12,302 research outputs found

    Fast Searching in Packed Strings

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    Given strings PP and QQ the (exact) string matching problem is to find all positions of substrings in QQ matching PP. The classical Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm [SIAM J. Comput., 1977] solves the string matching problem in linear time which is optimal if we can only read one character at the time. However, most strings are stored in a computer in a packed representation with several characters in a single word, giving us the opportunity to read multiple characters simultaneously. In this paper we study the worst-case complexity of string matching on strings given in packed representation. Let m≀nm \leq n be the lengths PP and QQ, respectively, and let σ\sigma denote the size of the alphabet. On a standard unit-cost word-RAM with logarithmic word size we present an algorithm using time O\left(\frac{n}{\log_\sigma n} + m + \occ\right). Here \occ is the number of occurrences of PP in QQ. For m=o(n)m = o(n) this improves the O(n)O(n) bound of the Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm. Furthermore, if m=O(n/logâĄÏƒn)m = O(n/\log_\sigma n) our algorithm is optimal since any algorithm must spend at least \Omega(\frac{(n+m)\log \sigma}{\log n} + \occ) = \Omega(\frac{n}{\log_\sigma n} + \occ) time to read the input and report all occurrences. The result is obtained by a novel automaton construction based on the Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm combined with a new compact representation of subautomata allowing an optimal tabulation-based simulation.Comment: To appear in Journal of Discrete Algorithms. Special Issue on CPM 200

    Towards optimal packed string matching

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    a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t Dedicated to Professor Gad M. Landau, on the occasion of his 60th birthday Keywords: String matching Word-RAM Packed strings In the packed string matching problem, it is assumed that each machine word can accommodate up to α characters, thus an n-character string occupies n/α memory words. The main word-size string-matching instruction wssm is available in contemporary commodity processors. The other word-size maximum-suffix instruction wslm is only required during the pattern pre-processing. Benchmarks show that our solution can be efficiently implemented, unlike some prior theoretical packed string matching work. (b) We also consider the complexity of the packed string matching problem in the classical word-RAM model in the absence of the specialized micro-level instructions wssm and wslm. We propose micro-level algorithms for the theoretically efficient emulation using parallel algorithms techniques to emulate wssm and using the Four-Russians technique to emulate wslm. Surprisingly, our bit-parallel emulation of wssm also leads to a new simplified parallel random access machine string-matching algorithm. As a byproduct to facilitate our results we develop a new algorithm for finding the leftmost (most significant) 1 bits in consecutive non-overlapping blocks of uniform size inside a word. This latter problem is not known to be reducible to finding the rightmost 1, which can be easily solved, since we do not know how to reverse the bits of a word in O (1) time

    Understanding Android Obfuscation Techniques: A Large-Scale Investigation in the Wild

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    In this paper, we seek to better understand Android obfuscation and depict a holistic view of the usage of obfuscation through a large-scale investigation in the wild. In particular, we focus on four popular obfuscation approaches: identifier renaming, string encryption, Java reflection, and packing. To obtain the meaningful statistical results, we designed efficient and lightweight detection models for each obfuscation technique and applied them to our massive APK datasets (collected from Google Play, multiple third-party markets, and malware databases). We have learned several interesting facts from the result. For example, malware authors use string encryption more frequently, and more apps on third-party markets than Google Play are packed. We are also interested in the explanation of each finding. Therefore we carry out in-depth code analysis on some Android apps after sampling. We believe our study will help developers select the most suitable obfuscation approach, and in the meantime help researchers improve code analysis systems in the right direction

    Regular Expression Matching and Operational Semantics

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    Many programming languages and tools, ranging from grep to the Java String library, contain regular expression matchers. Rather than first translating a regular expression into a deterministic finite automaton, such implementations typically match the regular expression on the fly. Thus they can be seen as virtual machines interpreting the regular expression much as if it were a program with some non-deterministic constructs such as the Kleene star. We formalize this implementation technique for regular expression matching using operational semantics. Specifically, we derive a series of abstract machines, moving from the abstract definition of matching to increasingly realistic machines. First a continuation is added to the operational semantics to describe what remains to be matched after the current expression. Next, we represent the expression as a data structure using pointers, which enables redundant searches to be eliminated via testing for pointer equality. From there, we arrive both at Thompson's lockstep construction and a machine that performs some operations in parallel, suitable for implementation on a large number of cores, such as a GPU. We formalize the parallel machine using process algebra and report some preliminary experiments with an implementation on a graphics processor using CUDA.Comment: In Proceedings SOS 2011, arXiv:1108.279

    A Survey on Algorithmic Techniques for Malware Detection

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    Malware is a specific type of software intended to breed damages ranging from computer systems fallout to deprivation of data integrity and confidentiality. Recently, along with the high usage of distributed systems and the increasing speed in telecommunications, the early detection of malware constitutes one of the major concerns in information society. A strong advantage that malware employs in order to elude detection is the ability of polymorphism (metamorphic or polymorphic engines). In this work we present efficient algorithmic techniques that, leveraging higher level abstractions of malware structure, perform an isomorphism check in malware's produced graph structures, such as function call-graphs and control flow-graphs, in order to detect every possible polymorphic version of a malware. Moreover, we propose an algorithmic approach for malware detection which focuses on the use of behavioural graphs as a more flexible representation of malware's functionality with respect to its interaction with the operating system. The main idea of our approach is mainly based on behavioural graph similarity issues
