10 research outputs found

    Why is it hard to beat O(n2)O(n^2) for Longest Common Weakly Increasing Subsequence?

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    The Longest Common Weakly Increasing Subsequence problem (LCWIS) is a variant of the classic Longest Common Subsequence problem (LCS). Both problems can be solved with simple quadratic time algorithms. A recent line of research led to a number of matching conditional lower bounds for LCS and other related problems. However, the status of LCWIS remained open. In this paper we show that LCWIS cannot be solved in strongly subquadratic time unless the Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis (SETH) is false. The ideas which we developed can also be used to obtain a lower bound based on a safer assumption of NC-SETH, i.e. a version of SETH which talks about NC circuits instead of less expressive CNF formulas

    A Formal Model for Context-Awareness

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    There is a definite lack of formal support for modeling real- istic context-awareness in pervasive computing applications. The Conawa calculus presented in this paper provides mechanisms for modeling complex and interwoven sets of context-information by extending ambient calculus with new constructs and capabilities. In connection with the calculus we present four scenarios which are used to evaluate Conawa. The calculus is a step in the direction of making formal methods applicable in the area of pervasive computing

    Constrained Longest Common Subsequence Computing Algorithms in Practice

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    The problem of finding a constrained longest common subsequence (CLCS) for the sequences A and B with respect to sequence P was introduced recently. Its goal is to find a longest subsequence C of A and B such that P is a subsequence of C. There are several algorithms solving the CLCS problem, but there is no real experimental comparison of them. The paper has two aims. Firstly, we propose an improvement to the algorithms by Chin et al. and Deorowicz based on an entry-exit points technique by He and Arslan. Secondly, we compare experimentally the existing algorithms for solving the CLCS problem

    A Finite Equational Base for CCS with Left Merge and Communication Merge

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    Using the left merge and communication merge from ACP, we present an equational base for the fragment of CCS without restriction and relabelling. Our equational base is finite if the set of actions is finite

    Faster algorithms for computing longest common increasing subsequences

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    1 Introduction Algorithms that search for the longest common subsequence (LCS) of twoinput sequences or the longest increasing subsequence (LIS) of one input sequence date back several decades

    Multivariate Fine-Grained Complexity of Longest Common Subsequence

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    We revisit the classic combinatorial pattern matching problem of finding a longest common subsequence (LCS). For strings xx and yy of length nn, a textbook algorithm solves LCS in time O(n2)O(n^2), but although much effort has been spent, no O(n2ε)O(n^{2-\varepsilon})-time algorithm is known. Recent work indeed shows that such an algorithm would refute the Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis (SETH) [Abboud, Backurs, Vassilevska Williams + Bringmann, K\"unnemann FOCS'15]. Despite the quadratic-time barrier, for over 40 years an enduring scientific interest continued to produce fast algorithms for LCS and its variations. Particular attention was put into identifying and exploiting input parameters that yield strongly subquadratic time algorithms for special cases of interest, e.g., differential file comparison. This line of research was successfully pursued until 1990, at which time significant improvements came to a halt. In this paper, using the lens of fine-grained complexity, our goal is to (1) justify the lack of further improvements and (2) determine whether some special cases of LCS admit faster algorithms than currently known. To this end, we provide a systematic study of the multivariate complexity of LCS, taking into account all parameters previously discussed in the literature: the input size n:=max{x,y}n:=\max\{|x|,|y|\}, the length of the shorter string m:=min{x,y}m:=\min\{|x|,|y|\}, the length LL of an LCS of xx and yy, the numbers of deletions δ:=mL\delta := m-L and Δ:=nL\Delta := n-L, the alphabet size, as well as the numbers of matching pairs MM and dominant pairs dd. For any class of instances defined by fixing each parameter individually to a polynomial in terms of the input size, we prove a SETH-based lower bound matching one of three known algorithms. Specifically, we determine the optimal running time for LCS under SETH as (n+min{d,δΔ,δm})1±o(1)(n+\min\{d, \delta \Delta, \delta m\})^{1\pm o(1)}. [...]Comment: Presented at SODA'18. Full Version. 66 page

    Multivariate Fine-Grained Complexity of Longest Common Subsequence

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    We revisit the classic combinatorial pattern matching problem of finding a longest common subsequence (LCS). For strings xx and yy of length nn, a textbook algorithm solves LCS in time O(n2)O(n^2), but although much effort has been spent, no O(n2ε)O(n^{2-\varepsilon})-time algorithm is known. Recent work indeed shows that such an algorithm would refute the Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis (SETH) [Abboud, Backurs, Vassilevska Williams + Bringmann, K\"unnemann FOCS'15]. Despite the quadratic-time barrier, for over 40 years an enduring scientific interest continued to produce fast algorithms for LCS and its variations. Particular attention was put into identifying and exploiting input parameters that yield strongly subquadratic time algorithms for special cases of interest, e.g., differential file comparison. This line of research was successfully pursued until 1990, at which time significant improvements came to a halt. In this paper, using the lens of fine-grained complexity, our goal is to (1) justify the lack of further improvements and (2) determine whether some special cases of LCS admit faster algorithms than currently known. To this end, we provide a systematic study of the multivariate complexity of LCS, taking into account all parameters previously discussed in the literature: the input size n:=max{x,y}n:=\max\{|x|,|y|\}, the length of the shorter string m:=min{x,y}m:=\min\{|x|,|y|\}, the length LL of an LCS of xx and yy, the numbers of deletions δ:=mL\delta := m-L and Δ:=nL\Delta := n-L, the alphabet size, as well as the numbers of matching pairs MM and dominant pairs dd. For any class of instances defined by fixing each parameter individually to a polynomial in terms of the input size, we prove a SETH-based lower bound matching one of three known algorithms. Specifically, we determine the optimal running time for LCS under SETH as (n+min{d,δΔ,δm})1±o(1)(n+\min\{d, \delta \Delta, \delta m\})^{1\pm o(1)}. [...

    Simultaneously Embedding Planar Graphs at Fixed Vertex Locations

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    We discuss the problem of embedding planar graphs onto the plane with pre-specified vertex locations. In particular, we introduce a method for constructing such an embedding for both the case where the mapping from the vertices onto the vertex locations is fixed and the case where this mapping can be chosen. Moreover, the technique we present is sufficiently abstract to generalize to a method for constructing simultaneous planar embeddings with fixed vertex locations. In all cases, we are concerned with minimizing the number of bends per edge in the embeddings we produce. In the case where the mapping is fixed, our technique guarantees embeddings with at most 8n - 7 bends per edge in the worst case and, on average, at most 16/3n - 1 bends per edge. This result improves previously known techniques by a significant constant factor. When the mapping is not pre-specified, our technique guarantees embeddings with at most O(n^(1 - 2^(1-k))) bends per edge in the worst case and, on average, at most O(n^(1 - 1/k)) bends per edge, where k is the number of graphs in the simultaneous embedding. This improves upon the previously known O(n) bound on the number of bends per edge for k at least 2. Moreover, we give an average-case lower bound on the number of bends that has similar asymptotic behaviour to our upper bound

    Eight Biennial Report : April 2005 – March 2007

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