156,283 research outputs found

    Automatic classification of lithofacies using fast independent component analysis

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    The problem of automatic classification of facies was addressed using the Fast Independent Component Analysis (FastICA) of a data set of geophysical well logs of the Namorado Field, Campos Basin, Brazil, followed by a k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) classification. The goal of an automatic classification of facies is to produce spatial models of facies that assist the geological characterization of petroleum reservoirs. The FastICA technique provides a new data set that has the most stable and less Gaussian distribution possible. The k-NN classifies this new data set according to its characteristics. The previous application of FastICA improves the accuracy of the k-NN automatic classification and it also provides better results in comparison with the automatic classification by means of the Principal Component Analysis (PCA). © 2015 Sociedade Brasileira de Geofísica.The problem of automatic classification of facies was addressed using the Fast Independent Component Analysis (FastICA) of a data set of geophysical well logs of the Namorado Field, Campos Basin, Brazil, followed by a k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) classification. The goal of an automatic classification of facies is to produce spatial models of facies that assist the geological characterization of petroleum reservoirs. The FastICA technique provides a new data set that has the most stable and less Gaussian distribution possible. The k-NN classifies this new data set according to its characteristics. The previous application of FastICA improves the accuracy of the k-NN automatic classification and it also provides better results in comparison with the automatic classification by means of the Principal Component Analysis (PCA)331119126Barboza, E.G., (2005) Análise Estratigráfica Do Campo De Namorado Com Base Na interpretação Sísmica Tridimensional, 230p. , Doctorate Thesis – UFRGS, BrazilCardoso, J.F., Souloumiac, A., Blind beamforming for non Gaussian signals (1993) IEE Proceedings-F, 140 (6), pp. 362-370Casey, M.A., Method for extracting features from a mixture of signals (2001) Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, , Inc., Cambridge, MA, U.S. Patent n. 6,321,200Comon, P., Independent Component Analysis: A new concept? (1994) Signal Processing, 36 (3), pp. 287-314Cover, T.M., Hart, P.E., Nearest neighbor pattern classification (1967) IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 13 (1), pp. 21-27Dasarathy, B.V., (1991) Nearest Neighbor (NN) Norms: NN Pattern Classification Techniques, pp. 211-215. , IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, Calif. WashingtonFlexa, R.T., Rade, A., Carrasquilla, A., Identificação de litotipos nos perfis de poço do Campo de Namorado (Bacia de Campos, Brasil) e do Lago Maracaibo (Venezuela) aplicando estatística multivariada (2004) Revista Brasileira De Geociências, 34 (4), pp. 571-578Françamm, Análise do uso da terra no município de Viçosa-MG mediado por classificações supervisionadas com Redes Neurais Artificiais e Maxver (2009) Revista Brasileira De Geografia Física, 2 (3), pp. 92-101Giannakopoulos, X., Karhunen, J., Oja, E., A Comparison of neural ICA algorithms using Real-world data (1999) International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2, pp. 888-893. , Washington, DCHyvärinen, A., Fast and Robust Fixed-Point Algorithms for IndependentComponentAnalysis (1999) IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 10 (3), pp. 626-634Hyvärinen, A., Oja, E., A Fast fixed-point algorithm for Independent Component Analysis (1997) Neural Computation, 9 (7), pp. 1483-1492Hyvärinen, A., Karhunen, J., Oja, E., (2001) Independent Component Analysis, 504p. , Wiley and Sons, New YorkKuhn, H.W., Tucker, A.W., Nonlinear programming (1951) Proceedings of Berkeleysymposium, 2, pp. 481-492. , Berkeley: University of California PressLeite, E.P., Souza Filho, C.R., TEXTNN – A MATLAB program for textural classification using neural networks (2009) Computers& Geosciences, 35 (10), pp. 2084-2094Macleod, A.J., A generalization of Newton-Raphson (1984) Int. J. Math. Educ. Sci. Technol., 15 (1), pp. 117-120Macqueen, J.B., Some Methods for classification and Analysis of Multivariate Observations (1967) Proceedings of Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability, 1, pp. 281-297. , 5., Berkeley, University of California PressMarchini, J.L., Heaton, C., Ripley, B.D., (2009) Fastica Algorithms to Perform ICA and Projection Pursuit, 1, pp. 1-11. , R package versionMurata, N., Ikeda, S., Ziehe, A., An approach to blind source separation based on temporal structure of speech signals (2001) Neurocomputing, 41, pp. 1-24Rosa, H., Suslick, S.B., Vidal, A.C., Sakai, G.K., Caracterização de eletrofácies por meio de ferramentas estatísticas multivariadas (2008) Rem: Rev. Esc. Minas, 61 (4), pp. 415-422Sancevero, S.S., Remacre, A.Z., Vidal, A.C., Portugal, R.S., Aplicação de técnicas de estatística multivariada na definição da litologia a partir de perfis geofísicos de poços (2008) Revista Brasileira De Geociências, 38 (1), pp. 61-74Toussaint, G.T., Geometric proximity graphs for improving nearest neighbor methods in instance-based learning and data mining (2005) International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications, 15 (2), pp. 101-150Vidal, A.C., Sancevero, S.S., Remacre, A.Z., Costanzo, C.P., Modelagem Geoestatística 3D da Impedância Acústica para a Caracterização do Campo de Namorado (2007) Brazilian Journal of Geophysics, 25 (3), pp. 295-305Zhang, K., Chan, L., Dimension reduction as a deflation method in ICA (2006) Signal Processing Letters, IEEE, 13 (1), pp. 45-4

    Decoding the Encoding of Functional Brain Networks: an fMRI Classification Comparison of Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF), Independent Component Analysis (ICA), and Sparse Coding Algorithms

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    Brain networks in fMRI are typically identified using spatial independent component analysis (ICA), yet mathematical constraints such as sparse coding and positivity both provide alternate biologically-plausible frameworks for generating brain networks. Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) would suppress negative BOLD signal by enforcing positivity. Spatial sparse coding algorithms (L1L1 Regularized Learning and K-SVD) would impose local specialization and a discouragement of multitasking, where the total observed activity in a single voxel originates from a restricted number of possible brain networks. The assumptions of independence, positivity, and sparsity to encode task-related brain networks are compared; the resulting brain networks for different constraints are used as basis functions to encode the observed functional activity at a given time point. These encodings are decoded using machine learning to compare both the algorithms and their assumptions, using the time series weights to predict whether a subject is viewing a video, listening to an audio cue, or at rest, in 304 fMRI scans from 51 subjects. For classifying cognitive activity, the sparse coding algorithm of L1L1 Regularized Learning consistently outperformed 4 variations of ICA across different numbers of networks and noise levels (p<<0.001). The NMF algorithms, which suppressed negative BOLD signal, had the poorest accuracy. Within each algorithm, encodings using sparser spatial networks (containing more zero-valued voxels) had higher classification accuracy (p<<0.001). The success of sparse coding algorithms may suggest that algorithms which enforce sparse coding, discourage multitasking, and promote local specialization may capture better the underlying source processes than those which allow inexhaustible local processes such as ICA

    BMICA-independent component analysis based on B-spline mutual information estimator

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    The information theoretic concept of mutual information provides a general framework to evaluate dependencies between variables. Its estimation however using B-Spline has not been used before in creating an approach for Independent Component Analysis. In this paper we present a B-Spline estimator for mutual information to find the independent components in mixed signals. Tested using electroencephalography (EEG) signals the resulting BMICA (B-Spline Mutual Information Independent Component Analysis) exhibits better performance than the standard Independent Component Analysis algorithms of FastICA, JADE, SOBI and EFICA in similar simulations. BMICA was found to be also more reliable than the 'renown' FastICA

    New Negentropy Optimization Schemes for Blind Signal Extraction of Complex Valued Sources

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    Blind signal extraction, a hot issue in the field of communication signal processing, aims to retrieve the sources through the optimization of contrast functions. Many contrasts based on higher-order statistics such as kurtosis, usually behave sensitive to outliers. Thus, to achieve robust results, nonlinear functions are utilized as contrasts to approximate the negentropy criterion, which is also a classical metric for non-Gaussianity. However, existing methods generally have a high computational cost, hence leading us to address the problem of efficient optimization of contrast function. More precisely, we design a novel “reference-based” contrast function based on negentropy approximations, and then propose a new family of algorithms (Alg.1 and Alg.2) to maximize it. Simulations confirm the convergence of our method to a separating solution, which is also analyzed in theory. We also validate the theoretic complexity analysis that Alg.2 has a much lower computational cost than Alg.1 and existing optimization methods based on negentropy criterion. Finally, experiments for the separation of single sideband signals illustrate that our method has good prospects in real-world applications

    A Nonconvex Projection Method for Robust PCA

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    Robust principal component analysis (RPCA) is a well-studied problem with the goal of decomposing a matrix into the sum of low-rank and sparse components. In this paper, we propose a nonconvex feasibility reformulation of RPCA problem and apply an alternating projection method to solve it. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to propose a method that solves RPCA problem without considering any objective function, convex relaxation, or surrogate convex constraints. We demonstrate through extensive numerical experiments on a variety of applications, including shadow removal, background estimation, face detection, and galaxy evolution, that our approach matches and often significantly outperforms current state-of-the-art in various ways.Comment: In the proceedings of Thirty-Third AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-19
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