12 research outputs found

    Fast Wavefront Propagation (FWP) for Computing Exact Geodesic Distances on Meshes

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    Computing geodesic distances on triangle meshes is a fundamental problem in computational geometry and computer graphics. To date, two notable classes of algorithms, the Mitchell-Mount-Papadimitriou (MMP) algorithm and the Chen-Han (CH) algorithm, have been proposed. Although these algorithms can compute exact geodesic distances if numerical computation is exact, they are computationally expensive, which diminishes their usefulness for large-scale models and/or time-critical applications. In this paper, we propose the fast wavefront propagation (FWP) framework for improving the performance of both the MMP and CH algorithms. Unlike the original algorithms that propagate only a single window (a data structure locally encodes geodesic information) at each iteration, our method organizes windows with a bucket data structure so that it can process a large number of windows simultaneously without compromising wavefront quality. Thanks to its macro nature, the FWP method is less sensitive to mesh triangulation than the MMP and CH algorithms. We evaluate our FWP-based MMP and CH algorithms on a wide range of large-scale real-world models. Computational results show that our method can improve the speed by a factor of 3-10

    Fast and Memory-Efficient Voronoi Diagram Construction on Triangle Meshes

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    © 2017 The Author(s) Computer Graphics Forum © 2017 The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Geodesic based Voronoi diagrams play an important role in many applications of computer graphics. Constructing such Voronoi diagrams usually resorts to exact geodesics. However, exact geodesic computation always consumes lots of time and memory, which has become the bottleneck of constructing geodesic based Voronoi diagrams. In this paper, we propose the window-VTP algorithm, which can effectively reduce redundant computation and save memory. As a result, constructing Voronoi diagrams using the proposed window-VTP algorithm runs 3–8 times faster than Liu et al.'s method [LCT11] , 1.2 times faster than its FWP-MMP variant and more importantly uses 10–70 times less memory than both of them

    Fast and Exact Discrete Geodesic Computation Based on Triangle-Oriented Wavefront Propagation

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    Computing discrete geodesic distance over triangle meshes is one of the fundamental problems in computational geometry and computer graphics. In this problem, an effective window pruning strategy can significantly affect the actual running time. Due to its importance, we conduct an in-depth study of window pruning operations in this paper, and produce an exhaustive list of scenarios where one window can make another window partially or completely redundant. To identify a maximal number of redundant windows using such pairwise cross checking, we propose a set of procedures to synchronize local window propagation within the same triangle by simultaneously propagating a collection of windows from one triangle edge to its two opposite edges. On the basis of such synchronized window propagation, we design a new geodesic computation algorithm based on a triangle-oriented region growing scheme. Our geodesic algorithm can remove most of the redundant windows at the earliest possible stage, thus significantly reducing computational cost and memory usage at later stages. In addition, by adopting triangles instead of windows as the primitive in propagation management, our algorithm significantly cuts down the data management overhead. As a result, it runs 4-15 times faster than MMP and ICH algorithms, 2-4 times faster than FWP-MMP and FWP-CH algorithms, and also incurs the least memory usage

    Fast and exact geodesic computation using Edge-based Windows Grouping.

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    Computing discrete geodesic distance over triangle meshes is one of the fundamental problems in computational geometry and computer graphics. As the “Big Data Era” arrives, a fast and accurate solution to the geodesic computation problem on large scale models with constantly increasing resolutions is desired. However, it is still challenging to deal with the speed, memory cost and accuracy of the geodesic computation at the same time. This thesis addresses the aforementioned challenge by proposing the Edge- based Windows Grouping (EWG) technique. With the local geodesic information encoded in a “window”, EWG groups the windows based on the mesh edges and processes them together. Thus, the interrelationships among the grouped windows can be utilized to improve the performance of geodesic computation on triangle meshes. Based on EWG, a novel exact geodesic algorithm is proposed in this thesis, which is fast, accurate and memory-efficient. This algorithm computes the geodesic distances at mesh vertices by propagating the geodesic information from the source over the entire mesh. Its high performance comes from its low computational redundancy and management overhead, which are both introduced by EWG. First, the redundant windows on an edge can be removed by comparing its distance with those of the other windows on the same edge. Second, the windows grouped on an edge usually have similar geodesic distances and can be propagated in batches efficiently. To the best of my knowledge, the proposed exact geodesic algorithm is the fastest and most memory-efficient one among all existing methods. In addition, the proposed exact geodesic algorithm is revised and employed to construct the geodesic-metric-based Voronoi diagram on triangle meshes. In this application, the geodesic computation is the bottleneck in both the time and memory costs. The proposed method achieves low memory cost from the key observation that the Voronoi diagram boundaries usually only cross a minority of the meshes’ triangles and most of the windows stored on edges are redundant. As a result, the proposed method resolves the memory bottleneck of the Voronoi diagram construction without sacrificing its speed

    NeuroGF: A Neural Representation for Fast Geodesic Distance and Path Queries

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    Geodesics are essential in many geometry processing applications. However, traditional algorithms for computing geodesic distances and paths on 3D mesh models are often inefficient and slow. This makes them impractical for scenarios that require extensive querying of arbitrary point-to-point geodesics. Although neural implicit representations have emerged as a popular way of representing 3D shape geometries, there is still no research on representing geodesics with deep implicit functions. To bridge this gap, this paper presents the first attempt to represent geodesics on 3D mesh models using neural implicit functions. Specifically, we introduce neural geodesic fields (NeuroGFs), which are learned to represent the all-pairs geodesics of a given mesh. By using NeuroGFs, we can efficiently and accurately answer queries of arbitrary point-to-point geodesic distances and paths, overcoming the limitations of traditional algorithms. Evaluations on common 3D models show that NeuroGFs exhibit exceptional performance in solving the single-source all-destination (SSAD) and point-to-point geodesics, and achieve high accuracy consistently. Moreover, NeuroGFs offer the unique advantage of encoding both 3D geometry and geodesics in a unified representation. Code is made available at https://github.com/keeganhk/NeuroGF/tree/master

    GeodesicEmbedding (GE): a high-dimensional embedding approach for fast geodesic distance queries

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    In this paper, we develop a novel method for fast geodesic distance queries. The key idea is to embed the mesh into a high-dimensional space, such that the Euclidean distance in the high-dimensional space can induce the geodesic distance in the original manifold surface. However, directly solving the high-dimensional embedding problem is not feasible due to the large number of variables and the fact that the embedding problem is highly nonlinear. We overcome the challenges with two novel ideas. First, instead of taking all vertices as variables, we embed only the saddle vertices, which greatly reduces the problem complexity. We then compute a local embedding for each non-saddle vertex. Second, to reduce the large approximation error resulting from the purely Euclidean embedding, we propose a cascaded optimization approach that repeatedly introduces additional embedding coordinates with a non-Euclidean function to reduce the approximation residual. Using the precomputation data, our approach can determine the geodesic distance between any two vertices in near-constant time. Computational testing results show that our method is more desirable than previous geodesic distance queries methods

    A unified framework for isotropic meshing based on narrow-band Euclidean distance transformation

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    In this paper, we propose a simple-yet-effective method for isotropic meshing relying on Euclidean distance transformation based centroidal Voronoi tessellation (CVT). Our approach improves the performance and robustness of computing CVT on curved domains while simultaneously providing high-quality output meshes. While conventional extrinsic methods compute CVTs in the entire volume bounded by the input model, we restrict the computation to a 3D shell of user-controlled thickness. Taking voxels which contain surface samples as sites, we compute the exact Euclidean distance transform on the GPU. Our algorithm is parallel and memory-efficient, and can construct the shell space for resolutions up to 20483 at interactive speed. The 3D centroidal Voronoi tessellation and restricted Voronoi diagrams are also computed efficiently on the GPU. Since the shell space can bridge holes and gaps smaller than a certain tolerance, and tolerate non-manifold edges and degenerate triangles, our algorithm can handle models with such defects, which typically cause conventional remeshing methods to fail. Our method can process implicit surfaces, polyhedral surfaces, and point clouds in a unified framework. Computational results show that our GPU-based isotropic meshing algorithm produces results comparable to state-of- the-art techniques, but is significantly faster than conventional CPU-based implementations.MOE (Min. of Education, S’pore)Published versio

    Random field simulation over curved surfaces: Applications to computational structural mechanics

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    It is important to account for inherent variability in the material properties in the design and analysis of engineering structures. These properties are typically not homogeneous, but vary across the spatial coordinates within a structure, as well as from specimen to specimen. This form of uncertainty is commonly modelled using random fields within the Stochastic Finite Element Method. Simulation within this framework can be complicated by the dependence of a random field’s correlation function upon the geometry of the domain over which it is defined. In this paper, a new method is proposed for simulating random fields over a general two-dimension curved surface, represented as a finite element mesh. The covariance function is parametrised using the geodesic distance, evaluated using the solution to the ‘discrete geodesic problem,’ and a point discretisation approach is subsequently applied in order to sample the random field at the nodes of the model. The major contribution of the present work is the development of a methodology for simulating random fields over curved surfaces of arbitrary geometry, with a focus upon non-intrusive application to industrial finite element models using ‘off the shelf’ commercial software. In order to demonstrate the potential impact of the proposed approach, the algorithm is applied in an uncertainty quantification case study concerning vibration and buckling of an industrial composite aircraft wing model

    Calculating Sparse and Dense Correspondences for Near-Isometric Shapes

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    Comparing and analysing digital models are basic techniques of geometric shape processing. These techniques have a variety of applications, such as extracting the domain knowledge contained in the growing number of digital models to simplify shape modelling. Another example application is the analysis of real-world objects, which itself has a variety of applications, such as medical examinations, medical and agricultural research, and infrastructure maintenance. As methods to digitalize physical objects mature, any advances in the analysis of digital shapes lead to progress in the analysis of real-world objects. Global shape properties, like volume and surface area, are simple to compare but contain only very limited information. Much more information is contained in local shape differences, such as where and how a plant grew. Sadly the computation of local shape differences is hard as it requires knowledge of corresponding point pairs, i.e. points on both shapes that correspond to each other. The following article thesis (cumulative dissertation) discusses several recent publications for the computation of corresponding points: - Geodesic distances between points, i.e. distances along the surface, are fundamental for several shape processing tasks as well as several shape matching techniques. Chapter 3 introduces and analyses fast and accurate bounds on geodesic distances. - When building a shape space on a set of shapes, misaligned correspondences lead to points moving along the surfaces and finally to a larger shape space. Chapter 4 shows that this also works the other way around, that is good correspondences are obtain by optimizing them to generate a compact shape space. - Representing correspondences with a “functional map” has a variety of advantages. Chapter 5 shows that representing the correspondence map as an alignment of Green’s functions of the Laplace operator has similar advantages, but is much less dependent on the number of eigenvectors used for the computations. - Quadratic assignment problems were recently shown to reliably yield sparse correspondences. Chapter 6 compares state-of-the-art convex relaxations of graphics and vision with methods from discrete optimization on typical quadratic assignment problems emerging in shape matching