39 research outputs found

    Medical remotely caring with COVID-19 virus infected people using optimized wireless arm tracing system

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    A human arm makes many functions that a robotic arm always programmed to make same functions. The human limbs motion can be captured using sensors that they will always copy hand movement. The rapid spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) virus and contacting the infections make the number of patients doubled in short time. The system proposed in this research can protect clinicians against infection with virus by reducing the contact with the infected and treat them remotely. This system type can be useful in different other fields of industrial works and defense where dangerous and delicate task can be done remotely without actual touch. Xbee shield is used to allow a hand glove flex sensor to communicate with the robotic arm using Zigbee wirelessly. Zigbee here is based on Xbee module from Max stream that can be communicate outdoor for 300 feet with the line of sight and indoor for 100 feet. Proportional, integral and derivative (PID) controller used in the proposed system to achieve smooth movement of limbs. The desired signal comes from flex sensor that connected to each limb. Kalman estimator proposed to find current state of each limb. In order to get better performance, particle swarm optimization (PSO) is used

    Combining energy and power based safety metrics in controller design for domestic robots

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    This paper presents a general passivity based interaction controller design approach that utilizes a combined energy and power based safety norms to assert safety of domestic robots. Since these robots are expected to co-habit the same environment with a human user, analysing and ensuring their safety is an important requirement. Safety analysis of domestic robots determine whether a robot achieves a desired safety level according to some quantitative safety metrics. When it comes to controller design for human friendly robots, it often involves introducing compliance and ensuring asymptotic stability using impedance control technique and passivity theories. The controller proposed in this work uses a passive design that extends the standard impedance control scheme with energy and power based safety metrics to ensure that safety requirements defined in these norms are achieved by domestic robots. The effectiveness of the proposed guideline is illustrated with simulation and experimental results

    Personal Autonomy Rehabilitation in Home Environments by a Portable Assistive Robot

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    Increasingly disabled and elderly people with mobility problems want to live autonomously in their home environment. They are motivated to use robotic aids to perform tasks by themselves, avoiding permanent nurse or family assistant supervision. They must find means to rehabilitate their abilities to perform daily life activities (DLAs), such as eating, shaving, or drinking. These means may be provided by robotic aids that incorporate possibilities and methods to accomplish common tasks, aiding the user in recovery of partial or complete autonomy. Results are highly conditioned by the system's usability and potential. The developed portable assistive robot ASIBOT helps users perform most of these tasks in common living environments. Minimum adaptations are needed to provide the robot with mobility throughout the environment. The robot can autonomously climb from one surface to another, fixing itself to the best place to perform each task. When the robot is attached to its wheelchair, it can move along with it as a bundle. This paper presents the work performed with the ASIBOT in the area of rehabilitation robotics. First, a brief description of the ASIBOT system is given. A description of tests that have been performed with the robot and several impaired users is given. Insight into how these experiences have influenced our research efforts, especially, in home environments, is also included. A description of the test bed that has been developed to continue research on performing DLAs by the use of robotic aids, a kitchen environment, is given. Relevant conclusions are also included.This work has been supported by the CAM Project S2009/DPI-1559/ROBOCITY2030 I

    A variable stiffness soft gripper using granular jamming and biologically inspired pneumatic muscles

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    As the domains in which robots operate change the objects a robot may be required to grasp and manipulate are likely to vary significantly and often. Furthermore there is increasing likelihood that in the future robots will work collaboratively alongside people. There has therefore been interest in the development of biologically inspired robot designs which take inspiration from nature. This paper presents the design and testing of a variable stiffness, three fingered soft gripper which uses pneumatic muscles to actuate the fingers and granular jamming to vary their stiffness. This gripper is able to adjust its stiffness depending upon how fragile/deformable the object being grasped is. It is also lightweight and low inertia making it better suited to operation near people. Each finger is formed from a cylindrical rubber bladder filled with a granular material. It is shown how decreasing the pressure inside the finger increases the jamming effect and raises finger stiffness. The paper shows experimentally how the finger stiffness can be increased from 21 to 71 N/m. The paper also describes the kinematics of the fingers and demonstrates how they can be position-controlled at a range of different stiffness values

    On Intrinsic Safety of Soft Robots

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    The rapidly growing field of soft robotics owes its success to the vast vistas of possibilities they promise. They may be utilized as standalone systems or work in harmony with the existing robotic technologies. Being based on soft and/or flexible materials, soft robots have usually high dexterity and, at the same time, they are also often considered "intrinsically safe." This is generally true and soft-bodied robots can be considered safer from a mechanical point of view, but this is sometimes improperly used. The identification of possible safety loopholes in soft robots is the subject of this paper. After a general overview of safety in robotics, we reported an overview of the main sources of unsafe conditions that may arise by the use of soft robotics technologies. Safety aspects are discussed in three categories: quasi-static, dynamic, and material failure. Some safety factors exclusive to soft robots such as whiplash-like effect and energy stored in highly strained elements are also introduced. Measures to avoid such unsafe conditions are presented such as establishing operational limits and introduction of inspection regimes and arrest systems