352 research outputs found

    Fast reconstruction of atomic-scale STEM-EELS images from sparse sampling

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    This paper discusses the reconstruction of partially sampled spectrum-images to accelerate the acquisition in scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM). The problem of image reconstruction has been widely considered in the literature for many imaging modalities, but only a few attempts handled 3D data such as spectral images acquired by STEM electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS). Besides, among the methods proposed in the microscopy literature, some are fast but inaccurate while others provide accurate reconstruction but at the price of a high computation burden. Thus none of the proposed reconstruction methods fulfills our expectations in terms of accuracy and computation complexity. In this paper, we propose a fast and accurate reconstruction method suited for atomic-scale EELS. This method is compared to popular solutions such as beta process factor analysis (BPFA) which is used for the first time on STEM-EELS images. Experiments based on real as synthetic data will be conducted

    Advances in Transmission Electron Microscopy for the Study of Soft and Hard Matter

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    This book provides readers with some examples of advanced applications of electron microscopy on organic and inorganic specimens, highlighting out how new original approaches could provide a deeper understanding of the properties of matter and how a transmission electron microscope is not only a microscope but also a flexible tool for tailoring experiments, properly suited, to the issue of interest

    Transmission electron tomography: quality assessment and enhancement for three-dimensional imaging of nanostructures

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    Nanotechnology has revolutionised humanity's capability in building microscopic systems by manipulating materials on a molecular and atomic scale. Nan-osystems are becoming increasingly smaller and more complex from the chemical perspective which increases the demand for microscopic characterisation techniques. Among others, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is an indispensable tool that is increasingly used to study the structures of nanosystems down to the molecular and atomic scale. However, despite the effectivity of this tool, it can only provide 2-dimensional projection (shadow) images of the 3D structure, leaving the 3-dimensional information hidden which can lead to incomplete or erroneous characterization. One very promising inspection method is Electron Tomography (ET), which is rapidly becoming an important tool to explore the 3D nano-world. ET provides (sub-)nanometer resolution in all three dimensions of the sample under investigation. However, the fidelity of the ET tomogram that is achieved by current ET reconstruction procedures remains a major challenge. This thesis addresses the assessment and advancement of electron tomographic methods to enable high-fidelity three-dimensional investigations. A quality assessment investigation was conducted to provide a quality quantitative analysis of the main established ET reconstruction algorithms and to study the influence of the experimental conditions on the quality of the reconstructed ET tomogram. Regular shaped nanoparticles were used as a ground-truth for this study. It is concluded that the fidelity of the post-reconstruction quantitative analysis and segmentation is limited, mainly by the fidelity of the reconstructed ET tomogram. This motivates the development of an improved tomographic reconstruction process. In this thesis, a novel ET method was proposed, named dictionary learning electron tomography (DLET). DLET is based on the recent mathematical theorem of compressed sensing (CS) which employs the sparsity of ET tomograms to enable accurate reconstruction from undersampled (S)TEM tilt series. DLET learns the sparsifying transform (dictionary) in an adaptive way and reconstructs the tomogram simultaneously from highly undersampled tilt series. In this method, the sparsity is applied on overlapping image patches favouring local structures. Furthermore, the dictionary is adapted to the specific tomogram instance, thereby favouring better sparsity and consequently higher quality reconstructions. The reconstruction algorithm is based on an alternating procedure that learns the sparsifying dictionary and employs it to remove artifacts and noise in one step, and then restores the tomogram data in the other step. Simulation and real ET experiments of several morphologies are performed with a variety of setups. Reconstruction results validate its efficiency in both noiseless and noisy cases and show that it yields an improved reconstruction quality with fast convergence. The proposed method enables the recovery of high-fidelity information without the need to worry about what sparsifying transform to select or whether the images used strictly follow the pre-conditions of a certain transform (e.g. strictly piecewise constant for Total Variation minimisation). This can also avoid artifacts that can be introduced by specific sparsifying transforms (e.g. the staircase artifacts the may result when using Total Variation minimisation). Moreover, this thesis shows how reliable elementally sensitive tomography using EELS is possible with the aid of both appropriate use of Dual electron energy loss spectroscopy (DualEELS) and the DLET compressed sensing algorithm to make the best use of the limited data volume and signal to noise inherent in core-loss electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) from nanoparticles of an industrially important material. Taken together, the results presented in this thesis demonstrates how high-fidelity ET reconstructions can be achieved using a compressed sensing approach

    Imaging 3D Chemistry at 1 nm Resolution with Fused Multi-Modal Electron Tomography

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    Measuring the three-dimensional (3D) distribution of chemistry in nanoscale matter is a longstanding challenge for metrological science. The inelastic scattering events required for 3D chemical imaging are too rare, requiring high beam exposure that destroys the specimen before an experiment completes. Even larger doses are required to achieve high resolution. Thus, chemical mapping in 3D has been unachievable except at lower resolution with the most radiation-hard materials. Here, high-resolution 3D chemical imaging is achieved near or below one nanometer resolution in a Au-Fe3_3O4_4 metamaterial, Co3_3O4_4 - Mn3_3O4_4 core-shell nanocrystals, and ZnS-Cu0.64_{0.64}S0.36_{0.36} nanomaterial using fused multi-modal electron tomography. Multi-modal data fusion enables high-resolution chemical tomography often with 99\% less dose by linking information encoded within both elastic (HAADF) and inelastic (EDX / EELS) signals. Now sub-nanometer 3D resolution of chemistry is measurable for a broad class of geometrically and compositionally complex materials

    Deep Learning for Automated Experimentation in Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy

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    Machine learning (ML) has become critical for post-acquisition data analysis in (scanning) transmission electron microscopy, (S)TEM, imaging and spectroscopy. An emerging trend is the transition to real-time analysis and closed-loop microscope operation. The effective use of ML in electron microscopy now requires the development of strategies for microscopy-centered experiment workflow design and optimization. Here, we discuss the associated challenges with the transition to active ML, including sequential data analysis and out-of-distribution drift effects, the requirements for the edge operation, local and cloud data storage, and theory in the loop operations. Specifically, we discuss the relative contributions of human scientists and ML agents in the ideation, orchestration, and execution of experimental workflows and the need to develop universal hyper languages that can apply across multiple platforms. These considerations will collectively inform the operationalization of ML in next-generation experimentation.Comment: Review Articl
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