1,536 research outputs found

    Efficient Synthesis of Room Acoustics via Scattering Delay Networks

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    An acoustic reverberator consisting of a network of delay lines connected via scattering junctions is proposed. All parameters of the reverberator are derived from physical properties of the enclosure it simulates. It allows for simulation of unequal and frequency-dependent wall absorption, as well as directional sources and microphones. The reverberator renders the first-order reflections exactly, while making progressively coarser approximations of higher-order reflections. The rate of energy decay is close to that obtained with the image method (IM) and consistent with the predictions of Sabine and Eyring equations. The time evolution of the normalized echo density, which was previously shown to be correlated with the perceived texture of reverberation, is also close to that of IM. However, its computational complexity is one to two orders of magnitude lower, comparable to the computational complexity of a feedback delay network (FDN), and its memory requirements are negligible

    A digital waveguide-based approach for Clavinet modeling and synthesis

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    The Clavinet is an electromechanical musical instrument produced in the mid-twentieth century. As is the case for other vintage instruments, it is subject to aging and requires great effort to be maintained or restored. This paper reports analyses conducted on a Hohner Clavinet D6 and proposes a computational model to faithfully reproduce the Clavinet sound in real time, from tone generation to the emulation of the electronic components. The string excitation signal model is physically inspired and represents a cheap solution in terms of both computational resources and especially memory requirements (compared, e.g., to sample playback systems). Pickups and amplifier models have been implemented which enhance the natural character of the sound with respect to previous work. A model has been implemented on a real-time software platform, Pure Data, capable of a 10-voice polyphony with low latency on an embedded device. Finally, subjective listening tests conducted using the current model are compared to previous tests showing slightly improved results

    Re-Sonification of Objects, Events, and Environments

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    abstract: Digital sound synthesis allows the creation of a great variety of sounds. Focusing on interesting or ecologically valid sounds for music, simulation, aesthetics, or other purposes limits the otherwise vast digital audio palette. Tools for creating such sounds vary from arbitrary methods of altering recordings to precise simulations of vibrating objects. In this work, methods of sound synthesis by re-sonification are considered. Re-sonification, herein, refers to the general process of analyzing, possibly transforming, and resynthesizing or reusing recorded sounds in meaningful ways, to convey information. Applied to soundscapes, re-sonification is presented as a means of conveying activity within an environment. Applied to the sounds of objects, this work examines modeling the perception of objects as well as their physical properties and the ability to simulate interactive events with such objects. To create soundscapes to re-sonify geographic environments, a method of automated soundscape design is presented. Using recorded sounds that are classified based on acoustic, social, semantic, and geographic information, this method produces stochastically generated soundscapes to re-sonify selected geographic areas. Drawing on prior knowledge, local sounds and those deemed similar comprise a locale's soundscape. In the context of re-sonifying events, this work examines processes for modeling and estimating the excitations of sounding objects. These include plucking, striking, rubbing, and any interaction that imparts energy into a system, affecting the resultant sound. A method of estimating a linear system's input, constrained to a signal-subspace, is presented and applied toward improving the estimation of percussive excitations for re-sonification. To work toward robust recording-based modeling and re-sonification of objects, new implementations of banded waveguide (BWG) models are proposed for object modeling and sound synthesis. Previous implementations of BWGs use arbitrary model parameters and may produce a range of simulations that do not match digital waveguide or modal models of the same design. Subject to linear excitations, some models proposed here behave identically to other equivalently designed physical models. Under nonlinear interactions, such as bowing, many of the proposed implementations exhibit improvements in the attack characteristics of synthesized sounds.Dissertation/ThesisPh.D. Electrical Engineering 201

    The design and fabrication of miniature microwave bandpass filters using multilayer liquid crystal polymer technology

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    This thesis presents the design and fabrication techniques for miniature microwave bandpass filters using multilayer liquid crystal polymer (LCP) technology. As a multilayer technology for microwave devices, LCP is of low cost and light weight. It also has excellent electrical properties across a wide frequency range. These characteristics make it promising for the development of next generation microwave devices for applications across commercial, defence and civil sectors. However, very limited work has been found in the open literature to apply this technology to the design of miniature bandpass filters, especially at low microwave frequencies. In addition, the reported work shows lack of fabrication techniques, which limits the size reduction of multilayer LCP devices. To address these problems, this thesis develops advanced fabrication techniques for sophisticated LCP structures, such as multilayer capacitors, via connections and cavities. These techniques are then used to support the design of novel miniature bandpass filters for wideband and narrowband applications. For the design of miniature wideband bandpass filters, a cascaded approach, which combines highpass and lowpass filters, is presented first to provide a flexible design solution. This is followed by another novel ultra-wideband bandpass filter which produces extra transmission zeroes with minimum number of elements. It does not only have high performance but also a compact structure for high yield fabrication. For narrowband applications, two types of advanced coupled-resonator filters are developed. One type produces a very good selectivity at the upper passband edge, and its spurious-free stopband is extremely wide and of high interference attenuation. The other type, based on novel mixed-couplings approaches developed in this thesis, provides a solution to produce almost the same response as the coupling matrix prototype. This type is used to generate arbitrarily-located transmission zeroes. All designs presented in this thesis are simulated using CAD design tools and then validated by measurements of fabricated samples. Good agreements between simulations and measurements are shown in the thesis

    InP microdisks for optical signal processing and data transmission

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    The performance increase in telecommunication and computing systems demands an ever increasing input-output (IO) bandwidth and IO density, which can be met by integrated photonics. Using photonic integration, much higher densities of optical components can be achieved allowing for short-range optical communication systems in, e.g., high performance computers. The key functionalities required for these optical communication systems are light generation, light modulation and light detection. In addition to this other functionalities are also desirable, such as wavelength conversion. This thesis highlights the design and fabrication of indium phosphide (InP) microdisks heterogeneously integrated on silicon-on-insulator substrates. The fabrication of the microdisks in a laboratory clean-room environment is described. These devices can fulfil the above-mentioned functions required in optical communication. Experiments are then performed on the fabricated devices dealing with these various functionalities that are required for optical communication. The lasing properties of the devices are shown and simulated with a spatiallydependent rate equation model accurately predicting the device behaviour. A detailed speed analysis is given, including a parameter extraction of the devices. The operation of the devices as detectors is highlighted. Furthermore the PhD thesis provides a deep analysis of the use of InP microdisks as modulators. Besides the forward-biased operation principle using the free-carrier plasma-dispersion effect, also a high-speed reversely biased operation mode is proposed and demonstrated experimentally. The thesis also describes various approaches on how to improve the performance of the devices, in particular when using them as lasers. Ways how to increase the output power and how to enhance the operation speed are discussed. Because the device is strongly dependent on the coupling between the resonant InP cavity and the silicon waveguide, an extensive analysis of the coupling and the influence of certain process steps on the device performance are given. The PhD thesis concludes the work carried out on InP microdisks and gives an outlook about improving the device performance with respect to specific applications and how to further improve the manufacturability of the devices. Finally, for the InP microdisk-based devices an outlook is given about suitable applications, such as on-chip optical links for instance

    A Metamaterial Surface for Compact Cavity Resonators

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    We suggest an idea for miniaturization of cavities by utilizing a properly designed metamaterial thin surface inserted inside the cavities. This metamaterial surface is constituted by a thin dielectric slab on both sides of which “gangbuster” dipoles are printed. Inserting the thin slab inside a parallel-plate one-dimensional (1-D) cavity resonator has the effect of decreasing the resonant frequency. Placing the metamaterial slab at the center of a rectangular waveguide also lowers the cut-off frequency of the dominant mode of the waveguide. The corresponding dispersion curve exhibits a smooth transition from a fast-wave to a slow-wave regime and then asymptotically tends to the dispersion curve of the first TE surface-wave mode of the metamaterial slab. This suggests a natural way to conceive a 3-D compact cavity resonator by placing two perfectly electric conducting walls, a half of the wavelength of the slow-wave mode apart, inside the above rectangular waveguide. The analysis, performed by a circuit network theory and validated by a full-wave numerical analysis, provides simple formulas to predict the resonant frequency and the dispersion diagrams of these structures
