147 research outputs found

    Algebraic attacks on certain stream ciphers

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    To encrypt data streams of arbitrary lengths, keystream generators are used in modern cryptography which transform a secret initial value, called the key, into a long sequence of seemingly random bits. Many designs are based on linear feedback shift registers (LFSRs), which can be constructed in such a way that the output stream has optimal statistical and periodical properties and which can be efficiently implemented in hardware. Particularly prominent is a certain class of LFSR-based keystream generators, called (ι,m)-combiners or simply combiners. The maybe most famous example is the E0 keystream generator deployed in the Bluetooth standard for encryption. To evaluate the combiner’s security, cryptographers adopted an adversary model where the design and some parts of the input and output are known. An attack is a method to derive the key using the given knowledge. In the last decades, several kinds of attacks against LFSR-based keystream generators have been developed. In 2002 a new kind of attacks came up, named ”algebraic attacks”. The basic idea is to model the knowledge by a system of equation whose solution is the secret key. For several existing combiners, algebraic attacks represent the fastest theoretical attacks publicly known so far. This thesis discusses algebraic attacks against combiners. After providing the required mathematical fundament and a background on combiners, we describe algebraic attacks and explore the two main steps (generating the system of equations and computing the solution) in detail. The efficiency of algebraic attacks is closely connected to the degree of the equations. Thus, we examine the existence of low-degree equations in several situations and discuss multiple design principles to thwart their existence. Furthermore, we investigate ”fast algebraic attacks”, an extension of algebraic attacks.To encrypt data streams of arbitrary lengths, keystream generators are used in modern cryptography which transform a secret initial value, called the key, into a long sequence of seemingly random bits. Many designs are based on linear feedback shift registers (LFSRs), which can be constructed in such a way that the output stream has optimal statistical and periodical properties and which can be efficiently implemented in hardware. Particularly prominent is a certain class of LFSR-based keystream generators, called (ι,m)-combiners or simply combiners. The maybe most famous example is the E0 keystream generator deployed in the Bluetooth standard for encryption. To evaluate the combiner’s security, cryptographers adopted an adversary model where the design and some parts of the input and output are known. An attack is a method to derive the key using the given knowledge. In the last decades, several kinds of attacks against LFSR-based keystream generators have been developed. In 2002 a new kind of attacks came up, named ”algebraic attacks”. The basic idea is to model the knowledge by a system of equation whose solution is the secret key. For several existing combiners, algebraic attacks represent the fastest theoretical attacks publicly known so far. This thesis discusses algebraic attacks against combiners. After providing the required mathematical fundament and a background on combiners, we describe algebraic attacks and explore the two main steps (generating the system of equations and computing the solution) in detail. The efficiency of algebraic attacks is closely connected to the degree of the equations. Thus, we examine the existence of low-degree equations in several situations and discuss multiple design principles to thwart their existence. Furthermore, we investigate ”fast algebraic attacks”, an extension of algebraic attacks

    The Conditional Correlation Attack: A Practical Attack on Bluetooth Encryption

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    Abstract. Motivated by the security of the nonlinear filter generator, the concept of correlation was previously extended to the conditional correlation, that studied the linear correlation of the inputs conditioned on a given (short) output pattern of some specific nonlinear function. Based on the conditional correlations, conditional correlation attacks were shown to be successful and efficient against the nonlinear filter generator. In this paper, we further generalize the concept of conditional correlations by assigning it with a different meaning, i.e. the correlation of the output of an arbitrary function conditioned on the unknown (partial) input which is uniformly distributed. Based on this generalized conditional correlation, a general statistical model is studied for dedicated key-recovery distinguishers. It is shown that the generalized conditional correlation is no smaller than the unconditional correlation. Consequently, our distinguisher improves on the traditional one (in the worst case it degrades into the traditional one). In particular, the distinguisher may be successful even if no ordinary correlation exists. As an application, a conditional correlation attack is developed and optimized against Bluetooth two-level E0. The attack is based on a recently detected flaw in the resynchronization of E0, as well as the investigation of conditional correlations in the Finite State Machine (FSM) governing the keystream output of E0. Our best attack finds the original encryption key for two-level E0 using the first 24 bits of 2 23.8 frames and with 2 38 computations. This is clearly the fastest and only practical known-plaintext attack on Bluetooth encryption compared with all existing attacks. Current experiments confirm our analysis

    Fault Analysis Study of the Block Cipher FOX64

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    FOX is a family of symmetric block ciphers from MediaCrypt AG that helps to secure digital media, communications, and storage. The high-level structure of FOX is the so-called (extended) Lai-Massey scheme. This paper presents a detailed fault analysis of the block cipher FOX64, the 64-bit version of FOX, based on a differential property of tworound Lai-Massey scheme in a fault model. Previous fault attack on FOX64 shows that each round-key (resp. whole round-keys) could be recovered through 11.45 (resp. 183.20) faults on average. Our proposed fault attack, however, can deduce any round-key (except the first one) through 4.25 faults on average (4 in the best case), and retrieve the whole round-keys through 43.31 faults on average (38 in the best case). This implies that the number of needed faults in the fault attack on FOX64 can be significantly reduced. Furthermore, the technique introduced in this paper can be extended to other series of the block cipher family FOX

    SGX-MR-Prot: Efficient and Developer-Friendly Access-Pattern Protection in Trusted Execution Environments

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    Trusted Execution Environments, such as Intel SGX, use hardware supports to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of applications against a compromised cloud system. However, side channels like access patterns remain for adversaries to exploit and obtain sensitive information. Common approaches use oblivious programs or primitives, such as ORAM, to make access patterns oblivious to input data, which are challenging to develop. This demonstration shows a prototype SGX-MR-Prot for efficiently protecting access patterns of SGX-based data-intensive applications and minimizing developers' efforts. SGX-MR-Prot uses the MapReduce framework to regulate application dataflows to reduce the cost of access-pattern protection and hide the data oblivious details from SGX developers. This demonstration will allow users to intuitively understand the unique contributions of the framework-based protection approach via interactive exploration and visualization.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2009.0351

    On the Security of Lattice-Based Signature Schemes in a Post-Quantum World

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    Digital signatures are indispensable for security on the Internet, because they guarantee authenticity, integrity, and non-repudiation, of namely e-mails, software updates, and in the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol which is used for secure data transfer, for example. Most signature schemes that are currently in use such as the RSA signature scheme, are considered secure as long as the integer factorization problem or the discrete logarithm (DL) problem are computationally hard. At present, no algorithms have yet been found to solve these problems on conventional computers in polynomial time. However, in 1997, Shor published a polynomial-time algorithm that uses quantum computation to solve the integer factorization and the DL problem. In particular, this means that RSA signatures are considered broken as soon as large-scale quantum computers exist. Due to significant advances in the area of quantum computing, it is reasonable to assume that within 20 years, quantum computers that are able to break the RSA scheme, could exist. In order to maintain authenticity, integrity, and non-repudiation of data, cryptographic schemes that cannot be broken by quantum attacks are required. In addition, these so-called post-quantum secure schemes should be sufficiently efficient to be suitable for all established applications. Furthermore, solutions enabling a timely and secure transition from classical to post-quantum schemes are needed. This thesis contributes to the above-mentioned transition. In this thesis, we present the two lattice-based digital signature schemes TESLA and qTESLA, whereby lattice-based cryptography is one of five approaches to construct post-quantum secure schemes. Furthermore, we prove that our signature schemes are secure as long as the so-called Learning With Errors (LWE) problem is computationally hard to solve. It is presumed that even quantum computers cannot solve the LWE problem in polynomial time. The security of our schemes is proven using security reductions. Since our reductions are tight and explicit, efficient instantiations are possible that provably guarantee a selected security level, as long as the corresponding LWE instance provides a certain hardness level. Since both our reductions (as proven in the quantum random oracle model) and instantiations, take into account quantum attackers, TESLA and qTESLA are considered post-quantum secure. Concurrently, the run-times for generating and verifying signatures of qTESLA are similar (or faster) than those of the RSA scheme. However, key and signature sizes of RSA are smaller than those of qTESLA. In order to protect both the theoretical signature schemes and their implementations against attacks, we analyze possible vulnerabilities against implementation attacks. In particular, cache-side-channel attacks resulting from observing the cache behavior and fault attacks, which recover secret information by actively disrupting the execution of an algorithm are focused. We present effective countermeasures for each implementation attack we found. Our analyses and countermeasures also influence the design and implementation of qTESLA. Although our schemes are considered (post-quantum) secure according to state-of-the-art LWE attacks, cryptanalysis of lattice-based schemes is still a relatively new field of research in comparison to RSA schemes. Hence, there is a lack of confidence in the concrete instantiations and their promised security levels. However, due to developments within the field of quantum computers, a transition to post-quantum secure solutions seems to be more urgently required than ever. To solve this dilemma, we present an approach to combine two schemes, e.g., qTESLA and the RSA signature scheme, so that the combination is secure as long as one of the two combined schemes is secure. We present several of such combiners to construct hybrid signature schemes and hybrid key encapsulation mechanisms to ensure both authenticity and confidentiality in our Public-Key Infrastructure (PKI). Lastly, we also demonstrate how to apply the resulting hybrid schemes in standards such as X.509 or TLS. To summarize, this work presents post-quantum secure candidates which can, using our hybrid schemes, add post-quantum security to the current classical security in our PKI

    An Improved Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR- based) Stream Cipher Generator

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    Linear feedback shift register ( LFSR-based) stream cipher an improved design for a random key generator in a stream cipher algorithm. The proposed random key generator is simply designed to produce a very quick algorithm to be used for securing GSM communication as mobiles or in satellite communications channels, and it use to avoid attack that happen on cryptography in general and on stream cipher in specific. The simplicity of the design derived from using of four small LFSR and three Xored gates and a single (3 to 1) multiplexer on the content of 8-stages LFSR

    SoK: Cryptographically Protected Database Search

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    Protected database search systems cryptographically isolate the roles of reading from, writing to, and administering the database. This separation limits unnecessary administrator access and protects data in the case of system breaches. Since protected search was introduced in 2000, the area has grown rapidly; systems are offered by academia, start-ups, and established companies. However, there is no best protected search system or set of techniques. Design of such systems is a balancing act between security, functionality, performance, and usability. This challenge is made more difficult by ongoing database specialization, as some users will want the functionality of SQL, NoSQL, or NewSQL databases. This database evolution will continue, and the protected search community should be able to quickly provide functionality consistent with newly invented databases. At the same time, the community must accurately and clearly characterize the tradeoffs between different approaches. To address these challenges, we provide the following contributions: 1) An identification of the important primitive operations across database paradigms. We find there are a small number of base operations that can be used and combined to support a large number of database paradigms. 2) An evaluation of the current state of protected search systems in implementing these base operations. This evaluation describes the main approaches and tradeoffs for each base operation. Furthermore, it puts protected search in the context of unprotected search, identifying key gaps in functionality. 3) An analysis of attacks against protected search for different base queries. 4) A roadmap and tools for transforming a protected search system into a protected database, including an open-source performance evaluation platform and initial user opinions of protected search.Comment: 20 pages, to appear to IEEE Security and Privac

    FortifiedIPS: Increasing the Security of Multi-Party Computation by Diverse Redundancy

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    In dieser Arbeit präsentieren wir einen Ansatz, mit dem die Sicherheit von Protokollen für multi-party-computations (MPC) verbessert werden kann. Dafür gehen wir davon aus, dass Protokollteilnehmer aus mehreren Geräten mit unterschiedlicher Zusammensetzung von Hardware, Software und Betriebssystemen bestehen. Dies wird als diverse Redundanz bezeichnet. Dazu wird die Annahme getroffen, dass redundante Geräte aufgrund ihres unterschiedlichen Aufbaus nicht alle gleichzeitig korrumpiert werden können. Auf dieser Basis konstruieren wir ein MPC Protokoll, das sicher bleibt, selbst wenn die letzte ehrlich Partei teilweise korrumpiert wird. Um die Annahme formal zu beschreiben, schlagen wir ein Korruptionsmodell vor, das zwei unterschiedliche Typen von Korruptionen vorsieht. Um Angriffe über physikalischen Zugriff auf Geräte zu beschreiben, wird der übliche aktive Angriff benutzt. Angriffe über das Netzwerk werden jedoch eingeschränkt, um zu modellieren, dass solche Angriffe auf vorhandene Sicherheitslücken angewiesen sind. Wenn Systeme in diverser Redundanz vorliegen, ist es unwahrscheinlich, dass sie alle zur selben Zeit Sicherheitslücken aufweisen. Dieser Ansatz wird in der praktischen IT-Sicherheit bereits eingesetzt, wurde, so weit wir wissen, aber noch nicht verwendet, um formale Sicherheitsgarantien zu geben. Viele kryptographische Protokolle machen (implizit) die Annahme, dass jede Partei aus nur einem physikalischen Gerät besteht. Deshalb wird eine Partei dann entweder vollständig korrumpiert oder bleibt komplett ehrlich. Deshalb ist es für unsere Zwecke notwendig, Parteien in mehrere Geräte aufzuteilen. Diese Geräte führen dann ein Protokoll aus, mit dem eine ganze Partei realisiert wird. Um wichtige Stellen zu schützen, an denen die ganze Partei auf einmal korrumpiert werden könnte, setzen wir das MPC Protokoll SPDZ [Dam+13] ein. Hier nutzen wir aus, dass SPDZ nur innerhalb einer Partei eingesetzt wird. Hier vertrauen sich die Geräte, zumindest zu Beginn, bevor Korruptionen stattfinden können. Dieses initiale Vertrauen erlaubt es, den aufwändigsten Teil von SPDZ, die Vorverarbeitungsphase, zu überspringen. Dieser Ansatz verursacht linearen zusätzlichen Aufwand im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Protokollen. Dafür wird sichergestellt, dass Parteien, die bis zu einem Viertel ihrer Geräte aufgrund von Korruptionen verlieren, weiter als ehrliche Parteien am Protokoll teilnehmen können. Außerdem bleibt ihre Ein- und Ausgabe geheim
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