513 research outputs found

    A Family of Fault-Tolerant Efficient Indirect Topologies

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    © 2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.On the one hand, performance and fault-tolerance of interconnection networks are key design issues for high performance computing (HPC) systems. On the other hand, cost should be also considered. Indirect topologies are often chosen in the design of HPC systems. Among them, the most commonly used topology is the fat-tree. In this work, we focus on getting the maximum benefits from the network resources by designing a simple indirect topology with very good performance and fault-tolerance properties, while keeping the hardware cost as low as possible. To do that, we propose some extensions to the fat-tree topology to take full advantage of the hardware resources consumed by the topology. In particular, we propose three new topologies with different properties in terms of cost, performance and fault-tolerance. All of them are able to achieve a similar or better performance results than the fat-tree, providing also a good level of fault-tolerance and, contrary to most of the available topologies, these proposals are able to tolerate also faults in the links that connect to end nodes.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MINECO) and by FEDER funds under Grant TIN2012-38341-C04-01.Bermúdez Garzón, DF.; Gómez Requena, C.; Gómez Requena, ME.; López Rodríguez, PJ.; Duato Marín, JF. (2016). A Family of Fault-Tolerant Efficient Indirect Topologies. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. 27(4):927-940. https://doi.org/10.1109/TPDS.2015.2430863S92794027

    Fault tolerant clos network

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    Multistage interconnection networks, or MINs, provide paths between functional modules in multiprocessor systems. The MINs are usually segmented into several stages. Each stage connects inputs to appropriate links of the next stage so that the cumulative effect of all the stages satisfies input-output connection requirements. This thesis deals with a fault tolerant Clos network. The fault tolerance technique involves addition of extra switches per stage to compensate for any switch failure The reliability analysis of both ordinary and fault tolerant Clos networks is presented. The optimal number of extra switches required to get the best reliability results has been analyzed

    Reconfiguration for Fault Tolerance and Performance Analysis

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    Architecture reconfiguration, the ability of a system to alter the active interconnection among modules, has a history of different purposes and strategies. Its purposes develop from the relatively simple desire to formalize procedures that all processes have in common to reconfiguration for the improvement of fault-tolerance, to reconfiguration for performance enhancement, either through the simple maximizing of system use or by sophisticated notions of wedding topology to the specific needs of a given process. Strategies range from straightforward redundancy by means of an identical backup system to intricate structures employing multistage interconnection networks. The present discussion surveys the more important contributions to developments in reconfigurable architecture. The strategy here is in a sense to approach the field from an historical perspective, with the goal of developing a more coherent theory of reconfiguration. First, the Turing and von Neumann machines are discussed from the perspective of system reconfiguration, and it is seen that this early important theoretical work contains little that anticipates reconfiguration. Then some early developments in reconfiguration are analyzed, including the work of Estrin and associates on the fixed plus variable restructurable computer system, the attempt to theorize about configurable computers by Miller and Cocke, and the work of Reddi and Feustel on their restructable computer system. The discussion then focuses on the most sustained systems for fault tolerance and performance enhancement that have been proposed. An attempt will be made to define fault tolerance and to investigate some of the strategies used to achieve it. By investigating four different systems, the Tandern computer, the C.vmp system, the Extra Stage Cube, and the Gamma network, the move from dynamic redundancy to reconfiguration is observed. Then reconfiguration for performance enhancement is discussed. A survey of some proposals is attempted, then the discussion focuses on the most sustained systems that have been proposed: PASM, the DC architecture, the Star local network, and the NYU Ultracomputer. The discussion is organized around a comparison of control, scheduling, communication, and network topology. Finally, comparisons are drawn between fault tolerance and performance enhancement, in order to clarify the notion of reconfiguration and to reveal the common ground of fault tolerance and performance enhancement as well as the areas in which they diverge. An attempt is made in the conclusion to derive from this survey and analysis some observations on the nature of reconfiguration, as well as some remarks on necessary further areas of research

    Low-Memory Techniques for Routing and Fault-Tolerance on the Fat-Tree Topology

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    Actualmente, los clústeres de PCs están considerados como una alternativa eficiente a la hora de construir supercomputadores en los que miles de nodos de computación se conectan mediante una red de interconexión. La red de interconexión tiene que ser diseñada cuidadosamente, puesto que tiene una gran influencia sobre las prestaciones globales del sistema. Dos de los principales parámetros de diseño de las redes de interconexión son la topología y el encaminamiento. La topología define la interconexión de los elementos de la red entre sí, y entre éstos y los nodos de computación. Por su parte, el encaminamiento define los caminos que siguen los paquetes a través de la red. Las prestaciones han sido tradicionalmente la principal métrica a la hora de evaluar las redes de interconexión. Sin embargo, hoy en día hay que considerar dos métricas adicionales: el coste y la tolerancia a fallos. Las redes de interconexión además de escalar en prestaciones también deben hacerlo en coste. Es decir, no sólo tienen que mantener su productividad conforme aumenta el tamaño de la red, sino que tienen que hacerlo sin incrementar sobremanera su coste. Por otra parte, conforme se incrementa el número de nodos en las máquinas de tipo clúster, la red de interconexión debe crecer en concordancia. Este incremento en el número de elementos de la red de interconexión aumenta la probabilidad de aparición de fallos, y por lo tanto, la tolerancia a fallos es prácticamente obligatoria para las redes de interconexión actuales. Esta tesis se centra en la topología fat-tree, ya que es una de las topologías más comúnmente usadas en los clústeres. El objetivo de esta tesis es aprovechar sus características particulares para proporcionar tolerancia a fallos y un algoritmo de encaminamiento capaz de equilibrar la carga de la red proporcionando una buena solución de compromiso entre las prestaciones y el coste.Gómez Requena, C. (2010). Low-Memory Techniques for Routing and Fault-Tolerance on the Fat-Tree Topology [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/8856Palanci

    Fault tolerance capability of cloud data center

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    Tõrkeid taluv võrk, mis baseerub Linux süsteemil ja kasutab vana riistvara

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    Networking at enterprise level is fast, reliable,fault-tolerant, expensive and usually includes a vendor lock-in. This thesis tries to take the good qualities of the enterprise level networking and remove the negative side effects. One possible way to solve the problem is to create a networking solution that uses obsolete hardware and free software to neglect the negative properties of enterprise networking. This kind of solution can be achieved without any need for more system administration knowledge or know-how. Moreover, the thesis conducts an analysis of the previous work done by other people on fault tolerance in networking and offers the author’s own solution implementation. The main result of this thesis is a low-cost solution to Internet service provider and router failover. The tests that were carried out show that it is possible to create a network that, even in the case of ISP and/or router failure, can continue functioning at full speed without significant delays and without disrupting the presently occurring data transmission. The thesis’s work uses computer hardware that has been announced old by its previous owners and software that is open source and readily deployable with a little skill. From a theoretical point of view it should be acknowledged that the author understands that software routing is not as good as hardware routing, however the overall idea was to offer a solution which could theoretically perform as similar as possible to the hardware routing

    Fault-Tolerant Single-Chip Vector Processor : architecture and performance analysis using Livermore loop benchmarks

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    Electrical Engineerin

    Reconfigurable architecture for very large scale microelectronic systems

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    The k-ary n-direct s-indirect family of topologies for large-scale interconnection networks

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11227-016-1640-zIn large-scale supercomputers, the interconnection network plays a key role in system performance. Network topology highly defines the performance and cost of the interconnection network. Direct topologies are sometimes used due to its reduced hardware cost, but the number of network dimensions is limited by the physical 3D space, which leads to an increase of the communication latency and a reduction of network throughput for large machines. Indirect topologies can provide better performance for large machines, but at higher hardware cost. In this paper, we propose a new family of hybrid topologies, the k-ary n-direct s-indirect, that combines the best features from both direct and indirect topologies to efficiently connect an extremely high number of processing nodes. The proposed network is an n-dimensional topology where the k nodes of each dimension are connected through a small indirect topology of s stages. This combination results in a family of topologies that provides high performance, with latency and throughput figures of merit close to indirect topologies, but at a lower hardware cost. In particular, it doubles the throughput obtained per cost unit compared with indirect topologies in most of the cases. Moreover, their fault-tolerance degree is similar to the one achieved by direct topologies built with switches with the same number of ports.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Economa y Competitividad (MINECO) and by FEDER funds under Grant TIN2012-38341-C04-01 and by Programa de Ayudas de Investigacion y Desarrollo (PAID) from Universitat Politecnica de Valencia.Peñaranda Cebrián, R.; Gómez Requena, C.; Gómez Requena, ME.; López Rodríguez, PJ.; Duato Marín, JF. (2016). The k-ary n-direct s-indirect family of topologies for large-scale interconnection networks. Journal of Supercomputing. 72(3):1035-1062. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11227-016-1640-z10351062723Connect-IB. http://www.mellanox.com/related-docs/prod_adapter_cards/PB_Connect-IB.pdf . Accessed 3 Feb 2016Mellanox store. http://www.mellanoxstore.com . Accessed 3 Feb 2016Mellanox technology. http://www.mellanox.com . Accessed 3 Feb 2016Myricom. http://www.myri.com . Accessed 3 Feb 2016Quadrics homepage. http://www.quadrics.com . Accessed 22 Sept 2008TOP500 supercomputer site. http://www.top500.org . Accessed 3 Feb 2016Balkan A, Qu G, Vishkin U (2009) Mesh-of-trees and alternative interconnection networks for single-chip parallelism. IEEE Trans Very Large Scale Integr(VLSI) Syst 17(10):1419–1432. doi: 10.1109/TVLSI.2008.2003999Bermudez Garzon D, Gomez ME, Lopez P, Duato J, Gomez C (2014) FT-RUFT: a performance and fault-tolerant efficient indirect topology. 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