24 research outputs found

    Fast recoloring of sparse graphs

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    This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in European Journal of Combinatorics. The final authenticated version is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejc.2015.08.001In this paper, we show that for every graph of maximum average degree bounded away from d and any two (d + 1)-colorings of it, one can transform one coloring into the other one within a polynomial number of vertex recolorings so that, at each step, the current coloring is proper. In particular, it implies that we can transform any 8-coloring of a planar graph into any other 8-coloring with a polynomial number of recolorings. These results give some evidence on a conjecture of Cereceda et al [8] which asserts that any (d + 2) coloring of a d-degenerate graph can be transformed into any other one using a polynomial number of recolorings. We also show that any (2d + 2)-coloring of a d-degenerate graph can be transformed into any other one with a linear number of recolorings.Postprint (author's final draft

    Fast recoloring of sparse graphs

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    On a Connectivity Threshold for Colorings of Random Graphs and Hypergraphs

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    Let Omega_q=Omega_q(H) denote the set of proper [q]-colorings of the hypergraph H. Let Gamma_q be the graph with vertex set Omega_q where two vertices are adjacent iff the corresponding colorings differ in exactly one vertex. We show that if H=H_{n,m;k}, k >= 2, the random k-uniform hypergraph with V=[n] and m=dn/k hyperedges then w.h.p. Gamma_q is connected if d is sufficiently large and q >~ (d/log d)^{1/(k-1)}. This is optimal to the first order in d. Furthermore, with a few more colors, we find that the diameter of Gamma_q is O(n) w.h.p, where the hidden constant depends on d. So, with this choice of d,q, the natural Glauber Dynamics Markov Chain on Omega_q is ergodic w.h.p

    Linear Transformations Between Colorings in Chordal Graphs

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    Let k and d be such that k >= d+2. Consider two k-colorings of a d-degenerate graph G. Can we transform one into the other by recoloring one vertex at each step while maintaining a proper coloring at any step? Cereceda et al. answered that question in the affirmative, and exhibited a recolouring sequence of exponential length. If k=d+2, we know that there exists graphs for which a quadratic number of recolorings is needed. And when k=2d+2, there always exists a linear transformation. In this paper, we prove that, as long as k >= d+4, there exists a transformation of length at most f(Delta) * n between any pair of k-colorings of chordal graphs (where Delta denotes the maximum degree of the graph). The proof is constructive and provides a linear time algorithm that, given two k-colorings c_1,c_2 computes a linear transformation between c_1 and c_2

    Toward Cereceda's conjecture for planar graphs

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    The reconfiguration graph Rk(G)R_k(G) of the kk-colourings of a graph GG has as vertex set the set of all possible kk-colourings of GG and two colourings are adjacent if they differ on the colour of exactly one vertex. Cereceda conjectured ten years ago that, for every kk-degenerate graph GG on nn vertices, Rk+2(G)R_{k+2}(G) has diameter O(n2)\mathcal{O}({n^2}). The conjecture is wide open, with a best known bound of O(kn)\mathcal{O}({k^n}), even for planar graphs. We improve this bound for planar graphs to 2O(n)2^{\mathcal{O}({\sqrt{n}})}. Our proof can be transformed into an algorithm that runs in 2O(n)2^{\mathcal{O}({\sqrt{n}})} time.Comment: 12 page