity on markets through an auction-like mechanism to increase their return on investment. The instances sold in this way are called spot instances. In spite that spot instances are usually 90% cheaper than on-demand instances, they can be terminated by provider when their bidding prices are lower than market prices. Thus, they are largely used to provision fault-tolerant applications only. In this paper, we explore how to utilize spot instances to provision web applications, which are usually considered availability-critical. The idea is to take advantage of differences in price among various types of spot instances to reach both high availability and significant cost saving. We first propose a fault-tolerant model for web applications provisioned by spot instances. Based on that, we devise novel auto-scaling polices for hourly billed cloud markets. We implemented the proposed model and policies both on a simulation testbed for repeatable validation and Amazon EC2. The experiments on the simulation testbed and the real platform against the benchmarks show that the proposed approach can greatly reduce resource cost and still achieve satisfactory Quality of Service (QoS) in terms of response time and availability

    Workflow Scheduling Techniques and Algorithms in IaaS Cloud: A Survey

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    In the modern era, workflows are adopted as a powerful and attractive paradigm for expressing/solving a variety of applications like scientific, data intensive computing, and big data applications such as MapReduce and Hadoop. These complex applications are described using high-level representations in workflow methods. With the emerging model of cloud computing technology, scheduling in the cloud becomes the important research topic. Consequently, workflow scheduling problem has been studied extensively over the past few years, from homogeneous clusters, grids to the most recent paradigm, cloud computing. The challenges that need to be addressed lies in task-resource mapping, QoS requirements, resource provisioning, performance fluctuation, failure handling, resource scheduling, and data storage. This work focuses on the complete study of the resource provisioning and scheduling algorithms in cloud environment focusing on Infrastructure as a service (IaaS). We provided a comprehensive understanding of existing scheduling techniques and provided an insight into research challenges that will be a possible future direction to the researchers

    Scheduling of fog networks with optimized knapsack by symbiotic organisms search

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    Internet of things as a concept uses wireless sensor networks that have limitations in power, storage, and delay when processing and sending data to the cloud. Fog computing as an extension of cloud services to the edge of the network reduces latency and traffic, so it is very useful in healthcare, wearables, intelligent transportation systems and smart cities. Scheduling is the NP-hard issues in fog computing. Edge devices due to proximity to sensors and clouds are capable of processing power and are beneficial for resource management algorithms. We present a knapsack-based scheduling optimized by symbiotic organisms search that is simulated in iFogsim as a standard simulator for fog computing. The results show improvements in the energy consumption by 18%, total network usage by 1.17%, execution cost by 15%, and sensor lifetime by 5% in our scheduling method are better than the FCFS (First Come First Served) and knapsack algorithms