201 research outputs found


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    A novel high speed architecture for fixed bit binary to BCD conversion which is better in terms of delay is presented in this paper. In recent years, decimal data processing applications have grown and thus there is a need to have hardware support for decimal arithmetic. Decimal digit multipliers are having Binary to BCD conversion as the basic building block. This decimal multiplication in turn is an integral part of commercial, internet and financial based applications


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    The decimal multiplication is one of the most important decimal arithmetic operations which have a growing demand in the area of commercial, financial, and scientific computing. It has been revived in recent years due to the large amount of data in commercial applications. In this paper, we propose a parallel decimal multiplication algorithm with three components, which are a partial product generation, a partial product reduction, and a final digit-set conversion. First, a redundant number system is applied to recode not only the multiplier, but also multiples of the multiplicand in signed-digit (SD) numbers. Furthermore, we present a multi operand SD addition algorithm to reduce the partial product array.We consider the problem of multi operand parallel decimal addition with an approach that uses binary arithmetic, suggested by the adoption of binary-coded decimal (BCD) numbers. This involves corrections in order to obtain the BCD result or a binary-to-decimal (BD) conversion. The BD conversion moreover allows an easy alignment of the sums of adjacent columns. We treat the design of BCD digit adders using fast carry-free adders and the conversion problem through a known parallel scheme using elementary conversion cells. Spread sheets have been developed for adding several BCD digits and for simulating the BD conversion as a design tool. In this project Xilinx-ISE tool is used for simulation, logical verification, and further synthesizing


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    The decimal multiplication is one of the most important decimal arithmetic operations which have a growing demand in the area of commercial, financial, and scientific computing. It has been revived in recent years due to the large amount of data in commercial applications. In this paper, we propose a parallel decimal multiplication algorithm with three components, which are a partial product generation, a partial product reduction, and a final digit-set conversion. First, a redundant number system is applied to recode not only the multiplier, but also multiples of the multiplicand in signed-digit (SD) numbers. Furthermore, we present a multi operand SD addition algorithm to reduce the partial product array. We consider the problem of multi operand parallel decimal addition with an approach that uses binary arithmetic, suggested by the adoption of binary-coded decimal (BCD) numbers. This involves corrections in order to obtain the BCD result or a binary-to-decimal (BD) conversion. The BD conversion moreover allows an easy alignment of the sums of adjacent columns. We treat the design of BCD digit adders using fast carry-free adders and the conversion problem through a known parallel scheme using elementary conversion cells. Spread sheets have been developed for adding several BCD digits and for simulating the BD conversion as a design tool. In this project Xilinx-ISE tool is used for simulation, logical verification, and further synthesizing

    Fast Multi Operand Decimal Adders using Digit Compressors with Decimal Carry Generation

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    On High-Performance Parallel Fixed-Point Decimal Multiplier Designs

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    High-performance, area-efficient hardware implementation of decimal multiplication is preferred to slow software simulations in a number of key scientific and financial application areas, where errors caused by converting decimal numbers into their approximate binary representations are not acceptable. Multi-digit parallel decimal multipliers involve two major stages: (i) the partial product generation (PPG) stage, where decimal partial products are determined by selecting the right versions of the pre-computed multiples of the multiplicand, followed by (ii) the partial product accumulation (PPA) stage, where all the partial products are shifted and then added together to obtain the final multiplication product. In this thesis, we propose a parallel architecture for fixed-point decimal multiplications based on the 8421-5421 BCD representation. In essence, we apply a hybrid 8421-5421 recoding scheme to help simplify the computation logic of the PPG. In the following PPA stage, these generated partial products are accumulated using 8421 carry-lookahead adders (CLAs) organized as a tree structure; this organization is a significant departure from the traditional carry-save-adder-based (CSA) approach, which suffers from the problems introduced by extra recoding logic and/or addition circuits needed. In addition to the proposed 8421-5421-based decimal multiplier, we also propose a 4221-based decimal multi-plier that is built upon a novel full adder for 4221 BCD codes; in this design, expensive 4221-to-8421 conversions are no longer needed, and as a result, the operands of this 4221 multiplier can be directly represented in 4221 BCD. The proposed 16x16 decimal multipliers are compared against other best known decimal multiplier designs in terms of delays and delay-area products with a TSMC 90nm technology. The evaluation results have confirmed that the proposed 8421-5421 multiplier achieves the lowest delay and is the most time-area efficient design among all the existing hardware-based BCD multipliers

    Design of digital systems

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    FPGA Implementation of Double Precision Floating Point Multiplier

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    High speed computation is the need of today’s generation of Processors.  To accomplish this major task,  many functions  are implemented  inside the hardware  of the processor rather than  having  software  computing  the  same  task. Majority of the operations which the processor executes are Arithmetic operations which are widely used in many applications that require heavy mathematical operations such as scientific calculations, image and signal processing. Especially in the field of signal processing, multiplication division operation is widely used in many applications. The major issue with these operations in hardware is that much iteration is required which results in slow operation while fast algorithms require complex computations within each cycle. The result of a Division operation results in a either  in Quotient  and  Remainder  or a Floating  point  number  which is the  major reason  to  make it  more complex than  Multiplication  operation