282 research outputs found

    Efficient Change Management of XML Documents

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    XML-based documents play a major role in modern information architectures and their corresponding work-flows. In this context, the ability to identify and represent differences between two versions of a document is essential. A second important aspect is the merging of document versions, which becomes crucial in parallel editing processes. Many different approaches exist that meet these challenges. Most rely on operational transformation or document annotation. In both approaches, the operations leading to changes are tracked, which requires corresponding editing applications. In the context of software development, however, a state-based approach is common. Here, document versions are compared and merged using external tools, called diff and patch. This allows users for freely editing documents without being tightened to special tools. Approaches exist that are able to compare XML documents. A corresponding merge capability is still not available. In this thesis, I present a comprehensive framework that allows for comparing and merging of XML documents using a state-based approach. Its design is based on an analysis of XML documents and their modification patterns. The heart of the framework is a context-oriented delta model. I present a diff algorithm that appears to be highly efficient in terms of speed and delta quality. The patch algorithm is able to merge document versions efficiently and reliably. The efficiency and the reliability of my approach are verified using a competitive test scenario

    A Configuration Management System for Software Product Lines

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    Software product line engineering (SPLE) is a methodology for developing a family of software products in a particular domain by systematic reuse of shared code in order to improve product quality and reduce development time and cost. Currently, there are no software configuration management (SCM) tools that support software product line evolution. Conventional SCM tools are designed to support single product development. The use of conventional SCM tools forces developers to treat a software product line as a single software project by introducing new programming language constructs or using conditional compilation. We propose a research conguration management prototype called Molhado SPL that is designed specifically to support the evolution of software product lines. Molhado SPL addresses the evolution problem at the configuration level instead of at the code level. We studied the type of operations needed to support the evolution of software product lines and proposed a versioning model and eight cases of change propagation. Molhado SPL supports independent evolution of core assets and products, the sharing of code and the tracking relationships between products and shared code, and the eight cases of change propagation. The Molhado SPL consists of four layers with each layer providing a different type of service. At the heart of Molhado SPL are the versioning model, component object, shared component object, and project objects that allow for independent evolution of products and shared artifacts, for sharing, and for supporting change propagation. Furthermore,they allow product specific changes to shared code without interfering with the core asset that is shared. Products can also introduce product specific assets that only exist in that product. In order to for Molhado SPL to support product line, we implemented XML merging, feature model editing and debugging, and version-aware XML documents. To support merging of XML documents, we implemented a 3-way XML document merging algorithm that uses versioned data structures, change detection, and node identity. To support software product line derivation or modeling of software product line, we implemented support for feature model including editing and debugging. Finally, we created the version-aware XML document framework to support collaborative editing of XML documents without requiring a version repository. The version history is embedded in the documents using XML namespaces, so that the documents remain valid under the XML specification. The version-aware XML framework can also be used to support the exporting of documents from Molhado SPL repository to be edit outside and import back the change history made to the document. We evaluated Molhado SPL with two product lines: a document product line and a the graph data structures product line. This evaluation showed that Molhado SPL supports independently evolution of products and core assets and the eight change propagation cases. We did not evaluate MolhadoSPL in terms of scalability or usability. The main contributions of this dissertation research are: 1) Molhado SPL that supports the evolution of product lines, 2) a fast 3-way XML merge algorithm, 3) a version-aware XML document framework, and 4) a feature model editor and debugger

    XML-aware data synchronization for mobile devices

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    In everyday life, and when using computer systems in particular, it is sometimes the case that a logical datum is replicated into multiple copies, such as when we send a document by electronic mail, or inform interested parties of a new address of residence. If the datum for some reason changes, we would then also like the changes to be reflected in the copies. The problem of keeping the copies up-to-date with respect to each other is studied under the heading of data synchronization. In this thesis, we address data synchronization for mobile devices with limited energy resources and limited connectivity to the Internet, such as mobile phones. The importance of data synchronization is emphasized here, as it becomes infeasible to communicate continuously and in high volumes about the current state of each copy. The established conventions of the Internet and mobile computing environments on such matters as storage interfaces and data formats define an overall system architecture, into which we as seamlessly as possible want to incorporate our proposal. By focusing on interoperability we lower the threshold for utilizing our research in practice. We present a comprehensive approach to data synchronization for mobile devices that is optimistic and state-based, and which targets opaque and XML files on a standard file system. We consider how to use the available connectivity in an economical manner, and so that existing sources of data on the Internet can be utilized. We focus on XML synchronization, where we identify an opportunity to utilize the structure of the data the format exposes. Specifically, we present an algorithm for merging concurrent changes to XML documents which supports subtree moves, an efficient heuristic algorithm for computing tree-level changes between two XML documents, and an overall architecture and algorithms to support the use of lazily instantiated XML documents. Our data synchronization approach is evaluated quantitatively in several experiments, as well as qualitatively by constructing applications that build on top of the approach. One of our applications is an editor that processes 1 GB XML files on a mobile phone

    Management and Visualisation of Non-linear History of Polygonal 3D Models

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    The research presented in this thesis concerns the problems of maintenance and revision control of large-scale three dimensional (3D) models over the Internet. As the models grow in size and the authoring tools grow in complexity, standard approaches to collaborative asset development become impractical. The prevalent paradigm of sharing files on a file system poses serious risks with regards, but not limited to, ensuring consistency and concurrency of multi-user 3D editing. Although modifications might be tracked manually using naming conventions or automatically in a version control system (VCS), understanding the provenance of a large 3D dataset is hard due to revision metadata not being associated with the underlying scene structures. Some tools and protocols enable seamless synchronisation of file and directory changes in remote locations. However, the existing web-based technologies are not yet fully exploiting the modern design patters for access to and management of alternative shared resources online. Therefore, four distinct but highly interconnected conceptual tools are explored. The first is the organisation of 3D assets within recent document-oriented No Structured Query Language (NoSQL) databases. These "schemaless" databases, unlike their relational counterparts, do not represent data in rigid table structures. Instead, they rely on polymorphic documents composed of key-value pairs that are much better suited to the diverse nature of 3D assets. Hence, a domain-specific non-linear revision control system 3D Repo is built around a NoSQL database to enable asynchronous editing similar to traditional VCSs. The second concept is that of visual 3D differencing and merging. The accompanying 3D Diff tool supports interactive conflict resolution at the level of scene graph nodes that are de facto the delta changes stored in the repository. The third is the utilisation of HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) for the purposes of 3D data management. The XML3DRepo daemon application exposes the contents of the repository and the version control logic in a Representational State Transfer (REST) style of architecture. At the same time, it manifests the effects of various 3D encoding strategies on the file sizes and download times in modern web browsers. The fourth and final concept is the reverse-engineering of an editing history. Even if the models are being version controlled, the extracted provenance is limited to additions, deletions and modifications. The 3D Timeline tool, therefore, implies a plausible history of common modelling operations such as duplications, transformations, etc. Given a collection of 3D models, it estimates a part-based correspondence and visualises it in a temporal flow. The prototype tools developed as part of the research were evaluated in pilot user studies that suggest they are usable by the end users and well suited to their respective tasks. Together, the results constitute a novel framework that demonstrates the feasibility of a domain-specific 3D version control

    Lossless Differential Compression for Synchronizing Arbitrary Single-Dimensional Strings

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    Differential compression allows expressing a modified document as differences relative to another version of the document. A compressed string requires space relative to amount of changes, irrespective of original document sizes. The purpose of this study was to answer what algorithms are suitable for universal lossless differential compression for synchronizing two arbitrary documents either locally or remotely. Two main problems in differential compression are finding the differences (differencing), and compactly communicating the differences (encoding). We discussed local differencing algorithms based on subsequence searching, hashtable lookups, suffix searching, and projection. We also discussed probabilistic remote algorithms based on both recursive comparison and characteristic polynomial interpolation of hashes computed from variable-length content-defined substrings. We described various heuristics for approximating optimal algorithms as arbitrary long strings and memory limitations force discarding information. Discussion also included compact delta encoding and in-place reconstruction. We presented results from empirical testing using discussed algorithms. The conclusions were that multiple algorithms need to be integrated into a hybrid implementation, which heuristically chooses algorithms based on evaluation of the input data. Algorithms based on hashtable lookups are faster on average and require less memory, but algorithms based on suffix searching find least differences. Interpolating characteristic polynomials was found to be too slow for general use. With remote hash comparison, content-defined chunks and recursive comparison can reduce protocol overhead. A differential compressor should be merged with a state-of-art non-differential compressor to enable more compact delta encoding. Input should be processed multiple times to allow constant a space bound without significant reduction in compression efficiency. Compression efficiently of current popular synchronizers could be improved, as our empiral testing showed that a non-differential compressor produced smaller files without having access to one of the two strings

    Object Association Across Multiple Moving Cameras In Planar Scenes

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    In this dissertation, we address the problem of object detection and object association across multiple cameras over large areas that are well modeled by planes. We present a unifying probabilistic framework that captures the underlying geometry of planar scenes, and present algorithms to estimate geometric relationships between different cameras, which are subsequently used for co-operative association of objects. We first present a local1 object detection scheme that has three fundamental innovations over existing approaches. First, the model of the intensities of image pixels as independent random variables is challenged and it is asserted that useful correlation exists in intensities of spatially proximal pixels. This correlation is exploited to sustain high levels of detection accuracy in the presence of dynamic scene behavior, nominal misalignments and motion due to parallax. By using a non-parametric density estimation method over a joint domain-range representation of image pixels, complex dependencies between the domain (location) and range (color) are directly modeled. We present a model of the background as a single probability density. Second, temporal persistence is introduced as a detection criterion. Unlike previous approaches to object detection that detect objects by building adaptive models of the background, the foreground is modeled to augment the detection of objects (without explicit tracking), since objects detected in the preceding frame contain substantial evidence for detection in the current frame. Finally, the background and foreground models are used competitively in a MAP-MRF decision framework, stressing spatial context as a condition of detecting interesting objects and the posterior function is maximized efficiently by finding the minimum cut of a capacitated graph. Experimental validation of the method is performed and presented on a diverse set of data. We then address the problem of associating objects across multiple cameras in planar scenes. Since cameras may be moving, there is a possibility of both spatial and temporal non-overlap in the fields of view of the camera. We first address the case where spatial and temporal overlap can be assumed. Since the cameras are moving and often widely separated, direct appearance-based or proximity-based constraints cannot be used. Instead, we exploit geometric constraints on the relationship between the motion of each object across cameras, to test multiple correspondence hypotheses, without assuming any prior calibration information. Here, there are three contributions. First, we present a statistically and geometrically meaningful means of evaluating a hypothesized correspondence between multiple objects in multiple cameras. Second, since multiple cameras exist, ensuring coherency in association, i.e. transitive closure is maintained between more than two cameras, is an essential requirement. To ensure such coherency we pose the problem of object associating across cameras as a k-dimensional matching and use an approximation to find the association. We show that, under appropriate conditions, re-entering objects can also be re-associated to their original labels. Third, we show that as a result of associating objects across the cameras, a concurrent visualization of multiple aerial video streams is possible. Results are shown on a number of real and controlled scenarios with multiple objects observed by multiple cameras, validating our qualitative models. Finally, we present a unifying framework for object association across multiple cameras and for estimating inter-camera homographies between (spatially and temporally) overlapping and non-overlapping cameras, whether they are moving or non-moving. By making use of explicit polynomial models for the kinematics of objects, we present algorithms to estimate inter-frame homographies. Under an appropriate measurement noise model, an EM algorithm is applied for the maximum likelihood estimation of the inter-camera homographies and kinematic parameters. Rather than fit curves locally (in each camera) and match them across views, we present an approach that simultaneously refines the estimates of inter-camera homographies and curve coefficients globally. We demonstrate the efficacy of the approach on a number of real sequences taken from aerial cameras, and report quantitative performance during simulations

    Analyzing repetitiveness in big code to support software maintenance and evolution

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    Software systems inevitably contain a large amount of repeated artifacts at different level of abstraction---from ideas, requirements, designs, algorithms to implementation. This dissertation focuses on analyzing software repetitiveness at implementation code level and leveraging the derived knowledge for easing tasks in software maintenance and evolution such as program comprehension, API use, change understanding, API adaptation and bug fixing. The guiding philosophy of this work is that, in a large corpus, code that conforms to specifications appears more frequently than code that does not, and similar code is changed similarly and similar code could have similar bugs that can be fixed similarly. We have developed different representations for software artifacts at source code level, and the corresponding algorithms for measuring code similarity and mining repeated code. Our mining techniques bases on the key insight that code that conforms to programming patterns and specifications appears more frequently than code that does not. Thus, correct patterns and specifications can be mined from large code corpus. We also have built program differencing techniques for analyzing changes in software evolution. Our key insight is that similar code is likely changed in similar ways and similar code likely has similar bug(s) which can be fixed similarly. Therefore, learning changes and fixes from the past can help automatically detect and suggest changes/fixes to the repeated code in software development. Our empirical evaluation shows that our techniques can accurately and efficiently detect repeated code, mine useful programming patterns and API specifications, and recommend changes. It can also detect bugs and suggest fixes, and provide actionable insights to ease maintenance tasks. Specifically, our code clone detection tool detects more meaningful clones than other tools. Our mining tools recover high quality programming patterns and API preconditions. The mined results have been used to successfully detect many bugs violating patterns and specifications in mature open-source systems. The mined API preconditions are shown to help API specification writer identify missing preconditions in already-specified APIs and start building preconditions for the not-yet-specified ones. The tools are scalable which analyze large systems in reasonable times. Our study on repeated changes give useful insights for program auto-repair tools. Our automated change suggestion approach achieves top-1 accuracy of 45%-51% which relatively improves more than 200% over the base approach. For a special type of change suggestion, API adaptation, our tool is highly correct and useful

    From App Builders to App Editors

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    OutSystems provides a model-driven development and delivery platform aided by a rich visual environment, allowing developers to create enterprise-grade web and mobile applications. Until recently, most of this development capability came from Service Studio, the platform’s Integrated Development Environment (IDE), with which developers can quickly design a fully-fledged application. Nevertheless, in recent times the company has strived to offer a new collection of tools more focused on specific aspects of application development. The builders are tools that allow for non-IT related users to generate complete software solutions, with a small number of interactions, therefore reducing complexities correlated with the assembly of multiple-layer applications. Currently, there are two builders generally available: the Experience Builder providing greater focus towards the initial User Experience (UX) development, and theWorkflow Builder, associated with the design of task management and automation applications. Even though the OutSystems platform allows the combined use of the builders with Service Studio, currently this compatibility is unidirectional. That is, an application created using the Experience Builder, for instance, can be edited in the IDE but the inverse process is not possible. More specifically this shortcoming precludes a builder to update an application created or edited with any OutSystems tool. This substantially damages the chance for collaboration between different types of users employing different Out- Systems tools. The present dissertation sets as its paramount objective the enabling of different personas, both business and tech-oriented, to collaborate on the development of an enterprise-level application, employing the entire set of tools provided by the platform. From a more detailed standpoint, this work consists in the development of necessary model transformations proficient in supporting continuous and collaborative interoperability. Hence, this dissertation aims to expand the reach of the OutSystems product line, but also, from an academic standpoint, it hopes to provide a useful contribution to Model Driven Engineering and model transformations, advancing the state-of-the-art.A OutSystems fornece uma plataforma de desenvolvimento e entrega, orientada ao modelo e suportada num ambiente visual rico, permitindo aos seus programadores criarem aplicações móveis e web de nível empresarial. Durante vários anos, grande parte desta capacidade de desenvolvimento resultava do uso do Service Studio, o Integrated Development Environment da plataforma, capaz de rapidamente construir uma aplicação na sua plenitude. Ainda assim, nos últimos tempos a companhia empenhou-se em oferecer uma nova coleção de ferramentas, mais focadas em aspetos específicos do desenvolvimento aplicacional. Os builders, são então ferramentas que possibilitam que utilizadores não associados a áreas de IT possam gerar soluções completas de software atráves de um número reduzido de interações, conseguindo assim minorar complexidades correlacionadas com a montagem de múltiplas camadas aplicacionais. Atualmente, existem dois builders disponíveis para o público: o Experience Builder orientado ao desenvolvimento da User Experience (UX), o Workflow Builder, associado ao design de aplicações associadas a processos de gestão e automação de tarefas. Embora a plataforma OutSystems permita o uso combinado dos builders com o Service Studio, atualmente esta compatibilidade verifica-se como unidirecional. Isto é, uma aplicação criada no Experience Builder, por exemplo, pode ser editada no IDE, mas o processo inverso não é possível. Esta limitação impede um builder de atualizar uma aplicação criada ou editada utilizando uma qualquer ferramenta OutSystems. Isto prejudica substancialmente a colaboração entre diferentes tipos de utilizadores que empreguem diferentes ferramentas OutSystems. A presente tese define como objectivo principal capacitar diferentes personas não só orientadas ao negócio como às tecnologias, com a possibilidade de colaborar no desenvolvimento de uma aplicação de nível empresarial, podendo, para isso, utilizar a totalidade de ferramentas fornecidas pela plataforma. De um ponto de vista mais detalhado, este trabalho irá consistir no desenvolvimento das transformações de modelo necessárias para o suporte do desenvolvimento contínuo e colaborativo que se pretende. Deste modo, esta tese não só tem como propósito a expansão do alcance da linha de produtos OutSystems, como de um ponto de vista academico, pretende contibuir utilmente para o paradigma da Model Driven Engineering e das transformações de modelos, avançando assim o estado da arte