9 research outputs found

    Blind Justice: Fairness with Encrypted Sensitive Attributes

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    Recent work has explored how to train machine learning models which do not discriminate against any subgroup of the population as determined by sensitive attributes such as gender or race. To avoid disparate treatment, sensitive attributes should not be considered. On the other hand, in order to avoid disparate impact, sensitive attributes must be examined, e.g., in order to learn a fair model, or to check if a given model is fair. We introduce methods from secure multi-party computation which allow us to avoid both. By encrypting sensitive attributes, we show how an outcome-based fair model may be learned, checked, or have its outputs verified and held to account, without users revealing their sensitive attributes.Comment: published at ICML 201

    Faster secure multi-party computation of AES and DES using lookup tables

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    We present an actively secure protocol for secure multi-party computation based on lookup tables, by extending the recent, two-party `TinyTable' protocol of Damgard et al. (ePrint 2016). Like TinyTable, an attractive feature of our protocol is a very fast and simple online evaluation phase. We also give a new method for efficiently implementing the preprocessing material required for the online phase using arithmetic circuits over characteristic two fields. This improves over the suggested method from TinyTable by at least a factor of 50. As an application of our protocol, we consider secure computation of the Triple DES and the AES block ciphers, computing the S-boxes via lookup tables. Additionally, we adapt a technique for evaluating (Triple) DES based on a polynomial representation of its S-boxes that was recently proposed in the side-channel countermeasures community. We compare the above two approaches with an implementation. The table lookup method leads to a very fast online time of over 230,000 blocks per second for AES and 45,000 for Triple DES. The preprocessing cost is not much more than previous methods that have a much slower online time

    Fast and Secure Oblivious Stable Matching over Arithmetic Circuits

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    The classic stable matching algorithm of Gale and Shapley (American Mathematical Monthly \u2769) and subsequent variants such as those by Roth (Mathematics of Operations Research \u2782) and Abdulkadiroglu et al. (American Economic Review \u2705) have been used successfully in a number of real-world scenarios, including the assignment of medical-school graduates to residency programs, New York City teenagers to high schools, and Norwegian and Singaporean students to schools and universities. However, all of these suffer from one shortcoming: in order to avoid strategic manipulation, they require all participants to submit their preferences to a trusted third party who performs the computation. In some sensitive application scenarios, there is no appropriate (or cost-effective) trusted party. This makes stable matching a natural candidate for secure computation. Several approaches have been proposed to overcome this, based on secure multiparty computation (MPC), fully homomorphic encryption, etc.; many of these protocols are slow and impractical for real-world use. We propose a novel primitive for privacy-preserving stable matching using MPC (i.e., arithmetic circuits, for any number of parties). Specifically, we discuss two variants of oblivious stable matching and describe an improved oblivious stable matching on the random memory access model based on lookup tables. To explore and showcase the practicality of our proposed primitive, we present detailed benchmarks (at various problem sizes) of our constructions using two popular frameworks: SCALE-MAMBA and MP-SPDZ

    BBQ: Using AES in Picnic Signatures

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    This works studies the use of the AES block-cipher for Picnic-style signatures, which work in the multiparty-computation-in-the-head model. It applies advancements to arithmetic circuits for the computation of the AES S-box over multiparty computation in the preprocessing model to obtain an improvement of signature sizes of 40\% on average compared to using binary circuits for AES-128, AES-192 and AES-256 in combination with previous techniques. This work also discusses other methods for the computation of the S-box and provides insights into the reaches and limits of the multiparty-computation-in-the-head paradigm

    Circuit Amortization Friendly Encodings and their Application to Statistically Secure Multiparty Computation

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    At CRYPTO 2018, Cascudo et al. introduced Reverse Multiplication Friendly Embeddings (RMFEs). These are a mechanism to compute δ\delta parallel evaluations of the same arithmetic circuit over a field Fq\mathbb{F}_q at the cost of a single evaluation of that circuit in Fqd\mathbb{F}_{q^d}, where δ<d\delta < d. Due to this inequality, RMFEs are a useful tool when protocols require to work over Fqd\mathbb{F}_{q^d} but one is only interested in computing over Fq\mathbb{F}_q. In this work we introduce Circuit Amortization Friendly Encodings (CAFEs), which generalize RMFEs while having concrete efficiency in mind. For a Galois Ring R=GR(2k,d)R = GR(2^{k}, d), CAFEs allow to compute certain circuits over Z2k\mathbb{Z}_{2^k} at the cost of a single secure multiplication in RR. We present three CAFE instantiations, which we apply to the protocol for MPC over Z2k\mathbb{Z}_{2^k} via Galois Rings by Abspoel et al. (TCC 2019). Our protocols allow for efficient switching between the different CAFEs, as well as between computation over GR(2k,d)GR(2^{k}, d) and F2d\mathbb{F}_{2^{d}} in a way that preserves the CAFE in both rings. This adaptability leads to efficiency gains for e.g. Machine Learning applications, which can be represented as highly parallel circuits over Z2k\mathbb{Z}_{2^k} followed by bit-wise operations. From an implementation of our techniques, we estimate that an SVM can be evaluated on 250 images in parallel up to ×7\times 7 more efficiently using our techniques, compared to the protocol from Abspoel et al. (TCC 2019)

    Compilation of Function Representations for Secure Computing Paradigms

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    This paper introduces M-Circuits, a program representation which generalizes arithmetic and binary circuits. This new representation is motivated by the way modern multi-party computation (MPC) systems based on linear secret sharing schemes actually operate. We then show how this representation also allows one to construct zero knowledge proof (ZKP) systems based on the MPC-in-the-head paradigm. The use of the M-Circuit program abstraction then allows for a number of program-specific optimizations to be applied generically. It also allows to separate complexity and security optimizations for program compilation from those for application protocols (MPC or ZKP)