10 research outputs found

    Computing Runs on a General Alphabet

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    We describe a RAM algorithm computing all runs (maximal repetitions) of a given string of length nn over a general ordered alphabet in O(nlog23n)O(n\log^{\frac{2}3} n) time and linear space. Our algorithm outperforms all known solutions working in Θ(nlogσ)\Theta(n\log\sigma) time provided σ=nΩ(1)\sigma = n^{\Omega(1)}, where σ\sigma is the alphabet size. We conjecture that there exists a linear time RAM algorithm finding all runs.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Lempel-Ziv Compression in a Sliding Window

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    We present new algorithms for the sliding window Lempel-Ziv (LZ77) problem and the approximate rightmost LZ77 parsing problem. Our main result is a new and surprisingly simple algorithm that computes the sliding window LZ77 parse in O(w) space and either O(n) expected time or O(n log log w+z log log s) deterministic time. Here, w is the window size, n is the size of the input string, z is the number of phrases in the parse, and s is the size of the alphabet. This matches the space and time bounds of previous results while removing constant size restrictions on the alphabet size. To achieve our result, we combine a simple modification and augmentation of the suffix tree with periodicity properties of sliding windows. We also apply this new technique to obtain an algorithm for the approximate rightmost LZ77 problem that uses O(n(log z + log log n)) time and O(n) space and produces a (1+e)-approximation of the rightmost parsing (any constant e>0). While this does not improve the best known time-space trade-offs for exact rightmost parsing, our algorithm is significantly simpler and exposes a direct connection between sliding window parsing and the approximate rightmost matching problem

    Lempel-Ziv Compression in a Sliding Window

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    LZ-End Parsing in Linear Time

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    LZ-End Parsing in Compressed Space

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    We present an algorithm that constructs the LZ-End parsing (a variation of LZ77) of a given string of length n in O(n log l) expected time and O(z + l) space, where z is the number of phrases in the parsing and l is the length of the longest phrase. As an option, we can fix l (e.g., to the size of RAM) thus obtaining a reasonable LZ-End approximation with the same functionality and the length of phrases restricted by l. This modified algorithm constructs the parsing in streaming fashion in one left to right pass on the input string w.h.p. and performs one right to left pass to verify the correctness of the result. Experimentally comparing this version to other LZ77-based analogs, we show that it is of practical interest.Peer reviewe

    Perushakurakenteiden tehokas muodostus suurille tekstimassoille

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    This thesis studies efficient algorithms for constructing the most fundamental data structures used as building blocks in (compressed) full-text indexes. Full-text indexes are data structures that allow efficiently searching for occurrences of a query string in a (much larger) text. We are mostly interested in large-scale indexing, that is, dealing with input instances that cannot be processed entirely in internal memory and thus a much slower, external memory needs to be used. Specifically, we focus on three data structures: the suffix array, the LCP array and the Lempel-Ziv (LZ77) parsing. These are routinely found as components or used as auxiliary data structures in the construction of many modern full-text indexes. The suffix array is a list of all suffixes of a text in lexicographical order. Despite its simplicity, the suffix array is a powerful tool used extensively not only in indexing but also in data compression, string combinatorics or computational biology. The first contribution of this thesis is an improved algorithm for external memory suffix array construction based on constructing suffix arrays for blocks of text and merging them into the full suffix array. In many applications, the suffix array needs to be augmented with the information about the longest common prefix between each two adjacent suffixes in lexicographical order. The array containing such information is called the longest-common-prefix (LCP) array. The second contribution of this thesis is the first algorithm for computing the LCP array in external memory that is not an extension of a suffix-sorting algorithm. When the input text is highly repetitive, the general-purpose text indexes are usually outperformed (particularly in space usage) by specialized indexes. One of the most popular families of such indexes is based on the Lempel-Ziv (LZ77) parsing. LZ77 parsing is the encoding of text that replaces long repeating substrings with references to other occurrences. In addition to indexing, LZ77 is a heavily used tool in data compression. The third contribution of this thesis is a series of new algorithms to compute the LZ77 parsing, both in RAM and in external memory. The algorithms introduced in this thesis significantly improve upon the prior art. For example: (i) our new approach for constructing the LCP array in external memory is faster than the previously best algorithm by a factor of 2-4 and simultaneously reduces the disk space usage by a factor of four; (ii) a parallel version of our improved suffix array construction algorithm is able to handle inputs much larger than considered in the literature so far. In our experiments, computing the suffix array of a 1 TiB file with the new algorithm took a little over a week and required only 7.2 TiB of disk space (including input and output), whereas on the same machine the previously best algorithm would require 3.5 times as much disk space and take about four times longer.Tutkielman aiheena olevilla algoritmeilla voidaan tehokkaasti muodostaa perustietorakenteita, joita käytetään rakennuspalikoina (tiivistetyissä) tekstihakurakenteissa. Tekstihakurakenteet ovat tietorakenteita, jotka mahdollistavat tehokkaat merkkijonohaut tekstissä. Pääasiallisena kiinnostuksen kohteena ovat algoritmit suurille tekstimassoille, joita ei pystytä käsittelemään keskusmuistissa, ja jotka siksi vaativat paljon hitaamman ulkoisen muistin käyttöä. Kohdetietorakenteita on kolme: loppuosataulukko, LCP-taulukko ja Lempel-Ziv (LZ77) jäsennys. Näitä käytetään laajasti komponentteina tai välivaiheina modernien tekstihakurakenteiden muodostamisessa. Loppuosataulukko listaa tekstin kaikki loppuosat aakkosjärjestyksessä. Yksinkertaisuudestaan huolimatta loppuosataulukko on tehokas työkalu, jota käytetään laajalti ei vain tekstihakurakenteissa vaan myös tekstintiivistyksessä, merkkijonokombinatoriikassa ja laskennallisessa biologiassa. Tutkielman ensimmäinen tulos on parannettu algoritmi loppuosataulukon muodostamiseen ulkoisessa muistissa perustuen tekstin osille muodostettujen loppuosataulukkojen yhdistämiseen koko tekstin loppuosataulukoksi. Monissa sovelluksissa loppuosataulukon rinnalla tarvitaan tietoa aakkosellisesti vierekkäisten loppuosien pisimpien yhteisten alkuosien pituuksista. Tämän tiedon sisältävää taulukkoa sanotaan LCP (longest common prefix) taulukoksi. Tutkielman toinen tulos on ensimmäinen LCP taulukon ulkoisessa muistissa muodostava algoritmi, joka ei ole loppuosataulukonmuodostusalgoritmin laajennus. Vahvasti toisteiselle tekstille on olemassa erikoistuneita tekstihakurakenteita, jotka ovat yleiskäyttöisiä tekstihakurakenteita tehokkaampia (erityisesti muistin käytön suhteen). Yksi suosituimmista tällaisista hakurakenneperheistä perustuu Lempel-Ziv (LZ77) jäsennykseen. LZ77-jäsennys on tekstin tallennusmuoto, jossa pitkät toistuvat osajonot on korvattu viittauksilla aiempiin esiintymiin. Tekstihakurakenteiden lisäksi LZ77-jäsennystä käytetään laajasti tekstintiivistyksessä. Tutkielman kolmas osuus on sarja uusia algoritmeja LZ77-jäsennyksen muodostamiseen, sekä sisäisessä että ulkoisessa muistissa. Tutkielmassa esitellyt algoritmit ovat merkittävä parannus aiempaan tilanteeseen. Esimerkiksi: (i) uusi menetelmä LCP-taulukon muodostamiseen ulkoisessa muistissa on 2-4 kertaa aiempia menetelmiä nopeampi ja samanaikaisesti vähentää levytilankäytön neljännekseen; (ii) parannettu loppuosataulukonmuodostusalgoritmi mahdollistaa paljon aiemmin nähtyjä suurempien syötteiden käsittelyn. Kokeissa yhden teratavun kokoisen tiedoston loppuosataulukon muodostaminen vei vähän yli viikon ja vaati vain 7,2 teratavua levytilaa (syöte ja tulos mukaanlukien), kun aiemmat menetelmät olisivat vaatineet 3,5-kertaisen määrän levytilaa ja vieneet noin nelinkertaisen ajan

    Faster Lightweight Lempel-Ziv Parsing

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    We present an algorithm that computes the Lempel-Ziv decomposition in O(n(log σ + log log n)) time and n log σ + ɛn bits of space, where ϵ; is a constant rational parameter, n is the length of the input string, and σ is the alphabet size. The n log σ bits in the space bound are for the input string itself which is treated as read-only. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015

    Efficient string algorithmics across alphabet realms

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    Stringology is a subfield of computer science dedicated to analyzing and processing sequences of symbols. It plays a crucial role in various applications, including lossless compression, information retrieval, natural language processing, and bioinformatics. Recent algorithms often assume that the strings to be processed are over polynomial integer alphabet, i.e., each symbol is an integer that is at most polynomial in the lengths of the strings. In contrast to that, the earlier days of stringology were shaped by the weaker comparison model, in which strings can only be accessed by mere equality comparisons of symbols, or (if the symbols are totally ordered) order comparisons of symbols. Nowadays, these flavors of the comparison model are respectively referred to as general unordered alphabet and general ordered alphabet. In this dissertation, we dive into the realm of both integer alphabets and general alphabets. We present new algorithms and lower bounds for classic problems, including Lempel-Ziv compression, computing the Lyndon array, and the detection of squares and runs. Our results show that, instead of only assuming the standard model of computation, it is important to also consider both weaker and stronger models. Particularly, we should not discard the older and weaker comparison-based models too quickly, as they are not only powerful theoretical tools, but also lead to fast and elegant practical solutions, even by today's standards

    28th Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Pattern Matching : CPM 2017, July 4-6, 2017, Warsaw, Poland

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